The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 465 Human sea tactics?

Chapter 465 Human sea tactics?

On the 20th, Beijing TV New Year's Gala officially entered the rehearsal stage.

This year's rehearsal time is a bit later than in previous years, mainly because a lot of time was spent on creating music and choreographing dances. Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that this year's New Year's party is different from the past.

The previous New Year's parties, including other TV stations' New Year's parties, looked more like music festivals. The main content was star singing, which was the same. Except for the accompaniment that was prepared in advance, even the songs sung were pre-recorded Yes, the star just needs to show up and go through a cutscene.

Not only does it not require the accompanying music of the program, it does not even require dancers. Even if there are occasionally a few programs that require accompanying dancers, it is very easy to arrange, just keep up with the rhythm, there is no difficulty at all.

However, this year, we have to create accompaniment music for all the programs, create dances for the content of the programs, and adjust the dances according to the music.

Beijing TV Grand Theater.

The rehearsal for the New Year's party is held here.

"Xiao Xu, I heard that you invited all the history professors from Beijing Normal University to teach dancers from various dance troupes? Is this true?" Lu Hong asked Xu Jie curiously.

He also heard from some friends in the circle, and many people asked him, what is going on in this year's Beijing TV New Year's Gala? The director steals people.

But how did he know what was going on?But as the chief director, he couldn't say that he didn't know, so in the end he could only pretend to keep it secret. Today, when he finally caught Xu Jie in the rehearsal of the show, he couldn't help asking him.

"No." Xu Jie replied while directing the scene. If it wasn't because the other party was the chief director, he would have no time to talk to the other party at all.

"No?" Lu Hong was full of suspicion. Could it be that what his friend said was all false?Impossible, everyone has a nose and an eye.

"I didn't invite all of them, but only four." Xu Jie explained.

Because his mother-in-law has classes every day, and because there are too many dance troupes, in order to save time, he invited not only his mother-in-law, but also three colleagues of his mother-in-law.

Lu Hong was slightly taken aback, and then there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, what his friend said was indeed true.

"Why did you invite so many history professors?" Lu Hong asked in puzzlement. Do you want to turn the New Year's party into a forum for hundreds of schools?
This is no longer a surprise, but an alternative.

"The program is related to history and culture, and the dancers don't have a deep understanding of the program, so I invited my mother-in-law and her colleagues to give lessons to the dancers so that they can be more involved." Xu Jie said, in order to avoid being suspected of being a fake public servant, Xu Jie finally added, "They didn't ask for money, they just gave lectures for free."

"That's not what I meant." Lu Hong was worried that Xu Jie might misunderstand, so he explained, "I'm just curious, and I've never encountered such a thing before."

"I also saw that the performance of the dancers was not strong enough, so I came up with an idea on the spur of the moment." Xu Jie said.

"Well, the idea is very good. I am looking forward to the show even more." Lu Hong said with a smile.

Because the New Year's Gala was different from the previous relationship, he was always uncertain. The more the other party invested, the more he felt relieved. This showed that the other party was really doing the show, rather than just being perfunctory.

"Xiao Xu, how many celebrities have you found? Is it enough? Do you want me to call and invite some more?" Jiang Hai looked at Xu Jie and asked.

Nowadays, the audience's invitation to the program is very high. Stars and content are indispensable. If there are stars but no content, no, if there is content but no stars, don't watch it.

Good content is important, but first of all, we must give the audience a reason to broadcast TV to Beijing TV Station. Naturally, inviting celebrities is the easiest and most direct way.

"More than 80 should be enough." Xu Jie thought for a while and said.


Jiang Hai and Lu Hong all showed shocked expressions when they heard it.

I thought to myself: Aren’t you planning to focus on the main content?Why are more celebrities invited than in previous years?Even more than other TV stations?

"That's not right!" Jiang Hai frowned and said, "I read the program list, and there are 31 programs in total. Why invite so many celebrities? A chorus?"

The scale of the Spring Festival Gala is no more than this, and there are cross talks, sketches, and choruses in the Spring Festival Gala. It is normal to invite many stars, but it is not normal to invite so many stars for the New Year's Gala.

"The main reason is that some programs require multiple stars to participate in the performance." Xu Jie said.

The content of the New Year's party is important, but celebrities are equally important. With sufficient funds, it is natural to invite celebrities if you can, and invite big names if you can. He is not stupid.

Just then, a group of people entered the theater.

"Director Xu, here we come!"

"Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang are also here."

Jiang Hai was stunned when he saw the person coming, isn't this Hu Zhen and Liu Jinghua, and some other managers of the brokerage company?You must know that these people are usually competitors, and they use various means to compete for resources. Why are they here together today?
There is a situation!
Jiang Hai couldn't help looking at Xu Jie, guessing in his heart that the artists of these brokerage companies should fight each other on the spot?Well, the ratings will definitely be high when the time comes, even higher than the ratings of the martial arts conference.

"Have all the artists come?" Xu Jie asked.

"Come on, one is not bad." Liu Jinghua replied, and Hu Zhen and other managers on the side also nodded in response.

"Come in." Xu Jie said.


Several agents immediately took out their mobile phones, and soon, the theater's door opened again, and dozens of people rushed in.


There were exclamations immediately in the theater.

"Isn't that Hu Xuan?"

"Liu Junkai is here too!"

"There are also Zhang Zheng, Shen Yifeng, Ding Lingyi, Zheng Anqi...why do so many celebrities come all of a sudden? Did they discuss it?"

"Are they all starring in the show?"

The appearance of the stars immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the theater, whether it was the staff or the dancers, they started talking about it.

No way, the battle is too big!
Among them, there are first-tier ones, second-tier ones, third-tier ones, and some familiar faces that cannot be named. This kind of situation can only be seen in the audience of the awards ceremony.

"Hi everyone." Xu Jie looked at the stars and said, "Everyone can come to our Beijing TV station to participate in the rehearsal of the New Year's Gala in your busy schedule. I am here to represent..."

When Xu Jie said this, he looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang beside him, and continued: "On behalf of the director team of the New Year's party, thank you for coming!"

The TV station can't represent it, and dare not represent it, but the director team can still represent it.

"Director Xu, you are too polite."

"Yes, Mr. Xu, it is our honor to be able to come to Beijing TV Station to participate in the New Year's party!"

"Yes, thank you for inviting us!"

The responses of the stars were also very polite, especially those who stood in front of the conversation. They are old acquaintances with Xu Jie. Some have collaborated in "Delicious History" and some have collaborated in "Crossover Actors" , and some have been interviewed by "Deep Talk on Film and Television".

Xu Jie nodded, and then said with a serious expression: "Due to tight time and heavy tasks, I will not be polite to you. I will take you to your program group later, and then give you the script of the program. This time The difficulty of the performance is much greater than that of previous New Year's Gala, I hope everyone can be mentally prepared."

After finishing speaking, he brought the stars to the backstage, and allocated a total of 82 stars to 31 programs. First, let these stars get familiar with the program script just completed by the planning team, then explain each star, and finally let the dancers go to the stage. It's called Star Dance.

In the program, celebrities not only need to sing, but also dance and act. Although there are many requirements for celebrities, it is also a rare opportunity to perform, especially for newcomers, they must be grasped well.

While Xu Jie was rehearsing for the New Year's program in full swing, the news that this year's New Year's Gala of Beijing TV Station would have new tricks spread like wildfire in the circle. Not only did the Beijing area know about it, but even TV stations in other places knew about it.

Shanghai TV Station.

"Director Liu, have you heard? Beijing TV's New Year's Gala has invited more than 80 celebrities. Are they planning to use crowd tactics to attract viewers?" A leader who checked the program asked Liu Heng, the director of the New Year's Gala.

The New Year's Gala used star tactics, which was to invite traffic stars to attract audiences. Few people used crowd tactics.

After all, the more celebrities you invite, the higher the cost, which is why big-name celebrities will sing two or even three songs. Besides, the length of the party is fixed, only more than four hours. It is impossible to invite so many celebrities. Time one by one.

"I don't know, but I heard that Xu Jie is the chief planner of this year's New Year's Gala at Beijing TV Station. Although this person has done one or two good shows, he has never had any experience in planning a party before. I guess he may feel that the show is well received. It is built by stars." Zhang Heng said.

"Then what about our party? The number of stars can't compare with them."

"There are many celebrities, so naturally there is less time to show their faces. Fans are not satisfied with watching, so changing channels has become a necessity."

"Well, that makes sense!"

Zhejiang Hangzhou TV Station.

"Director Zhou, I have a friend in the Youth Dance Troupe. He said that Beijing TV Station will hold a large-scale stage play for this year's New Year's Gala."

"What? A stage play? Did your friend drink too much? How is it possible!"

"Really, not only the stars are invited to sing and dance, but there is also a script for the whole party, talking about innovative revisions."

"Script? Treating the New Year's Eve as a variety show? That's not innovation, it's death!"

Huxiang TV Station.

"Director, this year's Beijing TV's New Year's Gala is too confusing. It's fine to invite so many orchestras and dance troupes. It is said that some university history professors were also invited."

"Hehe, it's gimmicky!"


(End of this chapter)

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