Chapter 460

meeting room.

The table was full of various drawings, all of which were drawn by the stage art staff according to Xu Jie's request.

What the party should reflect is culture, heritage, and connotation, so the beauty of the stage is very important, and there must be no loopholes. After all, the New Year's party is aimed at audiences all over the country, and folk Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. What about culture?Wouldn't he be laughed out of his teeth?
At that time, the whole party will be overturned!
The busiest person at this time is not Xu Jie, but the choreography staff.

There are 31 programs and 31 stories, and the backgrounds of each story are different. Each program needs to use at least four backgrounds. The amount can be imagined.

"These backgrounds must have a sense of hierarchy when they are produced, and they must be dynamic, and the actors can also intersperse them, so that the audience will look more vivid."

Xu Jie also held a pen in his hand. Although he couldn't draw, he could draw circles. Wherever he thought it was inappropriate, he could draw circles. They were all drafts anyway.

"Director Xu, the stage of the New Year's Gala is temporarily built. According to your arrangement, the transition will become very troublesome." A choreographer said.

"Then build two more stages on the left and right sides of the stage, so as to ensure the continuity of the performance." Xu Jie said.

All the staging staff were stunned.

Three stages?

I have only heard of three venues, but never heard of three stages arranged in one venue.

"Also, big screens will be arranged behind the three stages, and related animations will be produced, will you do it?" Xu Jie asked.

"No!" The choreographer shook his head.

Xu Jie looked up at Yu Kuan, who was chatting with Director Jiang, and asked, "Mr. Yu, do you have any animation staff in your company?"

"Yes!" Yu Kuan said.

"Call here."

"no problem."

Yu Kuan picked up his mobile phone and immediately called. In this meeting room, Xu Jie is the boss!

"Director Xu, is it too expensive to do this?" a choreographer asked.

If it was the Spring Festival Gala, it would be fine to do so, but this is the New Year's Gala, and the New Year's Gala over the years has been regarded as a warm-up for the Spring Festival Gala.

To build three stages and use three large screens, this investment, you must know that in previous years there was one stage and one large screen, the effect depends entirely on lighting and post-production.

"You are in charge of the choreography, and you don't need to worry about money." Having said that, Xu Jie turned his head to Jiang Hai and asked loudly, "Is it, Director?"

"What?" Jiang Hai didn't pay attention to what Xu Jie was saying just now.

"It's about money." Xu Jie reminded.

"It's not a problem." Jiang Hai made an OK gesture.


After three days, the stage background was finally determined, and some details were left to be taken back by the choreographer.

On this day, the person who came to the conference room became Zhang Nan, the deputy director of the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe.

Xu Jie talked about his requirements for dancing.

"This is the outline of the story of each show, including the background of the era, the meaning of expression, and the stage picture. You only need to design the corresponding stage based on these."

After Zhang Nan finished listening, he was speechless.

There are a total of 31 programs, 23 of which have dances, and they need to be designed according to the content of the story. That is to say, a set of dances must be designed every day in the future to complete this task.

The most important thing is that these 23 dances have to be designed according to the cultural characteristics at that time. Let alone a month, even if she is given a few more months, she will not be able to complete it.

This is not a simple stage design issue, which also contains history, and the dance style will be very different depending on the story. Even if the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe put everyone into this matter, it still has more than enough energy.

It's not that she has never attended a party before, such as a New Year's party, a Spring Festival party, a song and dance party, but she has never been so difficult.

"I can't do it." Zhang Nan said very simply.

"Then I don't care. I'm only responsible for making requests. It's up to you whether you can fulfill them." Xu Jie said after hearing this.


Zhang Nan was in a daze, what if he couldn't do it?There is such a person?

"Why don't you let me go to the moon?" Zhang Nan said a little angrily, this is the first time I've seen such an unreasonable person.

"I'm afraid your legs are too short and you won't be able to step up." Xu Jie was currently selecting suitable stars for the show, so he didn't have the time to think about things like dancing.

The words are also spoken casually, and he may not even know what he is talking about.

"What? My legs are short? Take care of yourself!" Zhang Nan said and directly performed a standing split, with her toes protruding a lot above her head.

Xu Jie looked up and was taken aback when he saw it. It was indeed quite long. Not only was it long, it was also straight. It was also very flexible and could unlock many poses.

At this time, the door of the conference room opened, and Jiang Hai walked in from the outside.

When he saw the situation in the room, he was stunned.

"What are you guys doing?" Jiang Hai asked in confusion, didn't they discuss choreography, why did they change to cheating?

"It's nothing." Zhang Nan put down his legs, then looked at Jiang Hai and said, "Director Jiang, his requirements are too high. This party not only has many programs, but also involves a lot of content. We need more stage actors. We The Beijing Song and Dance Troupe simply cannot do it on its own."

Jiang Hai is not the first day to know Zhang Nan, and Taili has been cooperating with the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe for a year or two. Zhang Nan is also a proud person with an unyielding character. It must be really impossible to complete.

"It's okay, one song and dance troupe in the capital is not enough, just find a few more song and dance troupes. In the capital, the most indispensable thing is a singing and dancing troupe." Jiang Hai said with a smile, "I'll call right away."

Only then did Xu Jie understand what Deputy Head Zhang meant, so he pointed to the program list and said: "Head Zhang, watch these programs, you can pick out what your capital song and dance troupe can accomplish, and leave the rest to other song and dance troupes .”

Zhang Nan was very depressed. In the past, it was very easy to accompany dancers to celebrities. They didn’t even need to make up. Once the music was played, the dancers would dance according to the rhythm. Why has it become so difficult this year?

But depression is depression, the program still has to be selected, she finally selected 8 programs based on the existing number of people in the song and dance troupe and the stage categories she is good at, which is already the maximum she can afford.

"Don't forget to let me take a look at the action design." Xu Jie reminded.

"Got it!" Zhang Nan said angrily, and then walked out of the meeting room.

After Jiang Hai made the phone call, he looked at Zhang Nan who left angrily, and asked Xu Jie, "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't know." Xu Jie shook his head, "Maybe he blamed himself for not being able to complete the entire program." After speaking, he continued to choose actors.


Not long after, several people came to the meeting room.

They are all the heads and deputy heads of some dance troupes in Beijing, such as modern dance troupes, youth dance troupes, children's song and dance troupes, etc., a total of six came.

Xu Jie repeated what he had just said to Zhang Nan in front of these people, and finally let them choose the program by themselves, and Xu Jie only knew at this time that each song and dance troupe has its own characteristics and the types of dance it is good at It's also different. The Beijing Song and Dance Troupe that Deputy Head Zhang said is already very comprehensive, but this time there are too many requirements.

Taking advantage of the time when various song and dance troupes were busy choreographing, Xu Jie called the heads of some orchestras in Beijing to the TV station.

It is almost the same requirement as that of a song and dance troupe, except that the choreography is changed into an arrangement.

For this reason, he also invited some famous composers. Of course, Director Jiang was the one to do it. He doesn't have that much face yet.

In short, for this New Year's party, Xu Jie used half of the professional dance groups and orchestras in the capital, and even the teachers from the School of Music and Drama were invited, just to restore the content of the plan to the on the stage.

When everyone was creating, Xu Jie was not idle. He finished shooting all the exterior parts of "Delicious History", and handed over the rest of the post-production to other team members.

If it was in the past, Song Huanhuan and others would have complained a lot, and would even pull Xu Jie away, but this time, they knew that Xu Jie was busy with the New Year's party, and he was really busy. Go up, how long do we have to wait?
Time passed quickly, and it was mid-December in a blink of an eye.

The choreography of each song and dance troupe has been completed, and Xu Jie is invited to observe and check.

Xu Jie first came to the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe. Zhang Nan's deputy head was expressionless from beginning to end. Obviously, Xu Jie was still angry when he offended her last time.

When Xu Jie came to the song and dance troupe for the first time, he felt dazzled immediately. There are many beauties in Communication University, and there are many on the TV station, but once he entered the song and dance troupe, he really felt what it means to be beautiful.

With good looks, tall stature, and high temperament, it is no wonder that many stars are from dance schools, and the advantages are too obvious.

But soon, he put away his saliva. After all, he came here for work, not for viewing flowers. If Su Yun saw this, wouldn't he use the diamonds on the ring to replace his teeth?

Xu Jie sat under the stage, waiting for the show to start.

"The first program, primitive civilization."

The actors announced the curtain, and then the dancing began.

Primitive civilization, as the name suggests, talks about the first stage of human civilization, that is, the Stone Age. Actors need to use dance to reflect the scenes of collective human labor and struggle with animals and nature.

Moreover, actors not only need to play humans, but also play various beasts, which puts very high demands on dancers, especially in the absence of makeup, which tests the dancers' abilities.

Xu Jie thought it was good at first, but gradually, he always felt that something was missing.

Especially when it comes to the climax, I always feel that the expressiveness is not strong enough to express the feeling when he planned.

Where is the problem?

Xu Jie thought about it for a while, and maybe he still didn't have a comprehensive understanding of the story and background. The actors can't be blamed for this, after all, no one in modern times has experienced that period.

It would be great if there is a history teacher to explain it, maybe it will be understood more thoroughly.

Wait, history teacher?

Got it!

(End of this chapter)

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