The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 452 Help each other

Chapter 452 Help each other
It's time to get off work.

Xu Jie stuffed the plan for the New Year's party into his bag and walked out of the office with it.

He had just gotten into the car and was about to drive home when his phone rang. He picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Hu Zhen.

Calling at this time, could it be for...

"Hello, Mr. Hu." Xu Jie connected the phone.

"Hello Director Xu, are you off work now?" Hu Zhen asked.

"Just got off work." Xu Jie said.

"Director Xu, although I'm in a hurry, can we meet up? I want to treat you to dinner." In the microphone, Hu Zhen's voice was pleading, not at all the demeanor of a gold medal manager in the entertainment industry.

"Yes." Xu Jie readily agreed.

Normally, he would not agree, because he wanted to avoid suspicion, but this time, he happened to have something to tell the other party.

"Director Xu, there is a private restaurant called Baijiacai in the east of Chaoyang Park. There is a location in the navigation. It is easy to find. I will wait there." Hu Zhen said politely.

From his point of view, it is really not easy to get this Director Xu out on a date, and he must make arrangements for him clearly and comfortably tonight.

"Well, I'll go now."

After the call ended, Xu Jie put down his phone, entered the address in the navigation, and then drove away from the TV station.

At this time, it was rush hour, and the car was stuck on the road not long after driving out.

Xu Jie turned on the radio in the car, found a cross talk and listened to it.

At this time, the phone rang again.

He thought it was Hu Zhen who was in a hurry, but when he looked at the phone, he found that it was Liu Jinghua this time.

Hehe, the action is fast.

Xu Jie put on the headset and connected the phone.

"Mr. Liu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked bluntly, he was always so rude with this woman.

"Director Xu, I heard that Xiaoyun is filming in Hengdian. You must not have had dinner by yourself? I know a western restaurant that just opened, and the chef there used to work in a Michelin-starred restaurant." Liu Jinghua dialed this call with the cheek Telephone.

No way, things are very important.

Of course, she is also prepared to be rejected, after all, this is not once or twice.

It's eating again!

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said: "It's okay to eat, but the western restaurant is fine. There is a private restaurant called Baijiacai in the east of Chaoyang Park. Go there and wait for me."

Liu Jinghua was stunned for a moment, his heart was full of surprises, he didn't expect the other party to agree, the sun really came out from the west.

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away, we'll see you soon." Liu Jinghua said quickly, and then hung up the phone.

Stopping and stopping along the way, the distance that could have been reached in more than ten minutes took half an hour in the end.

Xu Jie found an empty space and parked the car. Just as he was about to get off the car, he saw Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua outside the restaurant. The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, kept looking into the passing taxis like door gods. Zhang Wang, obviously, these two people don't know about his driving in the car yet.


Xu Jie got out of the car, closed the door and walked towards the restaurant.

Both Liu Jinghua and Hu Zhen saw Xu Jie, their eyes lit up at the same time, and they walked up to him at the same time.

"Director Xu!"

"Director Xu!"

The two spoke in unison.

But after calling out, both of them were stunned. They looked at each other, then at Xu Jie, with question marks all over their faces.

"Mr. Hu and Mr. Liu have a tacit understanding." Xu Jie said with a smile.

After Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua heard this, their expressions were a little embarrassed, but they soon returned to normal.

"I'm not talking about calling me together, but calling me together to invite me to dinner." Xu Jie explained.

Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua looked at each other and frowned slightly.

Colleagues are enemies.

Both of them are gold medal managers in the entertainment industry, and they both have their own management and cultural companies, and they are both in the capital. The usual competition is fierce, and they often conflict because of program guests and movie roles.

Hearing Director Xu's words just now, the two immediately understood the other party's intention for inviting Director Xu. In fact, they all came for the same thing.

New Year's party!

"If you two don't mind, let's have dinner together, so that I don't have time to finish eating with this one, and have another meal with that one," Xu Jie said.

Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua glanced at each other, and now they can only do so.

"Director Xu, I have already booked the room, please follow me." Hu Zhen pointed sideways at the restaurant door.

Xu Jie nodded and walked into the restaurant.

Hu Zhen led the way and came to a private room on the second floor. The room was large and it was a suite. On one side was a large dining table that could accommodate 20 people, and on the other side was a lounge for chatting.

"Mr. Hu, is the food ready?" the waiter looked at Hu Zhen and asked.

"Well, serve." Hu Zhen said, and then deliberately glanced in Liu Jinghua's direction, as if he was demonstrating.

Liu Jinghua didn't take it seriously, thinking: Isn't it just to invite Director Xu to dinner?I even went to Director Xu's house for dinner, hum!

Xu Jie sat down, Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua sat beside him, one on the left and one on the right, Xu Jie looked at the two of them, then suddenly got up and sat down opposite them.

"Director Xu, you are..." Hu Zhen was puzzled, even embarrassed.

What does it mean?
"Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to shake my head left and right." Xu Jie explained.

Hu Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there was something wrong with the hospitality.

It didn't take long for all the dishes to arrive. They were all delicacies from mountains and seas, and the dishes were very expensive as you can tell from the name.

"The two invited me to dinner, there must be something wrong?" Xu Jie looked at the two people opposite, and said while eating: "Mr. Hu called first, and Mr. Hu said first."

Hu Zhen was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Director Xu, congratulations on becoming the chief planner of the Beijing New Year's Party. If there is anything you need, no matter whether it is contributing people or efforts, as long as you say a word, our Liangxing Culture will definitely rush forward. front."

Liu Jinghua curled her lips when she heard it, and said in a strange way: "Hehe, it sounds so nice, don't you want to push artists to the New Year's party?"

The expression on Hu Zhen's face froze, he turned his head to look at Liu Jinghua who was at the side, gritted his teeth and said, "This is the place I ordered, you can eat if you want, or leave if you don't want to, no one will keep you."

Liu Jinghua said in a tone of voice: "Oh, Mr. Hu is angry? I'm just telling the truth casually. Mr. Hu won't be so stingy, won't he even let me talk?"

"What do you mean?" Hu Zhen frowned.

To be honest, dare to love what he just said is not the truth?Isn't this slapping Director Xu in the face?

"It's not interesting." Liu Jinghua looked at Xu Jie and said with a smile: "Director Xu, we are not outsiders, so I'll just say it straight. I saw the announcement list of the New Year's Party Organizing Committee released by the official Weibo of Beijing Radio and Television Station this afternoon. , that's when I realized that you are the chief planner of the New Year's party. What I want to say is, can you use artists from our prosperous culture? You have seen the artists under my command, and they are all outstanding in the entertainment industry. Not only has the strength, but also has the quality."

"Hmph, Wang Po is selling melons and boasting." Hu Zhen sneered.

"Because my artist is good, so I praise, unlike some people, who know that their artist is not good, have no confidence, and dare not even recommend it." Liu Jinghua said.

"Whose artist is not good, whose artist do you think is not good?" Hu Zhen asked loudly, poking his neck.

"Who knows who it is."


Xu Jie watched the two quarrel while eating. They were obviously adults, even middle-aged, and they were still like children. However, this was much more interesting than listening to cross talk.

After Xu Jie ate for a while, he felt sixty percent full, so he said, "Is the quarrel over? I have something to say when the quarrel is over."

Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua stopped talking immediately, and looked at Xu Jie together. The quarrel just started, and they forgot that the purpose of coming here was to ask for help, not to quarrel with each other.


"Actually, the reason why I invited the two of you together is to talk about artists." Xu Jie said seriously.

When Hu Zhen heard this, he immediately sat upright, and Liu Jinghua beside him also pricked up his ears.

Xu Jie continued: "By the end of the year, all the TV stations are preparing for the New Year's party. It was originally to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new year, but now it's all become stars. I know that the two stars under my hands will be very busy and will I have received many invitations, but I hope you can stick to me first."

"Director Xu, no problem." Hu Zhen said immediately, "I have a list of all the artists in the company. You can choose who you want to use."

After speaking, he took out a stack of documents from the bag and sent them to Xu Jie, who had already prepared them.

At this time, Liu Jinghua raised her phone and said, "Director Xu, the artist information of our company has been sent to your mailbox. Xiaoyun is my younger sister. We are all on our own. The best ones will definitely be left to you."

The corner of Hu Zhen's mouth twitched, he was not afraid of his strength, but he was afraid of fighting for relationships, or would he also recognize a younger sister and give it to Director Xu?

Xu Jie nodded and said: "Thank you for your support, I will use a lot of people this time, which is why I called you two, I know you are competitors, but this time I hope you can Let go of the previous grievances and join hands to help me, in order to express my gratitude, you can recommend a few more artists to me..."

Hu Zhen was overjoyed, that's great, this is exactly the result he wanted.

Liu Jinghua was also very unhappy. In fact, during the period of the end of the year, first-tier stars and second-tier stars are the targets of competition for the New Year's Gala of various TV stations. In comparison, the market for other artists is not so big.

But as a company, we should not focus on promoting first-tier and second-tier stars, but also promote potential newcomers, so that the company can have sustainable development.

Director Xu's words just now hit her point.

Xu Jie looked at Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua, and knew that both of them were satisfied with his conditions, so he changed the tone and said, "You guys can help me, and I can help you too, but the ugly words are up front. , if your people mess up this New Year's party because of the usual competition, don't blame me for not talking about the past."

At the end, Xu Jie straightened his face, with a very serious expression!

Hu Zhen saw it and immediately said: "Director Xu, don't worry, I know which is more important!"

Liu Jinghua also nodded.

"Really?" Xu Jie looked at the two of them, then stood up and walked over, picked up the wine on the table and poured the empty glasses in front of them, and said, "Well, let's have a drink, let me see Look at your sincerity."


Both Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua were taken aback, cheers?

"Why, you can't even have a drink? You're not trying to perfuse me, are you?" Xu Jie frowned.

"No, absolutely not." Hu Zhen looked at Liu Jinghua and picked up the wine glass first.

Liu Jinghua picked it up when she saw it.

The two looked at each other. Although they felt a little awkward, they finally touched the glasses together.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"


(End of this chapter)

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