The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 456 I don't want to cooperate with you anymore!

Chapter 456 I don't want to cooperate with you anymore!

After get off work, the conference room was full of people again.

However, unlike in the past, the discussion lasted until eleven o'clock on weekdays, and it was after ten o'clock at the earliest, but today it stopped at eight o'clock.

Everyone is curious.

It stands to reason that today is Friday and tomorrow is the weekend, so the discussion should take longer, and no one would object even to the middle of the night, as long as you don't come to the unit to work overtime on Saturdays and Sundays.

However, no one asked much about this situation. After all, everyone was very happy to be able to leave work early.

After the planning meeting ended, Xu Jie hurriedly left the meeting room.

"Xu Jie!" Qin Yan quickly chased after him, and asked puzzledly, "What's going on tonight, why did it end so soon?"

There are still five days left for this month, minus Saturday and Sunday, there are actually only three days left for the planning team.

However, even half of the planning plan has not been completed. Is the remaining three days really enough?
She was skeptical.

"I have something to do." Xu Jie said as he walked.

"What?" Qin Yan was taken aback when she heard it, and then asked with an expression of disbelief, "Is your matter bigger than the matter of the New Year's party?"

"Of course." Xu Jie said after hearing this, with a serious and serious expression.

Qin Yan blinked, wondering if she heard it wrong.

The New Year's Eve party is the most important thing at this stage for the entire Beijing Radio and Television Station, but the other party actually said that his personal affairs are bigger than the New Year's Eve party?

Could it be that Su Yun is going to have a baby?
I haven't heard that Su Yun is pregnant, and isn't Su Yun filming in Hengdian?

"What's the matter?" Qin Yan frowned, the other's words aroused her gossiping heart as an entertainment reporter.

"I won't tell you!" Xu Jie returned to his work station, put on his coat and hurried away.

Qin Yan stopped in her tracks and looked at the man's back. Why keep it a secret?
Xu Jie did have something urgent to do, and that was to go to Hengdian.

In fact, since there is not much time left for planning the New Year's party, he can have a normal meeting tonight, and then go to Hengdian tomorrow morning.

However, any day is fine, but not tonight, because he must appear in front of Su Yun tomorrow morning.

For this day, he has been waiting for a long time.

The plane took off at 10:20 in the evening and arrived at Yiwu on time at 0:45 in the morning.

Xu Jie walked out of the airport, took the car sent by Gao Xiaobin to Hengdian.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, I finally arrived at the hotel, but it was not the hotel where the crew was located, but a nearby hotel.

In fact, when he came to Hengdian this time, he didn't tell Su Yun, and even prevented Su Yun from waiting for him in the room in the middle of the night, he even sent a WeChat message to tell Su Yun that he would come on Saturday.

As for why he did this, he naturally had his intentions.

Xu Jie opened a room in the hotel, and immediately took a rest. Before going to sleep, he deliberately set the alarm clock on his mobile phone at 5 o'clock, which means that he still has three hours to sleep.

When you are sleeping, time always flies by very fast.

Xu Jie only felt as if the alarm clock rang just as he lay down.

Normally, he would definitely stay lazy in bed for a while, but today, he got up when he heard the alarm clock ringing.

There is a saying circulating on the Internet that cruel people have three major manifestations. The first is not to rush to dismantle when they get the express delivery, the second is to pack the milk tea after buying it, and the third is to get up as soon as the alarm clock rings.

Xu Jie doesn't know if he is cruel, he only knows that once a person has something to do, let alone an alarm, even if there is no alarm, he will wake up by himself.

Xu Jie put on his clothes and went outside. It was still dark, but many breakfast stalls were already open.

He came to a small park nearby. It was very quiet and there was no one there.

There are people doing morning exercises in parks in many cities, but Hengdian is different. There are only two kinds of people living here, one is for business, and the other is for filming. The former gets up early for business, and the latter gets up early for filming. , which also leads to few people who can see morning exercises.

Xu Jie found a chair and sat down, then picked up his phone and called Su Yun.

"Hello, wife."

"Honey, what's the matter?"

Su Yun's dazed voice came from the microphone, and Xu Jie could even imagine that the other party was lying on the bed and must not have opened his eyes.

"I'm in Hengdian." Xu Jie said.


Su Yun opened her eyes suddenly when she heard it, and was completely relieved of sleepiness for a while.

She glanced at the time, it seemed that there was no flight from Beijing to Yiwu in the middle of the night at 5:16 in the morning.

"How did you get here? Driving?" Su Yun asked curiously, sitting up from the bed.

"On the plane last night, Mr. Gao said that filming has been very hard these days, so I didn't want to disturb your rest and didn't tell you." Xu Jie explained: "By the way, do you know the park next to the Hengdian Night Market?"


"Come here, I'll wait for you there."

"What's the matter?" Su Yun asked puzzled.

"You'll know when you come." Xu Jie said, and then hung up the phone.

Su Yun looked at the phone suspiciously, listening to the other party's meaning, it seems that she has arrived, she got out of bed, washed her face briefly, put on sportswear and sneakers, pretended to be a morning exerciser, and then put on a peaked cap and mask left the room.

The park mentioned by the man is not very far from the hotel, just a few minutes of jogging.

When Su Yun walked into the park, she saw Xu Jie sitting alone on the bench, looking up at the sky, as if thinking about something.

"Husband." Su Yun came over, sat next to the man, sized him up, and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with you? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

"No!" Xu Jie shook his head.

Su Yun turned to face the man, grabbed his hand, and said seriously: "If you have something on your mind, just say it. I'm not an outsider. Maybe I can help you?"

"How do you know that I have something on my mind?" Xu Jie asked.

"Have you ever seen a normal person sitting alone in a daze in the park at five o'clock in the morning?" Su Yun said bluntly.

But after saying this, she suddenly remembered something, looked at Xu Jie now, thought about the scene at the beginning, then raised her wrist and looked at the date on the watch, with a surprised expression on her face .

"I remembered, this is how we met last year today." Su Yun remembered.

In fact, that day was nothing special to her, but the two got their certificates on that day, so today is not only the first anniversary of seeing each other, but also the first anniversary of their marriage. The date on the marriage certificate is today .

Xu Jie smiled, nodded towards Su Yun, and said, "That's right, that's how we met last year today. I didn't expect it to be a year so soon. Do you still remember what happened the night we met?"

"Of course." Su Yun said excitedly: "You were drinking in the park. I thought you were frozen to death. When you were about to approach you, you suddenly yelled, which scared me and threw a snowball at you. .”

When it came to the end, Su Yun couldn't help laughing. Thinking about it now, the encounter between the two was quite interesting.

Now she finally understood why the man called her out so early.

"Well, just like what happened a few days ago, it's a pity that there is no snow here, otherwise it would be more appropriate." Xu Jie said.

Although it has cooled down here in Hengdian, the temperature is still above zero. Although the temperature in Beijing is below zero, so far, there has not even been the first snowfall.

Su Yun straightened her body, and then leaned on the man's shoulder.

"Yeah, so fast." Su Yun sighed with emotion, "Do you still remember why we got the certificate in the first place?"

"I remember, I was fooled by you." Xu Jie said.

"What fool, I was looking at you pitifully, and worried that you would be overwhelmed, so I sacrificed myself to save you, okay?" Su Yun said unconvinced after hearing this, but her pretty face was slightly flushed.

"Yes, you sacrifice yourself for others." Xu Jie said with a smile: "At the beginning, you wanted to experience whether you would be cool after marriage, and I wanted to test whether I was a qualified partner. Do you think we are successful now? "

Su Yun thought for a while, when she first got the certificate, she was really cold. If you look at it this way, what Sister Hua said is indeed correct. Female celebrities will be cold as long as they get married, and she is no exception.

But because of the help of the man beside her, she ushered in the second peak period of her career in a few months, which is now.

But in this way, Sister Hua's sentence "female stars are always cold when they get married, and big star Su Yun is no exception" is no longer true.

And there is no topic for a few months, which is nothing to a star. Many film and television stars don’t even have any topic traffic for a year, and only promote it when the movie is released to increase some exposure.

"It should be considered a success!" Su Yun said: "Judging from the current situation, I am not cool. Not only is your star husband very competent, but also my solid backing."

"Since we have already proved ourselves, do you think it is necessary for us to continue to cooperate?" Xu Jie turned to look at Su Yun and asked.

Su Yun was startled, straightened up quickly, looked at Xu Jie suspiciously and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

At that time, the two of them went to obtain the certificate because of their cooperation. The other party said that now, did they not want to continue to cooperate?Could it be that they want to separate and get another certificate, a divorce certificate?

Thinking of this, Su Yun's face changed, a little cold and ugly.

"I don't want to cooperate with you anymore!" Xu Jie said to Su Yun.

Su Yun trembled all over. It was just her guess just now, but she didn't expect the other party to actually say it.

"You, are you kidding me?" Su Yun forced a smile, and at the same time tightly grasped the corner of her clothes to restrain her trembling body.

"No, I'm serious!" Xu Jie said seriously.

Su Yun looked at the man's face, her face turned pale.

"Why?" She gritted her teeth tightly.

Could it be that everything that happened during these days is just a kind of cooperation?
"Didn't I say that I don't want to cooperate with you anymore." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun only felt that her nose was counting, suppressed tears, turned her head and looked aside, "If you don't cooperate, don't cooperate."

"Since we don't cooperate, we are not comrades and comrades in arms." Xu Jie looked at Su Yun and asked, "Then can you marry me?"



(End of this chapter)

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