The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 479 That's it?

Chapter 479 That's it?

"Haha, what did I say? You can't go wrong looking for him." Lu Hong said with a smile.

The two masters were able to invite Xu Jie, and he has worked hard on this matter.

Before Li Wenfei called him to ask about Xu Jie's situation, he spoke well of Xu Jie, especially when he learned that he wanted to invite Xu Jie to make a food documentary, he strongly recommended him.

He knows that this food documentary is not only a film about food, but also shoulders the important task of promoting Chinese food culture to South Korea and exporting food culture to the outside world.

Therefore, when looking for a director, Director Wang and Director Li were also quite cautious, and listed four candidates, each of whom had produced a hit food show. In addition to Xu Jie, there was also "Taste" The director, the director of "Delicious Taste", and the director of "A Bite of Tongue".

Originally, among the four, Xu Jie did not have the advantage. After all, the other three programs had been on the air for many years, and "Delicious History" only talked about the delicacies of the capital.

However, after his quick talk, and the other three directors felt that the time was too short and they were not so confident in their words, so this matter finally fell on Xu Jie's head.

Of course, there is one more important point.

The initiators of this gourmet documentary are the Ministry of Culture and Radio and Television. If Xu Jie can take over, it will be an honor for Beijing TV.

He was not worried that Xu Jie would refuse, firstly, the opportunity was very rare, and secondly, the other party said that they were firefighters, and he could be entrusted with the responsibility when there was an urgent task.

"Director Xu, your responsibility this time is very heavy, and you must not make mistakes, otherwise it will not be as simple as a poor film." Wang Xiaohui deliberately reminded the other party to realize the importance of this food documentary.

It's not just a show, it's a mission!
"I understand." Xu Jie nodded with a serious expression.

He knows very well that if "Delicious History" is poorly filmed, the ratings will drop at most, but if this food documentary is poorly filmed, it will embarrass the entire Chinese food culture, and the embarrassment will be thrown abroad.

The so-called communication is actually a discussion, and a discussion is a competition. The "communication" is just for the sake of listening. How can two documentaries of the same type not be compared?
It's like the seven aunts and eight aunts sitting together chatting at a New Year's party. On the surface, they are talking and laughing, but in fact they are secretly comparing each other, comparing sons, daughters-in-law, daughters, and son-in-law...

The South Korean side brought the film, and did not notify the Chinese side before, obviously for the sake of showing off. The Chinese side filmed the film in order to respond, and it was also a kind of counterattack. Everyone was secretly competing, and now as the representative of the Chinese side, how could lose?

Absolutely not!

"Director Xu, I'll ask someone to apply for a temporary certificate of Huaxia TV Station for you right now, so that it will be more convenient for you when you go out to shoot." Li Wenfei said.

"It has my number on it." Wang Xiaohui also handed over a business card at this time, and said: "When you arrive at the local area, if you need local cooperation, you can call me. I will communicate with the local area and switch on the machine 24 hours a day."

Both of them know that there is too little time for filming food documentaries, what they can do now is to provide convenience for Xu Jie as much as possible, and don't waste time on some meaningless things.

Xu Jie took the business card and entered the number on it into his mobile phone. Li Wenfei at the side also left him a number. If you need anything, you can contact him at any time.

"Director Wang, Director Li, do you have the Korean documentary video? I want to watch it." Xu Jie said.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles.

If you want to defeat your opponent, you must first understand the opponent, and you must know what moves the opponent is making, right?
Xu Jie wanted to see what "Mother's Hand" was filming, so that he could have a clear idea. After all, this task was taken too suddenly, so far, he has no clue.

"I brought it for you." Li Wenfei took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it over.

In fact, he is very ashamed of this food documentary filming. As the director of the social education center of Huaxia TV, he should have completed this important task, but he is currently busy with another documentary about national development. , I don’t have time to shoot this food documentary for cultural exchange, so I can only hand it over to others.

Xu Jie took the USB flash drive and wanted to go back to his office to check before the temporary certificate was delivered. As he was about to leave, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu seemed to have guessed his thoughts. He returned to his desk and turned on his laptop.

"Use my computer, just let me take a look."

Xu Jie walked over and inserted the USB flash drive into Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's laptop. There were 5 videos in it, and he clicked on the first one to play it.

The commentary is in Korean, and Xu Jie couldn't understand a word, but there are Chinese subtitles, so there is no delay in watching it.

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you can read the letters or not on food shows, you just need to watch the pictures.

Xu Jie fast-forwarded while watching, watched the second episode after watching the first episode, watched the third episode after finishing the second episode, and finally finished watching them all in less than half an hour.

"How do you feel?" Wang Xiaohui asked with concern. In fact, what he wanted to hear was not Xu Jie's evaluation of the Korean food documentary, but whether Xu Jie still had the confidence to shoot after watching the video.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Xiaohui, then at Li Wenfei.

"That's it?"

There was a bit of disgust on his expression, and a bit of disdain in his voice.

The reason why he fast-forwarded was not because he was in a hurry to go home, but because there was nothing in the video that attracted him.

5 episodes of documentaries, each about a food.

The first episode is about soups, such as ginseng chicken soup, miso soup, seafood soup, etc. The one who left the country was an aunt in her 50s. From material selection to production, history is interspersed, and finally served to her family. History is I don't really know, but making a table of soup for the family, is this going to make the family drink full?

This is not the mother's hand, this is the stepmother's hand.

The second episode is about roasting, that is, barbecue. Another aunt wearing a flower apron is going out of the country, telling how special the barbecue method in her country is, how exquisite it is when roasting, and how delicious it is when eating , Xu Jie looked disgusted, and said in his heart that the small place was ignorant.

Episode [-] is about raw food...

Episode [-] is about kimchi...

The fifth episode talks about some foods that are more popular among young people, such as military hot pot and fried chicken, and some Korean drama clips are interspersed in it...

Xu Jie feels that food documentaries must first arouse people's appetite. If the audience does not swallow their mouths while watching it, it will not be considered a success.

And after watching these 5 videos, not only did he not drool, but even felt a little pity in his heart.

so poor!
These things are considered delicacies.

Moreover, there is no skill at all.

The processing of food also stays in the primitive society.

Wang Xiaohui didn't expect the young man to be so crazy, he was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, and couldn't help asking: "Director Xu, which episode do you think is not good?"

Xu Jie said after hearing it: "I don't think any episode is good."

Wang Xiaohui was taken aback. Could it be too early to say this?

"So Director Xu is very confident?" Li Wenfei asked beside him. He admired the other party's confidence, and he even thought it was a good thing.

"Yes!" Xu Jie said.

This time he was uncharacteristically, he did not take the old path of modesty, his voice was full of firmness and confidence.

At this time, Li Wenfei's mobile phone rang, he answered the phone, then went out for a while, and after a while, he handed a certificate to Xu Jie.

"Take it. If you need anything, just tell me. If you want equipment for equipment, people for equipment, and funds, Director Wang will give it to you." Li Wenfei said.

Xu Jie looked at Wang Xiaohui at the side, it turned out that the rich man was here.

"I see!" Xu Jie took the ID and put it in his pocket, looked at the big guys and said, "If there is nothing else, I'll go back first."

"Well, let's go back and conceive well. We look forward to your work." Lu Hong said with a smile.

Xu Jie nodded, opened the door and walked out of the office.

Wang Xiaohui looked outside along the crack of the door until Xu Jie disappeared in the corridor, then he turned his gaze back.

"Old Lu, can he do it?"

When Wang Xiaohui was in contact with the other three candidates, the attitudes of the three were very modest, and they also mentioned many difficulties. However, when I talked to this young man about the filming of food documentaries, the other party not only did not raise any conditions, Instead, he looked confident.

The oldest one with the longest working time was guilty, while the youngest one with the shortest working time was confident. Such a contrast made him feel somewhat uncertain and had a little doubt about this young man.

He appreciates the courage of the other party to take on the difficult problem, but it is one thing to take the next step, it is another thing to be able to complete it, and another thing to be able to complete it well.

Lu Hong didn't answer Wang Xiaohui's question directly, but asked, "Director Wang, have you read his works?"

"You mean "Delicious History"? I've seen it." Wang Xiaohui said.

"In my opinion, although "Delicious History" is his masterpiece, it is definitely not his best work. Have you seen our Beijing TV station's New Year's party this year?" Lu Hong asked again.

"Cough, no." Wang Xiaohui was a little embarrassed.

"Director Wang, you can go back and have a look. This party was planned by him. After you finish watching this party, you will know why I strongly recommend him and why I am so confident in him." Lu Hong said with a smile .

After all, "Delicious History" is a program with one episode and one food story. The format is the same, but the New Year's party is different. It is a party that lasts more than four hours, and it is more able to see a person. ability and level.

"I'll go back and watch it." Although Wang Xiaohui said so, he was very puzzled in his heart. Is there any inevitable connection between making food documentaries and planning the New Year's party?Why let him watch the New Year's Eve party?

He didn't know, but he didn't ask too much. Since Lao Lu said that he would know after watching the New Year's party, he should go back and have a look.


(End of this chapter)

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