The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 432 Fans Are Everywhere

Chapter 432 Fans Are Everywhere
The Beijing News Awards ceremony ended at 4:20 p.m.

Xu Jie walked out with three certificates and three trophies in his hand.

There are many award-winning news, but there are only two news that won three awards. Among them is the news reported by Xu Jie, and the other news has a total of 11 winners. It is an out-and-out collective award. The news award was also the second prize, obviously not as important as Xu Jie's.

Xu Jie also did not expect that the first time he won an award since he joined the work, he would go straight to a three-shot, and he really experienced what it means to win an award and get hand cramps.

If I had known this before, I should have gone to the cafeteria to ask for a plastic bag before gathering in the afternoon, which is more convenient to carry.

When he came to the parking lot, Xu Jie chose to stand at the back again.

"Teacher Xu!"

At this moment, a young female reporter ran up to Xu Jie and asked expectantly, "Mr. Xu, I am a reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily. Can I take a photo with you?"

Xu Jie looked at the other party, there were many people around, and he couldn't bear to refuse, and everyone was considered to be in the same industry, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's shoot!"

"Thank you Teacher Xu!"

The female reporter happily handed over her mobile phone to her colleague, and then stood beside Xu Jie with a sweet smile on her face.


The photo is taken.

The female reporter took a look at the photos just taken with her mobile phone, smiled with satisfaction, then walked up to Xu Jie and asked, "Mr. Xu, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Interview?" Xu Jie asked.

"That's right." The female reporter said.

"I'm afraid this is not possible. What I said doesn't count. If you want to interview me, you have to send an official letter to my unit." Xu Jie said.

This is not what he meant, but what Director Jiang meant.

Director Jiang's original words were: Xiao Xu, you are now a celebrity in the society. You not only represent yourself outside, but also represent the program, Beijing Radio and Television Station, so don't accept interviews casually.

Xu Jie is also a reporter, so he understands Director Jiang's meaning very well. The other party's doing this is actually protecting him from saying wrong things and being used by those who want to.

Just like Song Jiang, who wrote a poem on the wall and was sent to prison.

Now that the Internet media is very developed, as a public figure, you must be more cautious in your words and deeds. Even if it is an interview with a colleague, you cannot just agree to it.

Colleagues are enemies!
"Mr. Xu, I'm the one who was rude, sorry." The female reporter said shyly, and then bowed to Xu Jie to apologize.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said, it's not surprising to those who don't know.

The female reporter left, but another female reporter ran over.

"Ms. Xu, I'm your fan, can I take a photo together?"


After Xu Jie heard it, he looked at the other party, and then looked around. Only then did he realize that there were many people around him staring at him, eager to try, and seemed to want to take a photo with him.

How did the journalism awards ceremony turn into a fan meeting?

But the woman in front of her had already spoken, and it seemed impolite to refuse, let alone a female fan.

"Okay!" Xu Jie replied.

The female reporter took out the mobile phone she had prepared, and pointed the camera at herself and the man beside her.


Finished another one.

The female reporter left happily, and another person rushed forward.

"Teacher Xu……"

"Sorry, I want to get in the car." Xu Jie interrupted the visitor, looked at the other party and some people behind and said, "We will take a photo together later, goodbye."

After speaking, get in the car quickly.

Fans are everywhere!

So complicated.

Do you have to wear a mask to receive awards in the future?
"Xiao Xu, here!" Lu Hong pointed to his side, the seat had already been reserved for him.

"Thank you, Editor-in-Chief Lu." Xu Jie sat down. This was the reason why he chose to get in the car last. Anyway, he would sit next to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, morning and night.

However, he is probably the only one who can help Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu occupy a seat.

"You have had a great harvest today, you have won three awards in a row." Lu Hong said with a smile, a total of three awards were awarded today, and the other party came directly to a grand slam.

"I'm also very surprised, no one told me there is an Internet news award." Xu Jie said.

Yang Dong, who was sitting in the back row, said at this time: "At the end of the ceremony, I asked people from the Journalism Society, and they said they wanted to give a surprise to those present today, so they didn't notify in advance."

"Xiao Xu, having won so many awards today, have you ever thought about continuing to work in social journalism? If you want, you can come to the program center of Satellite TV and leave all the big news and events to you, how about it?" Lu Hong asked.

He had long wanted to recruit the young man beside him to his satellite TV program center.

Such a talent is not one of his subordinates, and every time he sees it, his eyes are envious.

In fact, he knew very well that if he really recruited Xu Jie to the satellite TV program center, Lao Jiang would definitely fight him desperately, but it didn't matter, he was willing to bear the consequences.

As long as the young man nodded, he immediately went through the formalities.

When the people around heard it, they all became jealous again.

When he came, deputy editor-in-chief Lu invited Xu Jie to the party, and when he returned, he invited Xu Jie to the program center of Satellite TV. This feeling of being valued by the leaders is really enviable.

Needless to say, the importance of the TV program center in the capital TV station is the most important thing. Only the best programs can be broadcast in the TV program center.

What's more, deputy editor-in-chief Lu also promised to hand over the big news and events to Xu Jie, which is clearly to train Xu Jie as a key target.

Just ask, who wouldn't be jealous of such treatment?

"I think it's pretty good now." Xu Jie said lightly.

When everyone heard this, their jaws almost dropped.

Xu Jie rejected the invitation of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu?
What did he think?

Don't you think it's okay?
Where is Satellite TV Program Center?
The good things in the TV station are basically all from the cultural program center, even the excellent programs and advanced individuals, most of them belong to the people of the satellite TV program center.

Going to the satellite TV program center is equivalent to entering the center of the TV station. As long as you have the ability, it is equivalent to entering the fast lane of promotion.

Could it be that Xu Jie was dazzled by the award?
"Okay, you can find me whenever you want to go, the door of the satellite TV program center is open to you at any time." Lu Hong had a smile on his face, but he was secretly sighing in his heart.

Not surprisingly, it was rejected again.

Although this is not the first time, I am still a little disappointed in my heart.

But people are like this, the more you can't get something, the more you want to get it.

Seeing that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu was not angry, everyone couldn't help but look at Xu Jie with admiration. Klass is awesome. Anyway, if they were them, they would definitely not dare to refuse Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

Xu Jie nodded. Of course he knew the importance of the satellite TV program center, but he also knew that if he went to the satellite TV program center, wouldn't Lu Hong use him to death?
At the beginning, he chose to come to the art program center because it was very close to the entertainment industry, so she could help Su Yun.

Here, he can concentrate more on his work in theatrical programs, and Director Jiang has given him more freedom. In comparison, Lu Hong is a little bit worse.

Moreover, he already has two programs aired on satellite TV channels, so it doesn't make any sense to go to the satellite TV program center, so why doesn't he stay in the relatively relaxed cultural program center?

Someone who wants to get me?
It's not that easy!


(End of this chapter)

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