Chapter 425
In the early morning, Beijing TV Station.

Xu Jie came to the unit early, went to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then returned to the art program center.

Since Su Yun went to other places to film, his whole life schedule has become more regular. He goes to bed early and gets up early every day, doesn't stay up late, and doesn't sleep late, but he has lost the source of happiness.

Although you can make phone calls and videos, you can’t quench your thirst at a distance. Sometimes you can only quench your thirst with plum blossoms, and you can understand everything you know.

Don't talk about lust and obsession. People who love each other don't want each other's body, so it's better to ask for help. From then on, one will be the eldest brother and the other will be the second brother. Ask to die in the same year, same month, and same day.

As soon as Xu Jie's butt fell on the chair, Qin Yan walked over with an interview draft.

"I've prepared the interview scripts for this afternoon's recording of the program. You can read them over." Qin Yan handed the interview scripts to Xu Jie, mainly to let the other party check them out. The key to success.

In the last three episodes of "In-depth Film and Television Talk", the ratings have been hovering between 1.8 and 1.9, and there has been no major growth. It seems to have reached the top. Although the ranking is still number one, she still feels a little unwilling, thinking about it all day Can it break through this bottleneck and increase the ratings to above 2?

Xu Jie glanced quickly, and then returned the interview draft to the other party.

"no problem."

In his opinion, the program has been done for many episodes, and the content has become more and more mature. There is no need to read the interview questions for him, and the other party can decide for themselves.

To be honest, Qin Yan paid more attention to this program than he did.

"It's finished so soon? Can't you seriously watch it for a while longer?" Qin Yanxiu frowned slightly, with a bit of resentment in her voice.

"Sister Yan, look at what you said. I read it quickly, but it doesn't mean I'm not serious." Xu Jie argued after hearing it. In fact, the most important point is that he is at ease with Qin Yan.

After all, the other party is the number one strong woman in the cultural program center. From reporter to director to host, she is outstanding in everything, even if the microphone is broken, she can repair it.

"Since you've watched it carefully, can you analyze for me why the ratings of these episodes have stagnated?" Qin Yan asked.

"There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, we are a talk show, and the ratings of the talk show are not high overall. The format of question and answer sounds boring, let alone watching, so the ratings of more than 1.8 are already considered. Very good results; on the other hand, we are a program to promote film and television dramas, and these film and television dramas have undergone a lot of publicity before they appear on our program, and many people even know more about the actors and actresses of these film and television dramas than we do. As for the content of the story, it’s normal not to watch it or to switch channels after watching it for a while…”

Xu Jie continued to analyze the reasons for Qin Yan, such as weekdays and too late broadcast time can be the reasons for stagnant ratings.

It is impossible for any program to increase its ratings regularly, otherwise, like an old program that has been broadcast for several years or even more than ten years, the ratings will not directly explode?
Sometimes stagnation in the ratings of a program is not necessarily a problem with the program. Carrots and vegetables have their own preferences, and the audience can't force it if they don't like this type of program.

Qin Yan listened very seriously, and nodded at first, but then frowned again, and asked, ""Delicious History" is broadcast on weekdays, why are the ratings so high?"

"Didn't you understand what I said? The decline in ratings is not due to a single reason, but a combination of many reasons." Xu Jie looked at the other party and said.

He clearly remembered that when the ratings of the program broke 1, the other party was so happy that he invited the whole group to drink coffee. It's only been a few days, and the ratings of 1.8 are no longer enough?

Sure enough, people's desires will only get bigger and bigger, um, especially women.

Qin Yan took the interview manuscript and walked back. It seems that there is still a long way to go before the ratings break 2.

"Hey, wait a minute." Xu Jie called the other party to stop.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yan stopped and looked back at Xu Jie.

Xu Jie waved at Qin Yan, and when she approached, he asked in a mysterious voice, "Do you know the entertainment reporter?"

Qin Yan was taken aback when she heard it, and when she looked at Xu Jie, her eyes were full of puzzlement, and a little... weird.

"Xu Jie, what's the matter with you, do you have a cold and a fever?" Qin Yan couldn't help reaching out and touching Xu Jie's forehead, then looked around, and said to Xu Jie: "You asked me if I knew you in the art program center. Entertainment reporter? Everyone in the room is an entertainment reporter, including me and you!"

For those who work here, the press card is one of the necessary documents, even the camera is no exception.

Asking if there is a reporter here is like going to a restaurant and asking if there is a cook. If there is no cook, how do you cook?Without entertainment reporters, how do you make entertainment channel programs?
Xu Jie knew that the other party had misunderstood, so he explained: "I'm talking about entertainment reporters from news websites, the kind of people who are usually called editors."

Only then did Qin Yan understand Xu Jie's meaning, and after thinking for a while, she said, "I know some people, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

Xu Jie looked around, and then said, "Can you do a publicity for me?"

"What's the promotion?" Qin Yan asked curiously.

If you work in a TV station, but find a reporter from a news website to do publicity, isn't that riding a donkey to find a donkey?Is the advertising effect of TV not as good as that of news websites?

"Me!" Xu Jie said.

"Ah? You?" Qin Yan was in a daze, "What are you doing to promote you? Is it for the selection of excellent programs? It doesn't matter what the netizens said about it, and it wasn't decided by the netizens' votes."

"It's not for the selection of excellent programs, but I want to find someone to expose my family situation to the outside world." Xu Jie said.

Qin Yan was startled, and soon understood what the other party meant.

"Why are you still thinking about this matter? Isn't it all over?" Qin Yan asked, she had already made sense of the other party yesterday, why is it that she can't think about it again today?

"I think that the person who reported me was unsuccessful this time. The other party must be very unwilling. Maybe he will write a report letter in the future, and even use Internet public opinion to attack me. Just in case, I decided to announce my family situation. , In this way, people hiding in the dark will no longer be able to find fault with the unknown source of funds." Xu Jie said.

"Oh, so it is." Qin Yan understood.

As the old saying goes, first strike is the best.

Before the whistleblower strikes again, let the other party not be able to catch the pigtail. In this way, the other party will be helpless. Even if they break the news on the Internet, no one will believe it.

High, really high.

Harmfulness is not allowed, and defensiveness is indispensable.

You can not care about what other people think, but you must be wary of whistleblowers, and the enemy is in the dark. The best way is to prevent problems before they happen.

"What do you think?" Xu Jie asked for the other party's opinion.

"I think it's good, once and for all, but if you just announce it like this, don't try to keep a low profile in the future." Qin Yan reminded.

"Sister Yan, I figured it out. From the moment I got the certificate with Su Yun, I couldn't keep a low profile." Xu Jie said, no matter what he did, someone would stare at him, whether it was shopping or work.

"I understand." Qin Yan said: "I have several entertainment reporters working on portal websites in my WeChat. I will contact them right away. You send me the news content that can be made public, and I will forward it to them."

"Thank you, sister Yan." Xu Jie thanked.

"You're polite, we're all our own people." Qin Yan said with a smile.

Xu Jie took out his mobile phone, entered WeChat, found Qin Yan, and entered the content in the dialog box: "Su Yun's husband is suspected to be a rich second generation..."

He has fully accepted this identity.


Just after twelve o'clock, a news item was replaced on the headline of the entertainment section of a portal website.

"Su Yun's husband's family background has been exposed, and he is suspected to be a rich second generation."

The title text is not only enlarged, but also bold, which is particularly conspicuous.

"I believe everyone is familiar with Su Yun's husband. He is Xu Jie, the director and lead actor of Beijing Satellite TV's gourmet culture program "Delicious History". According to a person familiar with the matter, Xu Jie's family owns an A pig farm, as well as a vegetable planting base and a fruit planting base. Both parents are well-known leaders in getting rich locally...

There are not only texts, but also photos, external photos of pig farms, and external photos of planting bases, buildings and intelligent greenhouses, which can't be seen at a glance.

Soon, other websites also reposted the news.

It didn't take long, many people knew about it, and netizens left messages in the comment area one after another.

"It turns out that Old Xu is the second generation of rich people. I thought he was a softie."

"It's over. Ever since Lao Xu and Su Yun got their certificates, I have always dreamed of counterattacking like Lao Xu, and now my dream is shattered."

"I guessed at the beginning that this old Xu's family must not be simple, let me guess right?"

"Sure enough, the appearance of a man and a woman is a real match made in heaven."


Xu Jie watched the news and comments with a satisfied smile on his face.


Jiang Hai hurried out of the office, looked in the direction of the office area, and shouted loudly, "Xu Jie, come to my office."

Xu Jie closed the webpage, then came to Director Jiang's office, and asked, "Director, what's the matter? Is there any clue about the outstanding selection?"

"That happened early, why is it at the end of the month." Jiang Hai turned his computer screen to Xu Jie, pointing to the news on it, "Have you read the news? Your information has been exposed, and now these websites are too much. Attracting attention, not even face, not even privacy."

"Director, in fact, I took the initiative to find them and ask for exposure." Xu Jie admitted directly.

"Ah?" Jiang Hai was surprised, and asked puzzledly, "Why?"

"In order to prevent things like report letters from happening again..." Xu Jie told Director Jiang exactly what he said to Qin Yan in the morning.

Jiang Hai was stunned, he didn't expect Xu Jie to use such an extreme self-exposure method to fight back against the whistleblower, but this is also good, it can completely shut the mouths of those who gossip behind their backs!


(End of this chapter)

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