The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 459 Give him a chance and give you a miracle!

Chapter 459 Give him a chance and give you a miracle!
"Editor Lu, what you are seeing now is the planning plan for the New Year's party, I got it right!" Faced with doubts, Xu Jie was very calm.

He could fully understand Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's reaction, because in terms of content, this plan was indeed not like a traditional New Year's party, but more like a cultural festival.

Not only singing, but also dancing and skits.

If singing takes up most of the time in a traditional New Year's party, then in his party plan, singing only accounts for a part, and it is a small part, less than half.

Who stipulates that only artists can be invited to sing at the New Year's party?

He doesn't!
He wants to make those artists dance and act, and maximize the value of those artists.

"But, but your plan is too..." Lu Hong paused at this point, he was thinking about what words to use to describe his feeling about this plan.

"It's not like the New Year's party!" Jiang Hai added at this time.

Lu Hong looked at Lao Jiang and thought: You are really outspoken!
In fact, he also thought so, but he was afraid of hurting Xu Jie's self-esteem and dampening the other party's enthusiasm for work, so he was embarrassed to say it.

"That's right." Xu Jie said: "With so many TV stations, it is obviously a very meaningful thing to invite celebrities to sing, but now it has all become a competition for traffic. I want to show you something different. Let the audience have one more choice on New Year's Eve."

At the same time, I thought to myself: Why did you recommend me as the chief planner at the beginning, didn't you have any idea?
After Lu Hong heard it, he didn't know what to say, because what Xu Jie said was exactly what he thought in his heart. After all, if he didn't change or innovate, why would he recommend this young man?
"That's true, but..." Lu Hong didn't know how to describe it.

"But this kind of New Year's party has never appeared before. Would it be too risky to do so? It makes people feel out of place?" Jiang Hai added.

Lu Hong looked at Lao Jiang again, and the two thought of going together again.

Xu Jie thought to himself: Want to eat crabs, but worry about being caught, how can there be so many good things?
"The New Year's party is not a machine, and there is no fixed industry standard. If they are all the same, then what's the point of the party? I don't think you two want to see a good New Year's party turn into a star traffic competition, right? Besides, the General Administration is not Have you ever said that? Resolutely resist bad tendencies such as traffic-only and pan-entertainment. Although there are stars in the party I planned, the main focus is on content and culture. This should be called a party." Xu Jie said seriously.

His attitude is also very clear, as far as this plan is concerned, whether you like it or not!

The corner of Lu Hong's mouth twitched, even the documents of the General Administration were brought out?

But the problem is that what is being discussed now is the form of the party, not the flow of stars, but he is powerless to refute it, because at the current stage of the New Year's party, even if it is the Spring Festival party, all the stars are competing. The clues can be seen from the above, all stars, but there is no introduction to the content of the party.

At this time, he thought of Lao Jiang, and thought that the other party had the same idea as him, so he turned his head and asked, "Lao Jiang, what do you think?"

In other words: you give him advice.

"I think this plan is pretty good." Jiang Hai said after hearing it.

Lu Hong was stunned, he couldn't believe his ears, and even wondered if he heard it wrong.

"Very, very good? But what you just said..." Lu Hong looked at Lao Jiang in surprise, feeling betrayed in his heart.

Just now, they were clearly standing on the same front, and they still had such a tacit understanding, why did they change their faces in a blink of an eye?
Just now she was called Xiao Tiantian, but now she is called Mrs. Niu!
"I'm explaining for you, I'm afraid Xiao Xu won't understand what you mean." Jiang Hai explained: "I think this planning plan is still very good. It's very thoughtful at first glance, instead of inviting celebrities to join in the show like before. Since we have decided to change, we must be bold and let the national audience see our changes, even if it fails, it is a valuable attempt, and no matter what the result is, the topic of this evening will definitely surpass other TV stations.”

Lu Hong's throat tightened, thinking: It's over, I've become a bad person!
"Of course, these words are just my personal opinion. It is up to Editor-in-Chief Lu to decide whether or not to use this plan." Jiang Hai looked at Lu Hong and said.

Lu Hong was speechless, didn't this kick the ball back again?
He once again set his eyes on the planning plan in his hand, thinking about the consequences that would definitely occur after the show was broadcast.

As far as the content is concerned, there is no problem, but the attention and ratings are probably...

But as Lao Jiang said, since you want to try, there will definitely be risks. There will be no risks if you don't change, but there will be no surprises. Benefits and risks coexist.

The question before him now is actually very simple, whether to choose mediocrity, or to choose groundbreaking. As for attention and ratings, it is useless to think about it.

And the old saying goes well: don't use doubtful people, and employ people without doubting them.

If Xu Jie's plan is not adopted this time, will the other party still do it carefully when assigning tasks to the other party in the future?

Lu Hong gritted his teeth, looked at Xu Jie and said, "Okay, just use this plan."

After hearing this, Xu Jie asked calmly: "Editor Lu, are you sure? You have read this plan, and the requirements for the stage and costumes are very high. In terms of investment..."

"It's not something you're worried about. I just want you to give me a wonderful New Year's party." Lu Hong said.


He never worries.

Because there are sponsors.

Moreover, as one of the major TV stations with the highest ratings in China, Beijing TV Station never lacks sponsors for programs like evening shows.

Besides, doesn't it cost money to invite celebrities?

All the money to invite celebrities has been spent, how much money is left for clothes?If you say it, you won't be laughed at?

Now that you have decided to support, of course you must do your best, even if you only use half of your strength, it cannot be called full strength.

"Lao Jiang, Xiao Xu, I will leave the production of the program to you. If you have any needs, just ask, whether it is human, material or financial resources, I will fully support them." Lu Hong expressed his attitude.

"Don't worry, if you give Xiao Xu a chance, he will definitely return you a miracle." Jiang Hai said with a smile.

Xu Jie didn't say a word, I don't know if it's a miracle or not, anyway, it can be done differently.

Lu Hong still had work, so he left Jiang Hai's office, but he stroked his chest with his hands when he went out. He had never seen such a bold party planning before, and he was a little frightened.

Jiang Hai sent the man away, and then turned back to Xu Jie and said, "Xiao Xu, you did a good job, but you have just finished the first step of the Long March, and your work has just begun. How to realize the contents of this planning plan is the only way to realize it." It is the key to the success of the whole party, and then it is up to you, if you need anything, don't be polite, if you want someone to give, if you want money, I will support you!"

Xu Jie frowned slightly. Didn't Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu say these words just now?

Deputy editor-in-chief Lu handed over the work to Director Jiang and him, but Director Jiang handed over the work to him. The familiar picture, the familiar formula, wasn't the one who planned "Crossover Actor" back then, isn't that how it is?

Xu Jie grabbed Director Jiang's arm and said, "Director, you have a lot of work this time, so don't try to run away."

Jiang Hai stretched out his hand and pushed, but he didn't pull Xu Jie's hand away. He sighed in his heart that he was a young man with strength.

"Xiao Xu, look at what you said. I'm the executive director. How could I run away? I'm not familiar with the planning plan. The big taboo in doing things is that laymen guide experts, so I won't interfere too much. But I will always be your solid backing, if anyone does not listen to your arrangement, tell me immediately, and I promise that he will not be able to get along in the capital's art circle in the future!" Jiang Hai said, patting Xu Jie on the shoulder.

Xu Jie was speechless.

If you think it's troublesome, just say it, is it necessary to beat around the bush?

However, Xu Jie saw his own shadow in Director Jiang. He said the same thing when he fooled Qin Yan and Song Huanhuan into making independent shows.

Sure enough, it's not a family, so don't enter a family.

What kind of leaders are there, and what kind of employees are there.

Xu Jie finally found his problem.

It turned out that it was not his problem, but Director Jiang's problem. He was influenced by Director Jiang.

In fact, it is good for one person to be responsible, at least no one interferes, and he can follow his own ideas and do whatever he wants without any restrictions.

"Director, I have something to do right now." Xu Jie was not polite to Director Jiang, this time he must not let him idle.

"What's the matter, tell me!" Jiang Hai said.

"The dance beauty of the party is very important. The general manager is in charge of this part. Can you call him?" Xu Jie asked.

He knew that Director Jiang had a very good relationship with Mr. Feng of New Times Media and Mr. Yu of Jingshi Culture in private, and they even had a small circle of their own, so it was natural for Director Jiang to come forward in such matters.

"You mean Old Yu? No problem." Jiang Hai immediately took out his mobile phone and fulfilled his promise with practical actions.

Less than an hour later, Mr. Yu came to the art program center, and he was not alone, there were also professional choreographers with him.

"Old Yu, I've made an agreement with you. Lao Lu and I have already handed over the production of the party to Xiao Xu. You can do what he says, and you have to complete it if there are difficulties. If there are no difficulties, you have to complete it. In a word, can Xiao Xu be satisfied?" Jiang Hai asked Yu Kuan.

"Yes!" Yu Kuan patted his chest and said, as long as the money is in place, not to mention the stage set, it will be no problem to build a grand theater again.

What is there to say?

Problems that money can solve are not problems.

Yu Kuan turned around and said to the choreographer he brought: "You all heard what Director Jiang said, so I won't repeat it again. I'll just say it once. Don't make me lose face here, understand?"

"Understood!" The staff said in unison.

Xu Jie looked at these people, and the work was delegated layer by layer. Is this an excellent tradition?

(End of this chapter)

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