The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 439 God of Plague?

Chapter 439 God of Plague?

When Wang Guofu returned to the hotel where he was staying, the more he thought about today's events, the angrier he became. Delaying the progress of filming was a small thing, but a big damage to his prestige in the crew.

The movie is only half shot. If the actors "strike" like today, how can the movie continue to be shot?How can he be a director?
Wang Guofu clenched his fist tightly, with blue blood vessels protruding from the back of his hand, but after a while, he slowly loosened his fist, followed by a deep sigh, with a bit of helplessness in his voice.


Today's movies sell stars, no matter how exciting the story is, there is a huge difference in the final box office between first-tier stars and third-tier stars.

In this era where traffic is king, no matter how big a director is, he has to cater to the market. May I ask which big director doesn't have a big star in his work?This also produces the so-called star power, such as arriving late and leaving early, bringing in a screenwriter to modify the script, etc. How many directors dare to use newcomers or unknown actors?

Even he can't help it.

Who made these actors all big stars, and they all have backers behind them?
"I don't want to, go drink!"

Wang Guofu took a coat, put on a peaked cap and left the room.

He doesn't have many hobbies, drinking is one of them.

Most people in this line of work never leave their bodies with alcohol and tobacco.

He has a general feeling for cigarettes, but he likes to drink, and he likes to drink a little when he has nothing to do.

Li Baidou's hundred poems on wine, how can he have creative inspiration if he doesn't drink alcohol?The same is true for Shixian, let alone a mortal like him?
Wang Guofu came to the room of an assistant director and knocked on the door.


Since it is drinking, you must find a companion. Drinking alone is called boredom, and drinking by two is called boredom.

"Who is it?"

There was a question in the room, and then the door opened. When the assistant director saw the person standing outside the door, he immediately showed a surprised expression on his face, accompanied by a bit of panic.

"Wang, Director Wang? Why are you here?"

"Looking for a place to drink together?" Wang Guofu said as he walked into the room.

The assistant director panicked even more, hurriedly followed and said, "Director Wang, let's forget about it today."

When Wang Guofu came to the house, he was stunned when he saw the suitcase on the ground and the clothes on the bed. After a while, he looked back at the assistant director, frowned and asked, "Is there something wrong with your family?"

"Yes, yes." The assistant director panicked.

Wang Guofu stared intently at the assistant director in front of him, he couldn't do anything to the actor, could he not do anything to the assistant director?In a hurry, he immediately kicked out the crew, but before that, he had to ask clearly what was going on.

"What's the matter with you? Don't tell me that your father is also hospitalized." Wang Guofu said coldly, the reason that the previous female number one used.

"My dad is not in the hospital." The assistant director immediately said, how can he curse his father, he can't do such a thing, "My third uncle is in the hospital."

In fact, he didn't have any third master at all, he was just looking for a reason, cursing relatives who don't exist is not considered wicked.

"Isn't your third uncle Jiang Yan's father?" Wang Guofu asked.

"No, my third master is the third master, and has nothing to do with Jiang Yan." The assistant director quickly explained.

Wang Guofu frowned tightly when he heard it, even if he answered to go home to see his wife, he could accept it, but the reason of hospitalization sounds too perfunctory.

Why, all the relatives of the crew were hospitalized in an accident on the same day?This is too coincidental, right?


In the past, the actors had to leave the crew one after another, and now even the assistant director has to leave. It is definitely not as simple as a relative being hospitalized.

Collusion, yes, must be collusion.

"Say, what's the matter?" Wang Guofu asked coldly, with a bit of anger in his brows.

I have been a director for so many years, and I have never encountered such a thing.

The assistant director looked distressed, looked left and right, but didn't look at Wang Guofu, and thought to himself: "Let's go, let's go, let's go."

After a while, Wang Guofu still stood where he was, showing no intention of leaving.

However, the assistant director was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, looking at the clock on the wall from time to time. As time went on, the anxiety on his face became more and more obvious.

It's been 7 minutes. If outsiders find out, how can I hang out in the capital film and television industry in the future?
"Director Wang, I really have something to do, so you can go first." The assistant director couldn't help asking, and his voice became louder, completely opposite to the respectful and reverent these days.

Wang Guofu was stunned.

It is said that this is not the first time that the two have worked together, and the other party dared to speak like that, it was like eating a bear's heart and leopard's guts.

"Speak clearly, and I'll let you go." Wang Guofu said coldly.

The assistant director couldn't bear it anymore, gritted his teeth for the last time, and asked, "Director Wang, have you offended anyone recently?"

Wang Guofu was stunned, and asked in confusion: "Where did you say that? I've been on the set to make movies recently, and it's not like you don't know about it."

The assistant director thought, I stay with you during the day, who knows where you go at night?

"Director Wang, I just received a call from an acquaintance. The Beijing entertainment industry is blocking you." The assistant director said.

Wang Guofu was stunned for a moment, and after recovering, he couldn't help swearing.


If something really happened, it should be banned by the entire entertainment circle, how could there be a ban from the entertainment circle in Beijing?Besides, he did not break the law when he made his films, so why ban him?
"Director Wang, it's true. Otherwise, why do you think Wang Zihao, Jiang Yan and the others left suddenly? I guess they must have received instructions from the people behind them. Of course, this is just my guess. Don't say I told you Yours." The assistant director said worriedly.

He knew that he shouldn't tell Wang Guofu about this, but there was nothing he could do if the other party stayed in the room.

Wang Guofu thought about it carefully, and the assistant director's words were not impossible. Speaking of which, before today, those actors were still very polite to him, and no one had ever played a big game in front of him.

"Who wants to block me?" Wang Guofu asked suspiciously.

"I don't know." The assistant director shook his head.

Don't say he doesn't know about this kind of thing, even if he knew, he wouldn't say it, no, he didn't dare to say it.

Wang Guofu walked back and forth in the room. Although he is not from the Beijing circle, he has been very close to the Beijing circle in recent years. Not only did he take on the films of the Beijing circle, but most of the actors used them. The person recommended by the Beijing circle, why did he suddenly want to block him?I can't understand it at all.

He looked at the assistant director who was at a loss, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't you planning to come back after you leave?"

The assistant director didn't answer, just smiled awkwardly, thinking: You have been blocked, why should I come back?Fight the Landlord with you?Ask knowingly.

Wang Guofu sighed and walked out the door.

Now that the other party has decided to leave, he may not be able to keep someone if he wants to.

When he came to the corridor, he happened to see a person walking into the elevator with a suitcase. If he read it correctly, it seemed to be a camera.

And the other party seemed to have seen him, and walked very fast.

The camera is gone too?
Is the cast really going to break up?
Wang Guofu felt that he was like a plague god now, and anyone who saw it would hide away.

At this moment, he was completely out of the mood to drink, and just wanted to quickly find out what happened.

Go back to the room.

Wang Guofu took out his mobile phone and called a good friend in the Beijing circle.


The phone went through, but no one answered.

Oh, I remembered, I am now the God of Plague!

Wang Guofu was very helpless, and finally had to call his wife Feng Liyun.

"Hey, Liyun, I was banned from the entertainment industry in Beijing. Do you know about this? No? I heard from an assistant director in the crew. Now that the actors and cameras are gone, the film is afraid I can't continue filming, so hurry up and ask those old friends, who is going to block me, I'll wait for your call."

It's inconvenient for him to ask about this matter now, even if he did, I'm afraid no one would answer him.

Speaking of these years, he personally banned some actors, and even threatened some actors. The common characteristic of these actors is that they don’t listen to him, and then they are rejected by him and his network. Some are struggling in the entertainment industry. Live the days of supporting roles, and some have quit the entertainment industry to engage in other jobs.

He came to the window and looked at the street outside. He didn't expect that he would have such a day. Could it be that this is the so-called cycle of karma and unhappiness of retribution?
But who did he offend?Who has such a great ability that the entire Beijing entertainment industry is blocking him?

A few minutes later, the phone rang, and he looked at the caller ID, it was his wife calling.

"Have you heard?"

"Well, the Beijing Radio and Television Station wants to block you, saying that you offended Deputy Director Liu, how did you offend him?" Feng Liyun asked anxiously.

When she married Wang Guofu, who was ten years older, she took a fancy to the other party's status as a great director. When she married the other party, she was the director's wife. The dream is over.

"Vice Director Liu? You mean Liu Shengmao? I haven't even met him, how could I offend him? Who are you asking? Is there a mistake?" Wang Guofu felt that the news his wife had heard was too unreliable. Well, he is a film director, and Liu Shengmao is the deputy director of Beijing Radio and Television Station in charge of discipline inspection. It is impossible for the two of them to have anything...

Wang Guofu suddenly trembled.

discipline inspection?

He couldn't help but think of the anonymous report letter sent to Beijing Radio and Television Station some time ago.

its not right!
The person surnamed Xu was reported in the letter, but Deputy Director Liu was not reported. Why is the other party angry?There is no reason.

It is said that the program of the person surnamed Xu seems to be on the air normally and has not stopped.

Did the report fail?
Even if it is, why is Deputy Director Liu so angry?

Besides, he is anonymous, and the content of the report is still printed out, how can he be found?

No reason!

(End of this chapter)

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