The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 480 Take A Big Job

Chapter 480 Take A Big Job


Xu Jie didn't go home immediately after he came out of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's office. He was sitting in the car, holding his mobile phone, and sending messages in the WeChat group of the "Delicious History" program group.

"What are your plans for the weekend?" Xu Jie asked in the group.

To make a food documentary, he alone is not enough, and there is no superpower. The documentary filming team must be formed as soon as possible, and the members of the "Delicious History" program team are undoubtedly the best choice.

Nowadays, most people never leave their mobile phones, so someone in the group will reply quickly.

Tian Haobo: "Stay at home and play games."

Song Huanhuan: "Make an appointment with my best friend to go shopping together."

Zhang Jiao: "The Chinese New Year is only ten days away, and I'm going to buy some New Year's goods and send them back to my hometown."

Liu Hua: "There will be an art exhibition tomorrow, and I'm going to visit it. Is there anyone going with me?"

Liu Jinbao: "A friend's child has a full moon, and I'm going to help record the video."

Lu Zhanpeng: "Go skiing with friends."

Xiao Wei: "Sleep at home."

Everyone responded. After all, Xu Jie is not only the director and boss of the program group, but also the deputy director of the art program center.

A good relationship is a good relationship, and the necessary respect is still necessary.

Xu Jie carefully read everyone's replies, and found that none of them seemed to have anything particularly important, so he said, "I just took on a big job."

He only said one sentence and sent it out, just to keep it up.

Song Huanhuan: "What big job?"

Liu Jinbao: "???"

In addition to replying, some people also posted emoticons, but without exception, they all had a strong interest in "big jobs", because this was the first time they saw Director Xu posting messages about "private jobs" in the group, So they are all very curious.

Xu Jie said at this time: "The Ministry of Culture and China TV Station are planning to make a food documentary to be broadcast during the Spring Festival. They found me and I agreed."

Liu Jinbao: "Damn!"

Liu Hua: "Director Xu, is it true or not?"

Tian Haobo: "Mr. Xu, can you take me with you?"


The group immediately boiled over.

Everyone thought that the "big job" that Director Xu was talking about was private work, such as directing a commercial, participating in an event, being a program judge, etc., but no one expected that it would be filming a food program for China TV.

Surprised, amazed, unbelievable, some people even thought Director Xu was joking.

Xu Jie continued: "I'm sure I can't finish it alone, so if anyone of you participates, sign up here."

It's almost Chinese New Year, and he doesn't want to force everyone.

Tian Haobo: "I, I sign up!"

Xiao Wei: "Anyway, I'm fine, count me in!"

Liu Hua: "I'm fine too."


All of a sudden, everyone rushed to sign up.

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect everyone to be so active. He was very satisfied after seeing it, but he still reminded him, "I told you in advance that those who signed up will not have a holiday before the year, because they will go to the whole country next year." Filming is carried out in various places, unlike our previous filming programs, we can film in a film and television base in the capital."

"Able to go all over the country? Great!"

"If there is no vacation, there is no vacation. Anyway, there is nothing to do on vacation."

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to be on China TV in my life."

From everyone's point of view, there is no comparison between being on holiday and not being on holiday, and keeping up with China TV.

At the beginning, they were just ordinary employees of the art program center of Beijing TV Station, and the programs they produced could only be broadcast on the art channel. At that time, their wish was to make an excellent art program and appear on the Beijing Satellite TV channel.

Later, after following Director Xu, their wish came true.

But people's desires are endless. Although I work at Beijing TV Station, I sometimes have dreams like "It would be great if I could be on China TV Station".

And now, Director Xu is going to lead them to realize this wish again, who would not want to go?This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Besides, countless facts have proved that you can't go wrong if you work with Dao Xu, and you have a future if you work with Dao Xu.

In the past, I rushed out of the literary channel and entered the satellite TV channel, but now I rushed out of Beijing Satellite TV and went to China TV, awesome Plath!

In the future, there will be one more item in their resumes: they have participated in the production of China TV's gourmet documentary "XXX", and were in charge of a certain job... I feel very happy when I think about it.

Such a great thing, how can I miss myself?

Seeing everyone's replies, Xu Jie showed a smile on his face. With the original crew of "Delicious History", wouldn't the new food documentary get twice the result with half the effort?
He said: "Since everyone agrees, then this weekend, that is, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we can't rest. In order to squeeze out more time for filming new programs, and in order not to delay the normal production of "Delicious History", originally The shooting plan for the star part scheduled for next week will be moved forward to two days after tomorrow, everyone remember to come to the unit to gather at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning, think about the content of Chinese food that can be filmed tonight, and make a plan first."



Seeing the reply, Xu Jie quit the WeChat group.

He found Hu Zhen's mobile phone number in the address book and called him.

"Beep... beep... click!"

Hu Zhen was having a massage outside. When he saw that it was Director Xu calling, he immediately connected.

"Director Xu, hello."

He sat up from the bed, said while waving to the masseur beside him, signaling him to go out first.

Hu Zhen was both surprised and pleasantly surprised. He looked at the time, and it was already past 10 pm. What could it be that Director Xu called him so late?Did you agree to the previous dinner invitation?
"Mr. Hu, I'm calling you so late to bother you. I have something very important here. I want to ask Hu Zhen to help inform the five stars who will be filming the show next week." Xu Jie said.

"Director Xu, you are polite, what's the matter?" Hu Zhen asked.

"Next week's shooting will be changed to tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Ah?" Hu Zhen was slightly taken aback, and then asked in confusion, "Director Xu, why?"

You must know that the time of first-line stars is usually very precious. Let alone a day's work, even if it is a month or a few months, the time is fully scheduled.

Now it's too sudden to temporarily change the shooting time of the show, isn't it?
Moreover, the stars he is currently arranging are all foreign aids from other companies. He also spent a lot of time in inviting them. Now that the shooting time is suddenly changed, how can he tell those stars?
"It's like this. Recently, there was a cultural exchange event between China and South Korea. The Ministry of Culture and Huaxia TV invited me to shoot a food documentary, which will be broadcast during the Spring Festival, so I am going to finish filming "Delicious History" quickly. Then go to make food documentaries." Xu Jie explained.

After Hu Zhen listened to it, he was immediately shocked. Although the voice in the microphone was understated, he was terrified when he heard it.

Ministry of Culture?Huaxia TV?
These are real bosses!
Being able to receive invitations from these two places, the force-ge is full.

Chinese and Korean Cultural Exchange Month?
So it's still a national mission?
"Director Xu, congratulations." It took Hu Zhen a while to react, and he quickly congratulated the other party.

"Thank you Mr. Hu, so I will trouble Mr. Hu to notify the stars. In addition, I know that the stars used in the recent shootings are not from Mr. Hu's company. If anyone has no time, you can tell me his number. I asked Director Wang of the International Liaison Bureau of the Ministry of Culture to talk to him." Xu Jie said.

The corner of Hu Zhen's mouth twitched, and he understood Director Xu's meaning. Those celebrities have to come if they come, or they have to come if they don't. If the shooting of the new food documentary is delayed, no one can afford the result.

Thinking of this, he actually gained some confidence, and he no longer worried that the celebrity would not come, because Director Xu's reason was better than any persuasion.

"Director Xu, don't worry, I promise to complete the task." Hu Zhen said seriously.

With the last sentence of the other party, who dare not give face?Not to mention first-line stars, even the bosses of entertainment companies and the investors behind them have to make way for Director Xu's filming this time.

"Well, thank you."

Xu Jie hung up the phone.

He sat in the car and thought for a while, and after making sure that there was nothing else to do, he drove away from the unit.

When Xu Jie came home, it was almost 11 o'clock in the evening.

Su Yun hadn't slept yet, she was sitting in the living room, she was waiting for Xu Jie, while reading the script, when she saw Xu Jie coming back, she immediately greeted him.

"What's the matter, why have you been here for so long?" Su Yun asked curiously, then took Xu Jie's coat and hung it on the hanger.

"Make a food documentary for China TV." Xu Jie said.

Su Yun was stunned when she heard this, and her eyes showed a hint of puzzlement. Wasn't it the call from Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu? Why did it involve Huaxia TV?
Xu Jie poured a glass of water to drink, and then told Su Yun what happened in Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's office.

Su Yun's eyes opened wider and wider, and her eyes changed from doubt to surprise.

"This is a good thing. Why do you seem unhappy?" Su Yun asked, what an honor it is to be invited by China TV to shoot a food documentary.

"The content of this documentary is about Chinese food, and traveling around the country is a must during filming, and you just came back from other places for a few days, but I have to leave again, alas!" Xu Jie sighed deeply after finishing speaking.

Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and held the man's hand, and said: "I thought there was some difficulty, it scared me to death, it wasn't you who said at the beginning that Xiaobie is better than newly married? If the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be Day and night."

"This is not a question of farewell over newlyweds, but since we got married, we have often been farewell," Xu Jie said.

His definition of a newly married couple is the night when they had a substantial relationship.

"But the opportunity is rare." Su Yun said: "If you can do a good job in the documentary this time, I believe that Huaxia TV will invite you often in the future, and maybe invite you to shoot the second season next year. You haven't eaten yet, right? I'm going to heat up the rice, today is really a good day, good things come in pairs."

After speaking, he walked to the restaurant.

Xu Jie looked at the back of the woman, thinking that they were going to separate again soon, what else was there to eat, let's eat the other party first!

(End of this chapter)

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