Chapter 438
A studio on the west side of Hengdian Film and Television City.

What is being filmed here is director Wang Guofu's latest work "Knife of Anger". This is a costume movie with many popular first-tier and second-tier stars.

"Stop, that's good. The actors rest first and prepare for the next scene." Wang Guofu shouted, then looked at the monitor and watched the fighting scene just now again.

The assistants hurried forward and took the props from their own celebrities. After the celebrities sat down, some offered water, some wiped their sweat, and some massaged them.

"Ring bell bell!"

The cell phone of the actor Wang Zihao rang, and the assistant looked at the caller ID, and immediately handed the cell phone to the celebrity.

"Zihao, it's Mr. Sun."

President Sun is Sun Xiang, the general manager of Jiayi Film Co., Ltd., not only Wang Zihao's boss, but also Wang Zihao's backer.

Wang Zihao connected the phone, put it to his ear, and asked respectfully, "Mr. Sun, what's the matter?"

"Where are you?" Sun Xiang asked.

"I'm on the set here in Hengdian." Wang Zihao replied, but he was very strange. The company is one of the investors of this movie, and as the general manager of the company, how could Mr. Sun not know where he is?I remember when the opening ceremony of the movie was held, Mr. Sun came.

"Is it Wang Guofu's movie?" Sun Xiang asked again.

"Yes." Wang Zihao thought to himself: Isn't this asking knowingly?
"Find a reason and go back to the company immediately." Sun Xiang said, with an orderly tone in his voice.

Wang Zihao was stunned, and the water glass in his other hand fell to the ground, and the water in it splashed his shoes.

When the assistant at the side saw it, he immediately picked up the water glass, and then used a towel to polish the shoes. This is a costume, and I will need it later for filming.

Wang Zihao waved his hand at the assistant, indicating that there is no need to wipe it first, then got up and walked to an inconspicuous corner, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Sun, what happened to the company?"

Listening to Mr. Sun's tone, it is very serious, and it seems that the matter is very serious.

Is there a tax problem?
"An accident happened to Wang Guofu."

"Wang, something happened to Director Wang?" Wang Zihao looked back at the director not far away, and said, "No, he's on our set, it's good."

"Wang Guofu has offended someone who shouldn't be offended. Someone wants to block him. The phone call has already come to me. The company has decided to withdraw its investment from the movie "Rage Knife". Come back quickly." Sun Xiang hung up after finishing speaking. phone.

Wang Zihao looked at the phone in a daze, his eyes full of disbelief.


Someone wants to ban director Wang Guofu?
Director Wang is a first-line director in China, and he has won many awards. How can he say that he was banned when he said he was banned?Which god did he offend, even Mr. Sun dared not listen?

What does divestment mean?
It means that the tens of millions invested in filming before will be in vain. To put it bluntly, you can still see a few splashes in vain, but now you can't see anything.

Dry compensation!

"Zihao, the next scene is about to start."

The assistant came over to remind me.

Wang Zihao looked at the assistant, and then at the direction of the crew. In fact, he had always wanted to cooperate with director Wang Guofu, but he dared not refuse to obey the boss's order.

Besides, banning is not a trivial matter, even if he finishes making this movie, it probably won't be able to be released.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, then returned to the crew, walked up to director Wang Guofu, and said, "Director Wang, something happened to my family, and I need to go back and deal with it quickly."

He found a random reason, he can't say that you have offended someone, you are about to be blocked, so bye bye.


Wang Guofu frowned when he heard it, it was so sudden that he was a little caught off guard.

With such a large crew, the daily expenses are very high. Even if the work is temporarily suspended, does the venue have to spend money?The wages of the staff should be paid as well, right?

The most important thing is that it delayed the progress of the shooting and disrupted all the previous plans.

"What happened at home?" Wang Guofu asked.

If there is something really wrong, it’s not that you can’t give the other party a lie. At worst, shoot other people’s scenes first, but if it’s for commercials or attending commercial events, he absolutely doesn’t allow it. It’s too disrespectful. Saying it for a few days is considered respect, isn't it?

"Director Wang, I'll tell you when I come back." Wang Zihao gritted his teeth and hurried towards the nanny's car.

Wang Guofu's face darkened in an instant, what did he think of me here?Come when you want, leave when you want?

The other actors present were all surprised and dissatisfied with Wang Zihao's sudden departure.

Are you busy?We are not busy?

What about you?Are we all right?
Who is not a wrist?Who doesn't have a business event to attend?But didn't everyone come here to film?

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, the cell phone of the heroine Jiang Yan also rang, and when she saw that it was a call from her manager, she immediately connected the call.

"Sister Fei, this Wang Zihao is too outrageous, isn't he? Just walk away, he has no professional ethics at all, leaving the whole crew here, such an irresponsible person, I will never talk to him again in the future We have cooperated." Jiang Yan complained.

"Wang Zihao left the film crew?" Chen Fei asked.

"Yes." Jiang Yan said dissatisfied.

"Why did you leave?" Chen Fei asked.

"I don't know, what happened at home, I have to go back and deal with it." Jiang Yan said truthfully.

"You also leave quickly."


Jiang Yan was in a daze. She had just finished complaining and scolded Wang Zihao for his lack of professional ethics. Why did she learn from Wang Zihao in a blink of an eye?Isn't this the same as slapping yourself in the face?

"Hurry up, come back to me." Jiang Yan urged.

"Why?" Jiang Yan was puzzled, there must be a reason for everything, and now there is no reason, even if it is a manager, it doesn't have to listen.

Besides, the agent is just an agent, and there is a film and television company on it. That is the real funder. For such a big matter, at least let the funder's father know, right?

"Wang Guofu offended someone, and Beijing began to block him. Otherwise, why do you think Wang Zihao left suddenly? He must have received the news. In addition, this is the boss's intention. I am just in charge of spreading the word." Chen Fei explained.

Jiang Yan was shocked.

Beijing circle wants to block Wang Guofu?
Big news, absolutely big news.

Usually, there are two kinds of common bans, one is that the entire entertainment industry bans bad artists, and the other is the company’s ban on artists under its banner, which is also called cold storage, but it is rare for a circle to ban a person like today .

It seems that the person Wang Guofu offended was not only from the entertainment circle in Beijing, but also a big boss in the entertainment circle in Beijing, otherwise the entire entertainment circle in Beijing would not be so united.

You must know that banning this kind of thing does not mean that whoever says to ban it, others will follow suit. At the very least, there must be a popular appeal, or power that makes people have to be afraid.

"Attention everyone, ignore Wang Zihao first." Wang Guofu turned his head, looked at Jiang Yan and said, "Jiang Yan, shoot your scene first."

Jiang Yan: "..."

She hesitated for a while, and finally stood up, and said embarrassedly: "Director Wang, something happened to my family."


Wang Guofu was stunned, the assistant director was dumbfounded, and the surrounding actors were all stunned.

At this time, there is only one thought in everyone's mind: Are the male and female protagonists from the same family?

Otherwise, why is it such a coincidence that something happened at home at the same time?

and many more!

I usually see two people facing each other with swords in front of the camera, and fighting behind the camera, these two will not go on a date, will they?
Could it be that the opponent just acted too deeply, the hormones in the body suddenly erupted, and he had to find a place to vent?
This is the crew, can you keep a low profile.

The corner of Wang Guofu's mouth twitched again and again, the male lead left, and now the female lead is leaving too, what should he film?A supporting role?
"Director Wang!" The second female number Cao Xinxin walked over slowly, lowered her head and said, "Just now I received a call from my mother. My father is in the hospital. I have to go back and see my father."

Wang Guofu's face instantly changed to that of fried pork liver.

what is it today?
Is it because God has trouble with him, or with the crew?
At this time, the assistant director on the side touched Wang Guofu with his elbow.

Wang Guofu turned his head sullenly, and asked angrily, "What are you doing?"

The assistant director pointed in the direction of the actors.

Wang Guofu looked over, and there were two more actors answering the phone, and their expressions were surprisingly the same, first shocked, then embarrassed, and then they all looked at him in unison, with evasive eyes.

what's the situation?
Is everything negotiated?

Are these actors trying to have a party behind his back?
Are you here to make a movie, or to play?Can we be a little more serious?
Although everyone is very tired after shooting a lot these days, it's not like a collective strike, right?
"Okay, okay, rest for two days." Wang Guofu said impatiently: "If you have something to do, go to work quickly, and you must come back to me the day after tomorrow."

The actors who received the call breathed a sigh of relief. They were worried that they didn't know what reason to use to deal with Director Wang. Now they could finally leave in a fair manner. As for returning the day after tomorrow, it was impossible.

The crew is done and the actors are disbanded.

Some actors who did not receive the call were very curious, what happened to these first-tier and second-tier stars?Why do you have to leave one by one?
They obviously belong to different companies, or even different circles, why are they so united all of a sudden?

"Brother Zhao, wait." A female No. [-] catches up to the male No. [-].

"Why?" the second male asked.

Female No. [-] blushed, looked around, and whispered shyly: "I hate it, it's okay to be so direct, but you have to tell me why you all have to leave?"

The male number two was startled, but he didn't expect that he would ask about his luck when he asked casually. He looked at the graceful figure of the female number four, swallowed involuntarily, and then whispered: "Director Wang Guofu has an accident, and I still want to work in Beijing in the future." If you are a gangster, stay away from him."

"What happened?" Female number four asked.

"Go to my room and I'll tell you slowly."


(End of this chapter)

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