Chapter 475 Promotion! (add more for the leader losai98)

Married men usually have a feeling that vacation is sometimes busier than work.

There was a three-day holiday on New Year's Day. Xu Jie went to his father-in-law's house with Su Yun on the first day, went back to his parents' house with Su Yun on the second day, slept until noon on the third day, and then went shopping with Su Yun until the next day. Black went home.

In the blink of an eye, the busy holiday life is over.

1 month 4 number.

First working day of 2023.

Xu Jie arrived at the TV station later than usual.

The subjective reason is that Su Yun is going to film again. Although she is in the capital, it is still unknown whether she will be able to come back at night. As for the objective reason, the time spent with Su Yun is a bit long, and it will be too late if she is not careful.

Director Xu Shenghua's movie "Stranger Road" has some winter scenes. The original plan was to go to Northeast China to shoot after the Spring Festival. Immediately advance the starting time to January, so that the winter drama can be filmed in Beijing, which can save a lot of time and travel expenses.

Although Xu Shenghua obtained a large amount of investment from the Forbidden Film Industry because of the postponement of the filming, which made the originally tight funds a little more comfortable, but there are too many poor days, and he is used to careful planning. Even if he spends money, he must spend it wisely In fact, it is not worth spending on the ticket.

Xu Jie also sent the revised script to Xu Shenghua's mailbox. This is what he promised Xu Shenghua's director at the beginning. No matter how busy he was, he never forgot. The other party's affairs are also more concerned.

Xu Jie parked the car and hurried into the building.

"Morning, Teacher Xu!"

"Hi Director Xu!"

"Director Xu, this year's New Year's party is amazing!"

On the way, more people took the initiative to say hello to Xu Jie.

While responding, Xu Jie came to the art program center. When he opened the door, there was immediate applause in the room.


wow wow wow...

Xu Jie was startled, and when he took a closer look, all the colleagues in the office area stood up, there were hundreds of them, and all of them were facing him, smiling, and clapping their hands.

Moreover, even director Jiang and several deputy directors were standing outside, and even deputy editor-in-chief Lu was there. The battle was indeed a bit big, and the welcome ceremony had a card.

"Xu Jie, congratulations!" Lu Hong walked over first, holding Xu Jie's hand tightly, with a bright smile on his face.

To be honest, when he held the hand of a girl in his early twenties, he had never been so happy that he didn't want to let go. After all, the young man in front of him brought him happiness that a girl in her early twenties could not give.

"This is my job, what I should do." Xu Jie said modestly, and he understood what was going on in an instant.

Still because of the ratings!
The New Year's Eve Gala won the No. [-] rating on New Year's Eve. As the chief planner and the person who organized it from beginning to end, he is naturally the biggest contributor.

And today is the first working day after New Year's Eve, congratulations must be indispensable.

"Xiao Xu, don't be modest this time." Jiang Hai walked over and said, "The New Year's Gala has the highest ratings. Our capital TV station has not won it for many years, and this time we are finally proud."

"It's mainly because of the support of Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang. Otherwise, no matter how good my idea is, I can't realize it." Xu Jie continued to walk his modest route.

You praise you, I am free!

After Lu Hong heard this, he burst out laughing. He likes such subordinates, who are capable and humble, and the most important thing is that they do not strive for merit.

But speaking of it, this year's investment is really big. It's okay to invite celebrities. The key is the stage and costumes. You may never use them again. If the ratings are too poor, this matter will definitely be caught by those who are interested. Keep it up, but fortunately, the ratings are huge, and the costumes have become one of the highlights of the party, so all the investment is worthwhile.

The most important thing is the sponsorship of next year's New Year's party. Not only will it not fall, but it should also rise.

Ratings are money.

Lu Hong dragged Xu Jie to Jiang Hai's office, closed the door and said kindly: "Xiao Xu, now the whole stage has heard the news that the audience rating of the New Year's Gala is the first, and the head of the station will give you a good compliment. And I hope you can pick it up again, and do a good job at the next New Year's party."

The New Year's Gala is a test for Xu Jie, if he can pass, then the courage of the Spring Festival Gala will naturally be handed over to him.

"Editor Lu, let's forget about the New Year's party." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Ah? Why?" Lu Hong was taken aback, and looked at the young man in front of him in confusion.

We must know that the Spring Festival Gala is much more important than the New Year's Gala. Not only does it attract more attention, but it also involves more investment.

"Yes, Xiao Xu, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Jiang Hai reminded from the side, and at the same time he did not forget to wink at the other party.

In his view, the benefits of the New Year's party have already been obtained, and the benefits of the New Year's party cannot be let go.

What are the benefits?
Networks of course!
Working in a TV station, especially in a cultural program center, contacts in the entertainment industry are very important, for example: if you can invite people that others cannot invite, you will be reused.

Xu Jie thought for a while, and then said seriously: "Editor-in-Chief Lu, Director Jiang, I dare to take over the New Year's Gala, because the New Year's Gala has a lot of creative space, and the ratings of previous years are at the bottom, so I don't have any pressure in my heart... ..."

After Jiang Hai heard it, an embarrassing expression appeared on his face.

Because he has been the executive director of the New Year's Gala for the past four years, and he is the number two member of the director team. He was naturally a little embarrassed when he heard Xu Jie say that he had the lowest ratings in previous years.

Of course, Lu Hong is not much better, because he was the chief director of the New Year's party last year and the year before.

Xu Jie saw the appearance of the two bosses, and immediately explained: "Editor Lu, Director Jiang, I didn't mean that the previous year's party was not good..."

"No need to explain, we understand, you continue to talk." Jiang Hai interrupted Xu Jie, the more the other party talked about this topic, the more embarrassed he became, so it's better not to explain, anyway, it is the truth, and he is not angry.

"If you come to be the chief planner of the Spring Festival Gala, Lao Jiang and I will not interfere, and we will guarantee you maximum creative space." Lu Hong said.

"Having said that, the theme of the Spring Festival Gala is fixed and must be a family carnival, so the creative space will become very small."

In fact, during the three days of the New Year's Day holiday, he had been thinking about it all the time, so he didn't want to be the chief planner of the New Year's party, it wasn't a sudden impulse.

In addition, the program of the Spring Festival Gala needs to be reviewed, and the reviewers are not only the leaders of the station, but also the leaders of the city. This brings certain restrictions to the creation of the program and cannot be freely played.

"The New Year's Gala has now been reduced to a song show, so I dare to turn it into a song and dance, and turn it into a big show, but the Spring Festival Gala can't, it's a hodgepodge, and we have to take care of all aspects of people, not only singing, dancing, but also There are cross talks, sketches, magic, Peking opera, etc., and the ratings of our Spring Festival Gala have always been good. If it drops because of my plan, wouldn’t I be a sinner? So, don’t come, don’t come! "

Xu Jie waved his hands again and again.

Lu Hong and Jiang Hai looked at each other and sighed in unison. They were not disappointed, but felt that without Xu Jie, they would not be able to bring changes and surprises to the Spring Festival Gala.

"Are you sure? You have to think about such an important matter." Jiang Hai reminded again.

"I've made up my mind." Xu Jie nodded seriously.

Lu Hong stared at Xu Jie for a while, and finally said, "Okay, since you've made up your mind, we respect your decision."

"Thank you Editor-in-Chief Lu and Director Jiang for your understanding." Xu Jie said with a smile: "Actually, I think I am a firefighter. If I need to save the field and charge into the battle, I will definitely be the first one. As for the icing on the cake, I think Forget it."

Lu Hong laughed when he heard it.


This metaphor is quite appropriate.

At the beginning, when the satellite TV channel was revised and needed a program with high ratings, the other party appeared. Later, when the satellite TV channel's variety show was not good, and when a brand new star variety show was urgently needed, the other party appeared again, and now it is at the bottom of the New Year's party ratings Under such circumstances, the other party reappeared as the savior of "Shi" again, and indeed he could save emergencies every time.

Because of this, every time I want to make a new program, the first thing that comes to mind is this young man.

"Xiao Xu, this is what you said. If you need to save the scene in the future, you can't refuse." Lu Hong took the opportunity to say.

It's a new year, a new beginning, and the station also needs new programs. If Xu Jie can be there, he will naturally be able to sit back and relax.

"Definitely." Xu Jie said.

Lu Hong patted Xu Jie on the shoulder and was about to go out when he suddenly remembered something, turned around and said to Xu Jie: "By the way, the list of advanced collectives and advanced individuals has been released, you have obtained advanced individuals, "Delicious The "History" program group has won the advanced group. In addition, because of your outstanding performance in the New Year's party, the promotion has been finalized. You will become the deputy director of the cultural program center, the youngest deputy director of the program center of Beijing Radio and Television Station , in charge of the content of the program, it will be announced in a few days."

Xu Jie's eyes lit up.

When he heard that he was advanced, he was still very calm. After all, it was something the director promised, and he would definitely not go back on his word. But when he heard that he became the deputy director, he couldn't calm down anymore.

Although the level is not high, it is very meaningful to finally embark on the road to promotion.

In the three years since he came to the TV station, he has seen too many people who are still ordinary employees in their 50s and [-]s.

Not only because there are too many people and few positions, but most importantly, there are too many talents and the competition is too fierce. It is as difficult as winning the lottery if you want to stand out from the crowd.

In fact, this first step is the most difficult to walk. Sometimes after taking this first step, you will find that the road behind is actually not that difficult.

"Xiao Xu, congratulations!" Jiang Hai said with a smile, he was happy from the bottom of his heart, and Xu Jie will really be his right-hand man in the future.

And when Xu Jie was an ordinary employee, he was always worried that Lao Lu would transfer Xu Jie to the satellite TV program center, but now that Xu Jie has become the deputy director of the art program center, the possibility of being transferred to the satellite TV program center is very slim.

"Thank you editor-in-chief, thank you director!" Xu Jieqiang said calmly.

He finally got to this point.

In the future, I can do more things for Su Yun.

Of course, it is far from enough to be Su Yun's solid backing. He still has a long way to go. However, for Su Yun and for their bright future, no matter how difficult the road ahead, he will keep going!


(End of this chapter)

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