Chapter 447 Winning Again
Xu Jie stayed in the VIP room for an hour, and also disgusted Wang Guofu for an hour. Although it is reasonable to say that he should not show off his quick tongue, but not saying a few words is not enough to anger the people.

What 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, he only knows that he is drunk today, and he has something to say today, if he doesn't disgust the other party today, what should he do if he doesn't have a chance in the future?
He would rather have a good time now than wait for the future and sigh in his heart, I can just do what I did at that time, and I can't leave any regrets in life, otherwise it will become a knot in my heart, and it will be difficult to untie it.

When Xu Jie got home, it was past nine o'clock in the evening. He first reported his safety with Su Yun via video link, and then went to bed early.

Although I took four days off in a row, it was more tiring than going to work to a certain extent, mainly due to the night shift every day. Even though I was young and strong, I couldn't help feeling like my body was being hollowed out.

He and Su Yun didn't have a honeymoon, but in his imagination, a honeymoon is probably like this.

on Monday.

Xu Jie appeared on the Beijing TV station full of energy.

After all, he is a young man, and his body has super recovery ability. As long as he has a good sleep, his battery will be fully charged again.

"Morning Director Xu, you seem to be in a good mood. Is there anything good to share with us?" In the cafeteria, Xu Jie met Miao Zhenzhen and Zhang Tong, who also came to have breakfast.

"A new week, a new beginning, shouldn't we welcome it with a good mood?" Xu Jie smiled and looked proud.

A person's mood will be directly reflected on the person's face. When the mood is good, a smile will appear on the face inadvertently.

"Director Xu, your mentality is really good." Miao Zhenzhen said with a bitter face. Anyway, she herself would feel very painful every Monday, and this pain would lessen as the weekend shortened. It is an intractable disease that cannot be cured.

"Don't be so negative, always remember that going to work makes me happy!" Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Yes, going to work makes me happy." Miao Zhenzhen said weakly.

Xu Jie smiled and didn't say anything else, but he could fully understand Miao Zhenzhen's thoughts. If Su Yun was at home, he would not come to work.

After breakfast, Xu Jie returned to the art program center. The members of the "Delicious" program team had already arrived. Looking at their relaxed and happy appearance, I think the four days have been good.

At 09:30, the person in charge and host of each program came to the large meeting room to participate in the working meeting held every Monday.

Everyone waited for a long time, but Director Jiang was nowhere to be seen.

"Why hasn't the boss come yet?" Someone asked curiously.

"It seems that there is another important spirit to be conveyed from above."

"It's normal to have a lot of things at the end of the year. Besides, it's almost time for the two 'meetings', the New Year's Gala and the Spring Festival Gala. The director is probably reporting to the director."

Qin Yan said to Xu Jie beside her, "Did you know that I heard that the results of the selection of excellent programs will be released today."

"So fast?" Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it, and his mind began to wander, wondering if his show would win the award.

"The evaluations are all of our own programs. The director knows very well what the grades are and what the word-of-mouth is. This is like a class teacher. Does he not know the learning status of the students in the class?" Qin Yan said.

Xu Jie thought about it, and felt that what Qin Yan said was not unreasonable. The internal evaluation was actually a kind of incentive, just like after the final exam, the head teacher would give some rewards to students with good grades. A pen, a bottle of drink.

"I don't have any extravagant hopes, just get one." Xu Jie said.

"Want one? Do you want "In-depth Film and Television Talk" or "Delicious History"?" Qin Yan asked after hearing it.

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched, look at my mouth!

With these two programs, "Delicious History" definitely had a better chance of winning, but in front of Qin Yan, he definitely couldn't say that.

"Of course it's "In-depth Talk on Film and Television"!" Xu Jie said seriously.

"When you said this, did you believe it yourself?" Qin Yan rolled her eyes at Xu Jie.

"I believe!"

"Tch, last Friday's program analysis meeting was not held, remember to go back and discuss it later." Qin Yan didn't say anything else.

In fact, even if "In-depth Film and Television Talk" did not win the award, she would not blame the other party. This is a matter of subject matter, and has nothing to do with the quality of the show itself.

A few minutes later, the door of the meeting room opened, and Director Jiang finally walked in from the outside. With an excited smile on his face, he knew that something good had happened.

"Before the working meeting, let me tell you a piece of good news." Jiang Hai came to the conference table and said loudly: "The annual excellent program selection activities in the station have been announced, and our center has two programs that won awards this year!"


Hearing this, all the people present showed surprised expressions. You must know that the Art Program Center has not presented excellent programs for several years, but this year not only has there been, but there are two at once.

"Director, which two programs are they?" the deputy director asked, and the others all looked at the director, anxiously waiting for the other party's answer.

"One is "Crossover Actor". As a self-produced program, this program has achieved a double harvest of word-of-mouth and ratings after it was broadcast. When it was broadcast, the popularity has remained high. Although it was completed in cooperation with multiple departments program, but it also has a contribution from our cultural program center." Jiang Hai said.

Everyone present nodded unanimously. Although it was not my program, they were not disappointed. After all, it would be embarrassing to get the ratings of my program. It is normal not to be rated. Without hope, it will not disappointment.

Jiang Hai glanced around in the meeting room, finally set his eyes on Xu Jie, and continued: "The other program is "Delicious History", I believe everyone will not be surprised, after all, the ratings are there. , and is deeply loved by the audience and netizens, come, let us congratulate Xu Jie."

After speaking, take the lead in applauding.

After hearing this, everyone turned their attention to Xu Jie, and colleagues raised their hands and applauded.

Although Xu Jie has the lowest qualifications in the entire conference room, he has the strongest business ability. Both of his programs are broadcast on satellite TV channels. Based on this alone, no one in the room can compare with him. superior.

What's more, "Crossover Actor" is someone else's idea. Seriously speaking, the two award-winning programs of the Arts Program Center are related to Xu Jie. Who is not convinced?No!
One counts as one, and all of them are convinced.

"Thank you everyone!" Xu Jie said after seeing it, his face was also full of unexpected surprises.

He thought that there was no hope for the excellent program, but he did not expect it to be rated. However, a question arises, whether it is an excellent program based on the strength of the program, or because of the relationship between Deputy Director Wang. What about the show?
Forget it, let's go by strength, after all, he does have strength.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic." Jiang Hai said seriously: "It's the end of the year, and this time is also a big test for our art program center, because there are two parties waiting for us, the New Year's party and the Spring Festival Evening..."

The end of each year is the busiest time for the art program center, because not only to ensure the normal broadcast of the original programs, but also to participate in the production of the New Year's Gala and the Spring Festival Gala, working overtime is simply commonplace.

The working meeting lasted for more than half an hour before it ended, and when we left, everyone was full of urgency.

Xu Jie was about to hold a program analysis meeting, but was stopped by the director.

"Xu Jie, you stay here."

After everyone left, Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, just now deputy editor-in-chief Lu found me and wanted to invite you to join the director team. What do you think?"

"I think this is an opportunity to exercise and increase my experience in organizing large-scale evening parties." Xu Jie said seriously after hearing this.

When he went to attend the Beijing News Awards Ceremony before, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu mentioned this to him. During this period of time, he didn't think much about it. He might be a little busy, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"I think so too, but you already have two shows in your hands, are you sure you can keep busy?" Jiang Hai is most worried about this problem. He must not pick sesame seeds and lose watermelons. The show, the show only happens once a year, but the show has to be broadcast forever.

"No problem, those two programs have been broadcast for so many episodes, and they are already very mature. I don't need to stay by the side all the time. Besides, the show will be held in the Grand Theater next door. It's so close, nothing will happen." Xu Jie replied.

"Well, then it's settled. I'll talk to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu later to see what kind of job is more suitable for you." Jiang Hai said, as the director of the cultural program center, he still has a certain say in this matter. .

"Thank you, Director." Xu Jie said.

"Okay, let's go back to work. By the way, the Outstanding Program Awards Ceremony will be held on the 25th, that is, at [-] pm this Friday. The venue will be in the Grand Theater next door. Please participate when you arrive." Jiang Hai instructed.

"I see."

Xu Jie returned to the office area happily, and people kept congratulating him along the way.

"Director Xu, congratulations to "Delicious History" for being an excellent program."

"Director Xu, we will rely on you to play the leading role in our art program center from now on."

"Mr. Xu, when you release a new program, you must bring me with you, and you can serve tea and water."

Xu Jie responded with a smile.

He is also very happy. He just won three awards a few days ago, and now he has won one award. Recently, he has been given an award and his hands are soft. The most important thing is that this time he won it for the Arts Program Center. The meaning is completely different from before.

Having been taken care of by director Jiang for so long, it can be regarded as living up to the other party's expectations.

"Director Xu, did our program really win the Excellent Program Award?" Song Huanhuan and other program crew gathered around. Although colleagues from other teams had already said it, they still wanted to hear Director Xu himself say it.

"En!" Xu Jie nodded and said.


All members of the "Delicious History" program team cheered loudly and excitedly.

This is the first award the program has won, which represents the affirmation of the program and the program group in the station, and this is a collective award, which rewards the program and everyone in the program group.

Looking back on the hard work of the past year, the sweat was finally not in vain.

Everything is worth it!

(End of this chapter)

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