The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 472 Shocked in a cold sweat!

Chapter 472 Breaking out in a cold sweat!
9 pm.

"Editor Lu, the current ratings are 1.322, surpassing Shanghai Satellite TV and ranking third on Satellite TV." The staff member said loudly, with excitement written all over his face.

Lu Hong on the side smiled, this time for real, and it was a smile of letting go of the burden, a relaxed smile, this was the first time he showed such a smile today.

From 0.313 at the beginning of the broadcast to 1.322 now, from the bottom of the ranking at the beginning of the broadcast to the top three now, although the party is not over yet, tonight's task has been successfully completed.

"I said earlier, don't worry, don't worry, how about it? Are you all at ease?" Jiang Hai smiled the brightest, his face was like a flower blooming.

The ratings of the show are not high compared to other TV stations, but compared with the ratings of the New Year's Gala in previous years in the station, it is already much higher.

Just for this point, after tonight, Taili will definitely praise the working group of the New Year's party. As the executive director, he can also get a little bit of credit, not to mention going to work in fear before the spring go to work.

"There are still three hours, I don't know if the ratings will continue to rise!" Wang Yuan said.

People's desires are endless. After reaching a small goal, they will think about the next small goal.


"It broke 2, the ratings broke 2, Sujiang Satellite TV just fell below 2, we are now second." The staff almost shouted this time.

No way, too excited.

If you only look at the ratings of this station, you may just be happy, but seeing the comparison with other satellite TV channels, especially when you are rising step by step from the bottom, this kind of excitement is beyond words.

"Really?" After hearing this, Lu Hong's face was full of surprise.

This is a ratings figure that he couldn't even imagine before the broadcast started.

Judging from the ratings of the previous David TV New Year's Gala, Breaking 2 is considered very high. After all, there are too many shows broadcast at the same time, and each show is very exciting, and there is no shortage of stars and big names.

Moreover, what Xu Jie planned was not a traditional New Year's party. No TV station had ever broadcast it like this before. No one knows whether the audience will like it.

In other words, this ingenious New Year's party may be a surprise success, or it may be a complete failure.

So for such a show, he is also very conservative in his guesses. Let alone breaking the ratings of 2, if he can break 1, he will be very popular.

"Hey, do you think you can break 3?" Wang Yuan asked.

"Impossible!" Lu Hong immediately shook his head.

Because over the years, no satellite TV channel’s New Year’s Gala ratings can break 3. Even Huxiang Satellite TV, which has dominated the New Year’s Gala on satellite TV all the year round, “only” broke 2.7 at its highest peak last year.

Among all the New Year's spectacles in the country, only one can break 3, and that is Huaxia TV, and it can maintain above 3 from the beginning to the end.

And theoretically, at around 09:30 in the evening, the ratings of each show will reach the highest. After ten o'clock, many elderly people will rest, and the ratings will not increase significantly.

"Editor Lu, don't jump to conclusions." Jiang Hai said, "Don't forget one sentence, everything is possible!"

Lu Hong looked at Jiang Hai, you are really here.

But for a moment, he understood why Xu Jie didn't go to his satellite TV program center.

Although he also thinks highly of Xu Jie, and even regards Xu Jie as a lucky general, he does not have as much trust in Xu Jie as Jiang Hai does, and the most important thing in getting along with people is trust. There is a greater need for trust between levels.

If the superior does not trust the subordinate, the work cannot be carried out; if the subordinate does not trust the superior, the work will not do its best.

Just like Lao Jiang and Xu Jie, when the ratings were at the bottom when the broadcast started, everyone was worried, but Lao Jiang was not in a hurry, and now the ratings are already very high, but Lao Jiang still thinks that the ratings will rise. It all comes from trust .

Everything is possible?

Anyway, tonight's task has been overfulfilled, so continue to wait here to see if a miracle will happen!



10 points.


At this moment, everyone in the director team no longer paid attention to the live program, but stared intently at the ratings curve. Everyone clenched their fists tightly, their hearts jumped to their throats, and their eyes were full of tension. And excited, even the body couldn't help shaking.

If the previous nervousness was due to worrying about the ratings of the show, then the current nervousness is more like a kind of anxious waiting and anticipation.

I saw that the ratings curve representing Beijing Satellite TV was slowly climbing forward, sometimes in a straight line, sometimes uphill, step by step, very firm and persistent, and the ratings figures were constantly updated.




Finally, when the time came to 10:25, the ratings number changed from 2 to 3.


"It's over, it's over 3!" Jiang Hai shouted excitedly, and this voice also attracted the surrounding staff. ratings curve.


"The ratings are so high?"

"Really, is the website reliable?"

"The satellite is released, this time it is really released, Mr. Xu is awesome!"

Everyone couldn't help being amazed, they were as surprised and excited as an old bachelor who had been single for 40 years when he saw a female ghost.

Lu Hong was so shocked that he couldn't speak, his mind was filled with a number: 333333...

Really broke 3?
The time to witness the miracle has come?

If you break 3 at the Spring Festival Gala, you should work hard and work hard, it should be no problem, but breaking 3 at the New Year's Gala is really a big girl.

At least it was the first time he saw the ratings of the New Year's Gala break 20 during his more than 3 years of working in Beijing Satellite TV.

Surprise winning plan, success!
"This little Xu is really talented. Should you tell him about the ratings? I don't think he knows anything yet." Wang Yuan said with a smile.

If the ratings are poor, everyone has a sad face, but if the ratings are good, everyone is smiling, not only beautiful in their hearts, but also beautiful on their faces.

"I still don't want it anymore." Jiang Hai said after hearing this: "What he needs now is to concentrate on performing. If he hears the news, I'm worried that he will forget his words in excitement."

"Well, that's right!" Wang Yuan nodded.

"Editor-in-Chief Lu, Director Wang, and Director Jiang, watch it!" The staff pointed to the screen and said, "Our ratings curve forced China TV to go."

After everyone saw it, their eyes widened, and Jiang Hai couldn't help but swear.


At the same time, at the evening parties of various TV stations, the director team was staring at the ratings curve.

At the beginning, everyone was concerned about their own ratings, but after 10 o'clock, everyone's eyes fell on the ratings curve of Beijing Satellite TV.

"Still rising?"

"Damn it, broke 3."

"The ratings curve of Beijing Satellite TV seems to be unhurried, but it has been rising!"

"Look, the ratings of Huaxia TV have dropped."

"The two lines are getting closer."

In the director team of China TV New Year's Gala, everyone was chatting and laughing, but now, everyone stopped talking and stared at the ratings curve, with nervous palms sweating.

Staring at my own ratings curve, I thought: Rise up, don't fall!
And those who stared at the ratings curve of Beijing Satellite TV thought to themselves: stop, stop, stop rising.

If these inner thoughts are heard by people who don't know the truth, they will definitely think that this is a group of stock players meeting a group of futures players.

Time passed by minute by minute.

11 o'clock……


The ratings curve of Beijing Satellite TV has become a straight line, and the ratings curve of China TV Station is neither rising nor falling.

With the arrival of 0 o'clock, the New Year's party of each station finally came to an end.


The chief director of the New Year's Gala of Huaxia TV secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and finally he was not surpassed.

At this moment, he was startled into a cold sweat.

If the ratings are surpassed by the satellite TV channel, even if it is only for a moment, it will be a failure for him.

"Old Lu from Beijing Satellite TV is too aggressive this year, right? What kind of medicine is he taking?" The art director on the side asked in surprise.

"It has nothing to do with Lu Hong. I heard that the show was organized by chief planner Xu Jie, who is the director and lead actor of "Delicious History"," said the executive chief director.

"That's right, it's him, and he's still robbing me in the dance troupe." Assistant director Zhang Chengze said.

"How dare you go to Liangshan without twos and threes? What do you think of him?" asked the chief director.

"I watched one of his programs at the time. To be honest, it was pretty good. He was bold and careful, and the program was very creative. Otherwise, I wouldn't let him." Jang Song-taek said.

"You made a good pass, we were almost overtaken." The art director said.

"You can't say that. We should welcome those satellite TV channels to challenge. If there is no sense of urgency, there will be no motivation. Otherwise, it might be surpassed.”

"that's right!"

The scene of the Beijing TV New Year's party.

Everyone gathered on the stage, and the party ended successfully.

Xu Jie didn't stay on stage too long, and went directly to the backstage, where he found Su Yun.

"Happy New Year!"

After speaking, hug each other tightly.

It's over, the New Year's party is finally over, and my whole body feels exhausted.

"Happy New Year!" Su Yun said softly, reaching out to hug the man.

She knew that the man was under a lot of pressure because of the party, especially after temporarily becoming the lead actor, even if he didn't say it, he must be in his heart.

"Xiao Xu!"

Lu Hong, Wang Yuan, and Jiang Hai all walked over.

"Do you know what the highest rating is tonight? Don't be intimidated when you say it, 3.265, the number one satellite TV channel." Lu Hong said excitedly.

"Oh!" Xu Jie responded, then let go of Su Yun, raised his head and asked faintly, "Can I go home?"

"Ah? Yes." Lu Hong nodded, the party is over, and the other party's work is also over.

"Leaders, see you after the festival!" Xu Jie pulled Su Yun and walked quickly to the outside of the field.

I don't care about ratings or rankings.

Now he just wants to hold Su Yun in the warm bed and have a good sleep.


(End of this chapter)

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