The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 422 Meet the local tyrant?

Chapter 422 Meet the local tyrant?

get off work in the evening.

Xu Jie came to the parking lot, got in the car, kicked the gas pedal, and left the TV station ostentatiously.

Instead of going home, he came to a nearby shopping center to choose a wedding ring and birthday present for Su Yun.

Since his mother ordered him, he didn't intend to keep a low profile this time, not to mention that he really owed Su Yun a wedding ring. This diamond ring is both sincerity and love.

"Hi sir, are you planning to buy a diamond ring?" the female salesperson asked Xu Jie with a smile.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"Excuse me, what are your requirements for the diamond ring?" The female salesperson introduced the customer into the store, and kept looking at the customer while asking.

As the saying goes, a Buddha depends on his gold clothes, and a man depends on his clothes.

In their sales business, if they want to successfully sell their products, they must first analyze the customers. From the first sight of meeting, analyze the level of customers, and recommend corresponding products with different words according to the level.

The client in front of me, from the clothes to the pants to the shoes, is not a big brand, and he is also wearing a baseball cap that does not match the style of the clothing. The overall look is neither fish nor fowl. If you guessed correctly, the other party should be an ordinary white-collar worker. Another person came here, probably preparing to propose and surprise his girlfriend.

She has silently given a price in her heart, around [-], the highest is [-], no more.

"Which one is the biggest diamond ring here?" Xu Jie asked.


The saleswoman was taken aback for a moment, her tone of voice was far from her analysis just now.

Did I make a mistake in my analysis, or did I hear it wrong?
"The ring with the biggest diamond?" the saleswoman repeated.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"The diamond on the largest diamond ring in our store is 3.02 carats." Said the saleswoman.

"Is there no bigger one?" Xu Jie asked.

When the saleswoman heard it, she almost laughed. A 3.02-carat diamond ring is too small?Is this breath too loud?She seriously suspected that the other party was an alien, and she didn't know how much the diamond ring cost.

Or, the other party simply came to inquire about the price of the wedding ring.

Maybe this is a spare tire. The goddess said something like "I will marry you if you give me a diamond ring over 3 carats", but the spare tire became serious and came here to inquire about the price.

In fact, she often encounters such things, but those spare tires are not as loud as the spare tire in front of her. Is 3 carats too small?
"Sir, what size diamond ring do you want? What's the budget?" The female saleswoman asked with a smile, with a hint of contempt in her eyes, she was simply idle and bored, looking for someone to have fun with.

"The bigger the better, there is no budget." Xu Jie said.

Now that you decide to buy it, you must do it once.

There are other female stars, so Su Yun must have them too.

The saleswoman smiled and couldn't help but ask, "Sir, do you know how much a 3-carat diamond ring costs?"

"Yes, 150 million." Xu Jie replied, that's all for Su Yun.

Of course, Su Yun didn't tell him, and he also heard from Deputy Director Liu.

"I guessed wrong, as long as 100 million is enough, do you want to take a look?" asked the saleswoman.

"Don't look, it's too small." Xu Jie turned and left.

The saleswoman curled her lips, the mouth of a cooked duck is really hard.

"Xiao Liu, why did that person leave just now?" Another saleswoman asked.

"People want a big diamond ring, but they don't like the 3-carat diamond ring in our shop is too small." The saleswoman said loudly.

"Really? By the way, why did that person look like Xu Jie just now?" asked another saleswoman.

"Xu Jie? Which Xu Jie?"

"It's the lead actor of "Delicious History", Su Yun's husband."

"Impossible. Didn't Entertainment News just report that Xu Jie bought a 3-carat diamond ring for Su Yun? Even if he has money, he can't buy it every week, right? It's only been a few days?"

"That's right, maybe I was wrong."


After Xu Jie left, he went to a shop next door.

"Hello, sir..." The saleswoman stepped forward enthusiastically.

"How much is the biggest diamond ring in your family?" Xu Jie asked directly.

If there is, you can go in and have a look, if not, go to the next one, there is no need to waste time.

"We have a 3.12 in our store..."

"Thank you!"

As soon as Xu Jie stepped into the door, he turned and walked out.

The saleswoman was dumbfounded.

Why did you leave before I finished speaking?Speak clearly!

Another jewelry store.

"How big is the biggest diamond ring?"


"Unlucky, don't."


It didn't take long for almost all the gold and silver jewelry stores in the shopping center to know that there was a man in a baseball cap looking around for a big diamond ring, and he couldn't even satisfy the 3-carat and 4-carat ones.

This is the first time they have met this kind of person, where did they come to buy a diamond ring?Obviously to find fault.

Look down on these stores, right?
"Does your family have a diamond ring over 4 carats?" Xu Jie has already inquired about all the shops selling diamond rings in the shopping center.

Alas, I used to go shopping with Su Yun, and I thought everything was expensive, but now I want to buy expensive things, why are there none?
Did you encounter the bus law?
The so-called bus law is that when you don't want to take a bus, you will meet a bus, and when you want to take a bus, you will always have to wait for a long time.

When the saleswoman heard this, she looked at the baseball cap worn by the man in front of her, and immediately guessed that this was the man who found fault that everyone was talking about before.


Because she knew it, the saleswoman answered very simply.

Xu Jie turned around and was about to leave when the female saleswoman spoke again.

"Sir, wait a minute. Although my store doesn't have it, I know there is a store that has it." The saleswoman said with a smile.

It stands to reason that diamond ring stores of different brands are competitors and should not promote other stores, but this time, she decided to eliminate harm for her peers.

Aren't you here to find fault?
it is good!
Don't blame me for embarrassing you!

"Really, where is it?" Xu Jie asked excitedly. Sure enough, the emperor paid off, and his persistence finally paid off.

"Turn left in front and there is a jewelry store called Tiffa. As far as I know, her family has a 5-carat diamond ring, but her family is an international brand, so the premium of the diamond ring is relatively high." The saleswoman said.

In fact, she didn't need to say the last sentence at all. The reason why she reminded her was simply to make the other party feel embarrassed.

There are big ones over there, and they are very expensive, so go buy them.

After Xu Jie heard it, he immediately said gratefully: "Thank you, you are so kind. I will definitely come to you when I buy jewelry in the future." After speaking, he left in a hurry.

The saleswoman stood there with a dazed look on her face.

gone?Just leave so happily?
Why is it different from what I imagined?

She couldn't help but walked out and stood outside the store door, she wanted to see how that man made a fool of himself.

Xu Jie looked around as he walked, and finally found the jewelry store called Divya.

Although it was his first time here, the salesmen in the store had already heard about it, but none of them wanted to go up to receive him, because everyone had heard about it from their peers, and this person was just finding fault.

I asked around before if there were any diamond rings larger than 3 carats, and one store said they had 4 carats, but the person said that 4 carats was unlucky and insisted on buying 5 carats, so the salesmen could almost imagine that if they If there is a 5-carat diamond ring, the other party will definitely ask if there is a 6-carat diamond ring.

"Ren Fang, go and receive the reception." An old salesman said to a new salesman.


The new salesman was taken aback for a moment, and then walked over with an "oh".

"Hello, sir." Ren Fang also knew that this person was here to find fault, so she didn't have any hope. It was purely for training herself. The brand and the treatment in all aspects are relatively good, so I have to work hard myself.

"I heard that you have a 5-carat diamond ring? Can you show it to me?" Xu Jie asked.

Ren Fang hesitated for a moment. She didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward. She didn't know whether she should show it to the other party. Once such a valuable thing was damaged, she couldn't afford to sell herself, but she was a salesman and the other party was a customer. It doesn't seem good to reject the other party.

She took a peek at her colleagues and saw that everyone was gathered together, as if they were waiting for a good show, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, please follow me to the VIP room."

After speaking, he led the way ahead.

When the other salesmen saw that the newcomer dared to show the faultfinder to see the diamond ring, all of them laughed.

"Xiaofang is really courageous, she is still young."

"Go and tell the manager that nothing will happen."

Xu Jie came to the VIP room. The room is not big, but the facilities are very complete and the sofa is very comfortable.

Ren Fang took out a box, and the 5-carat diamond ring was put in it. For safety, the box was not opened and locked with a lock, but it could be seen through the transparent glass.

"Sir, here is the diamond ring. Let me introduce it to you first. If you decide to buy it, I will go to the manager and open the box for you." Ren Fang said.

She can move the rings in the showcase outside as she pleases, but only the manager can touch these particularly expensive rings.

"En!" Xu Jie nodded, his eyes were all attracted by this diamond, although he didn't understand it, but he knew it was bigger than Su Yun's, and that was enough.

Taking advantage of the sales introduction, Xu Jie took out his mobile phone and checked the brand. It is indeed a famous international brand, and it is very famous in the jewelry industry. It has a history of more than 100 years. Many celebrities are customers, and everyone believes too.

"The diamond above is very rare. It is..." Ren Fang memorized the information she had just memorized a few days ago, and she was still very sure of her work ability, at least she didn't lose the chain.

"Okay, swipe the card!"

Xu Jie took out his bank card from his pocket and threw it on the table.


Ren Fang got stuck, staring at the bank card, her mind went blank, and she forgot all the introductions that followed.

I haven't finished the introduction yet, and there are still many things I haven't said!
It's not so fast to go to the market to buy vegetables by yourself, don't you choose?

"Hurry up and swipe your card, get your manager, open the box, I want to see." Xu Jie urged.

"Ah good!"

After Ren Fang heard it clearly, she nodded repeatedly, quickly picked up her bank card, and hurried out of the door.

Have you met a local tyrant?

Instead of a cloth on your head, wear a baseball cap instead?


(End of this chapter)

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