Chapter 433
Beijing Radio and Television Station.

The bus drove slowly into the gate and finally stopped in the parking lot.

Xu Jie got out of the car with the three trophies in his arms. Since there was going to be a commendation meeting later, he quickly came to the security room while the others got out of the car.

"Brother Zhou, do you have a plastic bag for me?" Xu Jie asked the security guard.

"Yes." The security guard took out a black plastic bag and handed it over.

"Are there any transparent ones?" Xu Jie asked. He wanted to put the trophies in a plastic bag, but if it was a black plastic bag, who would have known that he had won so many awards?

"No." The security guard shook his head.

After Xu Jie heard it, he had no choice but to take the black plastic bag and put the trophy and certificate in it. Although he couldn't see what was inside, but this way, my mother no longer had to worry about my trophy breaking.

More than 40 people came to the conference room of the TV station. Wang Yuan, the deputy director, congratulated all the winners, and hoped that everyone could make persistent efforts and achieve better results. In short, he said a lot of encouragement, and it was not over until the end of get off work. At first glance, it is congratulations according to the time.

Who says employees are the only ones who rush off work?Leaders are also anxious.

When Xu Jie returned to the art program center, he was surrounded by colleagues who were already dressed and waiting to get off work as soon as he entered the door.

"Director Xu, didn't you go to accept the award? What about the certificate? You don't even have a trophy?" Song Huanhuan said while looking at Director Xu.

One hand is empty, and the other is holding a black plastic bag, the kind that is put on a trash can.

Is it possible that the award trophy was packed in that black plastic bag?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
"Impossible? I remember that there were awards and trophies last year." Qin Yan said after hearing this. She just came back from an interview that day and saw the awards and trophies in the hands of the winners, and she was envious for a long time.

"Yes." Xu Jie lifted the plastic bag in his hand and said, "Here."


Everyone was stunned when they saw it.

Garbage bagged awards and trophies?
Doesn't this take the Capital News Awards seriously?
Song Huanhuan: I still underestimated Director Xu after all!
"Director Xu, quickly show us the trophy." Miao Zhenzhen urged.

"Yes, if I remember correctly, this should be the first time anyone in our art program center has won the Beijing News Award in recent years!" Liu Hua said. Anyway, in the past few years she has worked, she has never seen any I don't know who has won this award before.

"Well, that's right, open your eyes quickly." Others urged.

"it is good!"

Xu Jie reached into the black plastic bag and took out a trophy from it.

Qin Yan was quick-sighted, snatched it up immediately, and read according to the words on it: "The Top Ten People's Livelihood News Awards in Beijing... Eh, isn't it the Beijing News Award?"

"I took it wrong!" Xu Jie said, and then took out another trophy from the plastic bag.

This time, Miao Zhenzhen snatched it away and read it word by word: "The Capital News Award, yes, this is it!"

"Mr. Xu, you won two awards?" Tian Haobo asked, this is a bit awesome.

Xu Jie shook his head.

Everyone was puzzled, they clearly took out two trophies, how could they still deny it?

Song Huanhuan noticed the heavy plastic bag still in Director Xu's hand, and asked curiously, "Director Xu, what else is in your pocket?"

At this time, Xu Jie reached into the plastic bag again and took out the last trophy.

Now everyone is dumbfounded.

Three prizes?
Is this going to accept the award, or is it going to wholesale the trophies?
Song Huanhuan regained consciousness first, grabbed the trophy and looked at it, "The Beijing Internet News Award? What kind of award is this, why have I never heard of it?"

"This is a new award this year." Xu Jie explained.

Xiao Wei reached out and grabbed the black plastic bag in Xu Dao's hand, touched it, reached in, and took out three awards.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw it. If they took out a few more trophies, they would have a heart attack.

"Director Xu, aren't you too awesome? If you don't get an award, you'll be fine. If you win an award, you'll get three. I'm so envious of you. You are my idol." Zhang Tong said loudly.

Awards in the society are very difficult to get, but Director Xu won three in one go, it's like a heifer flying on a plane, awesome!

Others followed suit and nodded.


I have seen award-winning ones, but I have never seen so many won at once. If I didn't know that Director Xu went to accept the award, I would have thought it was bought at the wholesale market to fool people.

"Have you finished reading it? Give it back to me." Xu Jie opened the plastic bag.

Everyone was speechless again after seeing it.

Even if there are too many trophies to hold, can we change the bag?Even if there are only plastic bags, can we change the color?

Plastic bags are not stockings, they look good if they are not black.

Qin Yan couldn't stand it anymore, snatched the black plastic bag from Xu Jie's hand, threw it into the trash can next to it, and then found a shopping bag with a beautiful pattern from the drawer of her station and handed it to Xu Jie.

"Here, use this outfit."

"No need." Xu Jie waved his hand. Now that they have returned to the office safely, the plastic bags have no meaning of existence.

He walked back to his work station, checked the table, and then said to Qin Yan and the others: "Come on, put the trophy here for me."

Qin Yan, Miao Zhenzhen and Song Huanhuan walked over and put the trophy on the desk.

Xu Jie adjusted the angle, then signaled Qin Yan and others to get out of the way, and then asked Tian Haobo who was not far away: "Haobo, can you see it?"

"See what?" Tian Haobo asked suspiciously.

"A trophy." Xu Jie said.

Tian Haobo looked around, and then said: "I can see it, but it's blocked by a partition, so I can only see the upper half."

Xu Jie frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he took out a few books from the drawer and placed them under the trophy. In this way, the trophy grew taller, much higher than the partition.

"How is it now?" Xu Jie asked again.

"Almighty can see." Tian Haobo said.

After Xu Jie heard it, he nodded in satisfaction.

When everyone saw Director Xu's series of actions, they immediately understood the other party's intentions, and they couldn't help thinking: Director Xu, Director Xu, are you spreading hatred?Can you stop being so rambunctious?Is this for fear that others will not know that you have won the award?
"Xu Jie, do you think it's appropriate for you to put the awards you won in the life program center in the art program center?" Qin Yan couldn't help asking.

Xu Jie looked at his co-workers who were staring at each other, and it seemed that the effect of showing off the trophy had been achieved.

But Xuan Guixuan, this kind of innermost thoughts must not be spoken out, otherwise it will become hatred.

"Actually, I am motivating myself." Xu Jie reasoned solemnly: "I must always remind myself that I have not won an award for the Arts Program Center or my program, and I must be more serious in my work in the future. Work harder to make the show better."

Hearing this, the two groups of colleagues in "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk" were all moved, and secretly sighed that Director Xu had a heart.

Xu Jie continued: "Of course, whether a program is good or bad depends on you. After all, we are a team, so I decided that no one should leave after get off work, and stay and work overtime at night."


"Isn't it?"

There was a wailing sound at the scene.

The clothes are already put on, you let us work overtime?
Still not human?
Xu Jie was unmoved. Anyway, "Delicious History" was broadcast tonight. According to the schedule, he was supposed to stay here on duty. He thought: Since you won't make me happy, I can't make you happy either.

"Song Huanhuan, contact Hu Zhen and ask who are the stars who will be collaborating in this episode of the show, and then modify the script according to the style of the actors, adding some emotional dramas that young audiences prefer. Sister Yan, bring someone to go Find out what questions the crew members of the TV series will interview tomorrow, what netizens want to know..." Xu Jie carefully assigned tasks to the two groups.

He did this purely to satisfy everyone, since he couldn't get the award, he had to manage enough work, right?This is also a blessing.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, Director Xu is going to be serious?
No, we want to get ready for get off work, we want to go home, we don't want any blessings.

Seeing that everyone was standing still, Xu Jie pointed to the trophies and asked, "Hey, what do you guys think about putting these three trophies here?"

Everyone looked at each other and said in unison: "Okay!"

"Director Xu, our art program center has never won the Beijing News Award, the Beijing Top Ten People's Livelihood News Award, and the Beijing Internet News Award in the past few years. These awards you have won have filled the gaps in our art program center. You are a hero, and more He is an example for us to learn from." Song Huanhuan said seriously.

"Yes, I want to learn from Teacher Xu and become an excellent person like Teacher Xu in the future." Tian Haobo echoed.

"These three trophies are well placed. They always remind me that only by working hard on the show will I be recognized. I will work hard in this direction." Miao Zhenzhen said solemnly.

The corner of Qin Yan's mouth twitched, looking at the colleagues around her, you guys are changing too fast, right?

Just for not working overtime, not even morals?Can you puff up a little bit.


At this time, the WeChat notification sound reminded her, she took out her mobile phone and looked at WeChat, it was sent by a friend, a best friend celebrated her birthday today, and I made an appointment with my friend this morning to celebrate her best friend’s birthday in the evening.

"Xu Jie, the trophy is an affirmation of you and a spur to us at the same time, so let's put it here!" Qin Yan said without changing her face, and finally bowed her head in reality and succumbed to Xu Jie's lust .

"Yeah!" Xu Jie nodded, and said very satisfied: "Seeing your serious attitude, the work just now must be completed tomorrow. If so, I won't be on duty tonight."

Xu Jie waved his hand.

After everyone heard this, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and they were finally able to get off work.

Next, everyone ran to the door quickly, each faster than the other, just like the [-]-meter race, for fear that Xu Jie would go back on his word and let everyone continue to work overtime.

Xu Jie looked at the backs of everyone, then set his eyes on the trophy.

This is really a good thing!
(End of this chapter)

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