The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 421 Listening to toads is not a river?

Chapter 421 Listening to toads is not a river?
At noon, Xu Jie came to the cafeteria to eat. After finishing his meal, he glanced around the hall, and finally chose a seat near the gate to sit down, because this place is more conspicuous. Anyone who comes to eat in the cafeteria will definitely Can see him, and the watch on his wrist.

Xu Jie rolled up his sleeves and put on a posture of gobbling, but he ate very slowly and made a lot of small movements, just like a dishonest primary school student, he used the hand wearing the watch to support his face for a while, and then used This hand strands his hair, and he looks at the time after a while, not knowing whether he is in a hurry or not.

In fact, his purpose of doing this is very simple, that is to use that restless hand to catch the attention of others.

Take a look, take a look, show off your wealth, cooperate, do you have more than 200 million watches?

Even if there is, do you dare to wear it?
Even if you dare to wear it, are you not afraid of being asked by the disciplinary inspector for questioning?

I'm not afraid!
I just went!

Maybe because Xu Jie is a celebrity in Taiwan, or maybe because the watch is too shiny, so many people pay attention to it.

"Director Xu, are you eating? Hey, your watch is Patek Philippe? The circle around it is diamonds, right?"

"Let me see, Director Xu, you are wearing a suite with you!"


Regarding everyone's attention, Xu Jie said lightly: "It's just a watch, it's just for checking the time and date, it's nothing."


Xu Jie took more than half an hour to eat a meal that usually takes less than ten minutes. He drank three bowls of free soup alone. If he didn't catch a cold in his stomach, he could stay until the afternoon to go to work.

There is an old saying: You can travel thousands of miles by holding back water, but it is difficult to walk an inch if you have diarrhea.

Xu Jie hurried to the bathroom, found an empty seat and squatted down, and felt much more comfortable after a while.

Just as he stood up and pulled up his pants, two people came in from the bathroom.

"Did you get your driver's license?"

"Well, it's coming down."

"What car are you going to buy?"

"I didn't think about it. I don't want to buy a broken car, and I can't afford a good car. Alas, it would be great if Director Xu had his life. If I marry a big star, I can let the big star buy a luxury car. Tsk tsk tsk, awesome. !"

"You mean the Range Rover downstairs? I heard it belongs to Director Xu's mother."

"Yeah, the car his wife bought for his mother isn't awesome? What did your wife buy for your mother?"

"Listen to you, it's really awesome!"


The footsteps became farther and farther away, and finally there was a "bang" sound of closing the door, and the bathroom became quiet again.


Xu Jie walked out of the private room frowning, with anger written all over his face.

When Su Yunxiu got the diamond ring, everyone felt that he was taking advantage of the merchants. Now that he is driving a luxury car, some people think that Su Yun bought it with money. Why don't people spend money?

When the diamond ring was shown at the beginning, why did no one think that Su Yun gave him money to buy the diamond ring?

This group of people are too jealous, so strong that they no longer believe the facts and start to make up their own brains.

Xu Jie returned to the art program center.

"Director Xu, the crew has already contacted us, and we will be recording the show tomorrow afternoon." Miao Zhenzhen looked to Xu Jie to report the progress of the work.

"Yes, I see." Xu Jie responded casually, and walked towards his workstation.

Miao Zhenzhen was slightly taken aback, and looked at Director Xu in puzzlement, her stern face was a bit scary.

"Hey, what happened to Director Xu? Did you make him angry?" Zhang Tong asked curiously.

"No, I only reported to him the matter that the production team had contacted, and I didn't say anything else." Miao Zhenzhen's face was full of innocence and grievance.

"I saw Teacher Xu looked like this when he came back from the outside. Did someone offend him?" Lu Cheng leaned over and asked in a low voice.

The others looked at each other and finally shook their heads.

With Teacher Xu's current status and reputation in Taiwan, who would provoke him?
Besides, with Teacher Xu's words, if there is a real quarrel, the other party should be the one who suffers. They have never seen anyone who can make Teacher Xu angry like this.

"Sister Yan, go and ask." Everyone looked at Qin Yan who was at the side.

In the program group, and even in the entire art program center, the only person who has the best relationship with Director Xu is Yanjie. I think it was Yanjie who persuaded Director Xu to come to the art program center from the life program center.

"What can I ask? Who hasn't had the time to get angry? Hurry up and get to work." Qin Yan said after hearing this.

"Sister Yan, we don't know what Teacher Xu looks like." Miao Zhenzhen said in a low voice, and the others nodded in agreement.

Qin Yan hesitated for a moment. In fact, she was also very curious why Xu Jie was so angry. Even when she learned yesterday that someone had written an anonymous report letter, she didn't have such a gloomy face like now.

"All right!"

Qin Yan couldn't resist the instigation of her colleagues, and she was also very curious, so she stood up, walked to Xu Jie's side, looked back at the other colleagues, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? What's up?"

Xu Jie glanced at Qin Yan, what's the matter?Showing off your wealth failed.

"It's nothing." Xu Jie thought of an excuse, and dealt with it casually: "I heard that it is difficult for entertainment programs to win awards in the selection of excellent programs, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

Qin Yan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard it, reached out and patted Xu Jie on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "It turned out to be this matter, it's normal, I'm used to it, in fact, it's not only the selection of excellent programs, but also other selections The programs of our art program center rarely win awards, just get used to it."

Xu Jie was stunned, just get used to it?Why does it sound so sad?
Qin Yan saw that Xu Jie seemed to be very depressed because of not being able to win the award, so she quickly changed the subject and asked, "By the way, how about the achievements of showing off your wealth today?"

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, it was true that which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted.

"Not very good." Xu Jie said.

"Huh? Why? Is it because it's not obvious enough?" Qin Yan asked.

As far as showing off wealth, Xu Jie is the most low-key among the people she has seen showing off their wealth.

Showing off wealth, as the name suggests, is to show off and exaggerate. However, Xu Jie wears the same clothes as usual, and his more than 200 million watches are often covered by his sleeves. Can this be called showing off?

It is said that Abo, a local tyrant on the southern coast, is like this. The white vest and anti-slip drags are only worth a dozen yuan, but the watches are all big-name brands and are very expensive.

"It's obvious, but it's generally believed that my car was given by Su Yun, and the watch I'm wearing was also given by Su Yun." Xu Jie said depressingly.

Qin Yan was taken aback for a moment, if this was the case, it would be a bit embarrassing.

This is not showing off your wealth, this is showing off your wife.

Qin Yan thought for a while and comforted her: "Actually, you don't need to listen to those people's nonsense. Excellent people will inevitably be envied by others. When I first hosted "Cultural Entertainment Broadcasting", some people said that I had something to do with Director Jiang." .”

Xu Jie's heart tightened. He thought Qin Yan didn't know about the scandal, but it turned out that the other party knew everything, but just pretended not to know.

It is indeed not easy for the other party to continue to work hard without being affected by those slanders even though they know about it.

Qin Yan continued: "I think people should live for themselves, for what they think is worth living, not for those insignificant people. They are just passers-by in your whole life after all. Why should you care about them? The best way to fight back against them is to live a better life and be jealous of them."

Xu Jie stared blankly at Qin Yan, and the words of the other party completely awakened him like enlightenment.

That's right, why do I care so much about the voices of passers-by?They still have their slander and can't do anything to him, just like the saying in my hometown: If you listen to the toad, you can't cross the river?Do you stop farming when you hear mole crickets?

Does he need to explain his own affairs to those who are important to the story, even to people he doesn't know?
No need!
Just like the passerby villain in the movie, at the highlight moment of the protagonist, a shuttle of bullets swept across a large area, but when the passerby villain fell to the ground, there was not even a close-up shot.

In the end, the protagonist walks past these people, will he look at the people on the ground?Obviously not, because there is no need.

Does he care what those people are talking about behind their backs?

do not care about it.

Just ignore those people.

As Qin Yan said, those people are not as good as him, so they slander him behind his back.

Thinking of this, the haze in Xu Jie's heart gradually dissipated, and he suddenly became enlightened.

"Thank you." Xu Jie said gratefully.

He was completely caught in a misunderstanding before, and I will show off mine in the future, and you will fill in your brains.

"Thank you, I'm all from my own family." Qin Yan said with a smile, "I'm in a better mood now?"

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"That's good."

Qin Yan felt relieved and turned back to her work station.

"Sister Yan, what's wrong with Director Xu?" Miao Zhenzhen hurried over and asked, and the others listened carefully.

"It's nothing, man, there are always a few days of discomfort every month." Qin Yan said lightly, and didn't tell the story of Xu Jie to the outside world.

The other party trusts her so much and tells her everything, how can she live up to the other party's trust?
She is an entertainment reporter, but she is also principled. She knows what can be said and what cannot be said. Those conversations just now belong to private conversations and are not within the scope of work.


Hearing Qin Yan's words, everyone around was stunned.

Are there always a few days of discomfort every month?
Shouldn't this sentence be about a woman?

Miao Zhenzhen turned to look at Zhao Gang at the side, and asked curiously, "Are you too?"

Zhao Gang was stunned by the question. If he said yes, other people would definitely ask, but he didn't know how to explain it. If he said no, he was really irritable sometimes, especially on Mondays and at the end of the month.

"Cough, I'm going to the toilet." Zhao Gang left the office with the help of urine escape.

The women looked at Zhao Gang's back, could it be that uncle is really here?It really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

The girls immediately turned their attention to the other Lu Cheng.

"When is your uncle coming?"



(End of this chapter)

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