The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 430 Party Invitation

Chapter 430 Party Invitation

Seeing that Xu Jie didn't speak, Lu Hong felt a little disappointed. Since "Crossover Actor" ended, new variety shows have become a problem for him.

Although he has successfully become the deputy editor-in-chief of Beijing Radio and Television Station, he also serves as the director of the satellite TV program center. mediocre?
In fact, regarding the matter of the new variety show, he held countless meetings, and even invited Yu Kuan from Jingshi Cultural Communication Company to discuss it together. Everyone was thinking about it, but nothing came of it.

Therefore, he can only cast his hopeful eyes on the young man beside him again. Speaking of which, the other party is his lucky star. When the satellite TV was revised, the other party's program won the first place in the ratings. Later, "Crossover Actor" helped him As the deputy editor-in-chief, he believed that the other party would be able to help him secure his current position.

It seems that for the excellent program, we still have to find a way to help the other party to fight for it, otherwise the relationship is estranged, how can we expect the other party to release new programs in the future?

If you want the horse to run, but don't feed the horse, no matter how powerful the Chollima is, it won't be able to run!

At this time, he suddenly thought of something, maybe the other party would be interested.

"Xiao Xu, do you know? The preparations for the New Year's Party and the Spring Festival Party will start soon. Are you interested in participating?"

"Editor Lu, you think highly of me too, and I'm not a famous star, so how can it be my turn to participate?" Xu Jie said after hearing this.

He actually served as the host of the campus New Year's party twice when he was in college, but it was nothing compared to the TV station's party.

"I didn't let you go on stage. I meant to come to the party working group to participate in the preparation, planning and production of the New Year's party and the Spring Festival party." Lu Hong explained.

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, working group?
His first reaction was not to participate, he was too tired, a "Crossover Actor" had made him as tired as a grandson, let alone large-scale events like the New Year's Gala and the Spring Festival Gala.

But after thinking about it carefully, I think this is a good opportunity.

As a person in the cultural program center, even if he is promoted in the future, he will be promoted in the cultural program center, so in his daily work, he must participate in the production of some large-scale cultural events, and what he lacks now is the work experience of large-scale events. His future work and development will be of great benefit.

And as far as he knows, there are many people scrambling to get in like these New Year's Gala and Spring Festival Gala working groups every year.

Because this is a good opportunity to promote artists.

In the eyes of the audience, the party is just singing and dancing, but in the eyes of some people, it is a resource.

With the platform of Beijing TV Station and the resources of the party, will it not fly directly after the next year?

Take himself for example.

How long has it been since you came to the Art Center?

Not even a year.

But there are already two agencies that can be related to him, and they are both well-known agencies in the entertainment industry. As for the artists who have cooperated with him, there are countless.

This is a huge network of relationships, which also represents interests to some extent.

If he can join the party working group, it is estimated that the phone will be ringing the next day.

You must know that when "Crossover Actor" was being prepared, many people asked him about it.

"What can I do?" Xu Jie asked.

He knew that this was a bait released by Lu Hong, but this bait was too tempting for him, even if he knew it would be dangerous, he still had to take a bite.

The big deal is to promise the other party another new variety show.

And with the work experience of the New Year's Gala and Spring Festival Gala, coupled with the previous planning of "Crossover Actor", maybe he can win the director of the variety show, and his identity will be different by then.

"You can do too much work." Lu Hong said with a smile after hearing this: "You are the planner of "Crossover Actor". What is the highlight of this program? It is the exciting plot. Where did these plots come from? Part of it was written by you, so you are fully qualified to be the director of language programs. Also, you are the director of "Delicious History", and your ability to organize and direct is not a problem, and you have also cooperated with many stars, so you can also be in charge of the program Collection and selection..."

When Xu Jie heard this, he immediately became interested.

It's fine if it's just an ordinary staff member, but Editor-in-Chief Lu is talking about very important roles, and the allure has risen to another level.

"The New Year's Gala and the Spring Festival Gala are very important. I want to do my part for our stage, but I have to go back and ask Director Jiang." Xu Jie said.

Director Jiang is the director of the Arts and Programs Center, so things like evening parties must be indispensable. I remember that Director Jiang attended both evening parties last year.

He said to go back and ask Director Jiang, one is the respect for Director Jiang, after all, he is a member of the art program center, and the other is that he trusts Director Jiang more than Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

Everyone is in a different position and sees problems from different angles.

From his point of view, this is a piece of cake, but who knows if it is a trap from another point of view?

"Lao Jiang is not only a member of the working group, but also a member of the director's group. You can ask Lao Jiang more when you go back to learn more about the party. The working group will always reserve a place for you." Lu Hong said with a smile.

Last year he did not dare to say such a thing, but today he dares.

When some people heard the conversation between Deputy Chief Editor Lu and Xu Jie, they couldn't help showing envious expressions. Although they were not engaged in literary and artistic work, they were invited by Deputy Chief Editor Lu to join the working group of the party. This level of attention was enough for people to envy .

It is indeed the hottest new star in Taili this year!

Not long after, the bus stopped slowly.

The Grand Theater of the Cultural Center is here.

At this time, the parking lot was already full of cars. Judging by the words written on the cars, almost all the mainstream media in Beijing had come from this agency, that newspaper, and so on.

It's just that some people have more people and some people have fewer people.

For example, the Beijing Radio and Television Station has won more awards, and more people come. For example, a certain magazine has only four people, and a Passat is enough.

Wang Yuan and Lu Hong left first.

Yang Dong is communicating with the organizer staff.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Xu Jie!"

Xu Jie turned his head when he heard it, and saw a young man about his age standing not far away waving at him.

"Wang Hao!"

A look of surprise appeared on Xu Jie's face.

I didn't expect to meet my college classmates here.

He remembered that the other party seemed to have joined the Beijing Evening News after graduation. Looking at the teams around the other party, they should also come to receive the award.


The Beijing News Award is a grand event in the capital's journalism circle, and as a student of the Communication University, except for the graduate students in his class, most of the graduated students have entered the media industry, some in the news website, some in the evening paper, and some Some are in daily newspapers, and some are in TV stations. We usually don’t get together, but today is normal.

"To receive the award?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, you too?" Wang Hao asked.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"No, aren't you engaged in cultural programs now? "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk"?" Wang Hao asked suspiciously. Cultural and entertainment programs have always been insulated from news awards, which is known in the circle What happened, even the Beijing Radio and Television Station did not judge the awards themselves, and it was mentioned outside.

"Last year, I made a special news on the life channel, and this year the relevant departments implemented it, and then I won the first prize." Xu Jie explained.

"Awesome, just now I thought I had admitted the wrong person!" Wang Hao said after hearing this.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the colleague beside Wang Hao immediately stretched his neck and looked in Xu Jie's direction.

"Hey, it's really Xu Jie, Wang Hao, I thought you were lying to me." A female reporter said.

"What's so easy to lie about this kind of thing." Wang Hao said.

"Is he Su Yun's husband?"

"That's right, what's the matter, is my classmate awesome?"

"Cow, really cow!"

At the same time, people from several surrounding news organizations also started talking about it.

"I'll go, is it true or not, Xu Jie also won the award? Or the first prize?"

"Is there something wrong?"

"Which Xu Jie?"

"It's Su Yun's husband, the director and lead actor of "Delicious History". Look, it's right there."

"I saw it, it looks pretty ordinary."

"What do you know? Everything that looks ordinary these days is hidden. Go back and read the novel."


"Xu Jie, turn around and let me see, to the left!"


Xu Jie was speechless because it was a female reporter who called him just now.

Are all women this wild these days?

You know, this is outside the venue of the News Awards, can you be more serious.

But looking at the people around him, Xu Jie suddenly had the feeling that a scalper had walked into a herd of yaks, and that he had gone to the wrong place.

That's right!

He is engaged in literature and art now, but now he came to receive the award at the news award, not to mention what others think, anyway, he feels like he is here to mess things up.

Don't look, I'm really not here to mess things up.

Seeing more and more people watching, fortunately Director Yang came back at this time, and after communicating with the staff, he led the team to the gate of the Grand Theater.

Xu Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head and walked forward quickly. It was obviously a good thing to come here today, but he felt afraid to raise his head to meet people.

At this time, another cry came from the side.

"Xu Jie!"

Xu Jie turned his head and looked over. It was a female reporter from Beijing Daily, and the two units were walking into the theater together.

"You are..." Xu Jie looked at the other party in puzzlement, not knowing him at all.

But he didn't dare to say too much, after all, many of those who work in this line of work are graduates from Communication University, either brothers or sisters, or brothers and sisters.

"It's okay, I just want to seriously see how you look different from what you see on TV." The female reporter said with a smile.



Some colleagues around me couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Don't look, I already have a master!" Xu Jie said to the other party impatiently, did he meet a female hooligan?

"Although the famous grass has an owner, I will loosen the soil!" said the female reporter.

"I grew up in the crevices of the rocks, you should die!" Xu Jie didn't expect the other party to be so bold that he dared to moles a good family in public.

Xu Jie told himself to pay attention to his image, after all these people are reporters, don't make any scandals!


(End of this chapter)

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