The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 467 Rehearsal Accident

Chapter 467 Rehearsal Accident
early morning.

The sky is bright.

Xu Jie, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt something crawl into his bed, it was cool and soft, and it also had a familiar smell.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, only to see a beautiful face appearing in front of his eyes, so close that he could even feel the other person's breathing.

Beauty snake?
It seems to be dreaming!

He closed his eyes again.

Recently, he has been busy with the New Year's party, and he didn't even go to Hengdian. Fortunately, the filming of the movie "Mulan" has entered the final stage, so there is no need to discuss the script anymore, but this way, he will not be able to get together with Su Yun , I can only meet by video every day, it is inevitable that people will miss it, no, I have started to have strange dreams.

Although it is a dream, should we do something to Su Yun next?Wouldn't it be disrespectful otherwise?

So, he stretched out his hand to Su Yun, saying that today's dream is really good, with a strong sense of reality.

"Sorry for waking you up." Su Yun said softly.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said after hearing that, he didn't expect the wife in his dream to be so polite and gentle.

"Sleep for a while longer." Su Yun persuaded.

"No." Xu Jie said, what should I do if I wake up from the dream?
He wanted to hurry up and do something that he didn't dare to think about while in his dream.

"Do you know that I miss you, that's why you suddenly appeared and gave me a surprise?" Xu Jie asked with a smile. Even in his dream, he still had a lot to say.

"Yeah." Su Yun said after hearing this: "My play was finished yesterday. I wanted to come back earlier to accompany you, but there was no flight back to the capital at night, so I had to ask Lao Zhou to drive back overnight..."

Xu Jie's whole body was shocked, is the dialogue in the dream so realistic?


He slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the woman in his arms seriously. At the same time, his hands were not idle, touching this, pinching that.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the room.

"Ring bell bell!"

It's a phone alarm clock!
He stretched out his hand from under the quilt and touched the mobile phone on the bookshelf. It was already 7 o'clock, which means that everything he experienced now was not a dream. Su Yunzhen came back from Hengdian!
"Why didn't you tell me?" Xu Jie looked at Su Yun in surprise and asked, and he instantly woke up.

"Didn't you know that you are very busy recently and want you to rest more?" Su Yun said, she felt that if she said it, the other party would definitely stop her from coming back.

"You are also very busy. You should take a good rest. Why come back in such a hurry?" Xu Jie said distressedly after hearing this. Driving back to the capital from Hengdian is equivalent to crossing half of China. Although it is a car, not a car, but This is also impossible to rest well.

"I miss you, I want to come back to see you soon." Su Yun said naturally.

Seeing the woman's upright look, Xu Jie immediately felt surrounded by sweet happiness. He wanted to say a few more words of concern, but now, saying anything is superfluous.

He hugged the woman in his arms and said seriously, "I'll let you know how much I miss you!"

"Ah? You're going to be late!" Su Yun screamed.

"It's okay, I won't have breakfast." Xu Jie said.

"How about that?"

"You are my breakfast!"


Beijing TV.

Xu Jie took the time to walk into the art program center, just right, just like today's breakfast.

"You seem to be very happy. Is there anything good?" Qin Yan looked at Xu Jie who was smiling all over his brows, and couldn't help being curious.

Tonight is the day when the New Year's Gala will be broadcast. It stands to reason that the other party should be nervous. After all, this year's New Year's Gala has changed a lot... No, it should be said that it overthrew the previous established model and recreated a brand new New Year's Gala.

As for what the effect will be, no one knows, everything is unknown, and it is precisely because of this that it makes people feel uneasy.

Anyway, because she was worried, she didn't sleep well last night, kept turning over, opening and closing eyes repeatedly, so in her opinion, Xu Jie's expression now is very abnormal.

"A good thing? The New Year's Gala, which has been busy for a month, is finally going to be broadcast. Is this a good thing?" Xu Jie said with a smile. Of course, he would not tell the other party what he really wanted.

"Are you so confident?" Qin Yan asked.

She felt that only Xu Jie could laugh in the entire New Year's party working group. Even Director Jiang had a serious expression when he went to work this morning.

"It's not a question of lack of self-confidence. Anyway, the show is already like this. What's the use of worrying? Accept it calmly." Xu Jie said.

In fact, he had been very worried before this, but since seeing Su Yun this morning, the sense of weight on his body has disappeared without a trace, and now his whole body is light, and he walks with wind.

"Hehe, your mentality is really good." Qin Yan's mouth twitched, not knowing whether to say that the other party was optimistic, or that the other party was heartless.

"Sister Yan, don't look so sad." Xu Jie came to Qin Yan's side, patted Qin Yan's shoulder, and said, "You are the host of the New Year's party tonight. Constipated, who will watch our show? According to incomplete statistics, the attractiveness of the beautiful host to the audience is no less than that of the star, you have to work hard!"

"You're constipated." Qin Yan said angrily, and at the same time gave the other party a supercilious look.

But after Xu Jie left, she immediately took out the mirror from her pocket and looked at it. Maybe it was because she didn't sleep well last night, her complexion did look a little bad.

It seems that I need to apply a few more masks today!
For many units, the last day of December is very relaxing, everyone is talking and laughing to welcome the new year, but for the staff of the TV station, everything is completely opposite.

Because the station will transfer some people to participate in the New Year's party, the staff of various departments will be reduced. In addition, the New Year's Day holiday is coming, and the program needs to be arranged in advance. Everyone has been busy since they came, and they can't even walk. To trot.

As the chief planner of the New Year's party, Xu Jie is naturally the busiest person today.

The main reason is that when he met Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang who love to be hands-off shopkeepers, he could only carry his courage.

Today, he first attended the working group meeting of the New Year's party hosted by Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu, and then came to the party with the staff.

This year's New Year's party is the same as last year's, all choose to be held outdoors. The advantage of this is that a larger stage can be built to make the party look more shocking.

Just a pain for the staff and show crew.

We must know that in the capital city at this time, the temperature at night is below zero, not to mention the coldest time, and there is not much difference. Therefore, performing at this temperature is a test for all the people participating in the party.

But this year's situation is much better than last year's.

Because this year's performers, whether they are celebrities or dancers, due to the need for acting, everyone wears more costumes.

Unlike last year, the singing stars wore skirts and the dancing actors wore shorts. They were shivering from the cold, and they had to pretend that nothing happened, with a smile and a happy face. It was so fake!

Soon, all the staff arrived, as did all the actors.

Xu Jie stood on the stage, holding a microphone in his hand, and said to the hundreds of people in the audience: "It's very cold. The weather forecast says that the temperature today will be five degrees above zero to seven degrees below zero. I hope everyone can overcome it. Think about how the actors performed at the Bingcheng sub-venue of the Spring Festival Gala in an environment of minus [-] to [-] degrees..."

As soon as everyone heard it, let alone, they immediately felt that the conditions were much better, and they were not so cold anymore.

Sure enough, happiness is comparable.

Xu Jie continued: "It's the first time for everyone to come to this scene. During the day, we will conduct the last rehearsal according to the procedure, and then wait for the official performance in the evening. Now, please take your seats. After half an hour, the performance will begin."

The crowd dispersed and Xu Jie jumped off the stage.

In fact, the whole show has been rehearsed many times in the Grand Theater. This time, the main purpose is to make everyone familiar with the scene and avoid accidents during the performance.

When Xu Jie came to the director's group, deputy editor-in-chief Lu was having a meeting on stage. Director Jiang was the only person in the director's group. As for the assistant directors, they all performed their duties, some were in charge of the backstage, and some were in charge of the post-production.

"Xiao Xu, sit down quickly." Jiang Hai beckoned to Xu Jie, and then gave him the most upright position facing the monitor.

Xu Jie couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Director, I know you don't want to care, but you are also the executive director anyway, so it's too obvious to do so?"

After Jiang Hai heard it, he said indifferently: "Whoever insists on executing or directing, whoever can make the party well should sit here."

If it's a normal New Year's party, it's fine for him to sit here. After all, he has been directing for three or four years and has a lot of experience. The problem is that this year's New Year's party is different from previous years. He wants to direct, but he doesn't know where to intervene. In the end, he simply handed over the full power to Xu Jie. Those who can do more work. Besides, laymen don't make trouble for experts. This is the greatest help.


"Stop talking, you're in charge of the stage, and I'm in charge of the rest," Jiang Hai said.

Xu Jie sighed, meeting such a superior is really a training.

Half an hour later, the last rehearsal officially began.

The star Liu Junkai appeared on the stage. At this time, he is not a star, but an ordinary young man, and the following program will also start from him, with him as the protagonist, in the past, present and future. From the perspective of a modern young man, to explore civilizations in three different periods...


Liu Junkai, who was walking on the stage, suddenly slipped when he was going down the steps, and fell heavily on the stage, with a "bang", the sound could be heard from a long distance away.


(End of this chapter)

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