The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 468 Well, here I come!

Chapter 468 Well, here I come!

Seeing the accident on stage, Xu Jie stood up abruptly and rushed from the director's group to the stage.

Jiang Hai on the side also blurted out "Damn", breaking out in a cold sweat, and at the same time feeling a little lucky. Fortunately, it was a rehearsal. If it happened during the live broadcast, it would be a performance accident at the beginning, so why not just fall into the trending list?

"Little Kai, how is it?" Xu Jie squatted beside Liu Junkai, the other party's assistant and the on-site doctor also came, and even the actors in the backstage looked at Liu Junkai nervously. No one thought that such a situation would happen. thing.

"Butt hurts, ankle hurts!" Liu Junkai grinned and said, then looked at Xu Jie embarrassedly, "Director Xu, I'm sorry, I didn't notice the steps."

"Don't talk about this, your body is important." Xu Jie said a few words of reassurance, and then looked at the doctor.

The working group of the New Year's party set up a medical point at the scene to ensure the physical condition of the actors. It was recorded over a period of time, and I have never used it once. In fact, no one wants to use it, but this time...
The doctor asked Liu Junkai to lie flat on the stage and not move, stretched out his hand to press the other's waist, and asked, "Does it hurt here?"

"It doesn't hurt!"

"What about here?"

"No pain!"

The doctor nodded, and then went to press Liu Junkai's buttocks.

"How is it here?"

"Bones don't hurt, flesh hurts!"

The doctor touched Liu Junkai's ankle again.

"Does it hurt here?"


"What about here?"

"It hurts the most here!"

The doctor did a brief examination, and finally looked up at Xu Jie and said, "Director Xu, Liu Junkai's spine is fine, and his hip is fine, but there is a high probability of a fracture in his ankle. As for the injury, he still needs to go to the hospital to take a film, but With his current situation, he definitely can't continue to perform."

Hearing what the doctor said, the scene was eerily quiet for a while.

Liu Junkai is the protagonist of the whole show, and half of the show is unfolded through his role. Without him, it means that there is one less thread connecting the shows. Without this thread, many shows cannot be connected.

Jiang Hai frowned tightly. He was already ashamed of Alexander because of this special New Year's party, but now this kind of thing happened again.

Obviously, before this, there have been three rehearsals at the Grand Theater. The whole party was not to say extremely smooth, but it was also very smooth.

But people are not as good as God, the last rehearsal of the show, and it was still in the daytime, the protagonist would fall on the stage, and even broke his ankle directly, isn't this too much?

The point is that wrestling at this time has cast a shadow over everyone's heart.

Although many people don't believe in the theory of gods and ghosts, but before doing important things, when they suddenly encounter an unlucky thing, most people will have a negative hint in their hearts, causing their hearts to shake, which is the so-called Foreboding.

Just like now, everyone present has an ominous premonition.

"The injury is serious, send it to the hospital first!" Xu Jie said decisively.

The medical staff immediately pushed out the wheelchair from the backstage, and the assistant helped Liu Junkai onto the wheelchair.

"Director Xu, I'm sorry!" Liu Junkai apologized.

He was very aware of the impact of his fall, which not only made the entire working group scramble, but even disrupted all the arrangements for the Beijing TV New Year's party.

"It's okay." Xu Jie said pretending not to care.

"Director Xu, I can persevere!" Liu Junkai gritted his teeth and said.

Xu Jie patted the other party's shoulder and said with a smile: "You can go to the hospital for an examination with peace of mind." After speaking, he winked at the medical staff next to him, and the medical staff immediately pushed Liu Junkai off the stage.

After the people left, an assistant director in charge of the backstage looked at Xu Jie and asked, "Director Xu, what should we do now?"

"Are there any star candidates?" A staff member also asked.

"What kind of candidate star? It's not about driving, but also preparing a spare tire."

"Fortunately, it's just a rehearsal, just find another star."

"Are you sure? Although Liu Junkai's character doesn't have many lines, he has interacted with half of the shows. It took a long time to get the current effect. If we find a new actor, even if he can memorize the lines, he won't be able to." Enough time for him to rehearse with various programs, you must know that the party is tonight."

"Well, that's right, what can you do?"



A group of people talked non-stop, but no one came up with a solution.

Jiang Hai anxiously scratched his head with his hands. He was already in a bad mood, but after being quarreled by everyone, his mood was even worse.

If it's a normal New Year's party, if a star has a problem, you can find another star to replace it, isn't it just singing, let alone a professional singer, any actor can sing.

However, the New Year’s Eve party planned by Xu Jie has content and stories. It’s okay if it’s ten or 20 days in advance. The problem is that the performance is tonight, and there’s no time to change people.

Unless there is someone who can memorize the lines in shorthand and has the ability to remember with a photographic memory, he can learn all the content of the performance after teaching it once, but where can he find such a person?Even movie stars can't do it.

Jiang Hai turned to look at Xu Jie. He wanted to ask the other party what to do, but he knew very well that the other party was under more pressure than anyone else, otherwise he would not have said a word.

Jiang Hai sighed secretly, wishing he could push himself up.

Wait a minute!
Jiang Hai was stunned suddenly, he couldn't stand up, so what about the one next to him?

"I have a candidate!" Jiang Hai said.


After everyone heard it, they all looked at Director Jiang, as if they saw hope, and thought to themselves: As expected of the Director of the Arts Program Center, there are goods.

Xu Jie also looked at Director Jiang curiously, why didn't he think who it was?
Jiang Hai took a deep breath, and uttered two words under the gaze of everyone: "Xu Jie!" Then he looked directly at Xu Jie.

Everyone was stunned, and it took a while to realize that they all looked at Xu Jie.

Xu Jie was also dumbfounded, unexpectedly Jiang Hai would say his name.

"Director, don't make trouble, what time is it, can you stop joking?" Xu Jie said after hearing this, thinking: You'd better leave it alone, just stay where you are cool.

"I'm not joking." Jiang Hai said seriously: "First, you are the planner of the entire show, let alone Liu Junkai's lines and scenes, even if you memorize all the details of the show, you don't need to memorize lines at all Second, you are the lead actor of "Delicious History". Although you are not a star in the entertainment industry, you are still a celebrity with a good reputation and acquaintances; third, don't forget, the new year's party promotion poster It’s you, your appearance should be taken for granted, but if you don’t appear, the audience will feel that they have let them go, don’t you all agree?”

After Jiang Hai finished speaking, he looked at the other staff members.

When everyone heard this, they nodded.

"Yes, Director Jiang is right."

"Director Xu, just go ahead, don't hesitate."

"Yes, no one can save this show except you now, you don't want everyone's hard work for so long to go to waste, do you?"

"You wrote the party plan, so you should present your ideas to the audience from your perspective, or you can come up with your own ideas."

Xu Jie looked at everyone. If he had a way, he would have said it just now, and he would not be silent.

But the problem is, he has his job, he has his responsibilities, one radish and one hole, if he leaves, who will take over his job?
"I am the chief planner of the party, responsible for the entire process of the party, if I leave, who will be in charge of my work?" Xu Jie asked a very realistic question.

There have been many rehearsals before, and they were all completed under his on-site command, especially when the chief director and executive director often made choices. He even did the director's actions. Who can replace him?

"I'm coming!" Jiang Hai said loudly, "I'm the executive director, and I'll direct on the spot!"

Xu Jie was dumbfounded: Where did you go before, and now you know that you are the executive director?

"Well, I agree with Director Jiang's proposal!"

"Director Jiang has directed New Year's Gala many times and has rich experience. For him, this kind of thing is simply a child's play, and he can handle it with his hands."

"Director Xu, what else do you have to do? Let us help you share it."

Everyone has pinned all their hopes on Director Xu.

Xu Jie looked at these people in front of him. They were all waiting to arrange work before, but now they are rushing to share the work. Are you here to trick me?
"Director Xu, make up your mind quickly, we don't have much time left."

"Yeah, if you don't make a decision, you won't even have enough time for a rehearsal."

"Director Xu, if you can guide us, you must perform better than us, so go ahead."

This time, not only the staff, but even the stars waiting in the background joined the persuasion team. Hu Xuan, Shen Yifeng, Zhao Xiaotong, etc., are all first-line stars.

Xu Jie looked at the staff and performers, and couldn't help sighing in his heart. After thinking for a while, he finally made a decision.

"Okay, I'll act!"

On the one hand, hospitality is hard to turn down, and expectations cannot be violated. It is not easy for him to reject so many people; on the other hand, he really can't find a suitable candidate to replace Liu Junkai.

Hearing Xu Jie's promise, smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

"Director Xu, I think this role should be played by you!"

"Teacher Xu, come on, I like you!"

Xu Jie said impatiently: "Okay, let's all go back to our posts."

After everyone left, Xu Jie looked at Jiang Hai and asked, "Director, can you really take on my job?"

"Xiao Xu, look at what you said, you underestimate me, don't you? Let me tell you, as long as I get serious, there are not many directors in our capital TV station who can direct me." Jiang Hai said, patted his chest.

Of course Xu Jie knew how powerful Director Jiang was. Last year's New Year's Party and Spring Festival Gala were all in charge of the other party, but he just liked to be lazy. He said this to make the other party serious.

"Okay, I believe you."

Xu Jie put on the earphones, turned around and came backstage, looked at the stars and actors, and said, "Attention everyone, from now on, I will play Liu Junkai's role."

Having said that, he paused, took a deep breath, and finally bowed to everyone.

"Please everyone!"


 happy New Year!May the epidemic go away in 2022, and everyone who has read this book will have their dreams come true in 2022!
(End of this chapter)

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