Chapter 437 Nothing!

On Wednesday, when Xu Jie came to the unit, he saw Director Jiang's car driving into the parking lot as soon as he got out of the car. He stood there and waited for a while until Director Jiang got out of the car, and then walked over quickly.

"Director, good morning!" Xu Jie greeted politely.

"Morning." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

He noticed the thin down jacket on Xu Jie's body. He remembered seeing it when he was shopping with his wife last year. It cost more than 3 yuan and he was reluctant to buy it.

And this business handbag is more expensive than clothes, it seems to cost more than 4.

"Well, it looks like a rich second generation." Jiang Hai nodded.

"Director, don't make fun of me." Xu Jie said after hearing this, he knew what the director was referring to.

The clothes and bags were bought by Su Yun last year for him to use in acting. They have been in the closet for almost a year. It is a waste to store such expensive things. It happened that the temperature has dropped recently, so he took them out to wear.

"No, I think you are very good now, and you have to show your strength so that others won't underestimate you." Jiang Hai said seriously.

Speaking of "Small View", Xu Jie suddenly remembered what happened last night, so he said, "Director, I have something to report to you."

After all, the other party is also his immediate boss, so he should tell the other party about such a big matter.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hai asked as he walked into the building.

As soon as Xu Jie opened his mouth, someone greeted him.

"Good morning, Director Jiang."

"Morning Director Jiang, morning Teacher Xu."

Xu Jie looked at the people around him, hesitant to speak, because the content involved Deputy Director Liu and banning, which was more sensitive and not easy to be heard by outsiders.

Jiang Hai quickly understood Xu Jie's meaning, patted the other party's shoulder, and said, "Go to my office and talk again."


Xu Jie followed Director Jiang to the other party's office.

After closing the door, he looked at Director Jiang and said, "Director, after get off work last night, Deputy Director Liu came to me and said that he had found out who wrote the anonymous report letter."

Jiang Hai was taking off his coat, when he heard Xu Jie's words, he stopped immediately.

"Oh? Who?"

He seemed to have found out the traitor a long time ago.

"Wang Guofu!" Xu Jie replied.

"Wang Guofu?" Jiang Hai repeated, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He was trying to recall the names of all the staff members of the Arts Program Center in his mind, but after searching for a long time, he still didn't remember that he had such a person under his command.

"Is there someone named Wang Guofu in our program center?" Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie suspiciously and asked, "I think of a director, and that director's name is Wang Guofu."

"It's him!" Xu Jie said.


Jiang Hai looked astonished. He thought it was the same name and surname just now, but he didn't expect it to be the director Wang Guofu.

"How could it be him?" Jiang Hai asked puzzled.

The other party is a film director, and Xu Jie works in a TV station, so he can't beat him. Why did the other party report Xu Jie?
and many more!

Wouldn't it be that Wang Guofu wanted to appear on "In-depth Film and Television Talk" to promote the new movie, if Xu Jie didn't agree, so he became angry and wrote an anonymous report letter?

This is such a big deal, the other party is a first-line domestic director anyway, so he wouldn't do such a despicable and shameless thing, right?If this is the case, then the other party really damages the reputation of a great director.

"Hey, as far as I know, Wang Guofu has thoughts about my wife." Xu Jie said.


"There was before, and there is now."

"Isn't Wang Guofu married?" Jiang Hai frowned, probably Wang Guofu was jealous when he saw the big diamond ring Su Yun was wearing in the news, so he wrote the report letter.

"That's why it's hateful!" Xu Jie said through gritted teeth.

Looking at Xu Jie's angry look, Jiang Hai could fully understand the other party's feelings.

A married man has thoughts about a married woman, but also uses anonymous letters to report the husband of the married woman, which is despicable enough, shameless enough, and shameless enough.

As a director, if you don't film well and think about potential actresses all day long, it's simply morally corrupt.

"It's horrible, what are you going to do?" Jiang Hai was full of anger. Although he wasn't pursuing his wife, he couldn't mess up the outstanding program award.

"Vice Director Liu was very angry and decided that Beijing Radio and Television Station would not invite Wang Guofu to participate in any programs in the future. He also planned to talk to some old friends about Wang Guofu's behavior tonight. The spirit has been conveyed to the management companies of Liu Jinghua and Hu Zhen, as well as some artists who have worked with them..." Xu Jie said in a straightforward manner, not hiding anything.

When Jiang Hai heard this, two words first came to mind: ban.


It's alright for you to make trouble in the film industry, but you still want to make trouble in Beijing Radio and Television Station, can this be lightly forgiven?
In front of the actors and the audience, you are a great director, you are awesome, but in front of Beijing Radio and Television Station, you are nothing.

"How can two agencies be enough? If you want to notify, notify all the entertainment agencies in Beijing." Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, don't worry, I will definitely seek justice for you in this matter!"

"Director, don't get me wrong, I didn't ask you to use your connections to block Wang Guofu." Xu Jie quickly explained.

"I know, do you have anything else to do? Go back to work if you have nothing to do." Jiang Hai said.

"Then, Director, I'm leaving." Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang, turned and left the office.

Jiang Hai was very angry.

The person who moved me and ruined my good deeds, still want to act like a normal person?
How can it be!

He took out his mobile phone, found a number in the address book, and dialed it.

"Hey, Mr. Sun, it's nothing. I just want to tell you that when you cooperate with others to make movies in the future, you must pay attention to it. Find more people who are both virtuous and talented. People with corrupt morals like Wang Guofu must be cautious..."

"Old Cai, the higher ups have been demanding to purify the unhealthy atmosphere in the entertainment industry for the past few years. Your entertainment company must keep up with the pace and draw a clear line from those who are morally dishonorable and pious, such as Wang Guofu..."


Jiang Hai has worked in the Beijing Radio and Television Station for more than 20 years. He can't be regarded as a hand-eye in the Beijing circle, but he has also accumulated a wide network of contacts in the entertainment circle over the past 20 years, which is unmatched by other people in the station.

As long as a celebrity wants to appear on the program of Beijing TV Station, his name will appear in the staff list. Just ask his phone number, who will not give face?
If only a small group of people in the entertainment circle in Beijing knew about it last night, then everyone will know about it today.

When Xu Jie returned to his work station, Deputy Director Liu and Director Jiang were present. Wang Guofu might not be able to eat as a film director for long in the future.

However, this old boy is despicable and shameless, will he jump over the wall in a hurry?

Well, it is possible!
Xu Jie thought of Su Yun who was far away in Hengdian, and couldn't help feeling a little worried. He took out his mobile phone and called the driver Zhou Chengqiang, because the other party was not only the driver, but also Su Yun's bodyguard.

"Mr. Xu, hello."

The phone is on.

"Brother Qiang, how is my wife doing?" Xu Jie asked.

"Boss, she's fine, she hasn't been injured again." Zhou Chengqiang answered truthfully while looking at the boss on the set.

Speaking of which, Teacher Xu seems to have just left for a few days, and will be coming again in two days. Is it necessary to make this call?

"It's good that you're not injured." Xu Jie said, "Brother Qiang, you've been driving my wife for a few years, right?"

Zhou Chengqiang was taken aback. According to his years of experience in watching TV dramas, conversations that started in this way often talked about bad things, such as salary cuts and dismissals.

He couldn't help thinking about his recent work, as if there was nothing incompetent about it.

"Brother Qiang, my wife hates having a group of people around her, so her safety depends on you." Xu Jie continued.

Zhou Chengqiang was shocked, and he understood that the boss's horse must have been frightened last time, and he didn't go to save it, so Teacher Xu was very angry.

"Mr. Xu, I will definitely pay attention to those horses in the future." Zhou Chengqiang said.

"Who made you pay attention to horses? I mean to make you pay attention to people." Xu Jie said.

Zhou Chengqiang had a question mark on his head, pay attention to people?Pay attention to who?
"Mr. Xu, I don't study much, can you be more straightforward?"

"You have been in the company for so long, you should know Wang Guofu's name?" Xu Jie asked.

"I know, the boss has also participated in a movie made by Director Wang." Zhou Chengqiang thought for a while and said.

"You must have heard about his pursuit of your boss, right?" Xu Jie asked again.

"Cough, yes, yes." Zhou Chengqiang said in a low voice. As someone close to the boss, how could he not know?I have heard many calls from Director Wang alone.

"Wang Guofu is going to be blocked, it has something to do with me, and I don't know if he will jump the wall in a hurry, so you have to pay attention to my wife's safety, especially when Wang Guofu appears, do you understand what I mean?" Xu Jie asked road.

"Understood!" Zhou Chengqiang immediately assured, "Mr. Xu, don't worry, I will never let Wang Guofu get close to the boss."

"Well, tell Huang Xiaorong about it, so she can feel a little better." Xu Jie said, after all, Zhou Chengqiang is a man and also works part-time as a driver, so he can't stay by Su Yun's side all the time. At this time, Huang Xiaorong's importance is revealed. sex.

"Yes, Teacher Xu."

Xu Jie found Director Zhang Weiqiang's cell phone number, and was about to tell him as well, but depending on the time, the other party should be filming at this time, so he called Gao Xiaobin instead, since the other party has also been on the set.

"Mr. Gao, good morning."

"Morning, Teacher Xu."

"Mr. Gao, I would like to trouble you. If Wang Guofu appears on the set in the future, he must not be allowed to approach Su Yun." Xu Jie said.

Gao Xiaobin's heart tightened, and he thought: Does Mr. Xu know that Wang Guofu is interested in Su Yun?
This matter is not a secret in the circle. It has been several years. Of course, it has always been unilaterally done by Wang Guofu, and Su Yun's attitude of rejection has always been very clear.

"Ms. Xu, just put your mind at ease. Su Yun's feelings for you are real, and anyone can see it." Gao Xiaobin comforted him.

"I know, the main reason is to prevent Wang Guofu from hurting my wife, he will be blocked." Xu Jie said.

"What?" Gao Xiaobin was startled.

Wang Guofu is a first-line director in China, so if he is banned, he will be banned?

When I checked my phone this morning, I didn't see this news.

Is it because of pestering Su Yun?
Teacher Xu, you are amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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