Chapter 453

the next day.

Xu Jie came to the unit.

I worked as usual during the day, but I didn't go home as usual after get off work at night, but came to the meeting room to start the first official meeting of the New Year's party planning team.

The team members sat down one after another. Xu Jie looked at the time on his watch. More than ten minutes had passed, but everyone was still not here. Let alone walking here from the office, even if he went to the bathroom halfway, he should have arrived.

"There are still three people missing." Xu Jie looked around and said lightly: "I haven't received any leave request information, did any of you ask for leave for those three people?"

There were 35 people, and now there are 32 people. The people from the art program center have all arrived, and the ones who didn't come are the people from the satellite TV program center.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Xu Jie waited for a while, looked at the people present and asked, "That is to say, those three people didn't ask for leave? Does any of you know why they haven't come yet?"


The conference room was still quiet, but there were a few people from the satellite TV program center with slanted mouths, folded their hands on their chests, and showed an expression of watching the show. They obviously knew something inside, but they just didn't say anything. After all, they won't say anything. Yes, it will offend people if you say it.

Xu Jie narrowed his eyes slightly, it seemed that someone was not convinced by his master plan and didn't take his words seriously.

No wonder!
He is so young, he has only been on the TV station for a few years, and he has no relevant experience in planning large-scale cultural evenings. It is really not convincing to watch these.

Especially after he showed the planning plan to everyone yesterday, although he didn't say it at the time, some people would definitely think it was outrageous. Has anyone talked about him behind his back?

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then smiled and said: "It seems that the three of you are very busy, but this is also normal. No one has an emergency, such as diarrhea or something. Let's think about the few unresolved problems that were raised yesterday. Question, I am going to speak later, let's wait for them to arrive at six o'clock, if they don't come by then, we will have a meeting."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it. At first they were waiting to see a good show, but when they heard that they had to wait until six o'clock, they suddenly felt bad. They had to work overtime after work. Time to wait for someone, isn't this a waste of everyone's time?

Some people couldn't help complaining in their hearts, "If you don't come, you won't come, let's hold our meeting, what are you waiting for those people?"
Someone looked at Director Xu and found that Director Xu was looking down at the plan. There was no anger on his face, and he seemed not in a hurry to get off work at all, as if working overtime could make him happy.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and it was six o'clock in a blink of an eye.

Xu Jie glanced at the direction of the door, and then said lightly: "The three people who didn't come are Jia Liang, Wang Tianyang, and Zeng Rong. It seems that they are really busy. They are so busy that they have time to ask for leave or make a phone call." None, if there are people among you who know them, tell them later, and you won’t use them in the future.”


Everyone was startled, and then showed expressions of surprise and surprise.

not used anymore?

Can I really not use it in the future?
Although they were kicked out of the planning team, some people were tempted. After all, no one likes to stay in the unit and continue working overtime after get off work.

Some people secretly envied the three people who didn't come, and at the same time regretted it. If they had known this, they would not have come after get off work.

I don't know if I will be fired if I don't come tomorrow.

Qin Yanxiu frowned, and looked at Xu Jie worriedly. People in the satellite TV program center usually think that they are superior to other program centers. Now that they are under the general support of a cultural program center, they will inevitably feel uncomfortable.

She could clearly feel that the people present at the satellite TV program center began to be agitated, and the scene was clearly out of control. If this continued, tonight's meeting might not be able to go on normally.

How to do it?

Qin Yan couldn't help feeling anxious for Xu Jie.

Xu Jie, Xu Jie, you should quickly think of a way!

It's no use firing people, you have to shock them.

At this moment, Xu Jie unhurriedly took out a piece of paper from the bag and said, "This is a list of planned planning team members. I originally planned to hand it over to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang. Fortunately, it was not handed in."

As he spoke, he put the list on the table, took out a pen, drew three question marks on the paper, and said in his mouth: "Reprinting a copy is too wasteful of paper. Put the names of these three people with question marks, um, so You can hand it in."

After hearing this, everyone's expressions changed.

Put a question mark on the name?
Just hand it in?

What will Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu think when he sees it?He will definitely ask what's going on, and when Director Xu tells the matter, what the hell is going on?

It doesn't matter if you are not convinced, but it is a sin to delay the New Year's party.

Bringing emotions to work is the most taboo thing.

It seems to be just a piece of paper, but its power is comparable to the book of life and death in the hands of a judge.

Where is the question mark on the names of these people?It is simply a question mark on the future of these people.

Speaking of which, Director Xu is a celebrity in front of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, and I heard that Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu strongly recommended Xu Jie as the chief planner of the New Year's Party at the meeting.

If one were to say that the person under the greatest pressure right now might be Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

If the New Year's party is not done well, the first unlucky ones will definitely not be Director Xu, but those who add to the trouble!

Thinking of this, the people who had planned not to come tomorrow all sat up straight at this moment, not daring to show the slightest slack.

In fact, if you really think about it, Director Xu just took office as the chief planner of the New Year's party, and the new official took office just when he was about to start the fire, so he should pay more attention. come.

And Director Xu put a question mark on his name in front of everyone, obviously trying to scare the chickens to scare the monkeys.

Good trick!
No one thought that Director Xu, who usually seemed amiable, would be so ruthless that he could kill without blood.

Xu Jie picked up the list and said coldly: "I, Xu Jie, am not an unreasonable person. I don't have to come if I have something to do, but at least ask me for a vacation. What's the matter if I don't say anything? Hand in this list on the [-]st. Before that, I hope that all the planning plans can be completed. If anyone intends to fish in troubled waters and don't work hard, don't blame me for crossing the list. I hope you can understand clearly. One thing, you are not helping me, Xu Jie, but working for the TV station."


The scene was silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

Everyone knew that Director Xu was very angry, even tearing his face apart.


Not coming to the first formal meeting is indeed a bit of a slap in the face.

These days, who doesn't want to lose face?
If everyone is like the three people who didn't come, how can the team lead?At that time, it will not be as simple as the hearts of the people are scattered, but the hearts of the people will be scattered.

At this time, the hearts of everyone really stayed here.

"Okay, now we can discuss the content drawn out yesterday." Xu Jie looked at everyone and said.

"Let me talk first." Qin Yan said first. On the one hand, it was to show others, and on the other hand, it was also to ease the current serious atmosphere. Everyone seemed to be frightened by Xu Jie.

Everyone's eyes turned to Qin Yan, listening carefully to the other party's thoughts, and at the same time preparing for their own speeches later.

do not speak?

dare not!

If this is regarded as fishing, wouldn't life be marked with a fork?

"I'll also share my opinion."

"It is very important to show the content of Chinese culture in different periods in what form. It is impossible to invite some stars to sing like an ordinary New Year's party. We must add some new elements, and the audience can accept it."

"Besides singing, what else can you do at the New Year's party? Dance? Recite? There is no problem with expressiveness, but it may be a bit boring for the audience."

Everyone joined the discussion one after another, and soon forgot what happened just now.

After a long time, there was a knock on the door outside.


The meeting room fell silent.

The person sitting by the door got up and opened the door of the conference room.

A man with long hair came in panting from the outside. After finding Xu Jie, he said embarrassedly: "Director Xu, I'm late. The satellite TV program just finished, sorry."

Xu Jie looked at the other party, and then said lightly: "Well, I know you are busy and working very hard, so you don't need to come here in the future, just concentrate on your own work."

It was none other than Jia Liang who was not one of the trio.

Jia Liang's body froze, his expression a little embarrassed.

"Director Xu, I really have something to do, I didn't lie to you."

"I know you really have something to do, so you really don't need to come in the future." Xu Jie emphasized again.

At this moment, two more people ran in from the outside. They were the other two members of the trio, Wang Tianyang and Zeng Rong. They were both wearing coats and seemed in a hurry.

"Director Xu..."

"Director Xu..."

"Needless to say!" Xu Jie interrupted the two of them, and glanced around the meeting room. Someone must have sent a message to notify these three people, and he could guess it with his toes.

There is a saying in his hometown: Wells don’t produce oil without pressure, and people don’t have pressure.

If you don't put a question mark on the names of these three people, will they come?
"You are no longer part of the planning team, you can get off work," Xu Jie said.

"Director Xu, don't tell me." Wang Tianyang said with a bitter face.

"Yes, give it another chance." Zeng Rong begged.

Xu Jie didn't speak, and looked down at the content recorded just now, among which there were some ideas that he thought of going together, and at the same time brought him some inspiration.

Sure enough, there are many people and great strength.

No one in the room spoke, and the three of them just stood there, neither leaving nor staying.

After a few minutes like this, some of the people present couldn't take it anymore.

It was already very late, and if this stalemate continues, I don't know how long I will have to work overtime.

Some people winked at Jia Liang and others, and some directly persuaded them.

"Jia Liang, you go back first."

"Yes, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Jia Liang looked at it and felt embarrassed to stay any longer, so he said, "Director Xu, I'm leaving first, and I'll definitely be there tomorrow."

"Me too!" Wang Tianyang and Zeng Rong agreed.

Seeing that Xu Jie still didn't speak, the three of them left the conference room out of shame.

"Let's continue!" Xu Jie raised his head and said.

Everyone looked at the closed door and thought: I knew this before, so why bother!

 Eating Ping An fruit on Christmas Eve, ask for the second line
(End of this chapter)

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