The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 419 I am going to show off my wealth

Chapter 419 I am going to show off my wealth

Liu Shengmao crossed his hands, all kinds of emotions intertwined in his heart.

He still knows a little about the situation of this young man in front of him. He has two programs under him, and the ratings are very high. Even the popular star variety show "Crossover Actor" in the middle of the year is also planned by the other party. Absolutely strong ability, if the other party's future is delayed because of an anonymous report letter, it is indeed his work mistake.

"You're really brave enough to blackmail me." Liu Shengmao stared at the young man sharply, hoping that the other party would stop blackmailing and leave here quickly.

"Director, look at what you said, how dare I blackmail you?" Xu Jie immediately clarified for himself when he heard it, "You are the deputy director, what am I? A small employee who was wronged to accept benefits, the show cannot be judged , I can’t get the excellence, and the promotion is also yellow. What else do I have? What else can I lose? What else am I afraid of?

Liu Shengmao was directly stopped by the other party's last three yin and yang questions.


Because of this matter, the other party's future can't be said to be ruined, but at least this year is for nothing. If you don't give the other party a satisfactory answer, how can the other party leave?
Why not?Because there is nothing to lose.

At worst, go home and become the rich second generation.

But on the other hand, if I don't handle it well, the station will lose such a talent, and the two top-rated programs may not be guaranteed.

If the other party is poached by other TV stations, it is equivalent to sending away a competitor with his own hands. At that time, it will not be as simple as a work mistake. Lu Hong and Jiang Hai in front of him still hate him for a few years?

"Xiao Xu, I understand your feelings, this matter will not end like this, and I will never let this unhealthy wind blow in the stage, please trust me and the organization, I will definitely give You have a satisfactory answer." Liu Shengmao said after serious consideration.

"Director, with your words, I feel relieved." Xu Jie said after hearing this, "If there is nothing else, I will go back to work, goodbye."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the office.

Liu Shengmao thought to himself: See you again, I don't want to see you again.


The door is closed.

In the office, the man said: "Master Liu, is this Xu Jie too crazy? Just ask him to find out the situation, and look at his attitude."

"He has crazy capital." The woman on the side said.

"What capital?"

"There are hundreds of millions of fortunes in the family, there are big stars as wives in the marriage, and there are two top-rated shows in the career. It is easier for someone to give his wife a diamond ring than it is for you to buy a bag for your wife. Why can't they be crazy?"


The man was immediately speechless after hearing this.

Family, marriage, and career are impeccable, and they are simply winners in life. Whoever is not crazy?
"The problem is his madness or we forced it out, alas." The woman shook her head, then looked at Liu Shengmao and asked, "Director, how do you plan to solve this matter?"

I have worked here for six years in disciplinary inspection, and this is the first time I have encountered such a thing. I knew there was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but I didn't expect that there were also corners, and I even encountered it.

"What should I do?" Liu Shengmao thought for a while, and said, "First check this anonymous report letter to find out who is making out of nothing, telling stories, and maliciously slandering colleagues. We must not tolerate the existence of such black sheep."

At the end, Liu Shengmao's eyes gradually turned cold.

It's all on him to kill people with a borrowed knife, is that okay?

The man and woman on the side looked at each other, and they knew that the boss was really angry.

"Xiao Xu, I really didn't expect that you are hiding everything."

On the way back to the office, Jiang Hai kept looking at Xu Jie beside him. He used to think that he knew this young man quite well, but he didn't expect it to be just the tip of the iceberg, and his intuition told him that the other party must have hidden a lot of things.

"No hiding, didn't no one ask before?" Xu Jie explained after hearing it.

"If asked, would you say it?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Of course." Xu Jie said.

He didn't deliberately hide anything, he just acted in a low-key manner, and now that the family structure has been clearly explained, there is nothing more to say.

"Okay, let me ask you, you...forget it." Jiang Hai waved his hand suddenly in the middle of speaking.

He wanted to ask, but he didn't know what to ask, and as the director himself, it seemed that it was not good to inquire about other people's privacy, so he didn't ask.

"If you find out who wrote the report letter, what are you going to do with it?" Jiang Hai asked.

"I'm not a leader, how can I be qualified to deal with it? That is, when I meet him in the future, I will spit at him." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.

For him, it is not important to find out who wrote the report letter, what is important is to calm the impact of this incident.

Deputy Director Liu is a rather rigorous person. Since even the other party doubts whether he can afford such an expensive diamond ring, there must be more people doubting it.

Some rumors, even if they are clarified, will still be believed by many people.

What he has to do now is not to clarify the matter in the report letter, nor to explain it to everyone, but to prove that he can afford such an expensive diamond ring, so that the rumors will be self-defeating.

Although he had told Deputy Director Liu about his family situation just now, he felt that this was not enough. He wanted to let everyone in Taiwan know so that no one would doubt it.

Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and comforted him: "Although Deputy Director Liu rarely shows up on the stage, he still has a lot of power to speak, and he can speak in front of the director. I feel that after this Afterwards, maybe your program can win an award in this excellent program event selection to make up for your grievances."

Xu Jie nodded, he thought the same way, that's why he had the courage to "blackmail" Deputy Director Liu.

Return to the Arts Program Center.

Xu Jie turned on the computer and found the news about Su Yunxiu's diamond ring. The photos inside were taken outside the hotel where the crew stayed last Saturday morning, and he was included in the photos, and one of the photos was a close-up of the diamond ring. Obviously, Su Yunxiu's affection was very successful.

It is said that there are so many female celebrities who show their diamond rings without any problems, so why does Su Yunxiu's diamond rings have problems?Isn't this deliberately finding fault?
Xu Jie frowned. How could he be in the mood to work after such a thing happened?

How can I prove that I have the ability to afford a diamond ring?
Do you want to make your family resume into a brand and hang it around your neck?

and many more!

It is impractical to hang it around the neck, but what if it is reflected in basic necessities of life?

I don't want to show off my wealth, you forced me to.

after get off work.

Xu Jie was the first to rush out of the unit, and took an online car-hailing car back to his hometown in Nangou Village.

It was already dark, and the lights were on in the house.

Xu Jie walked into the yard and shouted loudly: "Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Xu Baozhong and Wang Guizhi were watching a TV series, and when they heard their son's voice, they thought it was an auditory hallucination at first, but when their son opened the door and entered the room, they were immediately stunned.

Wang Guizhi hurriedly stood up with surprise on his face, but he looked at his son and behind him, and found that there was no one there. He asked disappointedly, "Where is Xiaoyun? Didn't she come back with you? Are you?" Didn't you quarrel?"

"We didn't quarrel. We are in love. She celebrated my birthday two days ago. She was shooting a movie in Hengdian and she couldn't come back. Didn't she tell you when she came back on November?" Xu Jie didn't eat, and saw bananas on the tea table , immediately took one and ate it.

Wang Guizhi remembered that his daughter-in-law was filming in Hengdian, looked at his son curiously and asked, "Why did you come back suddenly?"

I seldom come back on weekends, but today is Monday.

"Did something happen?" Xu Baozhong seemed to have noticed something.

"It's something." Xu Jie took out his mobile phone after eating bananas, found the news about Su Yunxiu's diamond ring, and passed it to his parents, "Have you read this news?"

"I've seen, your mother, I use my mobile phone to search Xiaoyun's news when I have nothing to do." Wang Guizhi said with a smile: "I never thought that someone as picky as you would buy a diamond ring for Xiaoyun. It's very promising."

"Mom, why am I picky? I call it low-key." Xu Jie said unconvinced after hearing this, but even his mother thought he was picky, and outsiders must think he has no money.

"Why are you showing us this news?" Xu Baozhong asked in confusion.

"Hey, no, there's something wrong with keeping a low profile." Xu Jie explained: "Someone read this news, suspected that I couldn't afford a diamond ring, thought that I received ill-gotten gains at work, and even wrote an anonymous report letter... ..."

"Ah? There is such a thing?" Xu Baozhong was taken aback when he heard it.

"Huh, what's the matter, did something happen in a low-key way?" Wang Guizhi said a lesson: "Mom has told you a long time ago, buy whatever you need when you come out to work, and ask Mom if you don't have enough money. Don't let people look down on you. It’s all about disliking the poor and loving the rich, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, right? You are a typical example of not listening to the old man’s words and suffering in front of your eyes.”


If it was normal, Xu Jie would definitely refute, but today, he was speechless.

In fact, he entered the life program center after graduation and interviewed a lot of social news. Countless facts told him that the higher the profile, the easier it is for accidents.

Isn't there such a sentence?Wretched development, don't waste time!
But he never dreamed that he could do something in a low-key manner.

I didn't wave either!
"You should go and explain to the leaders of your unit. What are you doing to me and your mother when you come back? Can you explain to me?" Xu Baozhong asked.

"If you want me to say, don't bother, just resign and quit. Isn't our planting base expanding this year? It's just for you to manage it, so don't be useless there." Wang Guizhi said with a curled lip.

Xu Jie looked at his mother, knowing that he couldn't explain clearly to his mother, so he looked at his father and said, "I have already explained it clearly to the leader, but in order to be convincing, I thought of a way."

"What way?" Xu Baozhong asked curiously.

"Show off your wealth!"



(End of this chapter)

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