Chapter 451 Is he okay?
Large meeting room.

At this time, more than 30 people have gathered here, some from the art program center, and some from the satellite TV program center. They whispered and discussed with each other. Although they knew that Director Xu called everyone here to prepare for the New Year's party, but But I don't know what the specific work content assigned to them is.

"Where is Director Xu, why hasn't he come yet?" Someone asked strangely.

Informed everyone to gather in the meeting room of the Art Program Center at 5:[-] p.m., but it turned out that [-] minutes had passed, and Director Xu himself hadn't arrived yet. Isn't this putting everyone off?

And more than 30 people are waiting for him alone, isn't it a bit shameful?
"I don't know, maybe I went to other departments and haven't come back yet."

"Can it work? I still have a lot of work waiting for me." Some people got impatient.

"No matter how important your work is, it's not as important as the New Year's party."

"The New Year's party is such a big party, isn't there a small number of people like us?" Someone questioned.

For a large cultural event like the New Year's Gala, there are at least a hundred people working behind the scenes, and even if one of these people in the conference room is used as two people, it is seriously not enough.

"Director Xu will probably continue to convene people in other departments now." Someone speculated.

A few minutes later, the door of the conference room opened, and Xu Jie came out from the outside, holding a stack of copy paper in his hand, and while distributing to the people present, he said, "Is everyone here? What I am sending you now is the planning plan for the New Year's party, this is an outline, everyone read it carefully, and then express your opinions and add every program and every link..."

After everyone heard it, they didn't take it seriously, and thought: what's there to add? What happened in previous years will be what this year will be. Invite the hottest stars to sing, dance, and rap. This is the secret to the success of the New Year's party. Which one? So is TV.

"Director Xu, are we the only ones at this year's New Year's party?" A staff member from the satellite TV program center asked suspiciously. Is this intended to treat one person as three?

"No!" Xu Jie said lightly: "You are members of the planning team, you just need to make the corresponding content according to my planning outline."


For a moment, everyone in the conference room was stunned.

There are more than 30 people in a planning team, isn't that too much?

I remember last year's New Year's party, the planning team had only three people, including the chief planner, there were only four, and this year... this should be the year that the planning team has the largest number of people since Beijing TV held the New Year's party.

"Director Xu, are you joking?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"Why, I look like I'm joking?" Xu Jie asked back.

"But, are there too many people? I don't think so many people are needed."

"Look at the plan first, and then talk about it after reading it."

Xu Jie shook the notebook in his hand.

He didn't want to find so many people, but the content of this plan was too extensive and the workload was too heavy to be completed by one person, so he called so many people together. This is called brainstorming and brainstorming. The hole is also big.

Everyone opened the plan in their hands and began to read.

At first, the expressions on everyone's faces were calm, but within half a minute, everyone present changed their expressions, from doubt to surprise, from bewilderment to shock, everyone was stunned.

Qin Yan secretly glanced at the expressions of other people. That's right, she also looked like this when she saw the plan before, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed where she was, and Xu Jie had accidentally taken advantage of her.

All the people here are from the TV station. Many of them have not only done the program, but also had the New Year's party before, so they have some experience. However, the expression on the face at this moment looks like a baby.

There is no way, the plan is good, but there are too many things involved, so many that even people who have experience in the New Year's party feel incredible.

From the past to the present, and then to the future, based on China and the culture of different periods, an epic party will be produced to show the changes of the times from a variety of perspectives.

This is not at all like the New Year's party of Beijing TV Station, but more like the New Year's party of Huaxia TV Station. Whether it is the whole or the details, it exceeds everyone's impression of the New Year's party.

After a long time, everyone read the plan, but the meeting room was very quiet, no one spoke, because everyone was still immersed in the content on the paper and couldn't extricate themselves.

If I had to describe it in one word, it would be: shocking.

Everyone was shocked by the content described in the plan, and because of this, everyone began to doubt: can it really be done?Is it too exaggerated?it's OK?

"Xu, Director Xu, are you sure you didn't get the wrong plan?" Zhang Ru stammered and asked, as the person in charge of a travel recording program in the satellite TV program center, she was shocked when she saw this plan.

She has also worked in Beijing TV Station for more than ten years. She has participated in both the New Year's Gala and the Spring Festival Gala. However, there has never been a year when the content of the party is as bold as this year, and it even exceeds the scope of the party. An epic drama.

"That's right." Xu Jie replied.

"Are you sure you got the plan for the New Year's party?" Zhang Ru asked again.

"Of course!" Xu Jie said, he looked at Zhang Ru, then at the others, and then said, "I know what you think, but I hope that your structure will not be so low, be more open-minded, and open your eyes a little , but now you know why there are so many people in the planning team?"

Everyone stared blankly at Director Xu and nodded involuntarily.

Not many, more than thirty people are definitely not many.

Because there are too many aspects involved, it is even necessary to invite some professionals to help.

It was the least party-like party they would ever do.

Can Director Xu do it?

Many people have doubts about Director Xu.

The other party is really good at making shows, everyone must admit this, but you can't use the idea of ​​making a show to make a New Year's party.

Xu Jie knew what the people here were thinking, but it didn't matter, he wanted to be the big one, others were trying to sell dog meat, but this time he wanted to sell mutton meat as dragon meat.

"Since everyone has read the plan, let's hurry up and discuss it. If you have any thoughts and ideas, speak up quickly, and be bold." Xu Jie said with a smile.


Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.


They now have no other thoughts except surprise.

Xu Jie looked around for a while, thought for a while, and said, "I know you all have programs in your hands. In order not to delay work, you can go back to the office to think, or you can go home to think..."

When everyone heard this, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Director Xu is quite humane, not bad.

I heard Xu Jie continue to say: "In the future, our planning team will not talk about the New Year's party during the day, but only after get off work. There will be different themes every day. Only when the content is completed, can we leave work."


There was a burst of wailing in the conference room.

"Why?" someone asked.

"Yeah, why?" The satellite TV program center complained, with dissatisfaction and reluctance written all over their faces. As an office worker, who is willing to work overtime?
This is not blessing, this is retribution!

After Xu Jie heard it, he took out a work card from his pocket and hung it around his neck. There was a line written on it: Xu Jie, chief planner of the 2023 Beijing Radio and Television New Year's Gala.

The people present were slightly taken aback when they saw it clearly. The leaders only held a meeting in the morning, but the work permits were made in the afternoon?
Don't underestimate this work permit, it is equivalent to a precious sword, hang it up, and people in the Beijing Radio and Television Station can use it casually, even news hosts have to accept arrangements.

"Who has any opinions?" Xu Jie glanced over everyone's faces.


"No objection!" Qin Yan said loudly at this time, as a person on board, she felt that she had to stand up and support Xu Jie, even if she was treated as a babysitter.

"No comment!"

Next, the people from the Art Program Center also followed suit.

The person who asked the question was the help of the program group. If they don't support it, who will support it?
"No comment!"

The person on the TV show finally spoke.

Things have come to this point, and they can't change anything. The only thing they can do is to think of the theme of the daily meeting in their spare time. In this way, they won't stay here and work overtime.

"Very good!" Xu Jie nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the time on his watch, and said, "I'm going to get off work soon, today is not counted, I will give you a chance to go back and inform your family that you will often work overtime in the future. After you go back, you can seriously think about it and come up with something decent at the seminar tomorrow night. To be honest, I don’t want to work overtime either.”

Xu Jie knew that his qualifications were low, and many people disapproved of him, especially the people in the satellite TV program center, so he came up with such a way to motivate them.

Want to leave work early?

no problem!
Come with content.

Get things done quickly and get off work together.

The first meeting of the planning group is over.

At the same time, the official Weibo of Beijing Radio and Television Station released a message titled: Members of the Organizing Committee of the 2023 Beijing Radio and Television Station New Year's Party Announcement.

Below is a picture with the names of the members and their responsibilities.

"Chief director of the organizing committee: Lu Hong."

"Executive director of the organizing committee: Jiang Hai."

"The chief planner of the organizing committee: Xu Jie."


Once the announcement was released, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens, and everyone commented below.

"Xu Jie? Old Xu? He turned out to be the chief planner of the New Year's party?"

"In previous years, the chief planner was also written by the chief director. How can I list one separately this year?"

"Planning is related to the quality and height of the whole party. Old Xu has no experience before. Can he do it?"

Xu Jie is now on this list, and he is also the chief planner, which surprised many people. After all, Xu Jie has always been doing shows, and this time it is the New Year's party. Can he still surprise people?
If it is a new program, everyone will definitely support it, because the program produced by Lao Xu has always had a good reputation, but the New Year's party...

Everyone is suspicious.

Is he okay?

(End of this chapter)

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