Chapter 449 The Charge
The meeting of the two 'sessions' ended, and Xu Jie walked out of the conference room.

"Director Xu."

A voice suddenly came from behind, Xu Jie looked back, it was Zhang Nan, the deputy head of the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe.

"What's the matter with Captain Zhang?" Xu Jie stopped.

I have to say that the femininity of a dancer is good, and she walks with light steps and a graceful posture, just like a swan, which is pleasing to the eye.

"I wonder what director Zhang thinks about the theme of the New Year's party?" Zhang Nan asked.

"Not yet." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

The meeting has just ended, what ideas does he have?It's not a robot cat, but it says that you can pull out something.

"Director Zhang, after you decide on the theme, you must inform me as soon as possible, so that I can do choreography according to the theme." Zhang Nan said.

As the choreographer in charge of the entire gala, her task can be said to be quite heavy. The gala must have stars, right?Stars must sing, right?Singing needs a backup dancer, right?From the beginning to the end, her task is no lighter than anyone else.

"Okay." Xu Jie nodded.

The theme is the core of a party. If the theme is not determined, the work related to the show cannot be carried out, so his work is very important.

"Director Xu, don't forget I'm still here." Ma Kun said as he passed by.

"Understood." Xu Jie said, but he was thinking in his heart: the first thing to do is the New Year's party, why are you a director of language programs joining in the fun?
The New Year’s Gala is generally composed of singing and dancing, and only the Spring Festival Gala will have language programs, so Ma Kun should be the most relaxed, because he only needs to prepare the language programs for the Spring Festival Gala, and two months is still very fast. sufficient.

Xu Jie was about to leave when he saw Director Jiang approaching, so he hurried up and asked, "Director, do you know who planned the New Year's party last year?"

He is going to incorporate this person, so that his work will be greatly reduced.

Jiang Hai guessed Xu Jie's intentions, and said as he walked, "Do you know why we entrusted you with such an important task of planning?"

Xu Jie shook his head.

According to common sense, assigning a person to a very important position must be taken seriously, but since Director Jiang asked this, it means that things are definitely not as simple as they appear on the surface, could it be bullying?

"Didn't Beijing Satellite TV carry out a revision this year? What Lao Lu meant was that he hoped that you could bring some brand new changes to the New Year's Gala. Come in." Jiang Hai said seriously.

Xu Jie understood, no wonder so many experienced veterans were not used, and he, a novice, was appointed to take up such an important position. It turned out that he was going to be used as an experiment, and the New Year's party was used for practice.

Knowing this, he no longer has any scruples in his heart. After all, the reason for using him is to hope that he can come up with something different from previous years. Let the experiment fail.

"What if it doesn't work?" Xu Jie asked.

"The Spring Festival Gala will continue to be carried out according to the theme of previous years, and the soup will not be changed." Jiang Hai said very bluntly, and did not treat Xu Jie as an outsider at all.

As one of the chief directors of the New Year's Gala and Spring Festival Gala in recent years, he has been trying to make changes, but sitting in this position, he has too many worries, which also leads to little change, and the effect is not good.

"Understood!" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

Deputy editor-in-chief Lu hopes to carry out the revision of Beijing Satellite TV to the end, and the task of charging into the battle falls on him. He is equivalent to a death squad, and he will be successful if he fails.

Jiang Hai patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and said, "Don't have any pressure. As the saying goes, it's difficult to adjust. Even China TV's Spring Festival Gala will be scolded, let alone us? Don't put a psychological burden on yourself, and go into battle lightly."

Xu Jie smiled.

Mental burden?

does not exist!
What psychological burden will the death squad have?When you are worried about death, isn't the posture of falling to the ground not handsome enough?Just rush forward.

Back at the art program center, Xu Jie started a new job.

Compared with the theme of the "Family Carnival" of the Spring Festival Gala, the theme of the New Year's Gala is not fixed. It can be prosperity, struggle, dream chasing, or the focus of the past year.

In fact, looking at the New Year's parties of major TV stations, it is not difficult to find that these themes are the main themes, so the similarities in the themes also make the New Year's parties of various TV stations finally turn into a stage for star competition. Whoever has more coffee will stand out.

However, this kind of thinking is very wrong, because it has been out of the theme in essence, and has evolved into a deformed party that competes for ratings. flow.

In Xu Jie's view, the theme of a party should be reflected in every link, rather than relying on the host's forced and sensational lines to create it.

The party can use stars to create surprises. If you want to retain the audience, you also need to rely on exciting content to make the audience look forward to the next program, instead of changing channels immediately after watching your favorite stars.

Celebrities, some like it, some don't, but a wonderful show, everyone likes it.

Therefore, it is extremely important to find the right theme and the right position.

"Boom boom boom!"

A slender hand tapped on the table, awakening Xu Jie from his thoughts.

He looked up and saw that it was Qin Yan.

"What's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"I heard that you are the planner of our Taiwan New Year's party?" Qin Yan asked in a low voice, with nervousness and anticipation in her eyes.

"Yeah." Xu Jie glanced at the woman, did he know it after only an hour?
However, he was not surprised. There are no secrets in the TV station. Things that should be kept secret, such as anonymous reporting letters, are widely known, not to mention such public things. There will be a press conference in a few days.

Qin Yan was overjoyed and asked eagerly, "Any thoughts?"

Xu Jie shook his head, "Not yet."

"Do you think I can be the host?" Qin Yan asked.

"Yes, weren't you the host of the New Year's party last year?" Xu Jie said.

"Can someone who specializes in reading commercials be called a host?" Qin Yan said resentfully.

In her opinion, the host of the show should stand on the main stage, read the opening speech, introduce the show, and interact with the actors, instead of standing in front of the camera and reading advertisements.

It's not that this errand is not good, in fact, even the job of reading advertisements at the New Year's party is very sought-after in the station, after all, it is also an opportunity to show your face in front of the national audience.

But the problem is that she is ambitious and unwilling to be a humanoid advertising machine, so even though she knows that the hosts of the New Year's party are usually the first and second sisters of major TV stations, she still wants to fight for it.

Xu Jie was taken aback when he heard it. He only knew that Qin Yan was the host, not that the other party was reading commercials, and he was too busy last year, and accompanied Su Yun to the China TV New Year's Gala, so he didn't pay attention to his own TV station at all. party.

"You should ask the director about this matter, he is the chief director." Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan and said.

He wanted Qin Yan to host the New Year's Gala, and even wanted her to host the Spring Festival Gala. This would be good for "In-depth Film and Television Talk", but the problem was that what he said didn't count.

"I asked, and he said that what you say counts." Qin Yan said.

Xu Jie glanced in the direction of the director's office, and finally couldn't help laughing. The director must have thought that Qin Yan was difficult, so he pushed Qin Yan on him.

"Sister Yan, do you believe such words?" Xu Jie asked back.

"Trust!" Qin Yan said seriously: "The director said that this year, we will select a suitable host according to the theme of the party, and you are the theme planner, so you have a lot of say in who will be the host in the end."

Xu Jie was startled, and asked suspiciously, "Director Jiang really said that?"

Qin Yan nodded heavily, "Yes."

Xu Jie stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead. He didn't know whether he should believe it or not.

If Director Jiang really said that, he would not only be the host, but also the actors and the program who participated in the show, he would have a lot of say.

This is not just as simple as planning, it is equivalent to half a director.

"Wait first!" Xu Jie said to Qin Yan, and then walked to the director's office.


Xu Jie knocked on the door.

"Come in"


Xu Jie pushed the door and walked in, then closed the door.

"Director, I want to ask you something." Xu Jie approached Director Jiang and asked, "I heard that I have the right to speak in the selection of the host?"

When Jiang Hai heard it, he immediately understood what was going on.

"Qin Yan looking for you?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Hmm." Seeing the smile on Director Jiang's face, Xu Jie became suspicious again, "Director, are you trying to play Qin Yan perfunctorily, or is it true?"

"Really." Jiang Hai said.

"What about the show?" Xu Jie asked again.

"Of course it is." Jiang Hai smiled and said to Xu Jie: "If you are capable, you can arrange all the programs of the New Year's party, and save me and Lao Lu trouble."

Xu Jie frowned. He felt that words like "If you have the ability, do so" are usually a run on people.

"Director, are you speaking the truth or anger?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's the truth." Jiang Hai said: "We just want to give you a blank sheet of paper, let you draw freely, and don't want to restrict your creation because of some rigid conditions. I want you to be the chief director."

Xu Jie swallowed unconsciously. Do you have such high expectations for him?
Originally, I thought that I just wanted him to charge as a death squad, but I didn't expect that I wanted him to take the head of the enemy general among thousands of troops.

Am I that good?Am I so worthy of entrustment?

"Are there any other questions?" Jiang Hai asked.


Xu Jie shook his head, and walked out of the director's office consciously.

A blank sheet of paper?
So create?
Xu Jie suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Since it is a blank piece of paper, paint all the colors on it, so that it is no longer monotonous and colorful.

Break the tradition and create a diversified evening party for the audience!

(End of this chapter)

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