The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 466 Surprise victory!

Chapter 466 Surprise victory!

More and more gossip about Beijing TV's New Year's Gala spread on the Internet. Some said that the show planned by Lao Xu was worth looking forward to. Celebrities come to join us", in short, all kinds of news are flying around, but Beijing TV has never made a positive response to this.

"Xiao Xu, I think the rehearsal is almost done, should we be able to promote it?"

Early in the morning, Lu Hong found Xu Jie.

Today is already the 25th, and it seems that there is less than a week left before the broadcast of the New Year's Gala, and Xu Jie is still not allowed to do any publicity. He was under a lot of pressure at first, and now there are various speculations from the outside world, what to say There were all of them, causing his heart to be in a mess.

Just yesterday, the station director specifically asked him about this matter, so he deliberately asked Xu Jie to discuss it today. Even if there is no video advertisement, it is still possible to make a poster. It is better than whispering. Those who don’t know think that Beijing TV Station There is no New Year's party this year.

"There is no problem with the publicity, how will Editor-in-Chief Lu plan to publicize it?" Xu Jie asked.

"Of course it uses celebrities for publicity." Lu Hong said naturally.

This has always been the case in previous years. In one poster, all the stars who participated in the New Year's party were listed on it. Not only the Beijing TV Station, but other TV stations also did the same.

Having said that, besides using celebrities for publicity, what else can the New Year's party use for publicity?
Have no idea!

"Other stations use celebrities for publicity, and our station also uses celebrities for publicity. Is it too uninnovative?" Xu Jie asked.

Lu Hong blinked, new ideas?

It's just a promotional poster, what's new?Besides, isn't that how it's always been done?Simple and direct.

"How do you plan to promote it?" Lu Hong asked back. He felt that since the other party said so, he must have something in his heart.

"Editor Lu, I think our program is different, and the publicity must also be different, so as to arouse everyone's curiosity." Xu Jie said.

Lu Hong nodded, thinking: You should hurry up and say it, I'm going to be scared to death!

"I think, use me for publicity!" Xu Jie looked at Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and said.

Lu Hong was stunned when he heard it, and stared blankly at Xu Jie in front of him, with question marks in his head.

Don't use celebrities as publicity, use yourself as publicity?
Are you too confident?
Do you have more traffic than those 82 stars combined?

It's good for young people to be confident, but being overconfident is arrogance.

That's right, it's true that she made a name for herself in "Delicious History", but I can't compare myself to a star!

After a while, Lu Hong finally came back to his senses, looked at Xu Jie and asked, "How do you use it for publicity?"

In terms of fame, it's not as good as those stars. In terms of experience, it's the first time I plan a New Year's party, and I can't find any selling points that can be promoted.

"Editor-in-Chief Lu, I asked someone to make a poster, how would you like it?" Xu Jie took out his phone, found a picture and showed it to Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu.

Lu Hong was taken aback, even the promotional posters are ready?This was beyond his expectation, he thought that the other party was not in a hurry by keeping quiet.

He took the phone and looked at it. His first feeling was that this promotional poster was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Oh, remembered!

Isn't this the promotional poster for "A Tasty History"?
A man stands with his back in the middle of the poster, with ancient clothes on one side, a modern suit on the other, a frying spoon on the other, a briefcase on the other, an ancient restaurant on one side, and a modern restaurant on the other.

Anyone who has watched this show knows that the man on the poster is Xu Jie.

Huh, no!

He suddenly discovered that there were many differences between the promotional poster on the phone and the promotional poster of "Delicious History".

There are three scenes in this poster, a primitive tribe, a modern city, and a city with very advanced technology, let's call it a future city.

In these three scenes, there are also some small scenes, in which some people appear.

He zoomed in on the photo, and the very small person could see it very clearly at this time, and it turned out to be a star attending the New Year's party.

Counting carefully, 82 of them were all there, but these people all appeared in the costumes in the show, and many of them gave side faces, so you can't tell if you don't look carefully.

This feeling is a bit like watching "Along the River During the Qingming Festival". From a distance, there are many people in the painting. When zoomed in, everyone is vivid and full of details.

Moreover, the man in the poster no longer has a frying spoon and a briefcase in his hand, but a pen and a book. It feels as if he is writing something, which may be a record or a creation.

"This poster is quite special." Lu Hong said after looking at it for a while.

Especially even after reading it, I still feel that there seems to be some hidden information in the poster that has not been discovered.

"Everyone is tired of seeing intuitive promotional posters. I think it is better to make an interesting poster to attract more attention." Xu Jie explained.

For the New Year's Eve party, he was preparing to surprise, and for the promotional poster, he was also preparing to do the same.

Lu Hong nodded and said, "Let's use this picture as a promotional poster."

No matter what, you have to give it a try. If the effect is not good, just change to another promotional poster. He believes that Xu Jie will not stop it then.

The chief director had already spoken, and the publicity department immediately followed up.

At noon that day, the promotional poster appeared on the official Weibo of Beijing Satellite TV. At the same time, various programs of Beijing TV and stars who participated in the show liked and reposted them one after another, making this Weibo directly hit the hot list, attracting Attention of a large number of netizens.

"I'm going, isn't this Lao Xu? Is Beijing TV station planning to broadcast "Delicious History" on New Year's Eve?"

"I know that Lao Xu is the chief planner, but he is too confident to use himself for publicity?"

"Look carefully, it's not Tasty History, it just looks like it!"

"Three scenes? What does that mean?"

"Zoom in has surprises!"

"Huh? Why do I think those people in the poster scene look familiar?"

"I found Liu Junkai, it's in the middle of the scene, look carefully..."

"I found Chen Yingxue, in the first scene..."

"Let's search together to see how many stars there are!"

More and more people began to join in the activities of finding celebrities in the promotional posters, some simply found it interesting, while some wanted to find out if there were any celebrities they liked in the posters.

As more and more celebrities are discovered from the posters, the topic of the Beijing TV New Year's Gala is getting higher and higher. In addition to looking for stars, some people even start to study the images of the stars in the posters, and guess the stars based on their images. The content of the program that will be performed in the New Year's party.

In addition to the stars, many people are also interested in other patterns in the posters, and have carried out detailed analysis, such as the possible meanings of the three scenes, and what some patterns in the scenes symbolize, so many posters have been born. Analyze the emperor and argue about the content of the poster.

Moreover, this kind of debate has become more and more intense as time goes by. Everyone wants to prove that the content of their analysis is correct. Posters and the release of the star list are more durable. Many people are looking forward to whether the New Year's party of Beijing TV Station will be as they guessed.

After much discussion, the last day of December finally arrived...


(End of this chapter)

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