The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 450 Become a god or become a scum?

Chapter 450 Become a god or become a scum?

Diversification is not a mess!
Its key point is to achieve the unity of all methods while presenting a variety of styles.

Isn't the diversity of programs a kind of tolerance?
Just like the city of Beijing, like Chinese culture, like our entire nation.

"How about it?"

As soon as Xu Jie walked out of the director's office, he was blocked by Qin Yan. He looked at the other party's eager eyes, smiled and said, "You don't need to read the advertisement this year."

Qin Yan was startled for a moment, then jumped up excitedly.

"Really? Great!"

She has been looking forward to this moment for many years. From the day she became the host, she has been looking forward to being able to stand on a stage like the New Year's Gala.

Especially as an entertainment show host, this is simply a great honor. Except for the Spring Festival Gala, there is no bigger stage than this.

Xu Jie gave the other party a high-five, then returned to his work station, and quickly wrote down his thoughts just now, for fear that the inspiration would disappear in the next moment.


Qin Yan returned to the office from the outside with a takeaway bag in her hand. Seeing that Xu Jie was still at her work station, she walked over quickly, her face beaming with joy and brows brimming with joy.

She came to Xu Jie's side and saw that the other party was typing intently, without even noticing that someone was approaching, so she didn't bother him, and put the takeaway bag on the window sill next to him.

Before leaving, her gaze flicked over the document on the computer screen, and the content inside immediately attracted her attention. She stopped her feet involuntarily, and looked at the content written by Xu Jie seriously.


Kaka Kaka...

The slender fingers tapped on the keyboard quickly, as if they were playing a piano, playing a beautiful piece of music.

Ten minutes passed.

Xu Jie stopped with his ten fingers, and finally finished writing the outline of the theme of the whole party, and the rest is to fill in the content.

Sitting in one position for a long time will inevitably cause some back pain. He opened his arms and stretched his waist, unconsciously leaning back.

As a result, as soon as his head was turned back, he felt that he had bumped into something, which was soft yet elastic, strange yet familiar.

Xu Jie couldn't help but slightly turned his head and rubbed his head twice, this feeling...wrong!
He hastily turned his head, only to see Qin Yan standing behind him at some point, blushing and glaring at him.

Girls in the capital don't look careless at ordinary times, in fact, there are subtleties in roughness, and what can best reflect this is that they are very respectful. No matter what, they will ask the other party's opinion first, just like Qin Yan at this time.

"Do you want to die?"

Xu Jie looked at Qin Yan who was gnashing his teeth, and then looked at the height of his head when he sat down. His eyes couldn't help staying on the position below the other's neck. At this moment, he finally understood what he was lying on.

"Cough, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention just now." Xu Jie apologized embarrassingly, and then asked suspiciously: "Why are you running behind me?"

He swore to the lamp that he really didn't do it on purpose just now, after all, he didn't have eyes on the back of his head, besides, even if it was on purpose, he might not be able to hit it so accurately, directly

"Here comes the food for you." Qin Yan picked up the takeaway bag and put it on the other party's desk. She wanted to thank the other party, and deliberately spent a few hundred yuan to order a crab roe noodles for the other party. Who would have thought How could such a thing happen.

Xu Jie looked at the packaging bag, saw that it was crab roe noodles, immediately opened the package, poured crab roe into the noodles and stirred.

"Thank you!" Xu Jie said, "Oh, by the way, shouldn't this be considered bribery?"

"Who have you ever seen bribed with a bowl of noodles?" Qin Yan asked back.

Xu Jie thought about it, yes.

It's not noodles made of gold, which is at best a thank you.

"Did you peek at the planning outline I wrote just now?" Xu Jie asked while eating, mainly to change the subject and avoid embarrassment.

"Yes, I've seen it." Qin Yan nodded without denying it.

"How do you feel?" Xu Jie asked.

The other party had participated in the New Year's party, and although he was only in charge of reading the advertisement, he had also gone through all the processes, so he had some experience, so he could just give him some advice.

After Qin Yan heard it, she immediately forgot what happened just now, with a bit of worry on her face.

"Your idea is good, but it's too difficult to do so. Are you sure you can control it?" She didn't look at it for a long time, but she got a general idea, and was shocked by Xu Jie's bold idea at the same time , I can't help but feel a little worried.

According to the other party's idea, if the party is done well, then it can directly become a god, if it is not done well, it will be a mess.

She has been at Beijing TV Station for several years, and she has never seen a show director who dares to do this. You must know that this is the first time that the other party is planning a New Year's show. Isn't it too risky to do so?
"The purpose of choosing me as a planner is to let me do something different from previous years, different from other TV stations. If it is the same as before, is it still necessary for me? Just copy and paste a New Year's party. Alright." Xu Jie said.

He is very clear about his mission, and he wants to seize this opportunity firmly. He has taken an unusual path. In the environment where all TV stations are spending a lot of money to hire stars, only surprises can win.

In the case of the New Year's Gala, some TV stations are fighting for money, and some TV stations are fighting for stars, but what he wants to fight is the content.

This is the essence of a party.

"But you are too courageous, right? Haven't you thought about what will happen after you fail? The word of mouth you have accumulated through the show may be overturned." Qin Yan reminded.

"Why, don't you believe me?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"What are you talking about? We are grasshoppers on the same rope now. I hope you can turn what you just wrote into reality, but... well, you are the captain, so you have the final say." Qin Yan shrugged her shoulders, feeling like she was on a pirate ship, but she asked for it herself.

But speaking of it, doesn't the man in front of him bring surprises every time when others don't like it?
As the old saying goes: as bold as a man is, as productive as his land is.

Maybe the other party can fight to become a god this time like when "Delicious History" was broadcast?

In view of the opponent's previous record, she finally chose to trust the opponent.

"Actually, I understand what you mean, but this opportunity is rare, and Taiwan has given me a lot of authority. If I don't take advantage of this opportunity to do big things, I worry that I will never have such an opportunity in the future." .” Xu Jie said solemnly.

Although the production cost of "Crossover Actor" is also very high, and there are many celebrities, it cannot compare with the New Year's Gala in terms of scale.

There are many people who work in the TV station, and there are many staff involved in the production of the New Year's party, but how many people will have the opportunity to plan the entire New Year's party?

Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie in a daze, when a man is determined to do something, it should be the most charming time.

"The noodles are delicious!" Xu Jie touched his mouth, then said to Qin Yan with a smile, "Let's make a bet, if the New Year's party is successful, how about treating me to another bowl?"

"Good!" Qin Yan said.

If this New Year's party can be successful, she is said to have one bowl, and she will also invite ten bowls.

in the afternoon.

Everyone in the office was assembled, Xu Jie took a list and said loudly: "Everyone be quiet, I have a list here, wait for the people who say their names, and gather in the big conference room in half an hour, Qin Yan, Song Huanhuan, Liu Hua, Zhang Tong, Jin Ke, Wang Haixin, Sun Hongbo..."

As one name after another came out of Xu Jie's mouth, many people present were stunned.

At first, everyone thought Director Xu was referring to people from the two program groups "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk", but after listening, they found that there were people from other program groups.

what's the situation?
Does Director Xu have a new show?

But since it is a new program, why are there people from the program groups of "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk"?
"Liu Yingwen, Kang Jian, half an hour later, that is, at two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone should not forget." After Xu Jie finished speaking, he walked outside the art program center.

"Director Xu, wait!" Someone stood up and asked, "Is there a new program?"

"Director Xu, there are very few people in our program group. If you recruit a few more, our program group will have no one." A person in charge of the program group said.

"It's not a new show, it's a New Year's party." Xu Jie explained.

After everyone heard it, they realized that no one had any objections.

Xu Jie left the art program center and came to the satellite TV program center.

"Big brothers and sisters, listen to me. I have a list here. Those who read it will go to the large conference room of the Art Center for a meeting." Xu Jie said, and then began to roll the names.

He has been in the satellite TV program center for more than half a year. It cannot be said that he comes every day, but at least one-third of a month will be spent here, so he has recognized all the people here, and who is good at it? What, who's advantages are, they all understand clearly, don't use it at this time, when to wait?
"Director Xu, your voice has called away half of the people in our center. What's the matter?"

"Yeah, I still have a lot of work on my hands."

Although the people in the satellite TV program center are usually very polite to Xu Jie, they are not from the program center after all, so they still reject Xu Jie's behavior of cross-department transfer.

There are still many people who are not convinced. Why do the people in your cultural program center ask us to work?

"For the New Year's party." Xu Jie said lightly after hearing this.

After hearing this, the people present remembered the meeting held here in the morning. It is said that Xu Jie is now the chief planner of the New Year's party. The most important work in Taili's next stage is the New Year's Eve party.

As for the chief director, everyone knew that the chief director would only appear during the review and rehearsal. Before that, the chief planner basically had the final say.

Those who were not convinced just now are convinced now.

No way, who made Xu Dao the chief planner of the New Year's party now?


(End of this chapter)

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