Chapter 464 Stay!
Half an hour later, a middle-aged man appeared in the Beijing Modern Dance Troupe. He had thick eyebrows, big eyes, a slightly fat body, and wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He looked refined and capable.

Xu Jie stared at the other party intently, presumably this is Zhang Chengze, the deputy director of the New Year's Gala of China TV.

"Director Zhang is here!" Li Qing reminded Xu Jie in a low voice, then walked up to greet him quickly, and said, "Director Zhang, hello, welcome to our modern dance troupe."

"Head Li, you're welcome. I'm here today purely for Director Xu's program." After Zhang Chengze finished speaking to Li Qing, his eyes fell on the young man behind him. Because the other party often appeared on TV, he immediately recognized him as soon as he met. Come out, "Director Xu, hello."

"Hi Director Zhang, I would trouble you to go there yourself in such a cold day. In fact, even if you don't come, you can still see it on the night of the 31st." Xu Jie said with a smile while shaking hands with the other party.

"Haha, I can't wait to watch Director Xu's show?" Zhang Chengze said after hearing it, and thought to himself: If I don't come, how do I know whether what you said on the phone is true or not?How do you know if you're bragging or not?How to take away the person you want?
"I didn't expect Director Zhang to look forward to my show so much. I'm really flattered." Xu Jie pointed to the first row of seats, "Director Zhang, please."

Zhang Chengze thought: Who is looking forward to your show?

But after thinking about it, he finally sat down.

There is an idiom that says it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Whether the program is as the other party said on the phone, you can tell by just watching it.

Xu Jie made a gesture to the stage, and the dancers immediately took their positions, and then began to perform.

In order for Director Zhang to understand the meaning of the dance more intuitively, Xu Jie put the details of the program in front of the other party to dispel the other party's idea of ​​stealing people.

While watching the details, Zhang Chengze watched the program. After watching for a while, there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, and then he frowned slightly, his face full of doubts.

Li Qing, who was on the side, noticed Director Zhang's expression and was very worried. Could it be that the actor's performance was not good?
Wait, if you don't act well, you can be on CTS?
Just when she began to secretly rejoice, she saw Director Zhang showing a serious expression, and she was concentrating on the expression on the stage.

what's the situation?
Li Qing is depressed, do she like it or not?
After 5 minutes, the show ends.

"Director Zhang, how is the program?" Xu Jie looked at Zhang Chengze and asked, and at the end he did not forget to remind: "For programs like this, Modern Dance Troupe is in charge of six."

Zhang Chengze swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then turned his head, and asked suspiciously: "Director Xu, are you sure this is the program of your Beijing TV station's New Year's party this year?"

"Of course!" Xu Jie said.

He was not surprised by the other party's question. After all, many people asked this question when they saw the plan for the first time, and he was used to it.

"You didn't lie to me?" Zhang Chengze asked again.

"Director Zhang, what's so deceitful about this kind of thing? If you don't believe me, ask Captain Li." Xu Jie pointed to Li Qing on the other side.

Seeing Director Zhang looking over, Li Qing immediately nodded heavily, and then asked puzzledly, "Director Zhang, is there any problem?"

Zhang Chengze took a deep breath, shook his head, and said, "Dancing is fine, but is it really okay to perform such a program at the New Year's Gala?"

Although he is only the assistant director of the New Year's Gala of Huaxia TV, it is not the first time he has participated in it. Last year, the year before last, the year before last, and even a long time ago, he directed the New Year's Gala on the local TV station, but for so many years, he has never seen such a plan for the New Year. party.

"It should be fine!" Xu Jie said after hearing this, not sure himself.

He doesn't have the ability to predict the future, so whether there is a problem or not can only be known after the broadcast.

"You are moving the historical drama to the New Year's party." Zhang Chengze was still in a state of shock.

"This is an attempt by our Beijing TV station." Xu Jie explained.

"Try?" Zhang Chengze blinked, "Your capital TV station is really brave."

"Anyway, you have seen the situation, Director Zhang. It's not that I don't want to let people go. It's that I really can't change people. I don't have time and energy." Xu Jie shrugged his shoulders and said, "And what you saw just now was just nothing. After the music performance, after the arrangement comes out, the dance needs to be adjusted according to the soundtrack, in short, there is something that needs to be done.”

Zhang Chengze sighed lightly, and when he came, he was arrogant and arrogant, thinking that it was just to crack down on fakes?As a result, it turned out that not only was it true, but it was more true than what the other party said.

They are all professionals, and the level of difficulty can be seen at a glance.

It seems that people really can't take it away.

Zhang Chengze turned to look at Li Qing and asked, "Leader Li, call the rest of your regiment out."

Li Qing was startled, compromised?Director Zhang actually compromised?Director Xu is too awesome, isn't he?It's unheard of for the assistant director of China TV's New Year's Gala to retreat in the face of difficulties.

"Oh, okay." She immediately called and called the rest of the dance troupe here.

Soon, more than 30 dancers appeared on the stage.

In order to get these people under her command to be selected by Director Zhang to attend the New Year's Gala of China TV Station, Li Qing directly asked these people to perform a rehearsed program live.

Zhang Chengze's eyes swept over the dancers on stage one by one, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. These dancers on stage were obviously newcomers with little stage experience and insufficient expressiveness.

After the program explained, Li Qing asked expectantly: "Director Zhang, how is it?"

Zhang Chengze looked at Captain Li, then took out his phone and said, "I'll make a call first." After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the back of the venue.

Li Qing was a little disappointed. Obviously, the actors on stage did not satisfy Director Zhang.

Zhang Chengze found a person in the address book, and then called the person.

"Leader Zhou, I'm Zhang Chengze from China TV. China TV's New Year's Gala this year lacks a group of dancers. I want to invite the first and second teams of your group."

"Apologies, Director Zhang, the first team and the second team are preparing for the Beijing TV New Year's party, can the fourth team do it?" the person in the microphone asked.


Zhang Chengze was taken aback, and looked back at Xu Jie, unexpectedly being robbed by the other party again,

"No, thank you, I'm sorry to bother you."

Zhang Chengze hung up the phone and found another person in the address book.

"Leader Lu, I, Zhang Chengze. Are the main players of your youth dance troupe here?"


"Really? That's great." Zhang Chengze said happily, finally finding someone who can use him.

"They're all rehearsing for Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Gala. What can Director Zhang do with them?"

"It's okay, just ask casually, goodbye."

Zhang Chengze hung up the phone again, but this time he didn't continue to make phone calls, but walked up to Xu Jie and asked, "Director Xu, how many dance troupes did your capital TV station find?"

"A lot." Xu Jie said while breaking his fingers: "The Capital Song and Dance Troupe, the Capital Modern Dance Troupe, the Capital Youth Dance Troupe, the Capital Art Dance Troupe..."

The corners of Zhang Chengze's mouth twitched non-stop, and his mood became more and more depressed.

Hearing what the other party said, half of the dance troupes in Beijing are serving the Beijing TV New Year's Gala, so where does he go to find good dancers?

As for the remaining half of the dance troupe, it was already with him.

That's right, all the dance troupes in the capital have been divided up by the TV station behind the two of them.

"Director Zhang, I think the dancers on the stage are pretty good, just give them a chance." Xu Jie said to Zhang Chengze.

Li Qing didn't expect Director Xu to speak for her, so she immediately nodded aside.

Zhang Chengze rolled his eyes and thought: the good people let you do it, and the bad people let me do it, why don't you give them a chance?
"Ring bell bell!"

A burst of music sounded, Zhang Chengze picked up the phone, it was the call from the executive director of the New Year's party.

"Director Guo...I'm contacting...I see, yes, yes!"

Zhang Chengze put down the phone, the executive director was anxious, and urged him to arrange the dancers quickly, so as not to delay the rehearsal of the whole party.

Now looking at the dancers on the stands, as far as the current situation is concerned, it seems that there is no other way.

"Leader Li, tell them to divide men and women into two rows, and I'll choose some dancers." Zhang Chengze said.

Li Qing was overjoyed, and immediately began to arrange.

Based on his impressions, Zhang Chengze selected a total of more than a dozen people, and told them to go back to get dressed immediately, and go with him to Huaxia TV to participate in the rehearsal of the New Year's party.

When the others heard that they were going to Huaxia TV, their eyes lit up immediately, and the word "envy" was written all over their faces. Even the dancers who participated in the Beijing TV New Year's Gala were no exception. After all, no matter the scale or level, Or force-style, Huaxia TV station is higher than Beijing TV station.

"Director Xu." Zhang Chengze looked at Xu Jie before leaving, and said sincerely, "I wish you a successful performance at the Beijing TV New Year's Gala."

Although he was very upset because of the robbery, as a literary worker, he was still very much looking forward to the New Year's Gala of Beijing TV Station.

Many TV stations can imagine the content of the New Year's Gala when they see the lineup, even the Huaxia TV station where he is, but this time, no one will think of the Beijing TV station.

"Thank you!" Xu Jie said with a smile after hearing this.

Jang Chengze nodded, turned around and left the venue, no matter how effective the Beijing TV station's New Year's Gala was, he remembered this young man.


The door is closed.

Xu Jie turned around and found that the dancers on the scene were listless, disappointed, or depressed, and their souls seemed to follow Zhang Chengze away.

How does that work?
"Hey, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked, frowning.

No one spoke at the scene, but everyone knew that everyone was disappointed for not being able to go to Huaxia TV.

"Why, do you all want to go to China TV to attend the New Year's party?" Xu Jie asked.

Still no one spoke, but the expressions on their faces had already betrayed them.

"Go there, you are green leaves, but to me, you are red flowers." Xu Jie sat down and said lightly: "Okay, I will give you a chance, you like to be in the lively dance series show You can step off stage after 20 seconds, you can’t even see your face clearly on TV, and you still want to be the protagonist of a story for 5 minutes, whether to go or stay is up to you!”

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and instantly understood what Director Xu meant.

"I'll stay!" Gao Linlin, the chief dancer, said firmly.

"Me too!"

"And I……"

Looking at the dancers scrambling to express their opinions, Xu Jie had a smile on his face.

"Stay here and create a miracle with me!"


(End of this chapter)

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