Chapter 444

Su Yun looked at everything in the room with surprise on her face. She remembered that when she left this morning, the room was obviously very messy. After leaving for two or three hours, how did it look completely new?
The house is full of red roses, full of floral fragrance, looking intoxicating and smelling even more intoxicating.

But at this moment, these are not important anymore, what is important is the man behind her, because she knows that it must be the man who gave her a surprise.

"Happy birthday!"

Su Yun turned around and looked at the man behind her. Apart from joy, there was more happiness on her face.

"Thank you!"

She threw herself into the arms of the man, holding him tightly.

In fact, the moment she saw the man before, she had already guessed that the man's appearance must be for her birthday, but she never thought that the man would do so much for her.

Everything that has been dreamed of has come true.

She didn't expect that there would be a bigger surprise besides the fantasy. Everything she experienced now was beyond her fantasy.

Xu Jie held Su Yun in his arms. At this moment, everything he did was worthwhile.

He stayed up all night last night.

After arriving in Hengdian, he began to plan birthday surprises, and after making a decision, he first went to buy roses.

It was already the middle of the night, and all the flower shops in the town were closed, so he could only call one by one according to the phone numbers on the plaques of the flower shops, and finally bought all the red roses from all the flower shops in the town.

But because there are too many roses, they can't even fit in the commercial vehicle, so I temporarily hid the flowers in Gao Xiaobin's room, so that I can save a lot when transporting them to Su Yun's room. time.

So busy until four o'clock in the morning, he cheekily called Director Zhang Weiqiang and told him about his birthday plans for Su Yun's birthday.

After learning about Su Yun's birthday, Zhang Weiqiang agreed to his request without hesitation, and also gave some suggestions.

At 04:30, Zhang Weiqiang called all the assistant directors and began to assign tasks. Some notified the actors, some went to the extras, and the whole crew got busy.

After five o'clock, Su Yun left the room.

At the same time, he went to the front desk to identify himself, asked for a room card for Su Yun's room, and then began to decorate the room, moving the roses in Gao Xiaobin's room to Su Yun's room.

On the other side of the set, Zhang Weiqiang held back Su Yun and bought him time on the grounds of speaking and rehearsing.

After setting up the room, he drove to the set, first notified Gao Xiaobin, and then Gao Xiaobin signaled Zhang Weiqiang. While Su Yun was putting on makeup, he and Zhang Liancheng, who played the role of the lieutenant, changed their costumes and put on masks until the filming started...

Although he didn't sleep, he didn't feel sleepy at all. The thought of being able to surprise his beloved woman filled his body with strength.

It's been a long time.

Xu Jie patted Su Yun's shoulder lightly, and said softly, "Come on, I'll put it on for you!"

After hearing this, Su Yun slowly let go of Xu Jie, and looked at the necklace and ears on the rose.

Xu Jie picked up the necklace and earrings from the petals and put them on for Su Yun with his own hands.

The necklace and earrings, which were already very beautiful, seemed to be given life after wearing them on Su Yun's body, shining brightly and becoming more beautiful.

"Does it look good?" Su Yun touched the cold necklace on her chest, showing a rare shyness, but more joy, her watery eyes were charming, and her red face was even more delicate and beautiful.

"En." Xu Jie nodded, and then added: "I'm talking about people!"

No matter how expensive necklaces and earrings are, they are just decorations, and they are just lifeless stones in the showcase. Only when they are worn by the right people can they radiate vitality.

Su Yun smiled sweetly after hearing this, she was full of femininity, and almost took Xu Jie's soul away.

"and many more!"

Su Yun suddenly thought of something, then walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

Xu Jie looked at the door, come again?
He couldn't help but think of the surprise that the other party brought after closing the door on his birthday, and began to imagine various possible scenes by himself.

By the way, I've been busy all night and I'm sweating a lot. Should I hurry up and take a shower?
Well, it is very necessary!
Thinking of this, he immediately rushed into the bathroom, took off the props and costumes on his body, rinsed them quickly, put on more fragrance, and then changed into the clothes he brought, pretending to be a serious person.

He stood outside the door again and looked at the time on his watch, only 5 minutes had passed.

After a few more minutes, the door finally opened.

Xu Jie opened his eyes wide and stared intently at the gradually widening crack in the door. Under his expectant eyes, Su Yun slowly walked out from inside.

However, it was different from what he had imagined, the other party did not wear the cool clothes like last time, but changed into a dark red dress dress, the tube top design made the diamond necklace on the chest more prominent, At this time, she is like a goddess on the red carpet, an absolute heartthrob.

Xu Jie only felt that his eyes were bright. Although it was different from what he expected, it was a different kind of style, sexy in elegance, glamorous in nobleness, different styles, but the same beauty.

"I think this is more suitable!" Su Yun said.

Xu Jie nodded, gorgeous jewelry really needs gorgeous clothing to match.

"Should I invite you to a dance now?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Su Yun didn't speak, but raised her hand voluntarily.

After Xu Jie took it, he gently wrapped his arms around the other's waist with his other hand. Although there was no music in the room, the two of them were surprisingly in tune, showing a high level of tacit understanding.

Maybe the two were meant to be together!

Theatrical set.

During the filming break, the stars and actors talked about what happened this morning.

"Hey, what do you think Director Xu and Sister Yun are doing now?"

"Don't ask, it must be in a high-end restaurant. Director Xu is wearing a suit, and Sister Yun is wearing a dress. There are delicious food on the table, surrounded by flowers, and the band is playing next to it. It feels romantic just thinking about it."

"You mean a candlelight dinner, right? It's morning."

"You don't know how to draw the curtains? Besides, you can create a big scene where Prince Charming rescues the beauty. Isn't it easy to grab a candlelight dinner?"

"But speaking of it, Director Xu is really romantic. To think of such a birthday surprise. I have been acting for more than ten years. This is the first time I have encountered such a thing. Today is a good experience."

"That's right, even movies don't dare to act like this. This is treating birthday as a play, and director Zhang himself took the camera, and the filming is not suitable for blockbuster effects? If my future boyfriend can give me such a Surprise, I will marry him right away."

At this time, a staff member came back from a distance leading a horse.

"Xiao Wu, how is it?" Gao Xiaobin walked over and asked.

This is the respondent he arranged. Since Ma has already run out of the range of the set, and there has been no news from Xu Jie and Su Yun for a long time, he can only ask the respondent.

"Everything is normal!" The staff said with a smile: "Mr. Gao, I don't know if you have seen it. Anyway, I was completely shocked when I saw the scene where Director Xu and Sister Yun appeared on horseback. I will tell you When my girlfriend proposes, can you help me act in such a play?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Gao Xiaobin asked.

"No, it's a reservation in advance." The staff said.

"Let's talk about it after you have a girlfriend." Gao Xiaobin said.

"I'll start looking right away!"

Gao Xiaobin rolled his eyes at the staff member, then returned to director Zhang Weiqiang's side.

"I thought of a new business. When I make a movie in the future, I can undertake various marriage proposals and birthday surprises. With your name and my business, one movie will pick up [-] or [-] of them. I guess the movie has not yet been released. , the investment has been earned back, what do you think?" Gao Xiaobin asked.

This sense of scene, this sense of ceremony, is much stronger than those shot in wedding studios.

"Haha, this is a good way, and I won't worry about not investing in the movie." Zhang Weiqiang said with a smile, this kind of thing is not impossible!

Save yourself having to deal with investors in the future.


Friday morning.

Xu Jie and Su Yun appeared on the set.

Seeing the two, Zhang Weiqiang from a distance smiled at them, especially when he looked at Xu Jie, it was a smile that only men could understand.

"Su Yun, although you are a day late, I still want to wish you a happy birthday." Gao Xiaobin said loudly.

Hearing his words, the people around applauded.

When many actresses looked at Su Yun, their eyes were full of envy. After all, they were also part of yesterday's drama.

For a birthday surprise, hundreds of people were mobilized to stage a story of a hero saving the beauty, and the great director Zhang Weiqiang personally supervised it. Such a big scene has never been heard of even in the entire entertainment industry.

"Thank you!" Su Yun replied with a smile.

"I should be the one to say thank you." Xu Jie said seriously: "Thank you for your generous help yesterday. I, Xu Jie, owe you a favor. If everyone finds me in the future, within the scope of their ability, I will never refuse!"

When everyone heard this, the smiles on their faces became even brighter.

Favor is a thing that needs to be divided into people.

Some people's favors are worthless, while some people's favors are worth thousands of gold.

Xu Jie's identity as a screenwriter is actually secondary, the most important thing is that the other party works at Beijing TV Station.

Now who doesn't know that Xu Jie is a popular TV station in Beijing?
As an actor, it is indispensable to go on TV for publicity, and Beijing TV Station is one of the most influential TV stations in China, and the publicity effect is naturally extraordinary.

And Xu Jie is a member of the entertainment program center, so if he wants to be on a variety show or something, he can definitely help.

Another point is that "In-depth Film and Television Talk" directed by the other party has become the highest-rated film and television promotional program in China. Many film crews and TV drama crews are vying to be on this show. ?

"Director Xu, you are too polite. We are all in the same crew, and we are not outsiders."

"Yes, Mr. Xu, we are too happy to be able to help you."

"It is our honor to witness the love story between Teacher Xu and Sister Yun!"

Everyone responded politely, hoping to impress Director Xu.


(End of this chapter)

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