Chapter 470

The New Year's Gala of each David TV channel has already started, and the wonderful opening immediately caught the audience's attention. Since it was broadcast at the same time, the audience in front of the TV did not know how to choose for a while, and could only look at this, Look at that one again, which one is more exciting than the opening, and which star is more attractive.

Huxiang Satellite TV, Shanghai Satellite TV, Zhejiang-Hangzhou Satellite TV, Jiangsu Satellite TV, each of the opening programs are lively, nice singing, hot dance, presenting an ultimate audio-visual feast, as if competing to shout loudly to the audience Say: Look at me, look at me, look at me.

However, when some viewers switched to Beijing Satellite TV, their expressions were stunned.

what's the situation?
Why is there only one person on such a huge stage?

Is it the wrong way to open it?

Or is it that Beijing Satellite TV has changed its guns this year and is planning to broadcast a logical thinking speech on New Year's Eve?

Those who have seen the promotional posters of Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Gala can still understand that the person on stage is Xu Jie, but those who have not seen the promotional posters are completely confused.

Such a deserted person, how can it be like a New Year's party?

Just as the audience was stupefied, a door of light appeared in front of the protagonist. The protagonist stepped over, and the scene lights suddenly turned on. Primitives wearing wild animal fur appeared on the stage, dozens of people.

As the live orchestra played a piece of thick music, these primitive people began to dance to the point of music. If you look carefully, you can find that their dances are not random. Each dance represents one thing. Such as fighting, such as hunting.

what is this?
Crazy primitive?

Such thoughts can't help popping up in the hearts of the audience.

When the close-up shots were aimed at several primitive leaders one by one, the audience was stunned again.

Hu Xuan?

Wasn't that rough stone just now the big star Hu Xuan?

Although the hair is messed up and the face is smudged, but the wool has not changed, it is definitely Hu Xuan.

And that primitive man with a stick in his hand, why does he look more and more like Shen Yifeng?

There is no sensational host, no gorgeous stage, and no star who sings and dances vigorously. There are music that sounds majestic and magnificent, and there are dances that seem to be touched in the heart.

Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's party this year. It's so special!

Compared with TV, the live broadcast on the video website is more lively, and the full screen is a delay.

"Punch for Lao Xu!"

"It's kind of deserted here!"

"This is the New Year's party planned by Lao Xu? Why does it look different from other TV stations' New Year's parties?"

"Old Xu is playing time-traveling again? Did he directly time-travel to the primitive society this time?"

"Actors are showing the lives of primitive people through dance. I advise people who have no brains not to watch it, because they can't understand it!"

"Shocking, the music is shocking, the dance is shocking, it looks better than a star singing on stage!"

"This is a party with content!"


Director group.

"How about the TV ratings?" Deputy Director Wang Yuan asked nervously. Although he was comforting Xu Jie before, he was actually more nervous than Xu Jie.

"0.313..." The staff monitoring the real-time ratings replied, although it is not very accurate, but the difference is not too big.

"It's not high!" Wang Yuan showed a sad face, the start was not good.

"It's better than last year." Jiang Hai said optimistically after hearing it. He remembered that last year's opening ratings were 0.163, setting the lowest opening ratings record for Beijing TV's New Year's Gala in recent years. It caused him insomnia for a long time. Later, the Spring Festival Gala saved some ratings, and his cultural program center had to change people.

"Where are the other TV stations?" Lu Hong frowned slightly, with a serious expression on his face.

Several David TVs broadcast the New Year's Gala at the same time, so horizontal comparisons are inevitable.

"Huxiang Satellite TV is the highest, starting broadcasting at 0.768, which is about to break 1, followed by Shanghai Satellite TV, which also reached 0.675, followed by Sujiang Satellite TV and Zhejiang Hangzhou Satellite TV..." The staff looked at the data on the computer screen while reporting.

Hearing this, the expressions of the bosses couldn't help but become ugly.

People are more mad than people.

The ratings at the start of the broadcast are indeed better than last year, but compared with other satellite TV channels, it is still at the bottom.

Ratings will affect the sponsorship fee. Last year’s New Year’s Gala had a low ratings. This year’s advertising sponsorship fee is lower than last year’s. It’s not hundreds of thousands or millions, but tens of millions. If the ratings this year are still not If it improves, the advertising sponsorship fee for next year's New Year's party will drop.

10 minutes passed.

The first program of all the evening shows has generally ended, and Beijing Satellite TV is no exception. The host finally appeared on the stage. This is the only place that has the same host as the New Year's Gala in previous years.

"What's the ratings now?" Lu Hong asked again.


"Still at the bottom?"


"Who is the tallest?"

"It's still Hunan Satellite TV, it has reached 1.122, and..." The staff hesitated to speak, with a very weird expression.

"And what?" Jiang Hai asked.

"Cough, you may not believe it, Huxiang Satellite TV is currently inserting advertisements." The staff said.

Jiang Hai was dumbfounded, so were Lu Hong and Wang Yuan, followed by frowning.

Other TV stations broadcast an advertisement, and the ratings are all above 1, while my own TV station, after a program is finished, the host has already appeared, and the ratings have just passed 0.4. How can this be justified?
Are the advertisements of other TV stations better than the hosts of your own TV station?
"Sigh, the ratings base is still too weak." Lu Hong sighed lightly. The New Year's Gala in the past few years has been getting worse year by year. As a result, many viewers have excluded Beijing Satellite TV from the watch list of the New Year's Gala. up.

It's like building a building. If the foundation is not laid well, the top must be unstable, and naturally no one will come to buy a house.

In fact, five years ago, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve Gala were still very good, at least not at the bottom. Year after year is not as good as one year, and this is part of the reason why he was transferred away when he took office.

The station had originally expected him to turn the tide, but now it seems that it has no effect at all. If it weren't for the success of the satellite TV revision, the deputy editor-in-chief would not be able to turn to him.

"Wait and see, after all, it's just started." Lu Hong said, there is no other way now, after all, the party has already been produced, it is impossible to temporarily cancel the subsequent programs and let the stars sing on stage.

"In 10 minutes, China TV's New Year's party will start." Wang Yuan reminded.

The corner of Lu Hong's mouth twitched, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he was no longer optimistic.

Because Huaxia TV's New Year's Gala will be broadcast, it will usher in a strong opponent, and Huaxia TV's ratings are good. Every year, the ratings of the New Year's Gala will break 3 as soon as the opening, and it will not work if you don't accept it.

"Actually, it has nothing to do with us whether or not China TV's New Year's Gala will be broadcast, because our competitor has never been China TV. Cough, to be precise, they don't regard us as opponents at all, nor do they regard any TV stations as opponents... ..." Jiang Hai said.

Lu Hong and Wang Yuan thought about it, and it seemed that this was the case.

Jiang Hai continued: "Let's all be calmer. Last year's ratings tragedy has been experienced. This year's starting point is at least higher than last year. Maybe after an hour or two, everyone will get tired of listening to the music and switch to our program. I remember Xiao Xu said that winning by surprise is never about taking the lead at the beginning, but about coming from behind.”

He chose to believe in Xu Jie.


(End of this chapter)

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