The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 457 You will be mine from now on!

Chapter 457 You will be mine from now on!
The sad Su Yun was stunned when she heard the words from behind her.

marry him?
Did you hear it right?
Didn't you stop cooperating?Are you going to break up?Aren't you going to get a divorce certificate?

Everything came too suddenly.

After a while, she turned around slowly and saw a ring in Xu Jie's hand. The diamond on the ring was very big, even bigger than the one she bought herself.

At this moment, Su Yun felt dizzy and didn't understand the man's meaning at all. She stretched out her hand to wipe her eyes, looked at the man puzzled and asked, "You, what do you mean?"

"It means literally." Xu Jie said after hearing it, even took out the diamond ring, don't you understand?Is the reaction a bit slow?

This is a diamond ring, what does it mean to give a diamond ring?It's not going to cut glass, is it?
"What does it mean literally, make it clear!" Su Yun was anxious, her voice aggressive.

Naturally, she was very clear about the significance of the diamond ring, otherwise she would not have bought the diamond ring out of her own pocket and asked the other party to wear it for her.

It is also because of this that she wants to find out what the other party means, and she wants the other party to say it herself.

Now she is a complex of contradictory emotions, both worried and looking forward to, nervous and excited.

Xu Jie looked at Su Yun's appearance. In fact, he had prepared a lot of words, but he didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so big. Before he finished his words, he was already so sad that he was about to cry.

He was worried that if he continued speaking, the other party would suddenly get up and run away, and the surprise would turn into shock. In order to give away the diamond ring in his pocket, he could only advance the line of "marriage proposal", but in this way, the sense of ritual was less .

Sure enough, the plan did not change quickly!
Is there a problem with the lines I prepared?
"At the beginning we came together to cooperate, but now, I don't want to define our relationship as cooperation, which will make me feel that between you and me is just a transaction." Xu Jie explained.

When Su Yun heard this, she finally understood what Xu Jie meant by "non-cooperation". She thought she was going to break up, but she wanted to change the relationship they had agreed upon before.

Su Yun couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and the dark clouds covering her heart dispersed instantly, and the sun once again shone on every corner of her heart, warm and brilliant.

Scared to death!
This world almost has an extermination master too!
Xu Jie held the ring in front of Su Yun, and said seriously: "Although we have obtained a marriage certificate, there has never been any ceremony, so I want to use today, the first anniversary, to formally propose to you. This is not only a kind of compensation, but also represents my heart for you. I hope that we can get rid of the previous shackles and start the next stage of life together. Are you willing to go on with me?"

Su Yun looked at the man in a daze. It turned out that the man suddenly appeared here to propose marriage.

Although there is no romantic proposal scene, sometimes it is true that it is plain and plain, and the other party can propose to her again on this special day, it is not careless.

Most importantly, she really did not expect that the other party would propose to her.

Why haven't you thought about it?
Because the last time the other party put on a ring for her, it was tantamount to confirming the relationship between the two, and in her heart, she had already regarded that as a marriage proposal, so when the man proposed that he did not want to cooperate, she would be sad, She would misunderstand and think that she had misread the wrong person.

Su Yun's eyes turned red again.

If it was because of sadness just now, then this time it was because of happiness.

Surprise, surprise, touch!
She never felt that the other party was a romantic person, but she surprised her time and time again.

"I am willing!"

Su Yun finally said that sentence.

After hearing this, Xu Jie grabbed the opponent's hand and was about to take off the original ring, but there was nothing on the opponent's slender ring finger.


Who would wear such a large diamond ring all day long?

Do you always take it off when you sleep?Do you always take it off when you shower?Do you always take it off when you exercise?

Xu Jie directly put the ring in his hand on Su Yun's ring finger. I don't know if it was because of the size or because it was a gift from him. It looked much more beautiful than the previous one.

"From now on, you will be my man!" Xu Jie held the woman's hand tightly, using the tone of a domineering president.

After hearing this, Su Yun was shy and happy, and a touching blush appeared on her face, full of happy little femininity. Looking at the ring on her finger, it was indeed prettier than the one she bought.

Xu Jie put his arms around the woman's shoulders, and gently held her in his arms. Su Yun also leaned on the man's body, and the two sat quietly, enjoying their time together.

After an unknown amount of time, a burst of music suddenly sounded, interrupting the silent communication between the two.

Su Yun took out her mobile phone from her pocket, it was Huang Xiaorong calling.

"Xiao Rong, what's the matter?" Su Yun asked softly.

"Sister Yun, it's time." Huang Xiaorong reminded.

Su Yun looked at the time and realized that a long time had passed. She didn't expect the time to pass so quickly, but why couldn't she feel it?

"Well, you wait for me at the hotel, I'll go back right away." Su Yun said.

Marriage proposal is marriage proposal, and the filming should continue to be filmed. She even hoped that the filming could be finished soon, so that she would have time to go back to the capital to accompany Xu Jie.

"Let's go." Su Yun raised her head and said to Xu Jie.

"En." Xu Jie stood up, held the other's hand intimately, and walked out of the park.

What the two didn't notice was that there was a person hiding behind the gazebo not far away. The person was holding a mobile phone, and the camera was pointed at them.

Seeing Xu Jie and Su Yun leave, the man straightened up and stopped hiding. He kept flipping through the photos he took just now, not letting go of each one.

"I didn't expect to meet Xu Jie and Su Yun when I got up early to drive the car. I'm so lucky. How about some headlines that attract attention?"


Xu Jie and Su Yun returned to the hotel.

Huang Xiaorong stood outside Su Yun's room and waited. When she saw the boss coming back, she immediately greeted her.

"Morning sister Yun, morning teacher Xu!"

Huang Xiaorong was not surprised by Teacher Xu's appearance. After all, it was already the weekend, and the other party usually rushed here from the capital on Saturday morning.

But what I didn't expect was that Su Yun would go out for morning exercises with Teacher Xu. She used to sleep until late.

"Morning!" Su Yun responded with a smile, her mood seemed particularly good.

Huang Xiaorong had already prepared breakfast, and after entering the room, she placed the insulated boxes on the table one by one.

While eating, Huang Xiaorong suddenly noticed the diamond ring on the boss's hand. She hadn't seen the boss wearing it for a while, why did she suddenly feel bigger?


It's not that the diamond ring has become bigger, it's obviously another diamond ring.

"Sister Yun, your ring..." Huang Xiaorong pointed, it didn't look like a prop, and the boss is filming a costume drama now, so it is impossible to have a diamond ring prop.

"He gave it to me." Su Yun looked at Xu Jie next to her, with a sweet smile on her face, then straightened her fingers and showed it in front of Huang Xiaorong, "Isn't it beautiful?"

"En!" Huang Xiaorong nodded heavily.

It's so big, can't it be beautiful?
Huang Xiaorong couldn't help showing an envious expression on her face. When Sister Yun and Teacher Xu registered, she still thought that Sister Yun was stupid. With her reputation at that time, she could obviously find a better one. Now it seems that she is too young. up.

She doesn't know if Sister Yun is married to the most powerful person, but she knows that Sister Yun must be married to Love, which can be seen from the happy smile on Sister Yun's face.

It's been a year and it's still brilliant.

It seems that I will continue to eat dog food!
After breakfast, Su Yun was about to go to the studio, but just as she walked out of the room, she suddenly remembered something, immediately took off the ring in her hand, put it back in the jewelry box, and asked Huang Xiaorong to keep it safe.

"Why don't you wear it?" Xu Jie asked puzzled.

"I don't want to make too much publicity." Su Yun explained after hearing it.

She remembered that Xu Jie was anonymously reported to show the diamond ring last time. In order to avoid further troubles, she took the diamond ring down. In fact, it was not just this diamond ring, she had never worn the necklace and earrings last time.

She heard from a friend that Xu Jie is now the key training target of Beijing TV Station, and he will be promoted next year without accident, so for the sake of the other party's future, she thinks it is better to keep a low profile.

Although Su Yun didn't say it directly, Xu Jie guessed what the other party was thinking. Thinking of the misunderstanding of showing off his wealth caused by Wang Guofu's report letter, he should wear it if he doesn't wear it.

By the way, which female star doesn't have a diamond ring?I don't see them wearing them all the time.

Moreover, wearing such a valuable thing on the body is a bit too ostentatious. If it is targeted by criminals, it will bring hidden dangers to Su Yun's safety.

The two walked out of the hotel.

Reporters and fans waiting outside immediately took pictures.

"Sister Yun, I heard that Teacher Xu gave you another diamond ring, why didn't you wear it?" a reporter asked.

Xu Jie and Su Yun were taken aback at the same time, looked at each other, and then looked at the reporter who asked the question together.

"How do you know?" Su Yun asked curiously.

"Someone saw it and posted the photo on Weibo. It's already on the entertainment news." The reporter said after hearing it.

Xu Jie and Su Yun looked at each other and smiled, but it was a wry smile. They originally wanted to keep a low profile, but they didn't expect to be known.

"Mr. Xu, I noticed that last year, you both officially announced your certificates on Weibo. Counting it, today is your first wedding anniversary. Is that diamond ring a gift from you to Sister Yun?" Another reporter asked.

"Well, yes." Xu Jie nodded without denying it.

"One year has passed, Teacher Xu and Sister Yun, your relationship is still so good, it's really enviable."

"They are simply model couples in the entertainment industry!"

"Ms. Xu just gave Sister Yun a diamond ring a few days ago, and today she gave another one. What a spoiled wife."

"Ms. Xu, have you prepared a New Year's gift for Sister Yun? Is it still a diamond ring?"

Xu Jie was speechless after hearing this, does my family run a diamond mine?
He hurriedly dragged Su Yun into the nanny car.


(End of this chapter)

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