The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 476 Formal Appointment

Chapter 476 Formal Appointment

Xu Jie was eating in the cafeteria, when a pretty figure with a scent of fragrance appeared opposite him, it was Qin Yan.

"I heard that you rejected our station's invitation to the Spring Festival Gala?" Qin Yan asked in a low voice, with anxiety and puzzlement in her eyes.

"En." Xu Jie nodded, and was not surprised that the other party knew about it. After all, the other party is a well-known PHS, and there is nothing in the literature and art department that the other party does not know.

"Why?" Qin Yan leaned forward, with question marks written all over her face.

"There is not much room for creativity in the Spring Festival Gala, so I don't want to waste time on it." Xu Jie said while eating.


Qin Yan stared blankly at the man opposite. She had thought of many reasons for him, such as being too tired at work, or wanting to be with her family during the Chinese New Year. Question rejected.

Yes, the Spring Festival Gala does have a lot of requirements for the program, and the review process is relatively strict, but this is the Spring Festival Gala. I don’t know how many people want to join the working group, get a part-time job or something, so as to enrich their resumes.

You must know that the city and Taili have very high requirements for the Spring Festival Gala working group. When selecting candidates every year, three or four people will be selected from each position for screening. Don't go, are you out of your mind?

"Yes, even if you don't have much room for creativity, you don't have to refuse it, right? Don't you feel it's a pity for such a good opportunity?" Qin Yan asked.

"I don't think so." Xu Jie said after hearing it.

"You..." Seeing the calm look of the man, Qin Yan was so angry that he didn't even feel the delicious food. He stared at him and said, "You, you, there are too many opportunities, and I don't know how to cherish them. Thinking about those things, I still have to get along with them." Do you know how happy you are for someone who is picked by others to go to the Spring Festival Gala?"

Xu Jie smiled and did not speak. He knew that Qin Yan was doing it for his own good, but he liked to follow his own way when it came to creation. If he had to add rules and confine him to a small space, Instead, he couldn't play to his strengths.

For him, the Spring Festival Gala is more like homework given to him by the teacher. He can only do it step by step according to the sample problems. It is okay to do it right, but it is not challenging at all.

Seeing that the man was still smiling, Qin Yan became even more angry, and put the fruit and yogurt on the other's plate, since she couldn't eat any more anyway.

If you say that the man is not ambitious, the other party has two shows by himself, and he can still go to the New Year's party, but if you say that the man is ambitious, he gave up such a good opportunity for the Spring Festival Gala. People really don't know what to say.

"By the way, congratulations." Qin Yan said angrily.

"What?" Xu Jie asked suspiciously.

"It's about being promoted to deputy director," Qin Yan said.

"Oh, thank you!" Xu Jie said with a smile.

After lunch, Xu Jie returned to the office. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his colleagues gathered together, pointing at the computer screen.

"Why isn't Director Xu on the list of the working group for the Spring Festival Gala?" Song Huanhuan asked suspiciously.

"That's right, the success of the New Year's Gala also proves that Director Xu has the ability to plan a large-scale party, so he should be there." Liu Jinbao said.

"Didn't I remember at the time that the New Year's Gala was a test for Director Xu? If he passed the test, he was allowed to continue planning the Spring Festival Gala, but why did he go back on his word now? Isn't this killing the donkey?" Xiao Wei also complained. Said.

"Who is the donkey?" Xu Jie asked suddenly.

"Ah?" Xiao Wei was taken aback when she saw Xu Jie, and quickly explained: "Director Xu, I didn't say you were a donkey, it was just a metaphor."

"Mr. Xu, have you read the list of working groups for the Spring Festival Gala?" Tian Haobo asked.

"I haven't seen it." Xu Jie said: "But things are not as you imagined. The station invited me, but I declined."



Everyone was surprised, as if they saw the pie fall into Director Xu's hands, only to be thrown away by Director Xu.

Xu Jie looked at everyone and had no choice but to explain again.

After everyone listened, they showed suddenly enlightened expressions.

"Director Xu, I understand you!" Song Huanhuan said: "The current Spring Festival Gala is like chicken ribs. It's tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to discard it. It's not sensational, it's praise. It's hard to look forward to cross talk sketches, but it's like educational short films. , it’s fine if you don’t go.”

"Yeah, for those who celebrate the New Year, watching the Spring Festival Gala is just to have fun. Who is educated to watch the Spring Festival Gala?"

"In the past, it was not enough to watch the Spring Festival Gala once. I waited and looked forward to watching the replay the next day. The current Spring Festival Gala can only be used as the background sound of playing mahjong and poker."

"Planning the Spring Festival Gala is not a good job. Every year after the broadcast, you will be scolded every year. Director Xu, it is definitely a wise choice for you to reject it. Isn't it good to stay at home with your family?"

Xu Jie smiled, as expected of a member of his program team, he had the same idea as him.

Long live the understanding!


Without the work of the Spring Festival Gala, Xu Jie returned to the old days.

No, it should be more relaxed and leisurely than before.

Because during the days when he was planning the New Year's party, whether it was "Delicious History" or "In-depth Film and Television Talk", most of the work was done by the program team members, and the facts proved that these people did a good job.

So after his return, he learned from Director Jiang to become the shopkeeper, and would not participate in the production of the show unless necessary. The busiest days were the days of filming "Delicious History", because he was the protagonist, so he had to participate.


Xu Jie came back to work from the outside after filming his part, and was about to call Hu Zhen when he saw director Jiang and deputy editor-in-chief Zhou Zhengliang walking into the art program center, followed by several people.

"Crack!" "Crack" "Crack!"

Jiang Hai clapped his hands a few times, then looked at the people in the office area, and said loudly: "Everyone, stop what you're doing first. Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou has a few good things to announce."

After everyone heard it, they all stretched their necks and looked over curiously.

I thought to myself: It must be a big deal for deputy editor-in-chief Zhou to come here in person and use the word "announcement".

Zhou Zhengliang took two steps forward, looked at everyone with a smile and said: "2022 is over. In the past year, everyone has played an important role in their respective positions. Our art program center not only produced many Excellent programs, and many outstanding people have emerged, they are the glory of our art center and role models for us to learn from, now I am here to announce this year's advanced collectives and advanced individuals."

Hearing the words of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, everyone cheered up. Whether they made achievements or not, they all pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

"This year, the Art Program Center has two programs that have won advanced collectives. One is the program group of "Literary Broadcasting"." Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou said.

All the team members of the "Literary Broadcasting" program team showed joyful expressions on their faces, but due to the presence of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Zhou, each of them controlled their emotions.

The people around were not surprised by this. After all, "Literary Broadcasting" is the highest-rated program on the Literature and Art Channel, and it should be awarded the advanced group.

The key is another.

But many people have already guessed it.

"Another program is "Delicious History." Zhou Zhengliang's eyes fell on Xu Jie when he announced it.

Others also looked at Xu Jie one after another. This result is even more suspenseful. You must know that not long ago, "Delicious History" just won the Excellent Program Award. Whether it is word-of-mouth, ratings, or audience base and social influence, "Delicious History" Even if he has all the dialects in Taiwan, he can't find a few better than him.

"There are five advanced individuals this year, namely Jiang Hai, the director of the Art Program Center, Tao Jing, the deputy director, Qin Yan, the host of "Literary Broadcasting", Li Changping, the director of "Cultural Capital", and Xu Jie, the director of "Delicious History". Let us congratulate them with warm applause." After Zhou Zhengliang finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding.

clap clap!

wow wow wow...

There was applause in the office area.

In fact, in this year's selection, no matter whether it is an advanced collective or an advanced individual, it is not much different from last year, except that there is one more "Delicious History" and one more Xu Jie.

But this also shows one thing, as long as you can make achievements, honors and so on are indispensable.

After the applause ended, Zhou Zhengliang went on to say: "The announcement of advanced collectives and advanced individuals is over, now let's talk about a personnel arrangement."

Personnel arrangements?

Hearing these four words, everyone showed concerned expressions, even more seriously than when they announced the advanced collectives and advanced individuals just now.

What will be the arrangement?

Is someone transferred, or someone transferred, is someone promoted, or someone demoted?

If it is said that Ping Xian has nothing to do with most people, then the personnel arrangement is closely related to them.

"Due to Xu Jie's outstanding performance and outstanding achievements, after the decision of the station, Xu Jie is now appointed as the deputy director of the art program center, responsible for the content of the program. Tao Jing, the former deputy director of the art program center, has other arrangements." Zhou Zhengliang said.

After listening to the personnel appointment, some people were surprised, some were happy, some were disappointed, and some were jealous.

Although everyone knew that Xu Jie was on the key observation list of the young cadre reserve team, they did not expect his promotion to be so fast.

You must know that Xu Jie has only been here for a year, and his promotion speed is like a rocket, but in terms of performance, he is indeed better than many veteran employees who have been here for more than ten years.

The two programs in his hand are the top-rated evening programs in the country, and the variety show he planned has received rave reviews. The New Year's party he was in charge of made Beijing TV station return to the top of the satellite TV list.

Even if one item is taken out, few people can do it.

And in the society, I have won the Beijing News Award, and there are still three. In the station, I have won advanced individuals, advanced collectives, and excellent programs. It's normal.

At the meeting on further strengthening and improving the training and selection of outstanding young cadres held in the middle of the year, the head of the station once said: Heroes don’t care about their age. I heard that some of them are old or young. , Unconventional promotion.

Judging by the results, no one is dissatisfied, and it is not easy to be dissatisfied!

Deputy editor-in-chief Zhou left.

Everyone congratulated Xu Jie.

"Director Xu, congratulations."

"Now I'm going to call Deputy Director Xu."


(End of this chapter)

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