The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 455 Thanks to Xu Jie

Chapter 455 Thanks to Xu Jie

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the award ceremony for excellent programs of Beijing Radio and Television Station officially began.

This event is not just a simple awards ceremony, but also an experience sharing meeting to increase exchanges, promote innovation, establish a brand, and present excellent programs and the results of this year's work to all walks of life. , In order to expand the influence of Beijing Radio and Television Station.

"This year, the Beijing Radio and Television Station's excellent program selection produced a total of 20 award-winning works. They are the program "Inheriting China" selected by the Beijing Radio and Television Satellite TV Program Center. Regarding the inheritance and dissemination of China's excellent traditional culture... the representatives of the "Inheritance of China" program are invited to accept the award."

Compared with the Beijing News Awards Ceremony, which only announced the winning news titles, today's Beijing Radio and Television Excellent Program Awards Ceremony paid more attention to the promotion of the programs.

The host will not only announce the name of the award-winning program, but also introduce the award-winning program so that more people can understand the content of the program.

Inviting each winner individually to receive the award also fully expresses respect for the winners. This sense of ceremony will allow the winners to enjoy the satisfaction brought about by their hard work, and it is also a kind of motivation.

As the host took the lead in applauding, the representatives of the "Inheritance of China" program group got up and came to the stage.

Xu Jie who was sitting under the stage was stunned when he saw the winner.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu?

Just kidding!

"Don't be so surprised." Director Jiang who was sitting on the side said in a low voice: "Old Lu is the director of many programs on the satellite TV channel, and he handles everything from operation to planning. Otherwise, why do you think he can be a deputy? Editor-in-Chief? Lao Lu still has the real stuff."

Xu Jie came back to his senses after hearing the director's words.

From the beginning of his contact with "Old Lu", the other party has grown from the director of the satellite TV program center to the current deputy editor-in-chief. He has always regarded the other party as a leader and a big boss, but forgot that the other party also walked up step by step.

In the station, the deputy director is generally responsible for managing administrative work, and the deputy editor-in-chief is in charge of content and business, so someone who can become a deputy editor-in-chief must have produced countless excellent programs, and won awards and soft hands , otherwise how to lead the pack?

Just like himself, even if he produced high-rated programs such as "Delicious History" and "In-depth Film and Television Talk", and planned a large-scale variety show such as "Crossover Actor", there are not many people who disagree with him in satellite TV programs. ?

For Xu Jie, it was the end of the day to be able to reach the current height of deputy editor-in-chief Lu.

"The next award-winning work is also selected by Satellite TV Program Center. It is "Vitality". This is a health program that pays attention to people's life and health. It also won the first prize of the China News Award... Please come to the stage to accept the award. .”

The applause sounded again. This time, Gao Yuan, the deputy director of Satellite TV's program center, took the stage to accept the award. She has launched several special programs this year and won many awards.

In fact, compared with some local schemes to fight for the top position, it is relatively easy to get promoted in a TV station. As long as the programs produced can achieve results, how can they be taken seriously.

The host announced five programs in a row, all of which were pushed by the satellite TV program center.

"No wonder everyone in the satellite TV program center has their eyes above the top." Song Huanhuan said in a low voice.

She remembered the attitude of the people in the satellite TV program center towards Director Xu when the New Year's party planning meeting was first held. At first, she thought that those people were overreaching, but now it seems that they are indeed capable.

She thinks that Director Xu is very good, but others may not think so. Maybe the programs that those people have done have won the first time and won awards. In comparison, Director Xu is much inferior in this regard.

"That's because the satellite TV program center has a more important position in the station, so all topics and resources will be tilted toward them." Jiang Hai said indifferently: "Actually, the people in our department are not bad. What is missing is not the capability, but the platform.”

Xu Jie took it for granted when he heard it.

The platform is not good, and the resources obtained are naturally limited.

Take "Delicious History" as an example. When it was aired on the Art Channel, the funds were poor, and no sponsors could be found. However, since it was broadcast on the Satellite TV channel, the sponsors have been obtained, and the funds have also increased greatly. And the production of the program is also more sophisticated.

Moreover, many special programs produced by the satellite TV program center are themselves tasks directly assigned by the station. Keeping up with current events, tracking hot spots, and promoting positive energy, the chances of winning awards are naturally high.

Unlike other program centers, not only did they not have access to topics that were easy to win awards, but even when they went out for interviews, people didn't pay much attention to them.

This is a congenital problem and cannot be changed.

At this moment, Jiang Hai suddenly began to straighten his clothes, and sat up straight.

Just when Xu Jie was wondering, he heard the hostess on the stage say: "The sixth award-winning work is "2022 Beijing Radio and Television Spring Festival Gala"... Please come on stage to accept the award on behalf of the winners."

Under Xu Jie's gaze, Jiang Hai stood up and walked to the stage.


Xu Jie was a little surprised. How could it be Director Jiang who received the award?Director Jiang is only one of the chief directors, and the show is broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV. The most qualified representative should be another chief director, Lu, deputy editor-in-chief.

By the way, deputy editor-in-chief Lu has already received it once.

For an award ceremony like this, it is enough for the director of the department to come on stage to accept the award once, otherwise he thought that he would not give others a chance to show his face.

Xu Jie looked at Director Jiang, who rarely showed a calm look, not as excited as when he was arranging clothes below.

It really is an old actor.

There is no one with this mental quality.

However, when Director Xu stayed from the stage and returned to his seat and sat down, the joy in his heart could no longer be controlled, and a smile finally appeared on his face, just a little silly, just like the silly son of the landlord's family. like.

"Director, it's too late, pay attention to your image." Xu Jie reminded in a low voice.

Jiang Hai only reacted after hearing this, and quickly adjusted his mood, putting away the smile on his face.

"You are also ready to prepare, and it will be you next."

As soon as Jiang Hai's voice fell, the hostess had already spoken.

"The seventh award-winning work is "Delicious History" selected by the Art Program Center. "Delicious History" has been deeply loved by the audience since its birth. It integrates food culture and food history through the form of stories. Together, we have created a new situation in food culture programs, and let us invite the award-winning representatives to come to the stage to accept the award."

"Wow hoo hoo!"

There were bursts of applause at the scene, especially around Xu Jie, the program crew applauded vigorously one by one.

When Xu Jie stood on the stage, everyone's eyes were on him, especially those invited from all walks of life. Don't look at the other people who came to the stage to receive awards, either the director of this program center or the leader of that program center , but in terms of fame and familiarity, they are not as good as Xu Jie. Everyone else is behind the scenes, and only Xu Jie also plays the leading role.

He held the certificate in one hand and the trophy in the other. Compared with the previous anxiety about judging excellent programs, he seemed extraordinarily calm at this time.

Unlike Director Jiang pretending to be calm, he is really calm.

For him, it is just an internal award. If it is a city-wide or national award, he might be happier.

He returned to his seat, and as soon as he sat down, Song Huanhuan beside him couldn't wait to say: "Director Xu, can you show me the trophy?"

The trophy is very simple, it is a glass trophy, and it is sold in many places outside, and it costs tens of dollars each.

What people value is not the trophy, but the honor represented behind the trophy.

Xu Jie handed the trophy to Song Huanhuan. The Excellent Program Award is for the entire program. The members of the program group are also part of the program. Everyone should enjoy the honor brought by the trophy.

Song Huanhuan excitedly took the trophy and held it carefully in his hand.

"This is the first award our program has won, and it's also the first time I've won an award since I came to the TV station. I'm so excited." Song Huanhuan said, his hands even trembling slightly.

"Me too!" Xiao Wei said after hearing this.

"Who isn't?" Liu Jinbao stared at the trophy with straight eyes.

Because of the strong entertainment, people in the art program center have never been able to win awards. They never expected to have the chance to win awards in this life. Who is not excited?
"Calm down, don't act like you haven't seen the award and let others see the joke." Xu Jie glanced at the team members next to him, and said, "I told you a long time ago, let the award fly for a while, maybe it will be returned in the future." There will be."

The team members were very excited when they heard it. It turned out to be Director Xu, and their self-confidence did not fall asleep.

The awards ceremony continued.

It's just that Xu Jie's mind is no longer here.

The award ceremony lasted two hours and lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon.

When everyone returned to the art program center, they were immediately surrounded by people.

"Is this the trophy for an excellent program?"

"I have been working in the TV station for six years, and this is the first time I have seen this trophy."

"Hehe, I've been here for ten years, and it's the first time I've seen it."

"When will my program win the Outstanding Program Award!"

"It must be fine when you are dreaming."

Xu Jie felt strange when he heard it, and couldn't help asking: "Didn't the previous "Spring Festival Gala" win the Outstanding Program Award?"

"I got it, but I never took it." Jiang Hai said.

"Why?" Xu Jie asked.

"Because Lao Lu asked me for something today, I was asked to accept the award." Jiang Hai said with a smile. Speaking of which, it was thanks to Xu Jie that he was able to accept the award on stage.

Because Xu Jie is a member of the art program center, and Lao Lu needs to use Xu Jie in many places, and he is worried that he, the director of the art program center, will not let him go, so letting him go on stage to accept the award today can be regarded as an exchange.

Here is the reward, Xu Jie will lend it to me for a while.

He agreed.

He really is a lucky general!


(End of this chapter)

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