The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 474 Want to honor the ancestors?

Chapter 474 Want to honor the ancestors?
Su family.

There was talking and laughing in the house, which was very enjoyable.

Zhang Simin asked his son-in-law something related to the party program, and Su Changzhi asked his son-in-law how his work was doing recently. The pleasant and harmonious atmosphere made them look like a family.

However, Su Yun, who was sitting by the side, was a little depressed, because she couldn't get in the conversation at all, and could only worry in her heart.

Ask me, why no one ask me?
I have been asked before.

Mom, don't you want to know what the movie I made was about?Dad, don't you want to know if I'm busy with work?And little brother, don't you want to act in a movie?
For a moment, Su Yun even felt like air.

No, everyone needs air, but she doesn't seem to need it.

"Xiao Xu, keep talking. I'll go see how the soup is doing." Su Changzhi stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Zhang Simin looked at his son-in-law, and then said: "Xiao Xu, you look a little tired. Is it because you are busy with the New Year's party and didn't sleep well? No matter how busy you are in the future, you must ensure sleep. After dinner, you will be here Take a nap and get some rest."

"Thank you mom." Xu Jie said after hearing this, and my mother often told me the same way.

He found that in the eyes of the older generation, people who smoke and drink have a long life, but those who stay up late and sleep less do not have a long life.

"Ring bell bell!"

At this time, bursts of music came from the bedroom.

"Xiao Xu, you eat fruit, I'll answer the phone." Zhang Simin handed an orange to his son-in-law, and then went back to the bedroom.

"Brother-in-law, it's finally my turn. I'll report to you about my work situation in the past year." Su Lei couldn't wait to move across to Xu Jie.

"Cut, what can I say about your lazy virtue?" Su Yun curled her lips and said, there is not only a bit of dissatisfaction with being left out just now, but also a dislike for her younger brother who has always been lazy and lazy.

"Hey, laziness is not a bad sin, it can at least prevent a person from committing the other six sins." Xu Jie said with a smile.

"Sister, what you're talking about is old Huangli. Now I'm not the original me. Haven't you heard that Shibie treats you with admiration for three days?" look.

"Hehe, it's just you? I've known you for more than 20 years, and I've never seen you change. There are cases where things get worse." Su Yun said with a sneer.

"It's because your eyesight is not good, you can't see gold and jade, and you can't see a thousand li horse. If you are like your brother-in-law, you brought me into the entertainment industry early, why should I waste my youth for so long? I am rebellious, and you have an unshirkable responsibility." Su Lei said with a serious expression.

"Yo, dare to talk back?" Su Yun squinted her eyes and said, "Why, after acting in two movies and earning some salary, you have become more confident? Have you forgotten the time when you asked me for pocket money? gone?"

"Sister, I'm talking about the present, why do you always tell me about the past?" Su Lei said with a bitter face: "My parents have changed their impression of me, why do you still look at me with old eyes? In this way, I will ignore you."

Su Yun frowned, and said to Xu Jie who was on the side: "Husband, did you see that before he became famous, he would deny me as a sister. If he becomes famous, he will even forget his last name." ?”

"Which village did you eat pig food to make you so fat?" Xu Jie stared at Su Lei, defending his wife.

In fact, he didn't think there was anything wrong with what the other party said just now, but he was worried that this kid would float up after acting in a few movies. Once a person floated up, he would easily lose his ability to judge. Before it happens.

After all, in the past, at most, you were idle and lazy, but if you drifted in the entertainment industry, you will be welcomed by the Chaoyang masses.

Seeing that her brother-in-law was angry, Su Lei immediately bent down after standing up for a while, and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, I didn't hate my sister, I just pointed at you, I can't deny my sister, I still want you Let's report on the work." As he spoke, he straightened his body and opened his mouth and said, "Last year I filmed a total of five films..."

"Wait!" Su Yun interrupted her younger brother directly, and asked in disbelief, "Say it again, how many movies have you made?"

"Five parts." Su Lei repeated it naturally.

When Su Yun heard this, she secretly sighed, good guy, five movies a year are more than she shoots, and she only made two movies this year.

"Passerby A, or dragon suit B?"

Su Yun felt that if it was a sideshow, five dramas a year would not be impossible. When I was in Hengdian some time ago, I heard that some extras could make guest appearances in more than 100 dramas a year.

"Sister, I'm not a passer-by, and I'm not a playboy. There are four males and five males. How can I be a member of a brokerage company now? How can I be a fake?" His expression softened a bit.

Only then did Su Yun remember that Xu Jie had told her that Su Lei had already been signed by Hu Zhen's agency. Hu Zhen's connections in the entertainment industry were not inferior to Sister Hua's, and with Xu Jie Because of his relationship, he will definitely not let his younger brother play the role of passerby.

"What are you proud of? Isn't it because of your brother-in-law?" Su Yun rolled her eyes at her younger brother. In fact, she didn't want to see her younger brother's acting career go too smoothly, because it would give him the illusion that the entertainment industry is easy to mess with, and thus become arrogant. , Invisibly offend some people.

In the entertainment circle, although there is no shortage of lucky ones who are at the peak of their debut, those people are always the exception.

Therefore, someone like my younger brother who was taken care of and filmed as soon as he debuted will inevitably be envied by others, not to mention that my younger brother is still an amateur.

You know, even she, the queen of the music scene, was rejected by people when she wanted to enter the film and television industry.

"I know it's because of my brother-in-law, so I reported to my brother-in-law." After Su Lei finished talking to his sister, he looked at his brother-in-law again and said, "I have only accepted two dramas this year, but one of them is the third male role. There are a lot, but the five films I filmed last year will all be released this year. I think that more people will come to me by then. By the way, I have already invited an acting teacher to study acting systematically..."

Su Yun stared blankly at her younger brother, wondering if she heard it wrong.

Brother knows how to study?

Is the sun coming out west?

And it sounds like, why does the other party seem to be busier than her?

"Is Hu Zhen trying to praise you?" Su Yun couldn't help asking.

"No, if I really want to praise it, I would have been asked to play the male lead. Mr. Hu said that I should first play some supporting roles or small roles, so that I can become familiar with the audience. After two or three years of popularity, I will try again. Let me play the male lead." Su Lei said in a straightforward manner.

"It seems that Hu Zhen has already planned your future." Su Yun said lightly.

Two or three years?
In her opinion, in the past two or three years, it is not so much that Hu Zhen has allowed the little brother to accumulate popularity, but that it is Hu Zhen who needs time to observe Xu Jie's development in the capital TV station.

If Xu Jie can be promoted within two or three years, Hu Zhen will definitely give his younger brother some good resources in order to win him over.

Some actors are not well-known, and even have a black physique. Why are there still scenes to be filmed and protagonists to be?Is it because of the backing?

As for those who say "I don't rely on my parents and sisters", they are actually right. Can't say clearly, everything is silent.

"I'm still young, and I'm not in a hurry to play the leading role. I'll study for two or three years first to lay a good foundation for myself. Besides, many male actors are late bloomers. I can wait. Sister, remember, sooner or later One day, I will honor the ancestors of the Su family." Su Lei said confidently.

"Hehe, I just don't know if I can wait until that day." Su Yun said after hearing this. In fact, she could see that the younger brother has indeed changed a lot, but this bragging problem has not changed.

For a moment, she was full of emotions. After more than 200 months, Xiaolei finally knew that he wanted to glorify his ancestors for the Su family.
I hope it won't be like before, just 3 minutes of blood!

"The food is ready, come and eat." Su Changzhi in the kitchen shouted loudly.

Su Lei fought immediately when he heard it, pulled Xu Jie and said, "Brother-in-law, let's go to eat, and eat some more sea cucumbers later. I bought the sea cucumbers that my dad cooked with scallions."


Seeing the younger brother's attentive appearance, Su Yun couldn't help feeling strange. For so many years, the younger brother didn't listen to anyone, not even his parents. Why did he bow to Xu Jie?

Is this called one thing down one thing, some tofu in brine?
When eating, Xu Jie was still the most popular person. His father-in-law brought food for him, mother-in-law brought food for him, and brother-in-law also brought food for him, and he lived up to everyone’s kindness. After eating two big bowls of food, he put down his chopsticks .

After eating, Xu Jie came to Su Yun's room to sleep. Although he woke up very late this morning, probably due to lack of sleep recently, he fell asleep quickly, and finally gave Su Yun a chance to communicate with his parents .

In the evening, Xu Jie stayed at Su's house for another dinner, and drove away after 7 o'clock.

On the road.

Su Yun remembered what happened today, looked at Xu Jie curiously and asked, "Husband, what kind of ecstasy soup did you drink with Xiaolei?"

"What?" Xu Jie looked puzzled. Today was the meal cooked by his father-in-law, and he didn't even mix a cold dish, let alone make soup.

"Why does Xiao Lei listen to you? I grew up with him, and I have never seen him listen to anyone. The teacher is useless." Su Yun said.

Xu Jie laughed when he heard it. It turned out to be this matter.

"Actually, the main reason for the child's disobedience is the lack of communication. Just beat him a few more times."


(End of this chapter)

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