The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 481 What to shoot?

Chapter 481 What to shoot?


Xu Jie got up early in the morning, put on his clothes, kissed the sleeping Su Yun on the face, and then left the house lightly.

It was still dark, but fortunately there was no traffic jam on the road, and I arrived at the TV station in a while.

When he came to the art program center, he found that the program team had already arrived, and everyone gathered together in a circle, as if they were in a meeting.

"You came so early? What are you talking about?" Xu Jie asked.

"Discuss what to make a food documentary." Song Huanhuan said: "Director Xu, no, Director Xu, we have already shared our thoughts, what do you think?"

She is still used to being called Xu Jie and Dao Xu. She has been called Shunzui for a year, and it is hard to change for a while.

"You can call it whatever you want, and I'm not an outsider." Xu Jie said after hearing this: "As for what to shoot, I haven't thought about it yet, but I have watched the documentary "Mother's Hand" made by Han Fang. It is divided into five parts. , barbecue, raw food, cold salad, and popular..."

Xu Jie told everyone in detail about the film he saw in Deputy Editor-in-Chief Lu's office last night.

"Is this also called food?"

"It seems that there is really nothing to photograph in such a small place."

"Not all countries have large land and abundant resources."

"You can't say that. Even other countries with vast land and abundant resources don't have as many delicacies as our Hua Country."

"How about we have a tit-for-tat? They shoot five parts, and we also shoot five parts, but it's richer than them, how about it?"

"If you shoot like this, people will say that you copied it. If you want me to say, I will shoot the eight major cuisines. After all, these are local dishes recognized by all parts of the country. They can not only show the diversity of our Huaguo cuisine, but also show the customs and products. And so on a series of related food culture.”

Xu Jie looked at Song Huanhuan who was speaking, nodded in agreement and said, "This is a good idea. The eight major cuisines have both skills and distinctive local characteristics."

Song Huanhuan's face brightened, and he was very happy to be affirmed by Director Xu.

"I think it's okay, the food documentary we made is called "Eight Major Cuisines", how about it?" Tian Haobo said while looking at other people.

After everyone heard it, there was some hesitation on their faces.

"It's okay to shoot eight major cuisines, but the name is "Eight Major Cuisines", isn't it a bit blunt?" Liu Jinbao asked.

"Well, I think so too, and with our previous style, shouldn't some stories be interspersed in the food, so as to be more attractive." Liu Hua expressed his opinion.

"Director Xu said that the Korean film is called "Mom's Hand", which means the taste of mother. Whether it is eating the food made by mother at home or eating the taste of mother outside, it is actually very obvious in it. It has a certain emotional color, this is our special skill, let alone lose to them." Xiao Wei said seriously.

"I agree!"

"I will look up the stories related to the eight major cuisines now."

Everyone began to collect information.

Xu Jie looked at the team members, his positive attitude was worthy of recognition, but did he forget something?

"Clap clap clap!"

Xu Jie clapped his hands, and then said, "I'll do the data collection in my spare time. Our task for these two days is to finish filming the star part of "Delicious History"."

When everyone heard this, they remembered the purpose of the unit gathering today.

I was too involved in the previous discussion and forgot about the business.

Everyone started to sort out the equipment, and immediately drove to the film and television base after getting ready.

After arriving at the set, Xu Jie started to put on makeup. Before the star arrived, he was shooting his own part, making the best use of every minute.

For him, every second really counts now.

In the past, when filming the star part, the time agreed with the star was 9 am, but today, just after 8:[-], three cars drove into the set.

The first Daben is Hu Zhen's car, the second Rolls is very strange, and the third nanny car should be a star inside.

Sure enough, it was Hu Zhen who got off the Daben, today's protagonist, the first-line star Shen Yang, who got off the nanny car, and the one who got off Rouse was a fat middle-aged man. He looks obedient around him, and when he walks, he is half a body behind. Thinking about it, this person's identity is also extraordinary.

A few people saw that Xu Jie was filming, so they stood aside, although the weather was very cold, and the weather forecast reported that today it would only be minus 5 degrees to minus 5 degrees, but they still waited by the side.

After ten minutes, the filming finally ended.

"Director Xu." Hu Zhen waved hello from a long distance away.

Xu Jie took the down jacket from Tian Haobo and walked towards Hu Zhen.

"Mr. Hu, I have caused trouble for you." Xu Jie said to the few people who came, and he was actually quite embarrassed about the temporary change of the shooting plan.

"Director Xu, you are too polite." Hu Zhen said with a smile: "You want to promote our Chinese food culture and win glory for our country. How could we have the nerve to delay your work? It's too late to support you."

When Hu Zhen said this, he pointed to the middle-aged man next to him, and introduced to Xu Jie: "Director Xu, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Chen Hua, the chairman of Huabo Films."

Xu Jie was slightly taken aback, he thought the other party looked familiar just now, but now after Hu Zhen's introduction, he also remembered who the other party was.

Chen Hua is an out-and-out bigwig in the film and television industry, and the Huabo Film Industry he founded is also one of the largest film and television companies in China. Many films are released every year. He is also a very famous producer.

"Chen Dong, hello." Xu Jie said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Director Xu, hello." Chen Hua responded, the two shook hands, and Chen Hua continued: "Director Xu, I have heard about cultural exchanges, and I fully support this matter. People from Huabo will fully support it, I have already told Shen Yang and the others, you can use it however you want, and use it whenever you want."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen." Xu Jie said after hearing this. It seems that the celebrities that Hu Zhen has been looking for recently were all borrowed from this Mr. Chen.

After a brief exchange, the filming continued.

Perhaps because of the presence of Chen Hua, the first-line star Shen Yang is very active, just like the male peacock who frequently spreads his tail in front of the female peacock, eager to show his best side.

The idea of ​​being active is good, but I always use too much force when performing. Fortunately, "Delicious History" is essentially a gourmet show, and the performance requirements of the actors are not very high. If it is a movie or a TV series, This kind of performance will basically be stuck all morning.


The staff and extras all gathered in one room for dinner, and Song Huanhuan and the others continued the topic of the morning.

From their point of view, eating time is free time. After all, there are only two days for star dramas. If they can't figure out how to shoot within these two days, it would be a waste of time to spend a single day for discussion.

"I collected some short stories about the eight major cuisines on the Internet, and I think they can be added to the filming." Song Huanhuan said.

In the "Delicious History" program, she was in charge of copywriting, stories, and scripts, and these tasks were completed before the filming started today, so she spent most of the morning collecting information.

"Eight major cuisines, one series and one episode, that is, eight episodes, calculated based on 50 minutes of a normal documentary, if you add a small story, then it seems that one episode of the documentary can't shoot a few dishes." Xiao Wei said after hearing it.

"Yeah, let's take the program "Delicious History" we are shooting now. It only talks about one food in [-] minutes, but there are many dishes in each cuisine. Although we can shoot in the usual way, we can't completely copy."

"Yes, the more dishes you photograph, the better, and each dish must be different in terms of skill, so as to better show the characteristics of the cuisine."

"There are a lot of dishes to shoot, and stories to add, and time is limited, so it's very difficult." Liu Hua said with a wry smile.

"Actually, there are many forms of stories. It is not necessary to copy all of the models of "Delicious History". If one story for one dish is not feasible, then we can use one story to tell many dishes." Xu Jie said after thinking for a while.

"One story tells many dishes? How do you tell it?" Tian Haobo asked with a question mark on his face.

"Full banquet?" Liu Jinbao's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "How about a story about Lafayette?"

"Man-Han Banquet has too many dishes, and 50 minutes is not enough. Besides, the dishes in Man-Han Banquet basically include eight major cuisines. If you shoot one episode of Man-Han Banquet, how will you shoot the remaining seven episodes?" Song Huanhuan asked.

"Then why not just use the Manchu Banquet as the background and talk about one of the cuisines in one episode?" Liu Jinbao looked at the others.

"No, this documentary will be broadcast abroad. Those who don't know think that we only have those [-] dishes. The most important point is that many dishes in the Manchu Banquet are usually uneatable. We still have to be close to the people. Lord." Xu Jie said.

Everyone nodded when they heard it. They were right. Once foreign friends came here attracted by the film after seeing the documentary, but found that they couldn’t eat the dishes in the Man-Han Banquet, why didn’t they shout out that they were cheated?

Everyone fell silent again, not knowing where to start.

"Director Xu..." At this time, an extra actor at the next table asked loudly, "How many days are the program crew planning to film here this month?"

"Two days, today and tomorrow." Xu Jie said after hearing this.

"Didn't you just say that you want to make some food documentaries? Don't you want to shoot here?" the extras asked.

"Not here, and what to shoot, how to shoot, where to shoot, it has not been decided yet, what's the matter?" Xu Jie looked at the other party and asked.

"It's nothing, but if there is no show, we will go home next week. After all, the Chinese New Year is coming soon." The extras said with a smile.

"Yeah, my parents are waiting for me to go home for the New Year." Another extra actor said.

"Actually, I originally planned to leave today, but I changed my mind when I heard Director Xu's show was filmed today. My mother really likes "Delicious History". If my mother can see me in this show, she will definitely I will be very happy, and this can be regarded as a New Year’s gift.”

"I have bought all the necessities for the New Year!"

The extras began to talk about going home for the New Year.

Xu Jie looked at the people around him, saw their smiles when they talked about home, and felt their desire to go home during the Chinese New Year. Suddenly, an idea popped up in his heart!
Going home for the New Year?

Yes, go home for the New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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