Chapter 443 A good show

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The cell phone rang suddenly, waking Su Yun up from her sleep. When she picked up the cell phone from the bedside, she found that it was Huang Xiaorong calling.

"What's the matter?" Su Yun asked and closed her eyes again. She just checked the time, it was just after 5 o'clock, if I remember correctly, today is filming at 7 o'clock, and I can sleep for another hour.

"Sister Yun, I just received a notice that two scenes will be added temporarily today, and the actors are required to arrive at the set at 5:30." Huang Xiaorong's voice came from the microphone.

"I see." Su Yun opened her eyes and sat up from the bed.

In the process of filming, it is common to add scenes, so actors will often receive short notice and arrive at the set one or two hours earlier today, or leave the set two or three hours later.

She simply washed her face, applied some skin care products, changed her clothes and walked out of the room.

Huang Xiaorong was already waiting outside. After the two went downstairs, they immediately got into the nanny car and headed to the set.

"Do you know the content of the extra play?" Su Yun asked Huang Xiaorong.

"I don't know, the assistant director didn't say anything." Huang Xiaorong replied.


Su Yun found out the script, looked at the recent filming content, and couldn't think of any impromptu additions. However, director Zhang Weiqiang often has some ideas outside the script, and these details can often make the characters more interesting. Plump, this is also the excellence of a good director.

Come to the set.

Zhang Weiqiang is talking to the actors, and the actors have all changed their costumes.

Su Yun was not late, but seeing this scene, she immediately walked over quickly.

"Director Zhang, I'm here." Su Yun came in front of Zhang Weiqiang, and at the same time nodded to the other actors, as a greeting.

"Su Yun, I called you here in advance to add a scene. The content of the scene is very simple. You left the team during the charge and were surrounded by enemy troops. When your life was hanging by a thread, a lieutenant rushed into the crowd. , to save you..."

Zhang Weiqiang started lecturing for Su Yun, and called together all the actors who were going to appear later. He demonstrated the lines, movements, and positions several times on the spot, and finally asked Su Yun to do the makeup.

Su Yun came to the dressing room and seriously pondered the meaning of this scene.

As an actor, you must understand what you are playing and what kind of character characteristics you need to show before filming. Only by understanding the play can you act well.

In the past, she would think about these questions repeatedly when encountering extra scenes, but this time, she couldn't figure out the meaning of adding this scene.

Charge alone, surrounded by the enemy, with your life hanging by a thread?
Doesn't it seem that the heroine is reckless when such content is filmed?

Is it to express that no one is perfect?

Well, it is possible!
Since Director Zhang asked for such a filming, and it was a temporary addition, there must be a reason for him.

Su Yun stopped thinking about it, and began to repeat the lines and actions in her mind to deepen the impression and avoid mistakes.

Not long after, Su Yun finished her makeup and appeared on the set.

It was already daylight, but the sun had not yet risen, which was the time before dawn.

On the battlefield, Su Yun stood among the enemy troops. Dozens of soldiers surrounded Su Yun with spears in their hands.

"Everyone is ready, start!"

Following the director's order, the quiet battlefield boiled instantly, the sound of shouting, the sound of beating and killing, and the sound of weapons colliding, all kinds of sounds intertwined together to form a movement of war.

Su Yun gritted her teeth tightly and waved the knife in her hand. From the beginning, she was able to do a job with ease, but gradually she began to feel powerless, and her body was also wounded in many places.

Countless enemy troops swarmed in, and every time she cut down an enemy soldier, four or five enemy soldiers would fill the vacancy. As a result, the number of people around her did not decrease, but more and more. Three floors inside and three floors outside.

Just when the heroine had nothing to do and was about to be captured, suddenly a general in armor and riding a white horse appeared on the battlefield.

He rushed into the enemy army, rushed into the encirclement, and stretched out his hand to the heroine. After the heroine saw it, she grabbed the opponent's hand without hesitation, stepped on the stirrup, and used her strength to turn over on the horse. The two bowed left and right, and finally Break out of the encirclement of enemy soldiers.

The horses ran back from the enemy's battlefield to our own, and then from our battlefield to our camp. However, the speed of the horses did not slow down, and they were still running fast.

Su Yun, who was sitting on the horse, looked around. There was no camera, and then she looked up at the sky. There was no drone shooting, and most importantly, there was not even an extra actor around.

"Can I stop now?" Su Yun asked the actor behind her, and then watched the horse run out of the film "Mulan" set, and came to another style of buildings, far away even You can see another crew is filming.

Dress up!
It has become a time travel drama!

Traveling from one era to another, from one crew to another, comedy movies don't do that.

She waited for a while, but did not hear the answer from the actor behind her.

Could it be too much drama?
"Zhang Liancheng, stop quickly, it's time to go back!" Su Yun couldn't help saying loudly.

Zhang Liancheng is the name of the actor who played her lieutenant general, and he also has a lot of roles in the play.

However, the other party still did not answer, and she still waited for a lonely time.

Su Yun grabbed the reins, trying to stop the horse, but the lieutenant behind her grabbed her hand and leaned against her from behind.

"What are you doing!" Su Yun became furious and shouted loudly, then swung her arms and rushed behind her with an elbow.

The salty pig's hand is stretched out on me?
Don't you know I'm a butcher?
"Oh, take it easy!" the lieutenant said suddenly.


Su Yun was about to scold angrily, but suddenly her whole body trembled.

Why was the voice so familiar just now?
"You, Xu Jie?"

Su Yun turned her head involuntarily, and the lieutenant behind her was wearing a mask besides a helmet, revealing only a pair of eyes.

Just now she was wondering, Zhang Liancheng obviously only wore a helmet during the rehearsal, why did he have an extra mask during filming?
Because I was filming at the time, the camera was facing her, so I didn't think much about it, but now I stare at these eyes, and the more I look at them, the more familiar I feel.

"Honey, is that you?" Su Yun asked tentatively, after watching for a while, the expression on her face changed from anger to surprise.

"Can you recognize this?"

The lieutenant took off his mask, it was Xu Jie who rushed to Hengdian in the middle of the night,

And the big show where the hero rescued the beauty just now was planned by him alone, and it was also a surprise for Su Yun.

In fact, at the beginning, he didn't intend to make such a big deal, but when communicating with director Zhang Weiqiang, the other party felt that since he wanted to act, he should act more realistically, and the captured war scenes could be cut into the feature film, while he and Su Yun's scene where the hero saves the beauty can be cut out separately as a souvenir.

During the rehearsal, it was indeed Zhang Liancheng who played the deputy general, but when Su Yun was putting on makeup, he switched with Zhang Liancheng, which was a surprise.

"You, why are you here?" Su Yun rubbed her eyes with her hands in disbelief, wondering if she was dreaming, because what happened in front of her eyes was too unrealistic, it was simply... a living person!
"I felt that you were in danger, so I rode a white horse to rescue you." Xu Jie said solemnly.

Su Yun was taken aback when she heard that, a red cloud floated on her face, "I hate it, do you really think of yourself as Prince Charming? Seriously, why did you come here? Today is Thursday, shouldn't you be at work?"

"I'll tell you later!"

Xu Jie did not answer Su Yun's question, but continued to ride through the film and television city. The appearance of two people and one horse also attracted the attention of many people.

"Hey, that crew of yours, don't go ahead while filming." A staff member of the crew shouted loudly.

"Hey, are those two tourists tourists? I also want to experience it, where to pay?" A tourist asked excitedly.

"Two men are riding a horse, and they are still cuddling. Is this an ancient costume version of Back Mountain? Which crew?" A staff member of the scenic spot asked curiously.

A faraway set.

"Director Zhang, when do you think Su Yun will find Director Xu?" Gao Xiaobin asked Zhang Weiqiang. The scene just now was perfect and he didn't waste all his efforts. The rest is Xu Jie and Su Yun's two-person world. .

"I don't know, I hope screenwriter Xu won't get beaten up." Zhang Weiqiang said with a smile.

"I really envy young people like them." Gao Xiaobin said with emotion, young people still know how to play.

"Haha, when is your daughter-in-law's birthday, I will also film such a scene for you." Zhang Weiqiang said.

"No, I'm afraid my daughter-in-law's heart can't take it." Gao Xiaobin shook his head hastily.


"Where are you taking me?" Su Yun asked in confusion, feeling a little anxious, "Director Zhang is still waiting for us."

"Don't worry, I've asked for a day off for you. Director Zhang is filming someone else's scene today." Xu Jie said after hearing that, he had already made arrangements for Director Zhang, otherwise he wouldn't have taken Su Yun with him. .

"What? This, this is not good!" Su Yun hesitated and said.

"There's nothing wrong with it. After shooting for so long, it's okay to take a day off." Xu Jie said.

After a while, the horse finally stopped.

Xu Jie jumped off the horse first, then helped Su Yun off the horse, and then handed over the reins to the crew members who had been waiting here.

He took off the armor on himself and Su Yun, handed it over to the staff to take back to the crew, then got into a prepared car on the side of the road, and drove back to the hotel where the crew stayed.

Su Yun followed Xu Jie with question marks all over her face, what are you doing back to the hotel?Besides, the room card is with Xiao Rong.

Just when she was wondering, Xu Jie took out the room card from his pocket and opened the door.

In surprise, she was pushed into the room by Xu Jie.

I saw rose petals on the ground, walked in along the petals, and the room was full of red roses, at least hundreds of them.

On one of the bouquets of roses, there was a necklace, and a pair of earrings, sparkling in the sun.

"Happy Birthday!"


(End of this chapter)

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