The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 431 Personal Session?

Chapter 431 Personal Session?

Xu Jie followed the team into the Grand Theater of the Cultural Center, and many news media had already arrived. Looking around, there were at least 500 to [-] people.

In addition to the winners who came to accept the awards, there were also some practitioners in the news media industry, including emerging media, such as Internet media, etc., who participated in the award ceremony.

The Beijing Radio and Television Station was arranged in the front left of the venue. This time, the seats were no longer random, but in the order of first, second, and third prizes.

Because there were only six seats in the first row of the assigned area, Xu Jie consciously walked to the second row.

"Xiao Xu, sit here!" Yang Dong pointed to the first row.

"No, you can sit here." Xu Jie said standing in the second row.

"How can I do that? You are now the face of our Beijing Radio and Television Station. Besides, your report won the first prize in news and was also selected as one of the top ten people's livelihood news. You will be on the stage twice." Yang Dong said, While walking to Xu Jie, he pushed the person to the first row and pressed him on the chair.

There are many people who have won news awards, but only ten people have been selected for the top ten people's livelihood news awards, so the treatment is naturally different from others.

Seeing Director Yang's arrangement, Xu Jie could only sit here, but he felt a little strange, when did he become the face of Beijing Radio and Television Station?
Are they ranked by ability, or by appearance?
If it's the former, he might be a little tender, if it's the latter, he'll accept it without hesitation.

Although he had already entered the venue, there were still people looking in his direction, especially several news units around the Beijing Radio and Television Station, who could even hear discussions.

"Look, the second from the left is Xu Jie."

"How is it different from the TV? You don't carry a spoon or a bag, so you almost didn't recognize it."

"When someone blocked him, he saw the back of his head. Who could make him turn his head around?"


Xu Jie forced himself to be calm and looked ahead, but he was thinking in his heart: Sure enough, he is a journalist, he is courageous and dares to say anything.

Fortunately, this place is inside the venue, so even if someone is curious, it is safer, unlike just outside, chasing after him, he wants to collect tickets.

"Director Xu, is it better to be surrounded by social news reporters, or to be surrounded by entertainment reporters?" The colleague sitting beside Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Brother Zhang, don't tease me." Xu Jie said with a wry smile after hearing this.

Most of the people present today were social news reporters, and he never thought that these people would be crazier than entertainment reporters.

But if you think about it carefully, if these social journalists are not crazy, how can they investigate so many shady stories and the truth?And I don't have a thick skin, and I can't be a reporter.

Amidst the discussions, the front door of the venue opened, and a group of middle-aged people in suits and leather shoes came out and sat in the first row of the auditorium.

Seeing these people, the whole venue fell silent.

Xu Jie scanned them one by one, and actually saw Deputy Director Wang and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu in it. This time, without asking, he knew that the people sitting in the first row must be the bosses of various news organizations.

The arrival of the boss often indicates that the time is almost up.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, two hosts, a man and a woman, walked onto the stage from the side.

"Respected leaders, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 33rd Beijing News Awards Ceremony..."

The awards ceremony officially begins.

Xu Jie glanced at the other people around him with the corner of his eyes, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Everyone's goal finally shifted away from him.

The first is the leader's speech, which is also a tradition all over the world. However, because there is no performance, after the speech, we will directly enter the awards ceremony.

"The list of winners of the 33rd Beijing News Awards is now announced. Please read the award-winning representatives on stage to accept the awards. This year, a total of 45 topics won the first prize. They are the Beijing Daily's series report "Targeted Poverty Alleviation", and the Beijing Daily's in-depth report " "Green Mountains and Green Waters"..."

Although the list of winners has been announced for many days, it will still be announced at the awards ceremony. This can increase the sense of ceremony and honor.

As the host announced the list of winners, the people sitting in the audience couldn't wait to get up and walk to the stage.

This is to receive an award, and to show his face in front of the news media all over the capital, is he in a hurry?

"The column of Beijing Radio and Television Station "Go Forward", the special feature of Beijing Radio and Television Station "Heating Renovation of Old Residential Areas"..."

When Xu Jie heard the host's voice, he immediately stood up from his seat, and finally it was his turn.

He followed his colleagues to the stage. After receiving the certificate, he stood in a row with other awardees and looked at the audience. At this moment, his heart was full of pride, which was even more impressive than wearing a small red flower on his chest when he was in elementary school. Happy.

It's a pity that he is no longer in the life program center, and he may not have a chance to stand here in the future. However, not being able to stand here does not mean that he cannot stand on other podiums. The so-called: 360 lines go out The number one scholar, even if he can no longer speak and act for the masses in the future, he can still present more exciting cultural programs for the people, which can be regarded as a manifestation of self-worth.

As Xu Jie stood on the stage, he immediately attracted the attention of countless people, and now the entire venue could see it.

"Hey, why did the person just now look so familiar, as if I've seen him somewhere before."

"You silly, isn't this the lead actor of "A Delicious History"?"

"That's right, Old Xu, it's him, he came to accept the award no matter what."

"He not only came to receive the award, but also the first prize."

"After looking at the head for a long time, I finally saw the front face. It looks good, but it's far worse than those little fresh meats. What did Su Yun like in him? Could it be that he has some specialties?"

"There must be specialties, but I don't know where the specialties are!"

"Hush, be serious, the awards are being presented!"

Compared with other winners, Xu Jie's popularity is too high. The most important thing is his face, which can often be seen on TV, so when he stood on the stage, the audience immediately started talking about it.

"Let's congratulate the 45 winners," the host said loudly.

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There was warm applause at the scene.

"Next, we will announce the winner of the second prize of Capital News..."

Xu Jie returned to his seat and sat down, holding the award certificate in his hand, looking at his name. This is the first honor he has received since he started working, and he must put it on his work station when he returns.

Last week, we showed off our wealth, and this week we will start the mode of showing off awards.

"Director Xu, you are still the best." The colleague next to him looked at the award certificate in Xu Jie's hand with envy.

"Brother Zhang, isn't the one in your hand also the first prize?" Xu Jie glanced at the award certificate in the other party's hand. Everyone is the first prize. It seems that there is no need to envy anyone.

"There is also a difference between the first prize and the first prize. Look at the position of the winner on yours. It is only your name. Then look at mine."

After Xu Jie heard it, he paid attention to it deliberately, and saw that the other party had written a series of names on the position of the winner, one, two, three... there were as many as nine. Advanced collectives, like advanced individuals, are basically unable to put awards on their desks.

Of course, if you want to return to thinking, you must not speak out what you think.

"You can't say that. In the future, Brother Zhang still has the chance to win an award. Maybe he will come next year. As for me, I'm afraid I won't have another chance in the future." Xu Jie sighed pretendingly.

Zhang Huiyang on the side heard Xu Jie's words and felt that what the other party said was quite reasonable, so he couldn't help but reached out and patted the other party's shoulder, and comforted him: "Although you can't come here to receive the award in the future, you can stand on other podiums. Your show is so well received by the audience, I believe it will be able to..."

At this time, the voice of the hostess came from the stage.

"The following are the top ten people's livelihood news of this year. They are the Beijing Radio and Television Station's special "Heating Renovation in Old Residential Areas", author: Xu Jie..."

Zhang Huiyang opened his mouth halfway, and the words stuck in his throat. He just said that Xu Jie could not come here to receive the award, but the host called Xu Jie's name. Isn't this a slap in the face?
By the way, Director Yang seems to have mentioned this before.

"Xiao Xu, what are you talking about, hurry up and accept the award!" Yang Dong urged Xu Jie.

Xu Jie nodded, and then said to Zhang Huiyang who was beside him, "Brother Zhang, I'll go up to receive an award first, and we'll talk when I come back."


Xu Jie stood up and walked quickly to the stage.

Compared with when the first prize was presented, there were 45 people standing on the stage. This time, there were only ten people standing on the stage for the Top Ten People's Livelihood News Awards, which also made Xu Jie look more obvious.


"Look, Xu Jie is going up again."

"It's really good to choose the topic, and you will be full if you win the prize!"

"Isn't he the director and starring role of "A Delicious History" now? It's really blind to award him."

Xu Jie stepped off the stage after receiving the award.

The male host on the stage: "In the past few years, with the rapid development and popularization of the Internet, online media has become an important channel for people to learn about news and obtain information. Vote, and select ten news that attract the most attention from netizens from the 199 award-winning news awards, and present the Beijing Internet News Awards, please watch the big screen."

A curtain was lowered on the stage, a projection was cast on it, and ten news items appeared on the curtain, along with the number of votes.

No. 1: "Heating Renovation in Old Residential Areas" with 16415 votes
No. 2: "Regional Issues of Garbage Sorting" with 8745 votes
No. 3: "Who Will Care for the Elderly" with 8102 votes
No. 4...

No. 5...

Because the number of votes is displayed in a horizontal histogram, it can be clearly seen that the first place is much longer than the others. Among the top 1, it stands out from the crowd, so that people who see it can feel it very intuitively. No. 10 special... don't... long!

Xu Jie was also a little dazed when he saw it. He knew about the News Awards, and he also knew about the Top Ten People's Livelihood News Awards, but he had never heard of the Internet News Awards, neither from his senior sister nor from Director Yang.

How is this going?

"Now, please come to the stage to receive the award!" The host said.

Xu Jie stood up again and walked to the stage.

"I'll go, why is it Xu Jie again?"

"How many times has he gone up? Is this the third time?"

"Halo, today is about to become his personal show!"

"It's really drought to death, waterlogging to death!"


(End of this chapter)

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