The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 436 Do It Yourself

Chapter 436 Do It Yourself
"Thank you Director Xu for your reminder!" Hu Zhen hurriedly said after being stunned for a while, his voice full of gratitude.

This is no small matter.

If an artist under the company participated in a film directed by Wang Guofu, it would be a big problem whether the filming could be finished, let alone released, if the film was blocked by the Beijing Radio and Television Station. Once the news spread, it would be time to invest I am afraid that both parties will immediately withdraw their capital and stop losses.

For the artist, not only is a lot of time wasted, but even a large part of the salary will be lost, and there will be a vacuum period in the work, and the topic will decrease accordingly, which will affect the popularity of the artist.

"It's nothing, but you can't tell others that I told you. Our deputy director Liu is also a shameless person." Xu Jie reminded.

"Understood, I will definitely not speak out." After hearing this, Hu Zhen seriously assured that even if he borrowed his courage, he would not dare to speak out. At that time, he will be banned.

"Okay, I'll have someone contact you tomorrow to sign the contract." Xu Jie said.

"Yes, yes, by the way, Director Xu, can I ask you a question?" Hu Zhen asked softly.

People are curious, and he is no exception.

"Go ahead."

"Hey, why did Wang Guofu provoke Deputy Director Liu?" Hu Zhen asked.

He knew that Deputy Director Liu was in charge of discipline inspection in Beijing Radio and Television Station. The network of people in the system is very wide.

Don't ask him how he knows this, in his line of work, the relevant leaders have to understand clearly, otherwise they won't know which gods he will offend in the future.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't!" Xu Jie said coldly.

Hu Zhen's heart trembled, listening to the voice, it was a big deal.

"Director Xu, I'm actually not curious, I just want to learn some lessons from it and avoid repeating Wang Guofu's mistakes." Hu Zhen said.

In the past, one mouthful was Wang Dao, but now it directly becomes Wang Guofu.

Man, it's so real.

The entertainment industry is a vanity fair, those who go up are praised by everyone, and those who go down are trampled on.

"He created something out of nothing, framed Zhongliang, and feared that the world would not be chaotic!" Xu Jie said in a deep voice.

"Ah?" Hu Zhen was taken aback. What he said sounded like Qin Hui?

"Okay, I won't say anything else, you can figure it out." Xu Jie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Hu Zhen sat in his original position in a daze, and it took him a while to come back to his senses. He picked up the phone on the desk and said, "Check the artists under the company, is there anyone who is cooperating with director Wang Guofu? If you are cooperating, find a reason." Leave, if there is cooperation in the future, temporarily cancel the cooperation..."

figure it out?
It must be done quickly!
One side is the deputy director of Beijing Radio and Television Station, and the other side is the film director. There is no need to think about choosing between the two.

In his opinion, this is a question of giving points.

He doesn't need to cooperate with Wang Guofu. With so many directors, who is it not to cooperate with?But there is only one Beijing Radio and Television Station.

For example, the current cooperation with Director Xu, if he continues to cooperate with Wang Guofu without understanding, then the cooperation with Director Xu will basically come to an end.

He even felt that Director Xu's phone call just now was to talk about Wang Guofu.

Director Xu, thank you for your reminder, I take this love!


After Xu Jie called Hu Zhen, he played another number, this time it was Liu Jinghua.

Deputy Director Wang started from the top, so he has to start from the bottom. There are no actors to cooperate with, and he is isolated by the actors. Let's see how that Wang Guofu still makes movies!
"Director Xu, hello!"

Seeing that it was Xu Jie's number, Liu Jinghua connected to the phone immediately. Recently, a TV series with many artists under the company will be broadcast on the stars. She naturally hopes to be able to promote it on "Deep Talk on Film and Television". The impact is obvious to all.

"Mr. Liu, I want to ask you something. Is He Jingjing an artist of your company?" Xu Jie asked.

"Yes, it's an artist from our prosperous brokerage company. What happened?" Liu Jinghua asked nervously. After Su Yun's official announcement of her marriage, He Jingjing became the company's favorite and is also the company's first sister.

If the question just now was asked from someone else, she would think it was cooperation, but when it came from Xu Jie, she was very nervous, after all, one is the current first sister and the other is the husband of the former one.

"Oh, it's nothing. I saw an email in the work mailbox of "In-depth Film and Television Talk". There is a TV drama crew called "Brilliant Life" who wants to come to our show. I saw the name of He Jingjing among the leading actors, so I want to ask Please confirm." Xu Jie said lightly.

"That's right, He Jingjing has indeed starred in a modern urban drama called "Brilliant Life". The premiere is scheduled for the first week of next month. Please take care of Director Xu." Liu Jinghua said politely.

"I just read the content that was sent, and it's pretty good. Since it's the first week of next month, I'll arrange the interview for the last week of this month." Xu Jie said.

"Thank you, thank you Director Xu." Liu Jinghua said happily.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Do you know Director Wang Guofu?" Xu Jie asked.

"I know, of course I know, and our relationship is still very good. We have cooperated many times. His current wife used to be an artist of our prosperous company." Liu Jinghua said with a smile.

Subconsciously, she felt that it was a good thing when Director Xu mentioned He Jingjing, so it must be a good thing when he mentioned Wang Guofu.

"Is that so..." Xu Jie frowned.

Liu Jinghua smiled, but the smile froze on his face.

Although she didn't see Xu Jie's expression at the moment, she heard the "Ah" just now dragged on for two or three seconds, and the voice became smaller and smaller. It seemed to contain hesitation and embarrassment. It was obviously not a good thing to say. , as if there was something hard to say.

Liu Jinghua's heart skipped a beat, did something happen to Wang Guofu?No way, the two had been in contact on the phone a few days ago, and it was confirmed that He Jingjing would be the heroine in the next film directed by the other party. With Wang Guofu as a first-line director, maybe He Jingjing could fight for an award or something.

"Director Xu, what happened to Director Wang Guofu?" Liu Jinghua hurriedly asked after recovering.

"Is he an artist from your company?" Xu Jie asked without answering the other party's question.

"No." Liu Jinghua said, although Director Wang Guofu is not an artist of the company, but the relationship is very close.

"That's good. It doesn't matter if I trouble you, just don't trouble my wife." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Liu Jinghua swallowed unconsciously after hearing this, and according to the other party's point of view, Wang Guofu not only had an accident, but also a big accident was going to happen.

"Director Xu, what happened? Could it be that he was arrested?" Liu Jinghua said while watching the news online.

Now celebrities are detained every now and then, so when she heard about Wang Guofu's accident, her first thought was to be arrested.

She found the entertainment section, and there was no news about Wang Guofu's arrest, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"He offended Deputy Director Liu of our station." Xu Jie said.

"What?" When Liu Jinghua heard it, his heart came into his throat again.

Offended the deputy director of Beijing Radio and Television Station?This is not much worse than being caught.

"As far as I know, he has been shooting movies on the set recently, how could he offend Deputy Director Liu?" Liu Jinghua asked in confusion.

"Hehe, you have to ask him about this kind of thing, don't you have a good relationship with him?" Xu Jie asked.

"Cough, it's just familiar, not very good." Liu Jinghua explained.

"Isn't Wang Guofu's wife an artist in your company?"

"It used to be, but it's not anymore."

"Our Beijing Radio and Television Station will no longer cooperate with Wang Guofu. You just need to know about this matter. Don't spread it around, let alone say that I said it." Xu Jie was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait, Director Xu, don't hang up the phone yet, can I ask why? Where did he offend Deputy Director Liu?" Liu Jinghua asked.

"Go and ask our Deputy Director Liu." Xu Jie said, "By the way, I heard that Wang Guofu pursued my wife. Is there such a thing?"

"Ah? This..." Liu Jinghua panicked, thinking how could Director Xu know about this?Could it be that Su Yun told him?
"Wang Guofu is a married man, you know him so well, didn't you remind him?" Xu Jie asked again.

"I, I said it, but he didn't listen, and I can't help it." Liu Jinghua explained in a panic.

"Mr. Liu, you and Wang Guofu should take care of ourselves." Xu Jie directly hung up the phone this time.

"Director Xu, hello, Director Xu..."

Liu Jinghua was at a loss.

Suddenly, too suddenly.

There were no signs or rumors before.

She has always felt that she is a good ear in the entertainment industry, and there is nothing that can be hidden from her, but now there is another one.

Why "again"?
Because the last time it was Su Yun and Director Xu who received the certificate.

Liu Jinghua found Wang Guofu's mobile phone number in the address book, and was about to call the other party to ask how he had offended Deputy Director Liu, but he hung up immediately after dialing.

No, this number cannot be made right now. If you call, you will be tipping off the news, and if you call, you will be an accomplice.

Even director Xu, a program director of Beijing Radio and Television Station, can't afford to provoke him, let alone the deputy director.

Thinking of Director Xu's last "I'll do it for myself", it seems like another warning, and there seems to be something in the words.

Good for yourself?

Nobody wants to be nice.

What to do?You must not stand with the bad guys, and you have to draw a clear line.

Who are the bad guys?

It must be Wang Guofu.


It's over, the heroine that He Jingjing managed to win over is gone.

No, it's not about the heroine right now, it's about getting rid of the relationship quickly!

Temporarily suspend all cooperation.


Xu Jie's phone call continued.

"Hey, is this Zheng Wu? Have you cooperated with Wang Guofu recently? As long as you haven't, it's fine, you'll know in two days..."

"Miss Zhou, I heard that you are working with director Wang Guofu recently? No? Maybe I misheard, just pay attention, because Wang Fuguo..."


(End of this chapter)

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