The day I got married with a big star

Chapter 483 The temptation of the family?

Chapter 483 Temptation to go home?
"Director Xu, what time is it? Are you still trying to trick us?" Song Huanhuan said with a sad face. She was already going crazy, and Director Xu still had the mind to play hypnosis with them here.

"Yes Director Xu, stop playing word games with us." Xiao Wei also said.

"There is no routine, you look at my eyes, how sincere." Xu Jie opened his eyes wide and blinked in front of his colleagues.

"I didn't see it!" Liu Hua said in a blow.

"Okay, let's take December last year as an example. Because I was busy with the New Year's party, I wasn't in the program group at other times except when I had a part in the show. Didn't you all successfully complete the program?" Xu Jie continued to reason .

He had to convince these people today, otherwise he would insult Xu Youli's name.

"Director Xu, don't forget, you were always there during the filming." Song Huanhuan reminded.

"It's not that there is no script, who can stand behind the camera? Let alone me, it's the same if another monkey stands there." Xu Jie said.

Liu Jinbao and Lu Zhanpeng froze for a moment, feeling offended. As cameramen, they were also standing behind the camera.

"The children will always be separated when they grow up. Besides, "Delicious History" can't be filmed for a lifetime, and you can't live with me forever. As the old saying goes, there is no permanent feast in the world. Sooner or later, you will go to New Zealand. At that time, don’t say that you are asked to shoot programs according to the script, even if you are asked to make a new program from scratch, don’t you still have to do it?” Xu Jie persuaded patiently.

Everyone looked at Director Xu and felt very uncomfortable, especially the women, who felt their noses sour.

Just be reasonable, why do you say such a sad thing?
Xu Jie watched everyone's expressions while talking, and saw that everyone seemed to have lost their minds, so he said: "This time, the organization will test your personal abilities to see if you can stand alone. You should know that I am now the deputy director of the Arts and Programs Center. In the future, what good things will happen in the department, should I leave it to you, or not? Let you do it, and I don’t know if you have the ability, so I won’t let it go You guys do it, you are mine again, that's fine, let's leave it to the mother-in-law, it's settled like this!"

Xu Jie decided to use his identity as the deputy director to be dictatorial once, looked at the seven people around him, and said decisively: "Hao Bo is in a group with me, Bao Ge is in a group with Zhang Jiao, Huanhuan is in a group with Xiao Wei, Zhan Peng is in a group with Liu Hua One group."

After everyone heard it, they looked at their partners respectively. Since Director Xu had already said this, they couldn't say anything more.

"Director Xu, do you know the cartoon Naruto?" Lu Zhanpeng asked.

"I know, what's the matter?" Xu Jie was puzzled, he was discussing the food documentary, how did it come to the cartoon?

"You look like the Naruto in it!" Lu Zhanpeng said.

"Oh? You mean I have the leadership ability of Hokage?" Xu Jie asked with a smile.

"You are so skillful at evading your mouth!" Lu Zhanpeng sighed.

"Well, it still has memories." Liu Jinbao nodded and said.

"Get out!" Xu Jie lowered his head and continued to eat, and was busy chatting about food documentaries, and the food was completely cold.

"Now that the theme, content, and filming have been decided, shouldn't it be time to talk about the name?" Song Huanhuan looked at everyone and asked, "What's the name of our food documentary?"

"Didn't you say "Going Home for the New Year"?" Liu Jinbao asked.

"Isn't "Going Home for the New Year" too simple? And it doesn't sound like a food documentary, but more like a Spring Festival documentary." Xiao Wei said.

"Well, what we are shooting is a food documentary. Although the story is about returning home for the New Year, it mainly talks about food content. The name must at least reflect this, and it is best to be attractive and have a certain artistic conception." Liu Hua said while thinking.

The name of the program is like the name of a person. A guy who was handsome at first, but when asked his name is Gou Sheng, how would he feel?
"How about 'Going Home for Dinner'?" Tian Haobo thought for a while and said.

"Sounds like a story about rice buckets." Xiao Wei said after hearing it.

"Did you go home just to have a meal during the Chinese New Year?" Song Huanhuan looked at Tian Haobo.

Tian Haobo blushed, and suddenly felt embarrassed.

"How about "Delicious Spring Festival"?" Zhang Jiao asked.

"Hey, that's a good name. Like our show "Delicious History", it belongs to the "Delicious" series. Maybe the audience will think of our show when they see this name." Tian Haobo's eyes lit up.

"It's not bad, but I always feel that something is missing." Song Huanhuan frowned slightly.

"Well, I feel the same way. It emphasizes deliciousness, but it lacks emotion and the taste of home." Xiao Wei said.

"Yes, yes, that's what I mean. Let's take this name as a candidate first. If there is really no better one, this name is also acceptable." Song Huanhuan said.

"It has to reflect the delicious food, the taste of being a monk, and the feeling of going home for the New Year. It's so difficult to thank the name." Liu Jinbao said.

"Otherwise it's called "Delicious Spring Festival: Go Home and See What Mom and Dad Made Me Delicious", so?" Lu Zhanpeng asked.

All the people looked at Lu Zhanpeng together, and stretched out their middle fingers to Lu Zhanpeng.

Can this be called a name?

It's almost a short essay.

"You said..." Xu Jie looked at the others and asked, "What about the name "The Temptation of Going Home"?"

Tian Haobo sprayed rice directly, and the others also looked shocked.

"Director Xu, why are you like Zhan Peng?"

"Yeah, is this the name of a food documentary? It's clearly the name of an ethical and emotional drama. Director Xu, do you watch too many TV dramas?"

"Director Xu, don't make trouble, be serious."

"I'm serious." Xu Jie said solemnly: "The "Going Home" here not only represents going home for the New Year, but also represents everyone going home. People who can go home every day, and "Temptation" can represent both delicious food and family affection."


At first everyone thought the name was too casual, even a bit malicious, but after listening to Director Xu's explanation, they felt that the name "The Temptation of Going Home" was indeed a good name, with deep meaning and artistic conception.

No, no, if there is no such TV series, there is nothing wrong with having this name. Isn’t there such a TV series as the key?
Now it's on the food documentary, those who don't know think it's the food made by Xiaosan.

"Hey, let's be a candidate."

Seeing that Director Xu was so serious, Song Huanhuan couldn't bear to refuse directly. He just took it as a step down for Director Xu and had a few more candidate names. The Temptation of the name.

"It's almost time, it's time to shoot the next episode." Xiao Wei looked at the time, and before she knew it, it was already 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone quickly took a few mouthfuls of cold rice, then threw the lunch box into the trash can, started to pack up the props, and went to the next set to shoot.

Seeing everyone's figures, Xu Jie couldn't help but fell into doubt.

Is the name really that bad?
Just because there is such a TV series with the same name, we cannot deny the connotation and value of the name.

Others call Zhao Ritian, so why can't I?

Alas, superficiality!

At 4:30 p.m., the shooting of the second episode ended.

The program team hurried back to the TV station, and everyone started their new jobs.

When Xu Jie came to the director's office, he found that Director Jiang was not there. After inquiring, he learned that the other party was rehearsing the Spring Festival Gala at the Radio and Television Grand Theater next door, so he left the art program center and rushed over there.

The Grand Theater of Beijing Radio and Television Station is also the venue for the Spring Festival Gala of Beijing Satellite TV.

Because the Spring Festival this year is relatively early, the production of the Spring Festival Gala is also very tense and busy.

When Xu Jie came to the scene, Director Jiang was directing on the stage. At this time, he had completely lost the casual look of throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper. His serious and serious expression seemed to be a different person. Only at this time can people think, This person has directed the Beijing Satellite TV Spring Festival Gala many times.

Seeing that Director Jiang was busy, Xu Jie stood aside without disturbing him.

Jiang Hai walked off the stage after talking to the actors, was slightly startled when he saw Xu Jie, and then ran over cheerfully, the flesh on his chin trembling.

"Xiao Xu, why are you here? Are you here to help me?" Jiang Hai asked with surprise on his face.

He knew that the other party took over the food documentary, so he was particularly surprised by the other party's appearance, and thought that if Xu Jie had him, he could drink tea by the side.

"No." Xu Jie said with a smile, "I'm here to borrow someone from you, Director."

"Borrow who?" Jiang Hai asked puzzled.

"There are not enough people to shoot food documentaries, and we need to find some more people. Director, don't you often say that you need to find you? No, I'm here to find you." Xu Jie said.

After hearing this, Jiang Hai immediately showed a wry smile, "Xiao Xu, it's not that I don't help you, it's just that you came at the wrong time. You know, now is the busiest time for our department, and we are also busy with the Spring Festival Gala and To take into account the programs of the Art Channel, one person can be used as two people, there is no extra person at all."

Xu Jie couldn't help but think of this time last year, when he was going to make a new show, which later became "Delicious History", and because it was in time for the New Year's Gala and the Spring Festival Gala, he was only given to two people in the end.

"Director, just lend me a few people. You are the executive director of the Spring Festival Gala. The entire Beijing Radio and Television Station, as well as the following media companies, cultural communication companies, and film and television companies, are at your disposal. You just use those people. Leave these things to me in our department, I don’t need much, just thirty or so people.” Xu Jie said lightly.

"What? Thirty or so? You might as well just borrow me. It's not like you don't know the situation of our department. Even if there is no Spring Festival Gala, so many people have been drawn out." Jiang Hai shook his head and said.

"Director, I understand you. If you don't have thirty people, twenty will do." Xu Jie said.

This is the same as doing business, you have to learn to bargain.

He has been in the Art Program Center for more than a year, and he still knows Director Jiang's personality very well. If he directly asks for more than [-] people, the other party will say too much, but if he asks for more than [-] people first, then he can bargain until the price is reached. More than [-] people will feel better.

This is called skill!
(End of this chapter)

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