The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 458 Don't dare to play?

Chapter 458 Don't dare to play?

Xu Jie only stayed in Hengdian for a day and a half, and left the set on Sunday afternoon, took a car to Yiwu, and took the last flight back to Beijing.

The relationship between him and Su Yun was finally confirmed. From cooperation to husband and wife, although they only changed a name, it relieved the burden in his heart.

He doesn't need to worry about anything, and he doesn't need to worry about anything, he just needs to love with confidence and boldness.

The biggest personal matter has been settled, and now it's time to throw yourself fully into your work.

For himself, for Su Yun, and for the bright future of the two of them.

On Monday morning, Xu Jie came to work.

He went to the cafeteria to eat as usual, and then returned to the art center.

However, as soon as he walked in the door, he felt a sharp gaze hit him, like an ice pick, and it was cold and sharp, which even made him shiver involuntarily.

what's the situation?
Is there someone who wants to harm me?

He hurriedly followed that gaze, only to find that it was Qin Yan, who was sitting at a desk with an interview draft in his hand, and looked sideways at him.

Xu Jie scratched his head, he didn't seem to provoke her, did he?

"Good morning, sister Yan." Xu Jie smiled and walked over to say hello.

"Hmph, the diamond ring given to Su Yun is quite beautiful." Qin Yan said with a sneer.

"Really? I think so too." Xu Jie said after hearing this, he didn't know who was so owed, and took a picture of him proposing to Su Yun, probably because he was far away, and the person didn't hear him What to say, this can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune, otherwise it is cooperation and compensation, and it will really make headlines by then.

"Saturday, one-year wedding anniversary, congratulations." Qin Yan said again.

"Thank you." Xu Jie said.

"Since Saturday is your wedding day, why did you leave so early on Friday night? Can't you go on Saturday?" Qin Yan asked with staring eyes.

When Xu Jie heard it, he understood why Qin Yan wanted to kill him with his eyes.


Of course not!

Explanation will make the headlines.

"Hey, my wife and I got the certificate in the morning. I want to appear in front of my wife at the time when I get the certificate. Being late doesn't count as the first anniversary, but there is no early flight from Beijing to Yiwu, so I can only Catch the last flight on Friday night." Xu Jie randomly found a reason.

Qin Yan stared at the man for a long while, and now she finally knew why Su Yun chose him, because of her intentions, and it was precisely this kind of thing that women liked the most.

Why can't I meet such a person?
"Are you sure the rest of the plan can be completed in three days?" Qin Yan asked, she didn't care if the other party failed to celebrate their wedding anniversary, she only cared about whether the plan for the New Year's party could be completed on time.

"No problem!" Xu Jie picked up the bag in his hand and said with a smile: "Although I didn't organize everyone to hold a planning meeting, I am not idle. I have been studying the planning plan for the past two days, and I was also received by Zhang Weiqiang. Some of the director's guidance, some of the good ideas are still proposed by him, take a look!"

In order to appease Qin Yan's anger, and to let the other party follow him without complaint in the future, Xu Jie took out the plan from the bag and handed it to the other party, so that the other party would know that he did not delay work because of personal matters.

Qin Yan took the planning book with suspicion, and just read a page, her eyes widened, and the doubt on her face was gone, replaced by surprise.

In fact, during the two days of the weekend, she was not idle and was thinking about the plan at home. Especially after seeing the news about Xu Jie and Su Yun in the entertainment section, she felt that she had to rely on herself to complete it as scheduled.

To this end, she consulted countless materials, and she made two alternatives for each program, and even had to work until midnight every night.

However, seeing Xu Jie's plan now, I suddenly feel that I have been working in vain for the past two days, because the content of this plan is much higher than what she came up with.

As expected of a great director, his thoughts and vision are just different.

She flipped through the pages one by one, and found that Xu Jie completed the planning plans for 8 programs in just two days, completing a quarter of the total amount, which made the planning progress advance by more than half at once. Make the impossible possible!
"This Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, don't you and Su Yun have any anniversaries?" Qin Yan asked while returning the plan to Xu Jie.

Now the only thing that can hinder the completion of the plan for the New Year's party is the interaction between Xu Jie and Su Yun.

"No, not only this month, but also next month." Xu Jie stood up and said seriously: "Comrade Qin Yan, I assure you that before the New Year's party, I will never delay work because of personal matters .”

"Well, it's not too bad, let's go back." Qin Yan finally saw a smile on his face.

"Yes!" Xu Jie heaved a sigh of relief, and returned to his work station with his bag in hand, writing down what he had discussed with Director Zhang in the past few days.

Zhang Weiqiang is not only a director, but also a screenwriter. Because he has made many movies related to history, he also has a certain degree of research on some historical cultures and has his own unique insights.

Xu Jie also grasped this point, so in the past two days, he often asked the other party for advice in his spare time, and the other party was also attracted by the diverse content and various forms of expression after seeing his plan for the New Year's party. On the night of Six, the discussion continued until the night after get off work, and in the end he left first.

In the evening, the planning team got together again, because they all knew that time was tight and tasks were heavy, so many people came with food.

Facts have proved that this is correct, because the planning meeting lasted until after 12 o'clock in the evening.

For three days in a row, every day in the middle of the night, fortunately, Huangtian paid off to those who cared, mainly to the people who broke the liver, and the planning plan was finally completed in the early morning of December [-]st.

That night, Xu Jie didn't go home and fell asleep directly in the office.

For him, going home is also a person, so it is better to save the time on the road and spend it on sleeping. After all, tomorrow, no, it is today, and there are many important things to do.

2022 has finally come to the last month.

In the early morning, snowflakes fell in the sky. This was the first snowfall in Beijing this winter. Some people say that the most beautiful time in Beijing is when it snows, because when it snows, it seems to have traveled back to another era.

There were more and more people in the office, so Xu Jie was too embarrassed to continue to sleep, so he put away his sleeping bag, folded his bed, and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

When he returned to the office, he saw not only Director Jiang, but also Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu. When they saw him, they immediately waved.

"Xiao Xu, come here!"

"I heard that the plan for the New Year's party has been completed? Come and show us."

Xu Jie looked at his watch, it was not time for work yet, why was he in such a hurry?

But thinking about it, I can understand it.

He had already heard about it these days. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang tried their best to take the risk of entrusting him with the job of chief planning. Although they showed full trust, they definitely didn't In the end, now that there is only one month left before the New Year's party, can you not be in a hurry?

Xu Jie returned to his desk and handed over the two final plans printed last night to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang. The two went directly to the director's office and read them impatiently.

While eating the leftover bread from last night, Xu Jie watched the reactions of the two bosses. His face was very calm, without any worry or tension.

Whether it can be passed or not is a matter for the two big brothers. Whether the plan is good or not, he has tried his best anyway. Even if he is asked to redo it, he will not be able to come up with a better plan than the current one.

If you think it's good, then use it and have a different New Year's party.

If you think it’s not good, then don’t use it, and ask Gao Ming for it.

Lu Hongzai carefully looked at the planning plan in his hand. His expectations for the New Year's party were very high, so naturally his expectations for Xu Jie were also very high.

He hopes that Xu Jie can make a different plan, make a different plan, give the audience a big surprise, let the outside world know Beijing TV again, and change the previous impression.

However, when he saw the first page, he was shocked.

The planning plan is indeed different, but the changes are too big, right?
Not only the content has changed, but also the form of expression.

Because the New Year's Gala is relatively close to the Spring Festival Gala, each TV station's production of the New Year's Gala is also very simple, that is, invite some celebrities to sing and dance, and the format tends to be a large-scale concert.

In this kind of party, the sense of existence of the theme is very weak, so weak that the audience can only remember a certain star after watching it. They don't even know what the theme is, and even forget which TV station broadcast it.

And he just wants to change this status quo, let the show serve the theme, and weaken the influence of stars, which is why he strongly recommends Xu Jie.

Because Xu Jie's programs, whether it's "Delicious History" or "In-depth Film and Television Talk", even including the previously planned "Crossover Actor", although there are stars participating, but the last thing everyone remembers is not the star.

For example, in "Delicious History", what everyone remembers is food; in "In-depth Film and Television Talk", everyone pays attention to film and television dramas; in "Crossover Actors", what everyone sees is the acting skills of actors.

It can be said that audiences like to watch Xu Jie's programs, not for the stars, but for the content.

In his mind, Xu Jie's plan should be to intersperse some small programs on related themes in the party, and even allow celebrities to participate.

And in this planning, Xu Jie did indeed achieve this, but he did it too much, instead of interspersing the program with the party, he interspersed the party with the program.

In Xu Jie's plan, the whole party turned into a historical and cultural drama, and all the stars became actors.

Lu Hong didn't doubt the quality of this plan, he thought it was very good, and he could even see how hardworking the planning team was.

But the question is, is it suitable for a New Year's party?

"Xiao Xu, did you get it right?" Lu Hong couldn't help asking.

He had great expectations for Xu Jie, but he didn't expect Xu Jie to be more courageous than his expectations!
Now he dare not play anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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