Chapter 424 Small gift?
Xu Jie returned to the car, put the jewelry in the storage box, and was about to find a place to fill the Wu Zang Temple, when the phone rang suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. It was a call from his mother. Remembering that he was scolded by his mother last night, he blindly guessed that the call must be about buying a diamond ring.

When it comes to spending money, my mother has always been worried about him, not because she is afraid that he will spend money indiscriminately, but because she is afraid that he will not spend money.

In fact, it's not like he doesn't know how to spend money. Like "Delicious History", the production cost of more than [-] yuan for the first issue, hasn't he spent all of it?He just felt that he could support himself, and some money was unnecessary.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked after answering the phone.

"Did you buy the wedding ring and birthday present?" My mother's questioning voice came from the microphone, which sounded very serious and serious.

"I bought it, I just finished buying it." Xu Jie glanced at the storage box, and it was exactly what he thought. Fortunately, I bought it today, otherwise there must be a scolding.

"Is it big?"


"I do not believe."

"Ah?" Xu Jie was taken aback, then said with a wry smile, "Mom, I'm your own son, how can you not believe me?"

These days, it is difficult to make money, but is it also difficult to spend money?

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm right outside the Runjing Garden complex where you live, hurry up and meet me." Wang Guizhi said, his tone surpassed that of a domineering president, and he was promoted to queen mother.

"What? You're here?" Xu Jie frowned when he heard it, and said dissatisfiedly: "Mom, what do you mean, don't you believe in my ability to handle things? That's my wife."

"That's still my daughter-in-law." Wang Guizhi said angrily, and then explained: "Don't think too much, I'm here to do something in the city today, and I happened to pass by Runjing Garden."


Xu Jie felt much more comfortable in his heart.

"Mom, wait a moment, I'll drive back right away, and let you see my ability to spend money." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he started the car and drove away from the parking lot.

10 minutes later, outside Runjing Garden.

Xu Jie saw an old Mercedes Benz 600 just outside the gate of the villa area from a distance. He looked at the license plate number, and it was right, it was his father's car.

He parked the car next to the Mercedes, lowered the windows and yelled, "Mom, follow me."

Wang Guizhi nodded.

Two cars drove into the community one after the other, and stopped outside a villa a few minutes later.

Xu Jie got out of the car, looked at his mother behind, pointed to the villa on the side of the road and said, "This is it."

Wang Guizhi first looked at the house, then at the surrounding environment, frowned and said, "It looks average, it's not as good as you brag to me, let's get another one, it must be within the third ring road anyway."

"Is this place too bad? Mom, your tone is getting louder and louder. If you know that you are the richest man in our village, if you don't know you think you are the richest man in the country." Xu Jie opened the door and said, "Don't worry, I'll wait for you Become the richest man in the world, let alone the third ring road, I will go to the center of the universe to buy a whole building to live in, I wish you become the richest man in the world as soon as possible, come on!"

"Get out!" Wang Guizhi rolled his eyes, and then walked into the villa.

In her opinion, the villa is indeed not big, the yard is not as big as the house, and the house is not as big as the house, but the decoration is very warm, making people look very comfortable.

Xu Jie came to the living room, took out the jewelry box from his pocket and put it on the coffee table.

"Mom, come and take a look at the wedding ring I bought and the birthday present for Su Yun. Just don't feel bad." Xu Jie said with a smile, giving the other party a vaccination in advance.

"Hmph, those few steel coins in your pocket are not enough for me to buy pig feed today." Wang Guizhi sat down, looked at the two jewelry boxes in front of him, and opened the small one first.

I saw a diamond ring the size of a dime in the jewelry box, shining under the light, as bright as a star in the night sky.

"How much?" Wang Guizhi asked while watching.

She didn't know much about diamonds. At the time she was married, there were no diamond rings at all, and as a more traditional person, she preferred things like gold and emeralds to diamonds.

However, this does not affect her judgment on the quality of the diamond ring, the so-called "you get what you pay for", when buying things, she is used to using the price to measure the quality of a thing.

Xu Jie took out his pocket again and handed the consumption receipt to his mother.

Wang Guizhi looked at it, and said lightly: "General."

Xu Jie was speechless.

There is only one diamond ring over five carats in the entire mall, can this be called average?
Wang Guizhi checked the consumption receipt, opened another jewelry box, and frowned after taking a look.

"Is this a birthday present? Not good!" Wang Guizhi shook his head and directly gave a bad review.

After Xu Jie heard it, he was immediately taken aback by his mother's expression. Looking at his mother's appearance, he couldn't help but think of those expert judges who appeared in antique shows.

"What's wrong?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

"Don't you see it?" Wang Guizhi looked at Xu Jie and asked.

Xu Jie shook his head, could it be fake?Not natural diamonds, but man-made diamonds?
Although he doesn't know much about diamonds, he also knows that wild ones are definitely more expensive than domestic ones.

But it is clearly written on the bill that it is a natural diamond. The brand has a history of more than 100 years in such a big store, so it should not be deceiving, right?

Of course, this is not a good thing to say, after all, you can often see the bullying of customers around you.

Xu Jie couldn't help secretly admiring his mother. He thought that his mother only knew how to raise pigs, grow vegetables and fruits, but he didn't expect to know even diamonds.

what time is it?Is the mall closed?
Xu Jie looked at his watch, it was just after seven o'clock.

Although he walked through all the jewelry stores in the shopping mall, most of them went in and then turned around, so it didn't take long.

Well, it's too late to go back and look for it now.

Calculated according to the fake one pays three, the compensation alone needs more than 300 million.

Xu Jie smiled after thinking about it, as if he saw a new way to make a fortune.

Wang Guizhi pointed to the finger box, then pointed to the diamond ring, and said, "There are necklaces and earrings in this box, and so many diamonds are not as expensive as such a diamond ring. You think this box can be good?" ?"


Xu Jie opened his mouth and looked at his mother blankly, not knowing what to say for a moment.


I thought I found a new project to get rich, not only did I get back the box money, but I even saved the money to buy a diamond ring. In the end, I woke up from the dream.

Alas, as much hope, so much disappointment.

"Mom, I've been to many stores, and this set is already the best. If I want to buy the best one, I have to go to the auction." Xu Jie closed the box, "Okay, Mom, I've seen it too." , are you relieved now?"

He is always inferior to his mother when it comes to spending money.

"Barely meet the standard." Wang Guizhi stood up and said: "Mom is gone, remember, married women should also be coaxed, and buying such small gifts from time to time can increase the relationship between husband and wife. Don't be reluctant to spend money. Do you understand?"

"I know."

Xu Jie pursed his dry lips, and then looked at the box on the table. Are these small gifts?
Mom, tell me the truth, how many pigs are there between us and the richest man in the world? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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