The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 482 You are my trump card!

Chapter 482 You are my trump card!
"You said, how about we shoot the theme of going home for the Chinese New Year?" Xu Jie looked back at the colleagues present and expressed his thoughts.

After hearing this, everyone looked up at Director Xu, and at the same time carefully pondered the theme that Director Xu said.

"Mr. Xu, are you talking about the story of going home for the New Year?" Tian Haobo asked.

"Yes, it's the story of going home for the New Year." Xu Jie pointed to the group performers on the side, and said, "I was greatly inspired by listening to the group performers' conversation just now. The wish of the wanderer, this theme not only fits the occasion, but also brings out the eight major cuisines, what do you think?"

"Yes, going home for the New Year is a kind of emotion in itself. It also has the taste of home and nostalgia, which can easily resonate with the audience." Song Huanhuan said while nodding.

"Yes, let those foreigners know that we not only smell like mother, but also like father." Liu Jinbao said with a smile.

"This theme is good, and it's very simple. You don't need to think about eight stories, and one theme can run through the whole story." Liu Hua said excitedly.

"Director Xu spoke out my heart." Zhang Jiao said, he is not from the capital, so he was very touched by Director Xu's words, and if it wasn't for the show, he should have bought New Year's goods and mailed them home today.

Xu Jie saw that everyone agreed, so he said: "This time, let's film the story of the workers going home to celebrate the New Year. In order to make the content of each episode more full, and to show the different styles of the same cuisine, I plan to use The way of dual protagonists, shooting from two perspectives of the city and the countryside..."

Everyone listened carefully to Director Xu's speech, and even forgot to eat, but they had a common thought in their hearts: Sure enough, Director Xu is the soul of the show!
Now that the theme and content of the food documentary have been determined, the next step is the shooting link, which is also the most time-consuming and most problematic part of the whole documentary.

"Director Xu, what about the protagonist?" Liu Jinbao asked curiously.

Because according to Director Xu's idea, there are two protagonists in one episode, and sixteen protagonists in eight episodes. The shooting task is so sudden, where can they find someone?
"How about social recruitment?" Tian Haobo asked.

"I'm afraid we don't have that much time." Song Huanhuan said.

Social recruitment takes time, and after solicitation, applicants have to be screened, but the program team only has two weeks now, not only need to shoot, but also leave enough time for post-production, there is no time to waste on on this matter.

"How about inviting a star? Didn't the boss of Huabo Film and Television say that he will fully support it this morning and that he wants someone to help?" Liu Hua asked.

"It's okay to invite one celebrity, but you can't invite sixteen celebrities, right? Duplication of occupations will reduce the highlights. I think since we want to shoot workers, it's better to shoot some from all walks of life." Xiao Wei heard and said.

"How about looking for it from the side?" Zhang Jiao asked.

"Besides? Aren't the people around us all journalists?" Liu Hua asked.

"There are not only journalists in our TV station, but also many other occupations. In addition to reporters, cameramen, directors, and hosts, there are also makeup artists, dancers, cashiers, security guards in the security room, chefs in the cafeteria, and cleaning staff. Cleaning, you can even shoot the courier brother who delivered the courier to our TV station and the takeaway guy who delivered the food, aren't these the most ordinary migrant workers?" Zhang Jiao said.

"Hey, yes, there are indeed many occupations, why didn't I think of it?" Lu Zhanpeng counted on his fingers, and there are already more than ten occupations.

And these are my own people, it will be very convenient to communicate, and it can save some time.

Xu Jie thought for a while and said: "The actors are based on what Zhang Jiao said, and the staff in our stage are the main ones. Everyone should ask later to see where their hometowns are. If there are any actors from these eight regions If there is no one, just write him in the list of actors, if not enough, I will find a way."

He used to work in the life program center and covered news everywhere. He knew many people working in Beijing from other places and helped them solve some problems. It's just that it's been more than a year, and I don't know if these people still remember him.

"Director Xu, the actor problem has been solved, but what about the manpower problem? There are [-] protagonists in the documentary, and we still need to go to eight places. With our current people, I'm afraid it's far from enough." Liu Jinbao frowned, his face full of worries.

He is a videographer, and he is well aware of the multiple tasks of this shooting. In fact, shooting is not difficult. The difficulty is that there are too many things to shoot, and he needs to go to other places, and he will spend a lot of time on the road.

For the current people in the program group, if they shoot in one line, they will not have enough time. If they shoot in multiple lines, they will obviously not have enough manpower. They are really powerless.

After Xu Jie heard Liu Jinbao's words, he nodded in agreement. In fact, when he thought of the theme of going home for the New Year, he had already realized the problem of insufficient manpower.

For these people now, it is no problem to shoot "Delicious History". After all, there are only five episodes, each episode is only [-] minutes, and there is still a month to go.

But the food documentary to be filmed next has a total of eight episodes, each episode is 10 minutes long, and only half a month. The most important thing is that it needs to be run across the country, and the difficulty has increased by an unknown number of times.

Borrow someone from Director Li of China TV?


He is not alone now, and represents the Beijing TV station. If he borrows someone from Director Li, those who don't know will think that there is no one in the Beijing TV station.

By the way, look for Director Jiang!
"Come to me if you need anything!"

Director Jiang had said this in front of him more than once.

If you don't look for it now, when will you wait?
"I'm going to borrow someone from Director Jiang. Then we will divide into multiple teams and shoot together!" Xu Jie said, this will greatly shorten the shooting time.

"Director Xu, I can't." Song Huanhuan said with a bitter face: "The soldiers can be divided into multiple groups, but you only have one. Without you, how can the other groups shoot? If you encounter problems during the shooting, how can you solve them?"

After the others heard it, they nodded in unison.

We must know that Director Xu is not only the director of the show, but also the soul and backbone of the program group. If there is no Director Xu by his side, what should we do if we encounter unexpected problems?
Or, what if the actual effect of the newly joined personnel is different from what Director Xu requested?Those people have never been with Director Xu, even if they shoot according to the script, there will be situations where the appearance is not the same. If there is no god, the content will have no soul.

The more everyone thought about it, the more worried they became. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that the food documentary might not be able to be broadcast as scheduled. Everyone was either sad or scratching their heads anxiously.

Xu Jie looked at the other people present. Compared with these people, he is much calmer. On the one hand, he is the leader of the program group and the person in charge of this food documentary, so he should not panic at any time. If he panics, the team members will panic even more, and there is no way to continue the work.

On the other hand, he was not worried about Song Huanhuan's question, because he had already made up his mind.

"It's time to show your cards!" Xu Jie said.


After hearing this, everyone looked at Director Xu in surprise.

"Director Xu, what hole card?"

"Teacher Xu, do you still have a trick to use?"

"Why didn't you say it earlier if you have a hole card? We were so worried just now."

"Director Xu, tell us quickly, what is the hole card?"

Everyone looked forward to it, and thought to themselves: As expected of Director Xu, there is still a big move left.

Xu Jie looked around from left to right, and then said: "My hole card is you."




Everyone here is counted as one, and they are all in a daze.

Everyone looked at each other with question marks all over their faces, what cards could they have?They don't have any cards in their hands, do they?

Xu Jie explained at this time: "We have been filming "Delicious" together for a year, and you are the people who know me best in terms of the style and concept of the show, so this time, I decided to call us Scattered, eight people were divided into four groups in pairs, each group was responsible for two documentaries, and then led the borrowed people to shoot in different cities, so that all the content can be filmed in about a week or so.”

With one filming team and four filming teams, the efficiency improvement is not a little bit.


This time, everyone was shocked. After they came back to their senses, they waved their hands and shook their heads.

"Director Xu, no, absolutely not!"

"We are all messing around with you, and we don't have the ability to shoot a show alone!"

"Ms. Xu, don't make trouble. Without you, we wouldn't even be able to do "Delicious History", let alone this food documentary."

"Director Xu, you think highly of us too. If it was broadcast on our own entertainment channel, we might dare to drink some wine to strengthen our courage, but this time it is broadcast on China TV, you just got me drunk I don't dare either."

Everyone knows very well that without Director Xu, they might still be running entertainment news outside, or doing some programs that have low ratings and low salary, and can only be broadcast on the art channel.

It was Director Xu who led them out of the art channel and into the satellite TV channel. It was Director Xu who doubled their benefits and wages. It was Xu Jie who led them to win the Outstanding Program Award and Advanced Group Award, which they did not have before.

Usually everyone is used to relying on Director Xu. In the big family of the program group, Director Xu is equivalent to the parents of the family. Without Director Xu, they would feel at a loss, helpless, and even at a loss.

"Don't say that, in fact, you are better than you imagined." Xu Jie said with a smile: "You should be very clear, since the program "Deep Talk on Film and Television", I have spent more and more time participating in our program. Few, you have also approached me many times because of this matter, but you have not found it. Every time I accept it with an open mind and am determined not to change it, but what happened? Isn’t the show good? The ratings have not dropped, I asked You have a question, do you believe me?"


everyone nodded

"Since you believe in me, if I say you can do it, you will definitely do it!"



(End of this chapter)

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