The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 446 The Enemy Meets Extraordinarily Clearly

Chapter 446 The Enemy Meets Extraordinarily Clearly
Xu Jie stayed in Hengdian for four days, and did not leave the crew until Sunday afternoon.

He took the commercial car sent by Gao Xiaobin to Yiwu. After arriving at the airport, he got out of the car with his luggage. First, the driver thanked him, and then walked into the gate of the airport to go through the registration procedures.

"Director Xu?"

When Xu Jie came to the VIP room, someone immediately stood up.

Xu Jie looked over after hearing it, and saw a middle-aged man with a strong aura walking towards him, with a bit of surprise on his face.

"Ms. Lu." Xu Jie went up to meet him and shook hands with him tightly.

The person who greeted was none other than Lu Dayu, one of the contestants invited by "Crossover Actor" and the singer who finally advanced to the finals.

"Director Xu, long time no see. What have you been up to lately?" Lu Dayu asked enthusiastically. Although the two hadn't known each other for a long time, they felt like old friends reunited after a long absence.

"Come over here to shoot a few scenes." Xu Jie said simply, "Where is Mr. Lu? I heard that Mr. Lu is very busy now, inviting your crew one by one."

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated." Lu Dayu said with a smile, and then took Xu Jie to the side to sit down, "Speaking of which, I also want to thank you, Director Xu. Since participating in "Crossover Actor", there are many The crew invited me to play the emperor, let me tell you this, after the finals of "Crossover Actor", I have not been idle, and I have played three emperors."

"Congratulations, Mr. Lu, for becoming a professional accountant of the emperor." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Don't say that, if I didn't have your script back then, I wouldn't have embarked on the road of emperor." Lu Dayu's words were full of gratitude.

In recent years, the music industry has been sluggish. Young idol-style traffic singers are very popular. Middle-aged singers like him have long since lost their market, and they can only play soy sauce in some music variety shows or evening parties.

So it is no exaggeration to say that without "Crossover Actor", he would not have been able to make a successful transformation, from a singer to an actor, and rejuvenate his career.

"What's the use of just having a script? It also depends on the actors acting well." Xu Jie started the praise mode.

The success of "Crossover Actor" is not only reflected in the ratings, but also because many contestants received invitations from the film and television drama crew after the show ended, especially the final six finalists.

Needless to say, the champion Su Yun has already been filmed in a leading heroine movie.

According to him, Lu Dayu has become a new generation of professional emperors, Dai Qingqing is also popular with directors of family ethics dramas, Yu Dong has acted in elite workplace dramas, and Lu Xue has played the third female role in a spy movie. , even Jin Qianqian, who has always been said to have poor acting skills and fill up her lucky points, also acted in idol dramas.

Regardless of whether the film crew is suspected of taking advantage of the popularity of "Crossover Actor", anyway, the contestants have opened up a second career.

Just when the two were chatting, a middle-aged man who came in from the outside attracted Xu Jie's attention. The man had a beard and a blue face, as if someone owed him money. Although he was wearing a peaked cap, he was still caught He recognized it immediately.

Wang Guofu!
Enemy meet, exceptionally discerning!
Although the last time I saw the other party was last year, but that sanctimonious face was still deeply in my mind.

At the same time that Xu Jie found Wang Guofu, Wang Guofu also found Xu Jie. The other party was stunned for a moment, and his face turned from blue to black, making him even uglier.

Seeing that Director Xu didn't respond, Lu Dayu couldn't help but follow the other's gaze. After seeing Director Wang Guofu, Lu Dayu suddenly realized.

He had heard about Wang Guofu's ban by Beijing Radio and Television Station some time ago, and it was because Wang Guofu wrote an anonymous letter to report Xu Jie.

To be fair, he felt that Wang Guofu's actions were unethical, not like a big director at all, but more like a villain.

Today's scene, how do you say it?It's not that enemies don't get together!

"Director Xu, don't be impulsive!" Lu Dayu patted Xu Jie's shoulder lightly.

He was worried that the other party was young and energetic, so he couldn't help rushing forward to punch Wang Guofu a few times. If Wang Guofu called the police, Xu Jie would be the one who would be unlucky.

"Don't worry." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

Now in a society ruled by law, using fists to solve problems is the most stupid way. If you win, you will go to jail. If you lose, you will be hospitalized, and then you will go to jail again.

He is now a man with a family, and he can be regarded as an excellent young man with a bright future, and he will not destroy his future.

He just wanted to see what Wang Guofu would look like after being banned by the Beijing Radio and Television Station, whether he was indifferent and indifferent, or upset and gloomy. If it was the former, it meant that the ban had no effect; if it was the latter, it meant that the ban There is a certain effect.

Now it seems that the effect is good.

Wang Guofu looked coldly at the young man not far away, filled with hatred in his heart.

Snatched away his goddess, and also took away his job, this beam is completely settled.

He found an empty seat and sat down, closing his eyes and meditating while waiting to board the plane.

Because of being blocked, he hasn't had a good rest for a long time. He suffers from insomnia all night long. His eyeballs are bloodshot and surrounded by heavy dark circles. He seems to be a few years older and can only rely on sleeping pills. Barely fall asleep.

He went to the capital this time mainly to meet a middleman, and then went to the south to visit a big shot in the film and television industry, hoping that the other party would accept him, help him regain his strength, and continue to make movies, even if he made two movies for free for the other party. The problem, as long as you can go back to the movie circle.

When he was thinking about what gift to bring to the boss, he suddenly felt as if someone was sitting next to him. He slightly opened one eye and glanced, and found that it was Xu Jie.

"What are you doing here?" Wang Guofu asked dissatisfied.

"This is not your home, can you control it? Do you want to write another letter to report me sitting in disorder?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

Wang Guofu's choked old face turned red, as suffocated as a boiled pork liver, then he gave the other party a hard look, and then continued to close his eyes to rest his mind, so that he could not see for nothing.

after awhile.

Instead of being peaceful, Wang Guofu became more and more irritable.

Although he has closed his eyes, for some reason, he can always feel a pair of eyes or even many pairs of eyes staring at him.

This made him feel as if he was sitting on a crater, unable to sit still at all.


At this moment, he felt a gust of wind blowing towards him, tickling his face.

Obviously, this is not air conditioning wind.

Wang Guofu opened his eyes and found that the young man next to him was still looking at him, and the gust of wind just now was blowing from the direction of the other party.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Guofu asked, frowning.

"I want the society to be harmonious, so that there will be no idiots in the world!" Xu Jie said solemnly.

"Hmph, children's tricks, childish!" Wang Guofu sneered, showing sarcasm.

"Then let's play some adult games and compare who has the highest urine rate, how about it?" Xu Jie asked with a smile. With just this smile, those who didn't know thought the two were old friends.

The corner of Wang Guofu's mouth twitched, his face darkened, he felt insulted, but he couldn't produce evidence.

"Don't dare? Are you still worried about dripping on your pants?" Xu Jie asked again.

"You..." Wang Guofu gritted his teeth tightly, this was more than an insult, it was a humiliation.

Doesn't this clearly mean that he is old and can't do something?As some TV commercials say, weak urine, bifurcated urine, endless urine...

"Don't worry, take your time, the more anxious you are, the harder it is to urinate." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and immediately whistled like no one else was there.


Wang Guofu's veins bulged out of anger, and he felt that he had suffered tons of damage.

He never imagined that he would lose to such a ruffian.

"Su Yun is really blind looking for you." Wang Guofu said.

"Yeah, even if my wife is blind, she won't look for you. How bad do you think you are?" Xu Jie raised his legs and said, "When you're free, take a picture of yourself in the urine. Oh, yes, you can't pee, you can't see yourself."

"Vulgar!" Wang Guofu turned his head to the other side.

"Did you go to the capital this time to treat your illness? I know there is a place that treats your illness. It's just over the Di'anmen Square. There's a square brick alley. Find Dr. Liu, who specializes in treating your illness. " Xu Jie said seriously.

Wang Guofu was taken aback for a moment, and what he said had a nose and eyes, as if it was true.

Alas, when people reach middle age, they have no choice but to soak goji berries in a thermos cup. People like him who are about to turn [-] will inevitably have some troubles in the next three ways.

If what the other party said is true, it’s okay to go and have a look, the masters are among the people.

Xu Jie stood up at this time and sat down on the other side of Wang Guofu.

"By the way, I heard that you are married? I don't know if your wife knows about your affairs." Xu Jie said: "As a reporter from the Art Center of Beijing TV Station, let me interview you. How has your wife been doing for so many years?" Tolerate you messing around outside? Is it because she doesn't know, or are you playing your own game?"


Wang Guofu didn't say anything, and was too lazy to talk to the other party.

The most important thing is that it can't be said.

Just now he wanted to compete with the other party, to avenge his being blocked, and to provoke the relationship between the other party and Su Yun by the way.

As a result, the other party didn't play cards according to the routine at all. He was a high-achieving student at the Communication University and the director of a gourmet cultural program. He played a set of three-way tactics, and he couldn't get his temper out of him.

"Could it be that you guys really play your own game?" Xu Jie asked in surprise, "No wonder I felt a green light on the top of your head when you entered the door just now, that's why."


"It's impolite to call you Dao Wang by your name. How about I call you Hulk from now on?" Xu Jie asked.

Wang Guofu became angry from embarrassment, stood up suddenly, and opened his mouth to curse.

"Wait!" Xu Jie suddenly jumped in front of the other party and said: "Are you sure you want to scold me? This is a public place, and you are a celebrity anyway, and people have to be responsible for what they say."

Wang Guofu looked around and found that some people were really looking at him. Thinking of his current situation, it's better to keep a low profile.

"Let's go and see!"

I will endure!


(End of this chapter)

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