Chapter 473
Number one.

The ratings of David TV's New Year's Gala have been released one after another.

With a solid and steady growth, Beijing Satellite TV finally reached the top of the TV New Year’s Gala ratings list with an average rating of 0.313, and the peak ratings of 2.366 also created the highest ratings of the TV New Year’s Gala. The record is close to Huaxia TV.

This result surprised everyone.

Because before the broadcast, no one was optimistic about Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's party.

On the one hand, Beijing Satellite TV’s promotion of the New Year’s party is very low-key. There is only a vague promotional poster, and then there is a program preview with very little information. One sentence: At 31:19 on the evening of the 30st, the 2023 Beijing Satellite TV New Year’s party will be staged grandly. Stay tuned...

There is not even a star picture, not only the expectations are very low, but also the sense of presence is very low. When other TV stations are hyped for the New Year's party, Beijing TV Station seems to have become a spectator.

On the other hand, the ratings of Beijing Satellite TV’s New Year’s Gala in recent years have been very poor. Even the peak value has not exceeded 1, let alone the average ratings, and it has even fallen out of the ranks of the top five David TVs. Are you looking forward to Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's party?
Even after the broadcast of Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Gala last night, no one was optimistic about it, because all the colleagues felt that it was simply a stage play and could not be regarded as a New Year's Gala.

Putting on a stage play on New Year's Eve?Isn't this brain broken?

However, in the end, he slapped those colleagues in the face severely!
From the real-time ratings monitoring chart in the second half of last night, to today's authoritative ratings announcement, it turns out that as long as the program of the New Year's Gala is sincere and the content is exciting enough, no matter what the performance is, it can attract the audience. Low-key publicity is now considered a self-confident way of "the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys".

I have to say that this time Beijing Satellite TV's New Year's Gala opened the eyes of many colleagues.

Today, when the content of the New Year's party is very similar, and the ratings can only be exchanged by traffic stars, the appearance of this party seems to be a clear stream in the chaos, and it has brought a new way of thinking to everyone.

It turns out that the New Year's party can still be done like this!

It appears that it is time to make some changes.

At the same time, the audience also had heated discussions on the New Year's Gala broadcast by various David TV stations, and they are the ones who have the most say.

"Why is there a program in the Huxiang Satellite TV New Year's Eve advertising meeting?"

"Sujiang Satellite TV is the best. It's full of talented singers. It's full of old, middle-aged and young people."

"Shanghai, Taiwan and various main themes are full of desire to survive."

"The New Year's party has turned into a New Year's song party, and the newcomers rely on cover songs, and the old rely on old songs. They don't care at all. What's the point?"

"I would say that Beijing TV's program is the best. It has content, plot, depth, and insight. It perfectly integrates entertainment and culture. I watched it all night."

"The hard-working performance of the dance troupe and the live performance of the orchestra are majestic, shocking, overwhelming, and the New Year's Gala of Beijing TV is a real audio-visual feast."

"Different eras, different cultures, from stage backgrounds to costumes and props, everything reflects the atmosphere and is full of details. I have already watched the New Year's Party of Jingcheng TV on the video website for the second time."

"Made by Lao Xu, it must be a high-quality product."


The New Year's Gala of Beijing TV Station received overwhelming praise, and the popularity even rushed to the trending searches.

It's not that the New Year's Gala of other stations is not good. Every show has its highlights. However, the highlights of Beijing TV's New Year's Gala are online throughout, and people don't even dare to change channels for fear of missing the exciting part.

When the whole people were discussing last night's New Year's party, Xu Jie hadn't gotten up yet.

"It's almost 10 o'clock, get up." Su Yun said with a smile, looking at the man with gentle eyes, and gently stroking the man's cheek with one hand.

"No!" Xu Jie said with his eyes closed. In fact, he was already awake, but he didn't want to get up.

Last night's performance froze him to the bone, and he was really reluctant to leave the warm bed, not to mention the nephrite jade warm fragrance hugging his arms. For a grown man, what could be more comfortable than this?
"Your phone rang a few times, it seems to be a text message, don't you want to check it? Maybe there is something urgent." Su Yun said.

"Call me if there is something urgent." Xu Jie said indifferently, now nothing can make him get up from the bed.

"Can I have a look?" Su Yun asked.

"Look." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect the man to agree so happily, didn't it say on the Internet that the man should be very nervous at this time?
"I really see it?" Su Yun reminded again.

Xu Jie stretched out his hand directly from under the quilt, grabbed the mobile phone on the bookshelf and put it in front of Su Yun, then retracted his hand under the quilt, continuing to enjoy the feeling of nephrite.

Su Yun stared at the man for a while, and finally put the phone into the man's arms, "You can read it yourself, I won't."

Even couples should respect each other.

Xu Jie smiled after hearing this, grabbed the opponent's body a few times with both hands, and said, "I'm not free, please help me look."

In fact, he had roughly guessed the content of the text message. It was nothing more than the ratings. There was a certain deviation in the real-time ratings monitoring. Normally, everyone would use the ratings released by Suo Furui the next day as the standard.

Su Yun thought for a while, and finally picked up the phone. There is no password on it, and no fingerprint is needed. It can be unlocked by simply swiping the screen.

She looked at the text message, there was no unfamiliar number, it was a message from an acquaintance, she read while reading: "A text message from the deputy editor-in-chief Lu Hong, the content is: ratings 2.366, congratulations on the success of the show, ratings Dajie, take a good rest at home. Director Jiang Hai also sent a text message, which read: Xiao Xu, the ratings are out, 2.366, the first time for a satellite TV channel, you are amazing this time. And Qin Yan...

Su Yun read seven or eight text messages in a row, all related to the ratings, and from the lines, she could clearly feel that everyone was very happy, even very excited.

On the other hand, the man beside him continued to close his eyes, and his expression was calm, without any change.

"Are you asleep?" Su Yun asked softly.

"No, just listen." Xu Jie said.

"The ratings came out, 2.366."

"I heard."

"Why are you upset?"

"It's only 2.366, what's there to be happy about?"

In Xu Jie's view, the New Year's Eve party he planned was either the bottom of the ratings, or the ratings were against the sky, so the current ratings are normal for him, completely expected, no accidents, and no surprises. It's a surprise.

Su Yun was stunned when she heard it, why?Why do you feel that the man is not only dissatisfied with this ratings, but also disgusted by it?

If you just look at the number 2.366, you may not feel much, but compared with the ratings of the New Year's Gala broadcast by other stations, the New Year's Gala of Satellite TV is the first, isn't it enough to make people happy?

"Okay, open your eyes quickly, stop dreaming, 2.366 is not happy, you thought it was in Huaxia Taiwan!" Su Yun shook off the man's hands and sat up from the bed, "Get up quickly, have you forgotten? Today You want me to go to my house."

Xu Jie opened his eyes immediately, yes, he almost forgot about it.

Just bragging, it's not that nothing can make him get out of bed, just go to the house of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

On the one hand, Su Yun has been filming for the past few months and hasn't been back for a long time; on the other hand, Su Yun's mother helped him a lot during the rehearsal of the New Year's party. Now that the New Year's party is over, he Should come to say thank you.

Of course, there is the most important point, he and Su Yun have changed from a fake couple to a real couple, Su Yun's parents are also his parents, so of course you have to be active when you go.

Xu Jie got out of bed quickly, went to the bathroom to tidy up his personal hygiene, changed into clean clothes, and drove to Su Yun's parents' house.

"Ding dong!"

Su Yun rang the doorbell.

As a result, within two seconds, the room opened from the inside.

"Brother-in-law, sister, come in quickly." Su Lei opened the door, with a warm smile on his face, seeing the fruit in his brother-in-law's hand, he immediately reached out to take it.

Su Yun looked at Yin Qin's younger brother, calling her brother-in-law first and then sister?Who is your relative?
"Xiao Xu is here, is it cold outside? Come in quickly." Zhang Simin greeted quickly, pointing to the room.

"Mom, the weather is okay today, not cold." Xu Jie replied, compared with last night, today is far worse.

At this time, Su Changzhi came out of the kitchen, and said with a smile: "Xiao Xu, it will be hard for you to be busy these days, right? I made you some hard dishes today, and I will make up for you!"

"Thank you Dad." Xu Jie said after hearing this.


Su Yun walked in the door with question marks all over her face, full of doubts in her heart, whose home is this?In this home, do you have no sense of existence at all?

She watched Xu Jie sit down, and the family served tea and handed fruit. This scene was so familiar. When she thought about it carefully, when she went to Xu's house, why wasn't she treated like this?Even worse than that.

As the saying goes, it is not that one family does not enter one house.

The two are indeed husband and wife!

Thinking of this, Su Yun came to sit beside the man.

"Xiao Xu, I watched the New Year's Gala last night, it was really good." Zhang Simin boasted, his eyes were full of praise and appreciation when he looked at Xu Jie.

"Xiao Xu, you may not know that your mother seldom goes to this kind of party, and only watches it for a while when Xiao Yun is there, but last night, your mother watched it from beginning to end until the end of the party." Su Changzhi said.

"Yes, I can prove that I was at home last night, and the party planned by my brother-in-law was really good." Su Lei echoed.

"It's thanks to Mom's help that those actors can quickly integrate into the roles, otherwise the show effect would not be as good as it is now, thank you Mom!" Xu Jie said seriously.

"I just went to teach a few history lessons." Zhang Simin waved his hand, indicating that the hour is not worth mentioning.

"Actually, for the performance, there are two completely different performances, whether the actors are involved or not. Therefore, Mom plays a very important role in the rehearsal of the whole party." Xu Jie said.

"The main reason is that the content of the party is outstanding..."

"The content needs to be expressed by actors..."

"Xiao Xu is creative."

"Mom, you taught me well."


Su Yun looked at her mother and husband speechlessly.

Okay, today I will just sit here quietly and watch you hug each other.


(End of this chapter)

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