The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 471 Word of Mouth Fermentation

Chapter 471 Word of Mouth Fermentation
It was the first time for Xu Jie to stand on such a big stage. There were not only tens of thousands of live audiences, but also countless people watching through TV and the Internet.

However, unlike what he expected, he didn't feel any tension in his heart. He was in the world he created, and he was completely integrated into it the moment the show started.

No matter acting or dancing, he is not inferior to those big stars at all, and the more people performing, the better he is, as if he wants to show what he imagined to all audiences without reservation.

"Xiao Xu performed well, even better than Liu Junkai in my opinion." Jiang Hai pointed to the screen on the monitor, and said to Wang Yuan and Lu Hong beside him.

The two big bosses have been concerned about the ratings, only he has been concentrating on watching the show. Of course, this is also related to his replacement of Xu Jie. Now the on-site scheduling is entirely up to him to direct, and problems may arise if his mind wanders a little.

"Xiao Xu can still suppress the scene." Lu Hong said after hearing this, he never doubted Xu Jie's ability, but the question is whether the audience will buy it or not.

This is the New Year's Gala, no matter how outstanding the ability is, it's useless if the audience doesn't buy it, not to mention competing directly with other TV stations.

"What's the current ratings?" Wang Yuan looked at his watch. It was already 8:32 p.m., and the show had been broadcast for a full hour.

This time usually ushers in the first climax after the program starts broadcasting, and it is also a critical period that drives up the ratings.

"It has passed 0.7 and reached 0.711. Although the ratings ranking is still at the bottom, it is quite close to the fifth place Zhejiang Hangzhou Satellite TV. The gap is getting smaller and smaller. According to the current growth momentum, it will not take long to catch up. " said the staff member.

The New Year's party has changed from five David TVs at the beginning to the current five plus one situation, that is, five David TVs plus China TV.

Originally, Beijing Satellite TV was ranked fifth, but now it has directly become sixth.

Hearing the staff's answer, Wang Yuan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although my own show is still the lowest in ratings, judging from the data, it is obviously much better than last year's New Year's show. I remember that at this time last year, the ratings just passed 0.2, which is an embarrassment. Even the entire director team is dead silent , absolutely silent.

Lu Hong's face is no longer tense. He is not afraid of being at the bottom of the ranking, but he is afraid that the ratings will not increase. As long as the ratings keep rising, it is good news.

This shows that more and more people are watching their own evening shows, and they are very stable. Unlike some evening shows, those who have good-looking viewers will watch them, and those who are not.

In fact, he doesn't have high requirements for tonight's ratings, as long as he can break 1. In this way, at least he can make a difference to the higher level, and the advertising sponsorship fee for next year's New Year's party will not drop.

Just when everyone finally had hope for tonight's party, Jiang Hai's expression changed.

On the stage, Xu Jie squatted in one place, and did not leave for a long time.

There is an elevator there. According to the previous rehearsal, Xu Jie should take the elevator down at this time and disappear on the stage.

"Not good!" Jiang Hai said in a low voice, and at the same time asked into the headset: "What's the situation in the No. 3 elevator, why haven't you put the protagonist down yet?"

"What's wrong?" Lu Hong asked puzzled.

Everyone thinks that the development momentum of the party is very good, but you are saying that it is not good. Isn't this against everyone?

Jiang Hai listened to the staff's report through earphones, and then said with a serious expression: "The staff said that the No. 3 elevator broke down."

"What?" Lu Hong and Wang Yuan immediately frowned, and the two who had just breathed a sigh of relief immediately became nervous again.

The elevator is a very important stage equipment, not only the actors need to go up and down through it, but also need it to transport some performance props.

Moreover, this year's New Year's party is a drama, many links need to use elevators to create some effects, and the person who bears the brunt of the most impact is the protagonist Xu Jie.

Because he keeps traveling through different eras, he needs to flash and disappear frequently. If Xu Jie stood on a broken elevator, he didn't disappear when he should disappear. Isn't the plot just straight out?

"The maintenance personnel have already passed, but Xu Jie..." Jiang Hai looked at the monitor screen, and one of the screens was aimed at Xu Jie.

Lu Hong looked over and found that Xu Jie was patting the ground with his hands, and immediately asked, "Is the elevator under Xiao Xu's feet damaged?"

Jiang Hai nodded.

"..." Lu Hong was speechless.

Is it too late today?

During the last rehearsal during the day, the main character was injured, and now the ratings have finally seen some improvement, and the elevator broke down again. Didn’t God deliberately oppose them?
"How long will it take to fix it?" Lu Hong asked.

"A part is broken and is being replaced, it will take about four to five minutes." Jiang Hai replied.

"Four to five minutes..." Lu Hong couldn't help worrying. Four to five minutes is not long for the whole party, but what should Xu Jie do?
Just when everyone was nervous about the show, they saw Xu Jie bent over and jogged all the way from the elevator to the backstage.


Everyone was stunned.

Isn't this too bold?Aren't you afraid of wearing clothes?

"Mr. Xu, why did you run down?" asked an assistant director backstage.

"What should I do if I don't run down and continue squatting on the stage?" Xu Jie asked rhetorically. At the same time, he put on a down jacket and took the hot water bottle handed over by the staff.

"Are you not worried about being seen by the audience?" the assistant director asked.

"It doesn't matter to the audience, as long as the audience in front of the TV didn't see it." Xu Jie said lightly.

When the people around heard it, they were right.

Although many people came to the scene today, the essence of the New Year's Gala is for the audience in front of the TV. The comparison of various TV stations is also the ratings of the show, not the number of people who attended the show.

Well, Director Xu is still the most sober.

Everyone is too nervous and anxious.

Xu Jie picked up the walkie-talkie at this time and asked, "Director, didn't you broadcast my video just now?"

"Don't worry, Director Xu, according to your previous instructions, the camera is always on the star." The director's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"That's good." Xu Jie said after hearing that.

There is an unpredictable situation in the sky, and people will be banished.

After experiencing Liu Junkai's injury incident, he deliberately told the director that if an accident occurs during the live broadcast, he must switch the screen immediately and transfer the camera to other stars until the accident is resolved.

When the director team heard the conversation between Xu Jie and the director, they immediately relaxed.

"It seems that Xiao Xu has taken a lot of measures to deal with accidents, which are not bad." Wang Yuan nodded with satisfaction. When an accident occurs, he can deal with it calmly. This kind of mentality without panic is very rare Yes, you must know that this is the live broadcast of the New Year's party.

"Well, don't panic when things happen, don't panic when in danger, and have the demeanor of a general." Lu Hong said, and the cooperation with the actors was also extremely smooth, as if he was born for the big scene.

Not long after, the lift was finally repaired.

Xu Jie stood on it and appeared on the stage again.

"Editor Lu, the ratings have broken 1!" The staff suddenly shouted.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Lu Hong lowered his head and looked at the time. It was only ten minutes since Deputy Director Wang asked about the ratings. The speed of breaking 1 really surprised him.

"The current ratings have surpassed Zhejiang-Hangzhou Satellite TV, ranking fourth among the five David TVs." The staff continued,
"Okay!" Jiang Hai said with a smile: "It seems that our party is finally going to show its strength."

Lu Hong and Wang Yuan also showed joy on their faces.

Although the show has been broadcast for more than an hour, it doesn't matter. You must know that this is a four-hour New Year's party, and it is still early before the end. You can wait!
After the first climax of David TV's New Year's Gala, some of them began to insert commercials, and some of the stars who appeared on the stage changed their faces. The ratings also began to decline slightly, and the ratings curve also turned into a slide.

The viewers sitting in front of the TV are no longer obsessed, those who turn on the water turn on the water, those who change the channel, those who watch the mobile phone look at the mobile phone, waiting for the end of the commercial or the appearance of the next familiar celebrity.

When some people switched to Beijing Satellite TV and saw famous singers dancing and acting on the stage, they couldn't help but stop their channel-changing fingers.

"Zheng Anqi's clothes are so beautiful. Is this the women's clothing in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty? It's like the people in the Dunhuang murals are alive."

"Beautiful people, beautiful shapes, beautiful costumes, and even more beautiful dances!"

"How do you feel that you are playing the country of daughters?"

"Don't switch channels, I haven't finished watching it yet."

Some people took out their mobile phones, took photos on the TV, posted them in Moments, and shared them with friends.

"The dance program at the New Year's Gala on Beijing TV is so wonderful, with beautiful women like clouds and picturesque, even I, a woman, like to watch it."

"There are singing, dancing, plots, and stories. Can you believe this is a New Year's party?"

"You think this is a New Year's party, but it's actually a historical and cultural feast. You think the actors are dancing, but it's actually a catwalk of costumes from various dynasties."

The viewers who were scrolling through Moments saw the content sent by their friends, and immediately picked up the remote control to change channels out of curiosity.

In this way, whenever other satellite TV shows have advertisements, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV will increase significantly, and when other satellite TV shows show some unfamiliar singers and bad songs, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV will also increase. .

Moreover, these growth rates will not decline with the end of the advertisements of other satellite TV shows or the appearance of stars, but will continue to rise, especially with the gradual fermentation of word of mouth, more and more people have noticed Beijing Satellite TV, and even appeared "As long as there are no big stars I particularly like appearing on other channels, I will not change channels."

listening to music?

They are all old songs, wouldn’t it be nice to listen to lossless ones on your phone?
It's better to watch the party of Beijing Satellite TV.


(End of this chapter)

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