Chapter 434 Found it out
Xu Jie looked at the three trophies on the table happily. This thing is much better than the excellent program award. The excellent program is selected internally by the station, but the three awards in front of him are selected within the city, and the influence is not the same at all. The level, which is more important, is clear at a glance.

The fly in the ointment is that everyone who should be off work has already left work, and those who are on duty at night have also gone to the cafeteria to eat. Now he is the only one in the entire office area of ​​the Art Center, and no one shares the joy of winning with him.

No one, who will show off the prize?
By the way, you can share it with your fans.

Xu Jie also took out the certificates from the drawer, laid them out on the table, then took out his mobile phone, and included the certificates and trophies in the shot
"Xiao Xu, it's great that you're still here!"

At this time, a voice came from the place where the door was entered. Xu Jie turned his head and saw that it was Liu Shengmao, the deputy director.

"Master Liu, why are you here?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously, "Are you here to congratulate me?"

"Congratulations?" Liu Shengmao was taken aback, with some doubts in his eyes.

"Yes." Xu Jie pointed to the trophy on the table, and said with a smile: "I went to the Beijing News Awards Ceremony today, no, I won three awards."

Liu Shengmao looked at the three trophies in a daze.

three?so smart?
If true, it should indeed be congratulated.

But this is a TV station, the other party should not dare to make a trophy to show off.

"Congratulations." Liu Shengmao said, the other party's award is also to add luster to the stage, as the deputy director, he should be encouraged.

"It's nothing, serve the people." Xu Jie said modestly.

Dazzling award +1!

"Master Liu, why are you free to come to our art program center?" Xu Jie asked casually.

"I'm here to find you." Liu Shengmao stared straight at Xu Jie, and being reminded by the other party, he couldn't help thinking of the purpose of coming here today.

"Looking for me again?" Xu Jie frowned first, and then his face showed joy, and asked: "Is there any clue about the selection of excellent programs? Mr. Liu is highly respected, so I knew you would be able to speak up."

Xu Jie seemed to have another trophy and certificate in front of him.

The corner of Liu Shengmao's mouth twitched. He didn't expect the other party to still think about this matter, but after today, this matter has nothing to do with him. Thinking of this, he felt a sense of relief, as if the courage on his shoulders had been removed by someone. gone.

"I came to you this time because the matter of the anonymous report letter has some clues." Liu Shengmao said.

After many days of searching, the person who had been hiding behind the scenes was finally found out.

"Who is it?" Xu Jie gradually put away the smile on his face, and his expression became serious.

He really wanted to know who was framing him behind his back.

"Wang Guofu." Liu Shengmao said, his eyes never moved away from Xu Jie's body, he wanted to know what kind of reaction the other party would have after hearing this name.

"Wang Guofu..." Xu Jie narrowed his eyes, lost in thought.

Liu Shengmao silently observed the young man on the opposite side, looking at his expression, there must be something wrong with this Wang Guofu.

In today's society, peace is the most important thing in everything. If there is no festival, but just envy and jealousy, it is impossible to write an anonymous report letter. Otherwise, the anonymous report letter in his office would not be flying around like snowflakes?

Alas, I don't have to be coerced at last!

Xu Jie thought for a long time, and finally raised his head to look at Liu Shengmao, and asked, "This Wang Guofu... Which department does he belong to?"

That's right!

He mused that it wasn't because he thought of any quarrel with Wang Guofu, but because he didn't remember knowing such a person at all, whether it was a cultural program center or a satellite TV program center, he didn't even think about the life program center where he worked before. I don't remember such a person.

Liu Shengmao swayed and almost fell to the ground.

do not know?
still don't remember?
Otherwise, there are so many employees in Beijing Radio and Television Station, why didn't Wang Guofu report others, but you, Xu Jie?

"Wang Guofu is not from our Beijing Radio and Television Station. He is a film director and a member of the entertainment industry." Liu Shengmao explained.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and after such a reminder, he really remembered that there was such a person.

It was at the end of last year that I accompanied Su Yun to Shenzhou to participate in the film festival. I met such a person at the welcome reception after the film festival. At that time, the other party was chatting with Su Yun. Su Yun was quite indifferent to this person.

Well, I remembered.

It's the guy who's going to cuckold him.

He even threatened to ban Su Yun from the movie industry.

"Him?" Xu Jie frowned tightly.

Is this man mentally ill?
I met him once, and even wrote an anonymous letter to report him a year after the incident. Is there such a sense of presence?
and many more!

If you look at it from another angle, a year has passed, and the other party still cares about that matter, what does that mean?It showed that the other party still didn't give up on Su Yun.

Xu Jie couldn't help but take his mother as the center and relatives as the radius, drawing circles in his heart and cursing Wang Guofu fiercely.

Speaking of which, the other party can be regarded as a respectable person in the entertainment industry, and the most important point is that the other party is a married man, how can he have the face to do such a thing?
Can I have a little face?
Just ask for a little.

"Remember?" Liu Shengmao asked.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded.

"It seems to be a personal grievance, so this matter has nothing to do with me and my department, and you don't come to me after the outstanding program selection." Liu Shengmao said all the words in his heart.

I have been aggrieved for so many days, and now I feel much more comfortable!

Xu Jie looked at Deputy Director Liu, feeling that the other party was waiting for him here, no wonder he came to the Art Center to look for him in person, and it was after get off work, he was anxious to see him, and he was anxious to get rid of the relationship.

Hmph, such a grown-up person, yet so naive, how can it be so easy to separate the relationship?
"Mr. Liu, speaking of which, you are also my leader. I have been bullied like this by outsiders. Why are you so eager to separate yourself from me? Can you show some sympathy?" Xu Jie looked sad and disappointed.

Liu Shengmao was slightly taken aback. He originally wanted to leave, but now he just stayed where he was, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Can you still say that?

Isn't this forcing sex with him?

Personal grievances, do you need Taili to help manage them?
What do you think of the TV station?


Xu Jie saw that Liu Shengmao was silent, so he continued: "Director Liu, your department talked to me without investigating the anonymous report letter, which caused a very bad influence on me in the station. Let the leaders and colleagues misunderstand me, which made me at a disadvantage in the selection of excellent programs, how do you say this?"

"Uh..." Liu Shengmao was stopped by the question.

It turns out that I made things simple.

I thought that the investigation revealed that the whistleblower was an outsider and it was a personal grievance. This matter has nothing to do with him, but from what the other party said, the investigation issue is an investigation issue, and personal grievances are personal grievances. The two cannot be confused.

"Before outsiders and our own people, you choose to trust an outsider instead of an excellent employee. I am so disappointed." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he sighed deeply, but stared at the table on the table. A trophy to prove how good you are.

Liu Shengmao was a little embarrassed when he was told that the leader does not make decisions for his subordinates, so he might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes.

"Also, as the deputy director of the Beijing Radio and Television Station, you are now being tricked by a film director. Can you swallow this breath? Director Liu is really a prime minister who can hold a boat in his stomach." Xu Jie said in a dark voice. Said angrily, obviously, the last sentence was not to praise the other party.

When Liu Shengmao heard this, his face immediately darkened.

It has to be said that what the young man in front of him said made some sense. That Wang Guofu wrote an anonymous report letter and wanted to use his hand to deal with Xu Jie, which obviously didn't take him seriously.

"Forget it, Master Liu has a lot, I'd better deal with it myself." Xu Jie said loudly.

Liu Shengmao glanced at the past, "Master has a lot of these words, why does it sound like he is mocking him?"
"How do you want to solve this matter?" Liu Shengmao asked in a deep voice, and at this moment, there was a fire in his heart.

"How else can it be solved? Of course it's a confession!" Xu Jie spread his hands when he heard it.

"Admit it? You?" Liu Shengmao didn't believe it. The other party dared to threaten him, the deputy director, and confessed to a movie director?Go to the grave and burn newspapers to fool ghosts?
"Yeah, what if you don't admit it? People can write anonymous letters to report me, but I have no place to report him even if I write anonymous letters." Xu Jie said.

The corner of Liu Shengmao's mouth twitched. What he said hurt even him. Doesn't this mean that he is changing his mind and saying that he is working for the tiger and helping the tyrant?

"Hey, aren't you from the Art Program Center? He's from the entertainment circle, so just don't let him appear on the Beijing TV station in the future." Liu Shengmao gave his idea.

To put it simply, it is to block this Wang Guofu from the capital TV station.

Of course, it's too overbearing to say that it's banned, so it's not good to hear, so be more tactful and don't go on TV.

"Oh, Mr. Liu is indeed Mr. Liu, he really thinks of others." After hearing this, Xu Jie said: "That's right, he is a film director, not a TV director. How can he have time to go to our TV station? He shouldn't bother him." He, let him have more time to create film works."

Liu Shengmao looked at the young man who spoke in a strange way, without any accident, he was damaged again!

In fact, he understood what the other party meant, and it was useless to block them in Taiwan, the scope must be expanded.

Liu Shengmao thought for a while, and suddenly felt something was wrong, he opened his mouth and asked, "Do you want to play the trick of borrowing a knife to kill someone like Wang Guofu?"

After hearing this, Xu Jie said: "Master Liu, look at what you said. You are a knife yourself. You can cut whoever you want. It's not like you don't have your own ideas. Besides, am I the same as Wang Guofu? He Writing an anonymous report letter to fool you, I have never caused you any trouble."

Murder with a knife?
What is that.

He wants the knife to cut people by itself!

(End of this chapter)

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