The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 440 It's not over with you!

Chapter 440 It's not over with you!

"Husband, think about it, think about it carefully, did you say bad things about Deputy Director Liu behind your back, and the walls have ears, and it spread to Deputy Director Liu?" Feng Liyun reminded.

She is now on the same boat as Wang Guofu. Although she was considered a first-line star and was very popular at the time, after all, she has not acted seriously for many years. Now she is working behind the scenes most of the time. She came out to support this family, but the entertainment industry is updating too fast, will anyone still use her?Therefore, you must not just watch the ship sink.

Rescue, maybe it can be rescued.

"No, to be honest, I don't know Deputy Director Liu, and I'm full to speak ill of him behind his back?" Wang Guofu felt wronged.

Don't say he didn't know him, even if he did, he wouldn't dare to speak ill of Liu Shengmao. He's the deputy director of Beijing Radio and Television Station, so there's no time to flatter him, so how could he offend him?

"That's weird. Could it be that Sister Ying lied to me?" Feng Liyun was puzzled. Sister Ying was her former manager. The two kept in touch and often went shopping and drinking tea together. The other party had no reason to lie to him. After a while, he said, "Let's change our thinking. Apart from Deputy Director Liu, you have to have never offended anyone else in Beijing Radio and Television Station? Maybe the person you offended is Deputy Director Liu's confidant?"

Wang Guofu's heart tightened. He was thinking about the anonymous letter. Hearing what his wife said, he thought it was impossible at first, but now he thinks it is not impossible.

Isn't there such a sentence?
Everything is possible!
But the question is, how can I tell my wife about this?

His purpose of writing the anonymous letter was to report the person surnamed Xu. Why did he report it?Because the other party is Su Yun's husband, he felt very uncomfortable when he saw the diamond ring the other party bought for Su Yun, so he...

what is this?
envy, jealousy, hate!
Can you tell?
You can't even say it!

If you let your wife know, why don't you file for a divorce right away?

Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

If he wasn't a great director, would his wife have married at the beginning?
Certainly not!

"No, I haven't even been to Beijing Radio and Television Station this year." Wang Guofu finally chose to hide it, and now that he knows who he offended, things are relatively easier to handle.

"That's weird. It's impossible for Deputy Director Liu to ban someone for no reason. Besides, there are so many people in the entertainment industry, why should he just ban you? It seems that you haven't reached the age of dementia, right? Husband, don't worry , I’ll ask someone again.” Feng Liyun said.


Wang Guofu simply responded, and then hung up the phone.

He didn't dare to continue the chat, he was worried that if he was careful to tell the truth, not only his career would be gone, but his family would also be ruined.

After he calmed down, he looked through the address book on his phone to find someone who could be used. The entertainment industry is a circle, and there is always someone who knows Deputy Director Liu.

After he saw a name, the movement of his fingers stopped.

Guo Chuan!

If he remembers correctly, the other party is the general manager of Forbidden Films. The two had cooperated at the beginning. It was two years ago. He was shooting a movie for Forbidden Pictures. He was the director at that time, and Guo Chuan was Producer, and the Forbidden Film Industry is the industry of Beijing Radio and Television Station, this Guo Chuan should be able to deliver the speech.

Thinking of this, Wang Guofu immediately called the phone, and at the same time prayed in his heart, he must answer it!

"Beep... beep... click!"

When the phone was connected, Wang Guofu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly opened his mouth: "Hi, Mr. Guo, I am Wang Guofu."

"Yo, so it's Director Wang, what's the matter?" Guo Chuan's voice came from the microphone.

"Mr. Guo, there is one thing, I beg you to do me a favor. I don't know if you can invite Deputy Director Liu out for a light meal. I have a little misunderstanding with Deputy Director Liu, and I want to explain clearly in person." Wang Guofu put on a very relaxed posture Low, on the one hand, it is asking for help, on the other hand, the other party is a big boss and cannot be provoked.

"Misunderstanding? Is it really just a misunderstanding?" Guo Chuan asked.

"Yes." Wang Guofu said.

"I still know Vice-Director Liu's character very well. When he makes a decision, he will definitely figure out the cause and effect beforehand, so it is absolutely impossible to be a misunderstanding. If someone thinks it is a misunderstanding, it is doubting Vice-Director Liu's decision." Guo Chuan said after hearing it.

As soon as Wang Guofu heard it, he immediately knew that Mr. Guo also knew about the ban. As for whether the other party knew about the anonymous report, it was not certain.

"Mr. Guo, I don't doubt Deputy Director Liu's decision, I just want to explain to him." Wang Guofu said in a low voice.

"Explanation? I don't think it's necessary, and Vice-Director Liu is so busy that he doesn't have time to see you. Most importantly, I'm also afraid of seeing Vice-Director Liu. If there is nothing else, let's stop here. I have a message for Director Wang," Guo Chuan said.

"What are you talking about?" Wang Guofu immediately pricked up his ears and listened carefully. He needed expert advice most now.

"Unjust is doomed to destruction!"



Wang Guofu stared blankly at the hung up phone.

If it was just speculation before, then Mr. Guo's words just now are very clear. He was banned for writing an anonymous report letter.

It's over, it's been investigated.

But why?Why did you want to block me when I reported the person surnamed Xu?
Wang Guofu didn't understand very much.

Even if the reported information is false, it will not be counter-investigated, right?
In fact, when he wrote the anonymous report letter at the time, his brain was hot and jealous, but he didn't expect the consequences to be so serious.

That person surnamed Xu is just a program director, so why protect him like this?
Wang Guofu gritted his teeth fiercely, full of anger and unwillingness.

Not only did you marry Su Yun, but it also caused him to be blocked. I can't stop talking to you!

At this time, there was a knock on the door.


Wang Guofu shuddered, and hurried over to open the door. Now everyone is avoiding him, and those who can take the initiative to find the door are definitely true friends!
"President Feng, you are here, please come in!" When Wang Guofu saw the person standing outside the door, a smile appeared on his face immediately.

Feng is always one of the producers of the movie "Raging Knife", and the company he belongs to is not in the capital. It is a great encouragement for him to be able to come.

I was blocked by the Beijing circle, so I can go to other circles!

"You don't need to go in, I'll leave after I finish speaking." Feng Tao said indifferently: "That's right, our company has decided to withdraw from the current movie after research, and will not continue to invest in the future."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Wang Guofu stood there sluggishly. He thought he was here to support him, but he didn't expect to come to make trouble.

He didn't understand, the other party wasn't from the capital circle, what was he afraid of?
"President Feng, why?" Wang Guofu chased after him and asked.

If the actor is gone, you can hire again. If the investor withdraws the capital, then the movie will not be able to be made at all.

"Why? Are you ashamed to ask why?" Feng Tao turned his head, frowned and said, "You are a director, you don't make your movie well, you go around causing trouble, and you even provoke some people you can't afford. We didn't It is already very good to seek compensation from you, you, do it yourself!"


Wang Guofu stared blankly at the opponent's back, clenched his fists tightly.

Hmph, I can't believe that no one is willing to accept me!
You Beijing Radio and Television Station can't cover the sky with one hand, can you?


 437 has been blocked and is applying for unblocking. It will probably be fine in two days. Content spoiler: Wang Guofu knows that he has been blocked.
(End of this chapter)

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