The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 429 Sitting in the Crater

Chapter 429 Sitting in the Crater

The Beijing News Award has first, second and third prizes. As the most important news media organization in the Beijing area, Beijing Radio and Television Station has won 8 first prizes, 10 second prizes and 12 third prizes this year. good harvest.

As the time for gathering got closer, more and more people were in the hall, from a dozen or so people at the beginning to more than 40 people in the end.

"Director, who are you waiting for?" Someone asked Yang Dong. Although it wasn't time yet, it was only a minute or two away.

"And..." As soon as Yang Donggang opened his mouth, the elevator door opened, and two people came out from inside. Yang Dong whispered, "The waiting person is here", and then greeted them.

When everyone saw it, they immediately shut their mouths obediently, because it was none other than Wang Yuan, the deputy director in charge of daily work, and Lu Hong, the deputy editor-in-chief.

"Director Wang, Editor-in-Chief Lu." Yang Dong came in front of the two bosses.

"Is everyone here?" Wang Yuan asked.

"It's all here." Yang Dong replied.

"Let's go." Wang Yuan said.

Yang Dong nodded, then returned to the crowd, clapped his hands, and said loudly: "Everyone follow me, don't fall behind." After speaking, he led the way.

Everyone walked out of the building in a mighty manner, and came to the parking lot outside. A red and white bus was parked there, with seven characters written on it: Beijing Radio and Television Station.

The two bosses got on the bus first, and sat in the front row, one on the left and one on the right. After getting on the bus, the people behind chose to be close to the two bosses, hoping to impress the bosses, especially at the end of the year. You are all counting on these big guys.

Xu Jie stood at the back of the line, taking his time.

Due to work, not all the winners will go to today's awards ceremony, and most of them will only send one or two representatives to receive the award.

Naturally, everyone wants to go to such a good event of receiving an award and showing their face, but not everyone can go. Usually, the person in charge of the award-winning news, or the person with the oldest qualifications, goes to participate. This is also the default rule of the office. Whatever you do is based on seniority.

Although Xu Jie won the first prize, he was the youngest among all the people who went to receive the prize, and he was also the one with the least seniority, so he didn't go forward. snatch away.

Some people standing in front of Xu Jie looked at the seats inside the bus, their anxiety at the beginning turned into a sigh later.


"Brother Liu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked curiously.

You should be happy about receiving an award, why is the other party sighing?Is it because the third prize is too bad?This makes some people feel inadequate.

You must know that the Beijing News Awards are not judged for one month, but for a whole year. There are only 30 news awards in the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station. Years, and in the end there were no harvests.

"There are no seats in front." Liu Guoqiang said.

"It's okay. There are no seats in front. Isn't there a seat in the back? This bus can hold more than 50 people." Xu Jie pointed to the number of passengers written next to the bus door.

"Xiao Xu, you are still young and don't understand what's going on here." Liu Guoqiang said in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Brother Liu, please leave me some advice." Xu Jie said humbly, thinking what could happen if he took a bus. They are all in the same car. Could it be that there are first-class seats and economy seats?

Liu Guoqing shook his head when he heard it, "Stop talking, it's okay."

Xu Jie quit, isn't this intentional?
As a journalist, it is the most basic professional quality to get to the bottom of the matter and pursue the truth. Although his main job now is to make programs, his advantages have never been forgotten.

"Don't introduce Brother Liu, teach me." Xu Jie gently pushed the other party.

When he was in school, he won many awards, but since he started working, this is the first time he has won an award. He doesn't know the difference between winning awards in society and in school. Could it be that the posture of receiving awards is different?
Liu Guoqing looked at Xu Jie's modest appearance, thought for a while and said: "Actually, it's nothing. Isn't it the end of the year? Various evaluations of excellence and advancement have already begun. Deputy Director Wang and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu are the main persons in charge. , if you can say a few words to them and leave a little impression, then the evaluation will be no problem."

Xu Jie suddenly realized that it was no wonder that when it was time to get on the bus, everyone rushed forward, thinking that there was a sleeper berth.

"It's just a car ride, isn't it?" Xu Jie asked. The Cultural Center Grand Theater is not far from the TV station, and it only takes ten or ten minutes to drive. What kind of impression can you leave in such a short time?Hit the boss?
"You don't understand this. Due to work, everyone rarely gets in touch with the leaders in the station. Now that we finally have such an opportunity, we must try it no matter what. Haven't you heard a song? Just because I took one more look at you in the crowd, I never forgot your face." Liu Guoqing said in a low voice.

little contact?

Xu Jie doesn't think so, anyway, he can meet every few days, and basically these people are looking for him.

As for the song, he has heard it before, but isn't this line about love at first sight?

Fall in love at first sight should be a matter between a man and a woman, how did it become a boss and a subordinate?Those who knew it wanted to let the leader remember it, but those who didn't know thought it was an office romance.

While talking, it was their turn to get in the car.

Because I was at the end of the queue, not only the front seats were gone, but the middle seats were also gone, leaving only the last two rows with seats.

Do not!
There are two more seats in front, next to Deputy Director Wang and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

However, no one sat in these two empty seats. The car would inevitably shake when turning a corner. What should we do if we squeeze into the leader?
At that time, it will really leave an "impression" on the leader.

Yes, this kid squeezed me in a car!
Since they are already so good, don't judge them as excellent.

Xu Jie was about to walk back when he suddenly heard a voice coming from the side.

"Xiao Xu, come and sit down."

Lu Hong moved inside, then reached out and patted the place beside him.

Xu Jie stopped, and the moment Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu finished speaking, he clearly felt that everyone in the car was looking at him.

There is surprise, there is doubt, there is envy, there is jealousy.
Xu Jie just listened to Liu Guoqing's advice, so it is very clear that everyone wants to take this opportunity to accept the award to show in front of the two big shots, but now, deputy editor-in-chief Lu asked him to sit there, to a certain extent Depriving other people of the opportunity to contact the deputy editor-in-chief Lu, this is not a seat, it is clearly a crater.

"Editor Lu, sit down, there are seats in the back." Xu Jie pointed in the direction of the back row.

No matter what others think, anyway, he doesn't want to sit next to deputy editor-in-chief Lu.

"You're welcome, you can sit anywhere anyway." Lu Hong extended the invitation again.

Xu Jie really wanted to say: Since everyone is sitting everywhere, I'd better sit in the back.

But this is already the second invitation from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, if he still doesn't sit down, he will be a bit ungrateful.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu." Xu Jie sat down.

Everyone has arrived, the bus closed the door, and soon drove away from the TV station and headed for the cultural center of the capital.

"Xiao Xu, you are really a person who can constantly surprise people." Lu Hong smiled and said to the young man beside him.

The other party found him a few days ago, hoping to speak for the two programs "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk" in the excellent program selection activity in Taiwan, but because he is not a judge, he did not agree to the other party , but the east is not bright and the west is bright, who would have thought that an old news that has passed a year can win the capital news award for the other party?
"I didn't expect that either." Xu Jie said truthfully.

If it wasn't for the senior sister calling, he would have forgotten about it.

Maybe this is called what goes around.

"This proves that hard work will definitely pay off." Lu Hong said after hearing this.

Xu Jie nodded, but he was thinking in his heart that he deserved to be promoted, and even the words he said were different from before. This chicken soup tasted too strong, and the first taste was just too much MSG.

"Xiao Xu, have you been paying attention to variety shows recently?" Lu Hong asked.

"No." Xu Jie replied, and at the same time faintly felt that the other party seemed to have something to say, this VIP seat must not be taken for nothing.

"Actually, your planning and organization skills are very good. You should go to a bigger stage to display your talents. Have you ever thought about being a star variety show?" Lu Hong asked.

When the people around heard it, the way they looked at Xu Jie changed immediately.

You must know that celebrity variety shows are the key programs in the station, with a lot of support, a lot of investment, manpower and material resources are basically used casually, let Xu Jie be a star to do variety shows, based on this, you can see that the deputy editor-in-chief Lu is interested Xu Jie's attention.

Well, definitely not the general attention!

After Xu Jie heard it, he thought in his heart: The fox's tail finally came out.

I helped him brag for a long time, isn't it because of the celebrity variety show?
He knew very well that since the first season of "Crossover Actor" ended, the other party hoped that he could plan a new star variety show to replace "Crossover Actor", but the problem is that there are too many star variety shows now. , How can it be so easy to innovate?

"I already have two programs in my hands, and I am very satisfied if I can do them well. As for star variety shows and new programs, I have never thought about it." Xu Jie said, directly cutting off the other party's thoughts think.

To be honest, if "Crossover Actor" wasn't for Su Yun, he wouldn't have participated, he was as tired as a dog.

"It's okay, I haven't thought about it now, and I can think about it slowly in the future. After all, the program can't be figured out in a day or two." Lu Hong said with a smile.

Xu Jie didn't say anything, and didn't answer the other party's words at all.

It's not that he doesn't know each other well, and he would use it to death if he caught someone, just like when he was recording "Crossover Actor", he often used the excuse of not coming to the meeting and handed over the work to him.

Ha ha, I will not be fooled.


(End of this chapter)

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