Chapter 478 Heavy Burden!

7 pm.

Xu Jie and Su Yun sat facing each other. The table between them was filled with sumptuous dishes and fine wines. Su Yun deliberately changed into a long red dress and wore the necklace and the necklace that Xu Jie gave her on her birthday. Earrings, the atmosphere is warm and grand.

"Honey, I'm coming."

Su Yun picked up the wine, first poured it for Xu Jie, then poured it for herself, then raised the glass, slightly raised the corners of her mouth, showing a sweet smile.

"Honey, I wish you..."

Ring Ring Ring!
Just as Su Yun spoke, she was interrupted by a cell phone ringing before she finished her congratulations.

Xu Jie looked aside and saw that his cell phone was ringing, so he said to Su Yun: "Don't pay attention to it, it must be someone's congratulatory call again, let's continue."

Since the official announcement of the appointment of the deputy director, his mobile phone has been ringing non-stop. He was very happy at first and felt that his connections and popularity were very good. It affected his life, and the harassing calls were not so frequent.

Not long after, the ringing stopped.

Su Yun withdrew her gaze, a gentle smile gradually appeared on her bright face, and raised her glass again, "I wish you..."

Ring Ring Ring!
The phone rang again.

"You should take a look, maybe there is something urgent." Su Yun got up and took the phone and handed it to Xu Jie.

After wishing for a long time, she didn't let her finish the rest of the sentence.

Xu Jie looked at the caller ID, and it turned out to be a call from Deputy Chief Editor Lu. He remembered that the other party had already congratulated him during the day, and the other party told him about the promotion at the first time, so why now? How about calling him?
Wouldn't it be something like the Spring Festival Gala?
Xu Jie sighed secretly, and had no choice but to connect to the phone.

"Hello, Editor-in-Chief Lu."

He looked at Su Yun on the opposite side, and the flowers on the dining table, the atmosphere was completely disrupted.

"Xiao Xu, where are you?"

Lu Hong's voice came from the microphone, sounding very anxious.

"I'm at home." Xu Jie replied.

"Come to my office immediately, right now." Lu Hong deliberately emphasized, there was no doubt in his voice.

to work?
Xu Jie frowned when he heard it, and then looked down at the time on his watch. It was 7:08 in the evening. What are you doing at work at this time?

Besides, I was celebrating with my wife.

"Editor Lu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked tentatively, thinking to himself: Could it be that he is planning to surprise him with a promotion?Don't do it?

"You'll know when you come, hurry up." Lu Hong hung up the phone after finishing speaking, not giving Xu Jie a chance to inquire.

Xu Jie stared at the phone in a daze, what the hell was going on, that he even cheated on him?
"What's the matter?" Seeing Xu Jie's strange expression, Su Yun couldn't help asking with concern.

Xu Jie looked up at Su Yun, shook the phone in his hand, and said, "Lu Hong asked me to go to his office right away."

"What's the matter?" Su Yun asked.

"He didn't say anything." Xu Jie's face was a bit bewildered, what's going on so mysteriously?

"Didn't say?" Su Yun thought for a while, then analyzed: "He is in such a hurry to let him go, there must be something urgent, you go quickly."

After speaking, he got up and went to get a coat for Xu Jie.

"But..." Xu Jie looked at the freshly prepared meals on the table. He only cooked two, the rest were made by Su Yun, and the wine had already been poured, so it was a bit of a disappointment to leave just like that.

However, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu sought him, and he had to go. He was only a deputy director of a department after being promoted, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu was one of the bigwigs in the station.

"Work is important, why are you being polite between us?" Su Yun put on Xu Jie's clothes thoughtfully, and said, "Come on, I'll wait for you at home."

Xu Jie looked at the considerate woman, couldn't help reaching out and hugging her tightly, "I'll be back as soon as possible."

"Slow down on the road." Su Yun instructed.


Xu Jie walked out of the house quickly, and drove to the unit in a hurry.

The office building is very quiet, only a few overtime staff can be seen occasionally.

He came outside the office of deputy editor-in-chief Lu, knocked on the door, and said, "Editor-in-chief Lu, it's me, Xu Jie."

The door opened from the inside immediately, and it was Lu Hong who opened the door.

"Editor Lu, what's the matter?" Xu Jie asked.

When Lu Hong saw Xu Jie, he immediately showed a smile on his face, but he didn't answer Xu Jie's question immediately, but took Xu Jie's arm and dragged him into the office, saying, "Here he is!"

Hearing what Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu said, Xu Jie thought it was a surprise promotion, and was ready to be bombarded by fireworks tubes, but when he entered the room, there were only two middle-aged people in their 50s and [-]s in the office, and they were very young. Strange, not from Taiwan.


A series of question marks popped up in Xu Jie's mind.

What do you mean?
Tell him to come here immediately, just to see these two men?
At any rate, it was a surprise to replace it with two women, so what's the matter with getting two men?The four men got together, could it be that they are going to play mahjong, three missing one?

Xu Jie secretly looked at the two men sitting on the sofa. They were not tall. One had a square head and a round face. He was slightly fat and had a beer belly. The other had thick eyebrows and thick lips, and slightly dark skin. Both of them were wearing dark lapel jackets, which looked a bit old-fashioned, but gave people a sense of calm. There is another name for this kind of jacket: cadre uniform.

While he was looking at the two men, the two men were also looking at him, nodding their heads from time to time, showing satisfied smiles.

What are you laughing at?
Is that polite?
Xu Jie felt uncomfortable being laughed at. Could it be that he fell in love with this little fresh meat?

"Xiao Xu, let me introduce you." Lu Hong pointed to the fat middle-aged man and the dark-skinned middle-aged man, and introduced to Xu Jie: "This is Director Wang Xiaohui of the International Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Culture. Director Li Wenfei of the Social Education Center of Huaxia TV Station."

Xu Jie was startled when he heard this, Ministry of Culture?Huaxia TV?
This is the real boss!

In front of them, the capital TV station has to call itself the younger brother.

But after the surprise, deeper doubts also followed. We are not in the same unit, and we don't have much contact with each other at ordinary times. Why did the two bosses suddenly seek him out?
Could it be that deputy editor-in-chief Lu wanted to introduce some social resources to him?Just like when Director Jiang dragged him to meet Feng Dekun, Yu Kuan and Hu Zhen?

I am just a small deputy director of the program department in the capital TV station, and my identities are far from these two. Even if the deputy editor-in-chief Lu is willing to introduce, these two people may not pay attention.

"Let me tell the story." Wang Xiaohui looked at the bewildered Xu Jie, stopped playing charades, and said with a smile: "That's right, the cultural exchange month between China and South Korea started yesterday and will last for a month." During the month, the two countries will conduct learning and exchanges in various aspects, including food culture. The South Korean side will bring a food documentary called "Mother's Hand"..."

"Mom's hand? Tenosynovitis?" Xu Jie was stunned. Isn't mother's hand called stenosing tenosynovitis in medicine?What does it have to do with food?
"What you are talking about is a disease. In them, mother's hand represents family cooking, which means delicious food made by mother's hands. Many Korean restaurants in our country use this name." Wang Xiaohui explained.

"Oh!" Xu Jie showed a look of understanding.

However, mother's hand is a hand, isn't father's hand a hand?

In his impression, both parents cook. As for the father-in-law's house, he has been there so many times. He has only seen the mother-in-law picking vegetables, but never seen the mother-in-law cooking. The frying and frying are all in charge of the father-in-law.

Wang Xiaohui continued: "The content of this Korean documentary mainly focuses on the various Korean dishes cooked by my mother with hard work. It will probably be broadcast on a cultural tourism program on Huaxia TV around the young age. As part of the cultural exchange between the two countries, I watched the film in advance, and the quality is still very good, so we are also planning to make a Chinese food documentary to respond, and it will be broadcast in China and South Korea during the Spring Festival... ..."

Xu Jie nodded, communication, of course there must be coming and going, the so-called: coming and not going is indecent.

"Your director's "Delicious History" is the most popular food show in China right now, so we want to invite you to be in charge of this food documentary. I wonder if Director Xu would like it?" Wang Xiaohui looked at Xu Jie and asked.

Xu Jie was stunned after hearing this.

Sure enough, I fell in love with him!
But it wasn't his people who fell in love with him, but the food show he filmed.

Cultural exchange month between China and South Korea?
It seems that when I was at home, I heard this matter was reported in the news.

Xu Jie is not calm anymore!

The filmed program can be broadcast on Huaxia TV, and it will also be broadcast in China and South Korea. The opportunity for me may only be this once in a lifetime, don't you want to?impossible!
"Do you have any requirements for the whole food documentary?" Xu Jie looked at the two big shots and asked.

Because this shooting program is different from the past, he must understand it clearly.

When I filmed "Delicious History", it was simply because the food show became popular when I was in the life program center, so I wanted to take advantage of that popularity to launch a food show, so as to understand that he had nothing to do in the art program center at that time. Will do the embarrassing situation.

And the food documentary that Director Wang said is not only to introduce Chinese food, but also to shoulder the burden of food and cultural exchanges between the two countries. To put it bluntly, it is to fight back against the "Mother's Hand", but also to crush it with strength, which is of great significance .

"There is no requirement, as long as it can reflect our Chinese food culture." Wang Xiaohui said.

"I am willing!" Xu Jie said after hearing it.

He likes this kind of challenge that has no restrictions, no requirements, and can play freely.

"However, there is not much time left for you." Li Wenfei, director of the Huatai Social Education Center, said: "This year's spring is on the 22nd of this month, and today is already the 7th. That is to say, you only have In half a month, the task is very difficult, are you sure it can be completed?"

"Yes!" Xu Jie said firmly.

Opportunities are rare, if there are difficulties, you must take them, and if there are no difficulties, you must also take them.

"Okay, then it's settled!"


(End of this chapter)

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