Chapter 445

Filming is in progress.

Huang Xiaorong stood outside the set, staring at Sister Yun in the set, not daring to be negligent.

Other celebrities have several assistants around them, but Sister Yun doesn’t like that kind of ostentation, so she has only had one assistant with her in the past few years. It’s a bit tiring, but the corresponding salary is also very high, and she has never treated her badly. This is why she has been by Sister Yun's side all the time.

When she was in the prosperous brokerage company, she had seen many assistants being called around by celebrities, just like maids in TV dramas, but with Sister Yun, there had never been such a time.

At this time, a burst of discussion came from around, and it was the assistants of other actors chatting quietly.

"Hey, have you heard that director Wang Guofu was banned by Beijing Radio and Television Station?"

"I heard that, now who doesn't know about this matter, I heard that he offended the senior management of Beijing Radio and Television Station, but he doesn't know who or how he offended."

"What offended the higher-ups is all guesswork. In fact, it was Director Wang Guofu who offended Director Xu."

"Director Xu? Teacher Xu?"

Those who heard this couldn't help but cast their gazes in the direction of the director team.

There, Xu Jie and director Zhang Weiqiang were staring at the monitor intently.

"That's right, according to my classmate's relatives who work at Beijing TV Station, Wang Guofu wrote an anonymous letter to report that Director Xu received sponsorship money in private, but after the TV station checked, it was found that there was no such thing at all. You must know that Director Xu is now a celebrity in Beijing Radio and Television Station. , the backbone of the business, so the leaders above Director Xu were furious and decided not to cooperate with director Wang Guofu in the future, that is, to ban Wang Guofu."

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course, do I have to lie to you about this kind of thing? Everyone in the Beijing Radio and Television Station knows it. If you don't believe me, ask Producer Gao, he will definitely know."

The speaker pointed to Gao Xiaobin not far away.

"I see. I didn't expect Director Xu to be so good. You must know that Wang Guofu is a first-line director in China. Do you think Director Wang Guofu is sick? A film director who doesn't make movies well writes an anonymous letter to report Mr. Xu. Movies and TV shows are not good at all. Is it okay to be next to each other?"

"From what you said, I know that you haven't been in this business for long. It's not a day or two for Wang Guofu to have thoughts about Su Yun. Many people in the circle know that this report letter must be due to jealousy."

"Senior, I have only been in the industry for half a year, can you tell me more?"

"Well, that was a few years ago..."

Huang Xiaorong's heart was filled with shock. Wang Guofu wrote an anonymous letter to report Teacher Xu?There is such a thing?

real or fake?

Huang Xiaorong continued to listen in silence. Although these star assistants like to gossip, but because they are beside the stars and also in the entertainment industry, the things they talk about are often very credible, and what the person said has a nose and eyes, It doesn't sound like you're being fooled.

"Stop, the actors rest first!" Zhang Weiqiang shouted, and then discussed the plot with Xu Jie beside him.

Huang Xiaorong regained her senses when she heard it, and quickly stepped forward to take the helmet that Sister Yun took off, and then handed over the water bottle.

Su Yun sat down and gently wiped the sweat on her forehead with her hand. Although the weather was not hot, the props and armor on her body were too heavy, especially the helmet with a layer of cotton inside. Although it could not be seen from the outside, it was worn It felt like a cotton hat when I put it on, it was very hot. .

"Sister Yun, I don't know if you know something." Huang Xiaorong said in a low voice, and at the same time secretly glanced at Teacher Xu who was not far away.

"What's the matter?" Su Yun asked while drinking water.

"Wang Guofu wrote an anonymous letter to report about Mr. Xu." Huang Xiaorong said.

"What?" Su Yun was stunned when she heard it, and stopped drinking the water. She looked at Huang Xiaorong in surprise, and asked suspiciously, "Who did you listen to?"

"Chen Yiming's assistant said it." Huang Xiaorong glanced at the male lead next to her, and said that it was the male lead, but because it was a movie with a leading female lead, there were not many scenes.

"What's going on?" Su Yun asked puzzled.

"It's like this..." Huang Xiaorong clung to the boss's ear and repeated what she had just heard.

As time passed by, Su Yun's face became more and more ugly, and the good mood brought by the birthday surprise was gone at this time.

After Huang Xiaorong finished what she had heard, Su Yun's fists were also clenched together, and the upper and lower rows of teeth were clenched even more tightly, as if she wanted to tear something apart.

Suddenly, she stood up, handed the water glass to Huang Xiaorong, and walked towards Gao Xiaobin.

"President Gao, I heard that Wang Guofu wrote an anonymous letter to report my husband, is there such a thing?" Su Yun asked.

Gao Xiaobin was stunned. He didn't expect Su Yun to ask about this suddenly. He looked in Xu Jie's direction and asked, "Didn't Director Xu tell you?"

"Don't worry about whether he said it or not, I just want to know if there is such a thing." Su Yun said expressionlessly.

Gao Xiaobin is not stupid, once he heard Su Yun's tone of voice, he knew that the other party was very angry now, no, very angry.

How to do?
Say or don't say?

"Actors, come here, there was a problem with the scene just now." Director Zhang Weiqiang said loudly.

The actors began to gather in the direction of the director's team, and Su Yun also walked over after hearing it.

Gao Xiaobin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thank you very much Director Zhang, I didn't expect that Su Yun would be quite scary when he got angry, especially the cold eyes, it felt like his whole body was starting to turn cold, making people wonder if he was in the north in the winter.

However, after the filming of this scene, Su Yun came to Gao Xiaobin's side again, looked at him indifferently, as if she would not give up until she reached her goal.

Gao Xiaobin was helpless, thinking: You don't ask your husband about your husband, why do you ask me?
He thought for a while, and finally said: "Well, there is indeed such a thing, but the station has already investigated it clearly, Director Xu is fine, and also punished Wang Guofu for his malicious behavior. Cooperating with Wang Guofu, we, Forbidden Pictures, also stand by Director Xu."

"Thank you." Su Yun said after hearing this, and then walked back to the set.


Xu Jie and Su Yun had dinner together.

"I checked the shooting progress just now. At the current speed, the shooting can be finished in December." Xu Jie said happily, that is to say, in about a month, the daughter-in-law will be able to return to the capital, and the distance is not ashamed. The day is not far away, just think about it and be happy.

"A few days ago, director Xu Shenghua called me to ask about the filming progress of the film. He plans to start filming in January next year and shoot the winter part, so as to avoid delaying the film until the end of next year." Su Yun said.

"Ah? Why have you never told me?" Xu Jie had a bitter face, it seemed that the days of being shameless were about to be postponed again.

"Didn't you also have something to tell me?" Su Yun asked back, putting down the chopsticks in her hand.

Xu Jie was startled, what does this mean?It seems that there is something in the words.

He couldn't help but looked at the other party twice more, he was fine just now, why did he say such a sentence so suddenly?
Is it just casual talk?


Could it be that he knew that he also bought a diamond ring, but saw that he didn't give it away on his birthday, so he misunderstood that he gave it to someone else?
Who on earth owes so much?

"Cough, don't get me wrong, it's not what you imagined, I..."

Just as Xu Jie was about to confess, he was interrupted by Su Yun.

"Wait a minute." Su Yun stood up after speaking, and pointed in the direction of the nanny's car, "Get in the car and talk."

"Oh, good!" Xu Jie nodded, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and followed behind the other party.

After getting in the car, as soon as the door was closed, it immediately became a world of two people.

"I already know." Su Yun bit her lip and said, her eyes were full of self-blame and guilt, she never thought that because of herself, she would bring Xu Jie such a big trouble.

She just wants to be the other party's wife, and doesn't want to become a troublesome woman!
"Well, I originally planned to tell you some time later, and give you another surprise, but who told you?" Xu Jie frowned and asked.

Could it be that the clerk spread the word?
Shouldn't a big client like him keep his identity information secret?

"Everyone already knows, but I am the only one who is still in the dark." Su Yun said in a low voice, "Besides, can this kind of thing be called a surprise?"

"You haven't seen my operation, how do you know it's not a surprise?" Xu Jie asked. He had already started planning how to give the diamond ring, and he had a general idea in his mind. He would write a detailed plan after returning this time.

"But I think it's too cheap to ban him." Su Yun said bitterly.

Xu Jie was shocked.


Block what?
After being stunned for a while, he suddenly reacted.

It turned out that the two were not talking about the same thing at all.

The other party was talking about Wang Guofu's anonymous report, but he was talking about the diamond ring.

Huh, I almost confessed myself.

"An immoral person like him should be banned from the entire entertainment industry!" Su Yun added.

The banning of the Beijing radio and TV stations can only be done in the Beijing area to the greatest extent, but the entertainment companies, film companies and even TV stations in other places will not necessarily be banned.

After all, Wang Guofu, as a first-line domestic director, still has the ability to make movies, and he also has a group of loyal fans. With these two points in mind, someone will definitely accept him.

For the sake of money, many people would choose to take risks. What's more, Wang Guofu did not do anything illegal and was not on the list of bad deeds. That is to say, investing in Wang Guofu to make movies is not illegal or illegal. Who would have trouble with money?
The hatred in Su Yun's heart!

It's okay to harass her, but she even reported her husband. Isn't this affecting the relationship between husband and wife?
Tolerable or unbearable!
"Don't worry, the days to come will be long, let him have some hope first, and then let him feel despair." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Chasing his wife and reporting him, can this end?

The current ban is only the actions of Deputy Director Wang and Director Jiang, and his actions are still to come.

Well, let's see!

Sooner or later, I will make you notorious!


(End of this chapter)

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